The village that held the Blue Rose was just beginning to liven up as people were starting to head home or to the tavern after work. The shadows were beginning to lengthen as the sun edged toward the horizon and it was then that the new figure, dressed in a plain and weather beaten merchant's outfit. It was not quite that of a wealthy man but more of someone who has worked hard and traveled much.
And Dustin had traveled. Many many miles over the long years. Now he came to the town and sniffed wondering where he could find something interesting and immediately zeroed in on the Blue Rose. He went that way and slipped inside silently and unseen until he had settled himself at a table in the windowless corner his back in the corner allowing him to see the entire room.
He waited patiently for someone to come to him, his alighting with interest upon Rachel as he lowered the hood of his cloak then removed the cloak itself laying on the chair to his left while his travel bag when on the chair to his right.