1X1 Power Rangers rp. Snake Plissken and I only no one else.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place in Angel Grove City at the beach where a female girl with blonde hair, hazel green eyes, 5’5, about 21 years old, wearing a white bathing suit, and her name is Terra. Terra loves to surf, swim, rollerblading, ride bikes, go for walks, and run as well, but no one knows that she is actually the white and gold power ranger that has saved the city so many times with other power rangers then herself. Terra was done surfing for the day and she lays down on her beach towel and she begins to soak in the sun and remembers her friend Emily telling her about a guy that would like to meet her at the beach and Terra wonders who this guy is that would like to meet her and she sighed. It’s about 3pm in the afternoon on a beautiful and warm sunny afternoon out like today. (d. I left an opening for your character to meet my character at the beach.))
Xander walked towards the beach with his good friend Mike who was the green ranger on the team Samurai. Xander had just joined the power rangers as the black ranger and the two were going to meet up with two of their fellow rangers. One of them Xander knew, her name was Emily and the other one he would be meeting for the first time.

The two men made their way onto the beach and began walking towards Emily and the woman she was with. When they reached the two Xander smiled, "Hey Emily" ,he stated before looking over to her friend and their fellow ranger. Xander extended his hand, "Hi I'm Xander and I see you already know Emily, I'm pretty new to the team so forgive me for not introducing myself sooner".
Emily said to Mike and Xander " It's nice to see you two once again and thanks for meeting me and my friend at the beach thanks Xander and Mike."

Terra looked at Xander and she shook his hand and said to him," I'm Terra and it's a pleasure to meet you Xander. I'm also new to this team and I thought that I'd never fit in, but thanks to Emily she helped me fit in with this team Xander."

"And I'm great friends with Emily, and I love coming to the beach it's so beautiful here, do you like to surf by any chance hmm Xander.?"

"I'm a pretty great surfer on this whole beach and I also teach surfing classes as well to the darling kids that want to know how to surf."
"I don't do much surfing but I do enjoy watching the competitions when they come around" ,Xander stated in response to Terra. Mike smiled then looked to the three, "Hey what do you guys say to grabbing some pizza?" ,he asked. "I'm starving". Xander laughed at Mike's comment then looked to the other two, "I'm pretty hungry myself, how about you guys?" ,he asked with a smile.
Emily and Terra both said to Xander and Mike," Of course were starving as well and pizza does sound good to us as well, and are we walking to the pizza place or driving to it hmm Xander and Mike.?" Terra folded her beach towel up and she put's her clothes over top of her bathing suit and packed her towel inside her back pack and kept her morpher will hidden from her friends so they won't know that she is the gold and white power ranger at any cost.

Terra said to Xander," I'll be taking part in the surfing completion this year and it's at the end of this month on Saturday, I hope that you do come and watch me in the surfing completion please and thank-you Xander.?"
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