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Hareem's plots thread (Hetero/Yaoi/Futa/Harem/Monster/Naruto/Bleach/Persona 4)

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Mar 9, 2009
OK, some updates to expand beyond just harem plots. Find below some more general plots and new ones to be added later, so keep checking back.

CURRENT CRAVING - Naruto, Bleach, Persona 4 or general monster plots.
Always willing to do harem games.

Futa Plots
1 - When medical experiments go wrong
A high school student, desperate for money to buy her own car, decides to volunteer for medical experiments at a local pharmaceutical company. However she has to lie about her age to gain entry, along with lie about having just gotten over a virus caused illness. She manages to get in though and goes through the experiment, gets her money and heads home. However, the experiment combined with her younger age and traces of the virus in her system cause an unintended side effect, mutating the virus hugely and causing the symptom of the virus to be turning the girl into a futanari. Not only that but it causes her sex drive to begin increasing until she is satisfied, after which the process starts over. To make matters worse the virus is transmitted via her cum and can infect both women and men.
This game can have futa/female and/or futa/male pairings. Would like transformation involved for male and female characters but what this entails exactly is up for discussion, along with other kinks/ideas.

2 - Futa High School
Secretly hidden away in the mountains is a boarding school inhabited entirely by Futanari women. The faculty and students are all futanari, either born that way or somehow turned into futanari through some process, and to allow them to have a life without fear of discovery a school was set up where they wouldn't have to worry about being exposed and could learn to integrate back into society.
My character is a new student at that school, however unlike the other students this student is not a futanari. Lured by only the prestigious name of the school, my characters parents have pulled some strings to get their child enrolled as a pupil, not knowing the truth about it. On arrival though, upon learning the truth, my character has to either try and keep their secret, or convince others to do so.
My main character could be either female, or perhaps a feminine male who ends up having to crossdress. I'd like your main character to be the roommate, and then we can play other students/teachers between us.
Some stuff I'd like in this one would be futanari (of course), lots of cum/cum inflation, public/school scenes, multiple partners, perhaps even some transformation later on from futanari cum overdose.

Yaoi Plots
1 - The Exchange Student TAKEN
You play a rather feminine high school boy, who is rather openly gay even at school, though being the only gay guy at school he gets bullied rather relentlessly for it. One day however a new foreign transfer student comes to the school, his tanned skin and seductive accent making him an instant hit with the girls and thus automatically one of the most popular guys in school.
However one day in the locker room, after the rest of the guys have gone to gym class, my character just shoves your character against the lockers and starts kissing him. When questioned, he explains that in his country the kind of actions your character has been making are seen as an open invitation, so my character is simply deciding to accept that invitation and it's too late for it to be retracted.

2 - Stargazing
Your character is an amateur stargazer in college, out in a field one night when he spots something coming down through the atmosphere, observing as what appears to be a small pod crashes down to Earth. On investigation he spots an alien emerging, one that whilst roughly humanoid is most definitely not human. Offering shelter your character takes the alien back to his dorm to keep him safe, but it's rather difficult having a 9 foot tall alien hiding out in a small dorm room in a building full of other students. That's when my character reveals that he can shapeshift into human form, but requires a human genetic template to take on that form, and the best source of that genetic template is semen, a regular intake of said semen.

Harem Plots
1 - The crash (MxF or MxM)
It's the big school trip and the entire class is on a plane bound for a foreign country far away. Unfortunately, whilst flying over the ocean there is an accident on-board and the plane goes down, crashing into the ocean, scattering the survivors on the debris and life rafts, then a few days later, several survivors have washed up on an uninhabited, uncharted island, all alone and with no way to contact the outside world.
This can work one of two ways. Either my character is the only male, with all the other survivors being females, a mixture of fellow high school students and some older women. Or all of the survivors are male. Either way, my character, a normally shy and unassuming boy, quickly rounds people together and displays some uncanny survival skills, earning the respect and admiration of the other survivors, though this admiration starts to extend beyond the norm...

2 - Discovered (MxM or MxFuta) TAKEN
You would play a group of male gay high school students, or female futa high school students, all of them quite shy and feminine, who after school meet up in one of the classrooms a kind of self-help group where they can talk and support each other. Sometimes they engage in mild activity such as kissing and mutual masturbation but they're all too shy to go any further with each other.
One day however, one of the cooler, more popular guys in school discovers them in the midst of one of their help sessions. At first he's about to turn around to go and tell the whole school about them, but the group makes an interesting offer. In exchange for his silence, they'll do absolutely anything he wants. For some reason, the boy decides to accept this offer, turning the group into his own personal harem.

3 - The Jungle (MxF or MxFuta)
My character is a young archaeological prodigy. At only 18 years old he already holds PhD's in archaeology and is currently out on his first solo expedition, heading deep into uncharted parts of the jungle. Unfortunately, an accident occurs which results in the boy being washed into the river, unable to fight the current and being pulled beneath the surface.
Somehow, through a complete miracle he survives and either washes ashore or is caught in a fishing net by a native tribe of the jungle, who bring them back to his village to recover. When he awakens, he discovers he is in a village composed entirely of women or futanaris, most of whom have never seen a man before...

Monster Plots
1 - Not just a game
My character can be (or at least start out as) either male or female and is basically a nerd. Spends all their time not in school just sat in his/her bedroom playing videogames, in particular a hugely popular online fantasy game, however this nerd plays a little differently and never joins groups/parties, instead just trying to solo everything.
Somehow, against all odds, this nerd manages to solo defeat the games ultimate endgame boss, one which normally even large groups are utterly defeated by. At this point, a magic spell within the game takes effect, with the nerd being sucked in through their monitor.
On being discovered by some friendly creatures, the nerd finds that the game was a test to find a hero capable of saving their world, and now whether the nerd likes it or not the fate of both this world and their own rests on their shoulders.

I'm looking for things a bit different/weird/kinky with this one, I'd be looking for stuff like tentacles, oviposition, full/partial gender swapping, monsters, demons, cum inflation, transformation, elves, nekos, yaoi, futanari, etc. Ideally I'd like my partner to play the various creatures of the world whilst be playing the nerd, but I'll happily play some of the worlds residents as well.

2 - Crash landing TAKEN
My character is a solo space explorer, flying into dangerous, uncharted areas of the galaxy in order to scout them for profit, selling starcharts and information back to the various empires and organisations in control of the various sectors of space. However, on one trip there's an accident and my characters ship ends up crash landing on an uncharted planet in the furthest reaches of the galaxy after being swept through a wormhole. It turns out that this planet is actually some kind of nature reserve, where millions of years ago a mighty alien species deposited specimens of life from all over the galaxy to not only preserve, but experiment on. However, after a while the aliens vanished, leaving the planet alone and the genetically engineered aliens and monsters to evolve by themselves. Some have evolved intelligence, others have not. However recently there have been problems, with many of the races finding themselves at a point where genetic stagnation is rendering it almost impossible to breed anymore. However, when this human crash lands the aliens, intelligent or otherwise, realise that this is fresh blood, fresh genetic material with which to breed and save their species, and they all want their chance....
I can play the space explorer as either male or female for this, though if female would quite like her to become futa later on somehow, with you playing as either some mindless alien beasts, or ones that have evolved to be quite cunning and intelligent.
Some things I'd like involved would be Tentacles, monsters, lots of cum/cum inflation, transformation (temporary and/or permanent) and other similar things ^^;;

Naruto Pairings
I don't really have any plots for these, just some pairing ideas. Character in bold is who I would like to play.
Any of the female characters can be normal or futa in any pairing. In pairings with two females at least one of them must be a futa at least some of the time.

Bleach Pairings
As above, no plots just pairings. Character in bold is who I would like to play.
Any of the female characters can be normal or futa in any pairing. In pairings with two females at least one of them must be a futa at least some of the time.

Persona 4 Pairings
For these I'd be looking for someone to play one (or more ;) ) of the girls from the game, either as a girl or a futa, whilst I play an OC male Can be set during or after the events of the game.

OC/Naoto (Favourite pairing. Would really like Naoto to be a futa)

Harry Potter pairings TEMPORARILY CLOSED - Unless you have a really good plot idea
As above, no plots just pairings. Character in bold is who I would like to play.
Any of the female characters can be normal or futa in any pairing. In pairings with two females at least one of them must be a futa at least some of the time.


As for what kind of fetishes, some of my favourites are,

Lots of cum
Big/Macro cocks & breasts
Cum inflation

There's more but those are just three of my particular favourites.

If you're interested in playing, drop me a PM.
RE: Hareem's plots thread (Hetero/Yaoi/Futa/Harems/Monsters/Naruto/Bleach)

Added monster plot, Naruto pairings and Bleach pairings.
Marked taken plots.
RE: Hareem's plots thread (Hetero/Yaoi/Futa/Harem/Monster/Naruto/Bleach/Harry Potter)

Harry Potter pairings now added.
RE: Hareem's plots thread (Hetero/Yaoi/Futa/Harem/Monster/Naruto/Bleach/Harry Potter)

Some plots freed up again due to inactivity
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