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Don't Blink [Blue + Chokuro]

Why was this man questioning him so much? He knew that they were better than pestering about sex and whatnot, but it did not make him any happier to answer the questions about his friend. He knew that his friend was a little extensive in the punishment, but he was a hurting father. His daughter was the only one he had. The only reminiscent of his one and only true love. It was sad, but Drake was not one to just let things slide without a care. He justified his actions, and while he did not support the action of death, he knew his friend and that the other deserved far worse than that.

Looking up at the doctor once more, he blushed faintly and his hands rested on the bottom of his shirt, fidgeting with the fabric for a little bit more. He remained silent for a while, not sure if he honestly wanted to tell the man. His eyes lifted to him with a bit of interest, staring at him before he sighed heavily. "The man's son ... raped his daughter. It was very bad. And too many horrible things happened to her after that, but ... Drake does not take well to his loved ones being abused in any manner, especially his daughter. She's his only one and from his only love and so he could not let the man who hurt her daughter get away with it." He shook his head a little bit and looked up at him once more." I know it is not the best solution, but he was in pain. Could you let your daughter's rapist live?"
Sometimes, the Doctor would be a little more wary of who he let in to his TARDIS but for now, it didn't matter. What mattered right now was that he and Turtle were safe until they were able to come up with a plan of attack. However, what he wanted to know was whether or not Turtle was innocent of any wrongdoing... which, from what he was gathered, probably was the truth. After all, Turtle was a lot less menacing than what was currently chasing him, even though looks can be deceiving.

"Why did he hurt your friend's daugh- oh, it's a moot point, nevermind that... actually, yes, why did his son hurt your friend's daughter?" Right now, the Doctor was going to have to punish their pursuer accordingly- he was guilty of murdering the friend, yes, but if he could justify it for his son being wrongly accused or having a reason to attack, then maybe the Doctor would be more merciful. Even though an eye for an eye wasn't right, that didn't mean that the Doctor had to be ruthless in punishment. Everyone deserved a second chance.
Why was this man questioning him so much? He knew that they were better than pestering about sex and whatnot, but it did not make him any happier to answer the questions about his friend. He knew that his friend was a little extensive in the punishment, but he was a hurting father. His daughter was the only one he had. The only reminiscent of his one and only true love. It was sad, but Drake was not one to just let things slide without a care. He justified his actions, and while he did not support the action of death, he knew his friend and that the other deserved far worse than that.

Looking up at the doctor once more, he blushed faintly and his hands rested on the bottom of his shirt, fidgeting with the fabric for a little bit more. He remained silent for a while, not sure if he honestly wanted to tell the man. His eyes lifted to him with a bit of interest, staring at him before he sighed heavily. "The man's son ... raped his daughter. It was very bad. And too many horrible things happened to her after that, but ... Drake does not take well to his loved ones being abused in any manner, especially his daughter. She's his only one and from his only love and so he could not let the man who hurt her daughter get away with it." He shook his head a little bit and looked up at him once more." I know it is not the best solution, but he was in pain. Could you let your daughter's rapist live?"
It was rather ironic that the Doctor got a bit bothered when people badgered him with questions- especially when he was thinking... but as soon as he needed things answered, it was perfectly okay for him to go rambling on and on until the other person's ear was half chewed off by the time he was through with them. That, and he was impatient. Very impatient. Sure, if he knew that something took a long time, he'd be able to sit around and wait but he definitely would not like it. At least Turtle was giving him answers now.

His face dropped a little when he heard the answer, though. In his opinion, rape was just as bad as death- even worse, in a way. And as a father and a grandfather, he knew he would have been blinded with anger, too. He wouldn't have killed a man for it, but he would make sure that the offender would regret it. Regret it a lot. However, he didn't show how the little fire in his stomach was turning him. Instead, he flashed a grin. "Well that makes this very, very easy," he stated as he stepped back. He gave Turtle a pat on the shoulder- a silent thank you for his cooperation. He glanced around the TARDIS, trying to think of a suitable transportation device that could carry two or three people. Maybe he could reprogram the TARDIS and use a bit of her energy to create a portkey-like device. "The daughter- what was her name?"
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