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If I could do anything...


Jun 8, 2011
Pretty simple game.

The great Gamer God in the sky has given you the power to save your life like a game, fuck shit up then return to your previous save.
This way you can do whatever the fuck you want with absolutely no repercussions.
You could kill a man, rob a bank and fuck your way across town with out facing the penalties.
No one would have any memory of your scandalous deeds, only you will remember your wicked rampage.

Each player must start with the line '...I would' and end with 'And then..."

For example:

  • Player 1: ....I would ride down the main street of town on a bear throwing candy at everyone and then...

    Player 2: ....I would eat the biggest chocolate cake I could find and then...
And so on and so fourth.

So with this new found power how would you make the most out of it?
Let your imaginations run wild! I want to see the most craziest, impossible or sexiest things you can think of!
Ready? GO!
...I would blind fold my enemies and lead them out on to a highway, enjoying the mayhem it would cause and then...
...I would join in and make sure there is plenty of whipped cream and hot wax. Can't have an orgy without whipped cream or hot wax. Then I'd...
Stand naked on top of the bakery counter licking icing from my fingers yelling, "attention Wal-Mart shoppers! Everything in the store is free today! Enjoy!" As I got down, then I would....
I'd walk over to you and say, "want some? Have a lick, or two, or a hundred," as I swirled my icing covered fingers over my nipples. Then I'd....
I'd sneak into the jail and handcuff you ass to the bars in the cell before ripping your clothes off. Then I'd....
I would strip naked and join Revnarh on all fours and let my happy snake poke her happy little hot hole right there in walmart and then I would:
I would look at Johnn with my legs spread, fingers teasing, and ask him if he was ready and then I would....
I would appear in the prison in front of the cell that everyone's in and look around going inside the cell and taking my pants revealing a very large bulge ready to get some of that...and then
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