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It's Showtime Baby (Lingering Desire & Raivh)


Old dog
Jul 21, 2011
It was a nice day. Spring was in full swing. Everything was finally green and beautiful, and the temperature was perfect for shorts and T-shirts. Campus was abuzz with activity. In every direction something different was going on. The game of Ultimate Frisbee was one of the more dangerous activities. Dodging the flying disc, Xane jumped to the side and snapped a picture. The glare on the image made it a worthless shot.

“Damn it all,” Xane muttered under his breath. Staring up at the sky with squinted eyes, he shook his head. The sun was too bright and was causing too much light to spill into the lens of his camera. He couldn’t get the shot he wanted. Digging in his pocket, he found the lens cap and snapped it over the lens. He’d have to find another position if he was going to get a single decent shot for the cover of the university’s magazine spring release.

Shifting his weight, he rested the camera on his chest and adjusted the strap around his neck. A sigh escaped him and he reached a hand up to massage his left shoulder as he began to walk. Excited shouts rang out left and right of him. He heard his name a few times but chose to ignore these shouts. There was no time for play if he was going to meet his deadline.

He crossed the concrete walkway and hopped atop a large rock beneath a pine tree. At least here he could get a decent shot. Not perfect, just decent; but decent was all he needed this time. There were more important matters to take care of, and he was running out of time fooling around with this task. She would be getting out of afternoon rehearsal at any time. A crooked grin pushed the corners of his lips up. Blindly he snapped a photo. Good enough. His eyes were locked on the doors to the theatre.

“Come on, baby.” His words were slow, soft. “It’s time for your close up.”
Sawyer Turlington ran her fingers through her long blonde hair, as she groaned. Practice was going horrible, the actor for her scene partner didn't know their lines. Rehearsal was supposed to be smoother at this stage, "After.... the LINE is AFTER we make it out alive... and NOT when!" She stomped her foot in agitation at the male. "Buffoon..."

"Gee... I'm sorry we all can't be perfect, like YOU!" The male hissed over his shoulder as he stormed off.

"It'd be amazing it you were even good!" She roared back gliding off the stage in the opposite direction.

"AGAIN!" The director yelled. "Sawyer? James?" There was no answer, crumpling the script he held in his hands he groaned. "Set up for the next scene... please... we'll carry on this evening." The man slumped into his chair in the front row marking on his script while the crew scrambled to change the scene.

Fifteen minutes later her stuff was all packed up and she was clamoring out the door, her friends fawning over her as she walked and lamented. "Can you believe him, ruining the play like he is, if he'd keep his ass in his room and off Bridget he'd know his fucking lines!" She hit the door with her fist, before spinning and going through the door into the bright sunshine. It hit her in the back as she continued speaking to her nodding friends, walking backwards for a few steps. "I could KILL him!" Her face colored with anger as she faced the male secretly snapping away.

Huffing she continued on her way, being unawares was best. IF she'd known of the silly photo snapper she'd have found his camera and given him a good piece of her mind. If not a swift kick in the rear as well. Sawyer's blue-gray eyes narrowed in the onslaught of the sunshine, almost glaring at it for blinding her. She was quickly tucked away in her car and on her way to her dorm across campus. A nap in order before homework, dinner and then another round of horrific rehearsal. Maybe this time James would have it together, she highly doubted and snorted in laughter as she pulled into her marked spot.
Ah, right on time. Smirking, Xane steadied his trigger finger. He’d never had to capture photos of such a photogenic beast before. Damn theater bitches were always beautiful, unlike the slobs he’d worked with on some of his sets. Sawyer Turlington was definitely the queen of bitches. She had one hell of a diva attitude; at least, that’s what he’d heard. He bet she’d be a pain in the ass to work with on camera if she knew she were being photographed or filmed.

Licking his lips, he shifted his weight and began snapping picture after picture. He captured several good shots, despite the sun, but many of them were ruined by the giant fiery orb’s glaring light. When she reached her car, he stopped taking snapshots and settled his camera against his chest.

“Atta boy,” he murmured, stroking the length of the camera’s lens. “You up for an invasive mission?”

Xane’s eyes tracked Sawyer’s car as she pulled out of her parking spot and drove away. She hadn’t even noticed the cap he’d unscrewed on one of her rear tires. By the time she’d go to leave for her next rehearsal, that tire would be flat. She’d need a ride from someone. Chuckling to himself, he hopped down from the rock and jogged over to his car.

When he reached the dormitories on the other side of campus, he parked beside her car. A quick look at the flattened tire evoked a sly grin. ID in hand, he approached the doors to the building, swiped the card across the sensor, and entered. The university was stupid to put the arts departments together in one building, but it was convenient for his task. Yawning, he casually slid his key into the door to his suite. With a push, the door swung open, and he could hear the shouts of his roommates playing some game.

“Yo, Xane! Where’ve you been?” Trent asked, his eyes never leaving the television. “Oh come on!”

Xane ignored the question and set his camera case on the countertop. There was a window in the living area that overlooked the parking lot. “Open the blinds will you.” Of course, none of his roommates moved to do so. Grabbing a can of cola from the refrigerator, he walked over to the window and pulled back the blinds. He could see her car and his, side by side. He laughed, sipped from his cola, and dragged a chair over to wait and watch.

Slipping from the silver colored sports car she moved forward into her building. Her ID card gaining her access to the dormitories. Turning herself toward her room she only regarded those she passed with a tip of her head and not verbally. Besides a voice needed to be rested, she thought shrugging off the action. The keys jangled in her hand as she switched to her room key. It was a rare thing but Sawyer had a room to herself, for which she was thankful.

Early on in the year her roommate learned the hard way, you do NOT mess with a diva's schedule. Sawyer had tried being nice but when the girl insisted on using her as her model, without asking, they had an issue. Especially since those pictures were less than flattering. One call and it was taken care of.

Sighing, she sat her things down on the empty second bed and smiled. Sure, she shared a bathroom with two other girls but the second desk in her room was a vanity, couldn't beat that. Not to mention the privacy. She drew the curtains and sank to the mattress. She really needed to study but a nap sounded better.

Blue-gray eyes blinked open and closed. The red numbers on the clock stared back at her, "Shit!" She sat up and began rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She'd overslept. Grabbing a water bottle and a protein bar she grimaced. Dinner of this sort wasn't healthy, already she'd lost 12 pounds since the beginning of the semester. It would have to do, for now. Later a cram session of homework and a... hmm, pizza sounded REAL good.

Smiling she slid her bag over her arm and ran from the room. The bar was gone in a few bites, washed down by the cold water. Keys in hand she exited the building. Her car looked funny/ It tilted to one side, she thought before walking around it. "Ohmygawd!" She nearly screamed out. Sawyer was quick to react, opening the trunk. Wait, the tire was in there... right?

Making a strange face she stared wide eyed at the vehicle before pulling her phone from her pocket. Her sometime boy toy could fix this, it was his JOB to come to her rescue and her every beck and call. When he didn't answer she clicked off the call and tried another. Hell, anyone would be better than no one. Determined not to return to the building and beg a photo jerk to help she sneered and threw her bags to the ground. This was not going to go well.
At some point, he had grown bored of staring out the window, and instead his focus shifted to the television. The video game the guys were playing was far more interesting than watching a parking lot. Eventually, he started to play. He didn’t notice when Sawyer reached her car, and he didn’t get to see her reaction. One of his roommates did, however, and punched Xane in the arm. Something about “That theater girl you’ve been…” was shouted, and Xane was on his feet. He rushed over to the window and peered out. Sure enough, there she was, standing her cell phone to her ear. The devilish grin that had started to creep across his face faded. Why hadn’t he thought of that? Everyone carried a cell phone. His was in his pocket.

“Dammit!” he cursed, furrowing his brow and walking in a small circle. Again, he fixed his sight on her. Her bags hit the asphalt. His grin returned. This time, it was even broader. Sawyer looked beyond pissed to discover her car in its current condition. Xane felt energized just seeing her in her frustrated state. He was going to have more fun than he thought.

Practically flying over the coffee table, Xane landed and ran into the kitchenette. Grabbing his camera case, he was out the door in no time. His car keys jingled as he tossed them into the air and caught them. If he didn’t act completely casual, she’d think something was up. He didn’t really do anything bad. All he’d done was let the air out of one of her tires. It was an easy fix, provided she didn’t drive it anywhere soon. Prying her trunk open and stealing that spare tire hadn’t been too difficult, and he’d managed without putting a scratch on her car.

As he neared his vehicle, he spotted her but kept his eyes off of her. There was no need to even bother paying her any attention. She’d be desperate enough to get to rehearsal that he wouldn’t have to say anything. And if he didn’t have to say anything, he’d have the satisfaction of hearing her ask. If she was lucky, he wouldn’t make her beg for his assistance. Sliding the car key into the passenger door, he unlocked it, opened the door, and set his camera inside.
The jingle of keys caught her ears and made them perk, slightly. What Sawyer wanted was HER car fixed, not to bum a ride and be dependent on another. Looking at him she semi-recognized him, well the camera clued her in as well and he was someone that she would rather not mess with. Moving her eyes away and closing them she bit back on her hasty decision.

Taking a deep breath she silently coached herself into the scene. She could fake tears and anger, anything but being true in this moment was for the best. Before her eyes had fully opened she was speaking. Telling him the whole story, not that he cared but she did. Licking her lower lip, swiping her tongue across the surface a few times she placed her hand on his arm, the same that held the keys.

"If it's not too much to ask could you maybe give me a ride to practice?" She glanced at her watch and cringed, it couldn't get any worse and she knew James was laughing at her tardiness. The director was going to be pissed but she could work around that, she hoped. "I'm already late but I would be in your debt... perhaps I could help you out sometime."

If this was her acting than well she should have been up for an Emmy, but this was real and she was trying to appear human. The photo jerks were smart, she didn't understand the rivalry but knew it was there. Why of all days did this have to happen? If she'd have woken up on time she would have walked to the cafe and one of her many friends or colleagues could have given her a ride.

She gave him a soft smile, her full lips parting to reveal pearly white teeth. Shouldering her bag she prepared, he would say yes..right? Blue-gray eyes regarded him, he was handsome and given the right mood she'd have gladly flirted with him. Except that he was in the wrong department and that was a no-no. She shook off the thought and gave him another kilowatt smile. "I'd really appreciate it."
She was taking the bait. Good. He had to work hard to withhold the smirk that threatened to slide across his face. It’s not nice to laugh at another’s misfortune, Xane. It was really difficult when his thoughts were so loud. The passenger door shut with a thud, and Xane rounded the front of the car to the driver side, unlocked, and opened that door. That was when he heard her start rattling off her sad story. He paused and turned to look at her with a straight face. His gaze didn’t stray from hers, even as she placed her hand on his arm. Disgusting. Why was she touching him?

When she finally finished her story and requested he give her a ride to practice, he cocked his head to one side. “Sorry, do I know you?” he asked. She could save her pretty smiles for someone else. He didn’t give two shits about them or her. Furrowing a brow, he lifted his arms and folded them on the top of the car door. “Wait, you’re Sawyer Turlington.”

Grinning, he let his arms fall back to his sides and slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “You really wouldn’t be much use to me. Your acting sucks. I’ve seen it. You aren’t very pretty, and the camera adds twenty pounds.” He tucked his chin closer to his chest and gave her his best puppy dog eyes and pouty face, and shrugged. “I just don’t see any reason I should help you, sorry babe.”
Her smile faltered for only a second, though she was sure he was looking for it and caught it. The moment of terror that someone existed that DIDN'T know her name. She blinked and allowed her cheeks to tint as she pulled back her hands and nodded. "Yes, yes I am." She tilted her head, the campus darling was thinking her ego was going to be stroked. It cause her inner self to purr.

However, the words that came from his mouth almost made her want to deck him. He was joking, right? Had he even seen ONE of her plays. Blue-gray eyes narrowed with anger,if he wanted a fight he was going to get one, especially when he called her ugly and fat. Bite your tongue, hold it back... deep breaths. Her mother's voice invaded her brain as she sucked in a breath in the moment before she was expected to explode.

He's beneath you and you are better than this. She returned his smile. "How would you know that I am no use to you, hmm?" She began ignoring the voice of her mother, they'd never really gotten along anyway and this asshole had it coming. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, perhaps your eyes just need a check." She laughed him off, giving a small shrug. "And the camera might add twenty pounds... but I'm not on camera THAT often."

Sawyer gathered her things and began walking away, though not before calling over her shoulder. "It's ok I don't really need your help... I was just acting, so fooled you! Well, THAT and I guess I could use the walk since I need to lose some of that extra weight your faulty as shit camera adds! Toodles!" She gave him a wave, saccharin sweetness dripping from her smile as she silently used every curse word under her breath to describe him.

So she would be late, it wasn't as though they would can her. She was the best they had and she'd tried to call everyone. James, the director, and even her understudy had all received calls. How was it her fault that phones were required to be in vibrate during rehearsal. Silently she wished she didn't need so many things or that ASS had given her a ride, the prick. Her fingers hurt from where they'd been clenched since she'd left his side, hurrying along the main road in case someone she knew passed. Perhaps they would and she could bum a ride, wouldn't that be great.
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