Mobile Suit Gundam: The Pale Child Prophecy (Skeith & Lady Nefrodiel)

Skeith Takahata II

Lesbian Anarchist
Feb 26, 2009
Influenced by the Earth's burgeoning population and her deteriorating atmosphere, mankind turned their eyes to the stars, building colossal orbiting space colonies, where families carry out their lives in a way that nearly perfectly mirrors that of civilian life on Earth. Finding the colonization effort too slow and too expensive, the United Earth Sphere Alliance (U.E.S.A.) began developing atmospheric cleansers and terraforming satellites to help stabilize the Earth's environment and atmosphere.

With colonization having slowed significantly, the amount of interaction between the U.E.S.A. and the colonists in space became less and less frequent, breeding discontent among the colonists. Occasionally resulting in riots and other general signs of aggression.

The year is 0195 of the Second Colonial Age, and the uneasy balance between the U.E.S.A. and their colonists has begun to deteriorate. To any privy to the desperate conditions of those living in space, war is inevitable. It is only a question of who strikes first...

Enter Reina Chipple , having managed to duck security and make it beyond the fenced enclosure of the laboratory, the young woman had allowed curiosity to get the better of her. She simply had to experience life outside the lab. Wearing baggy cargo pants, and a hoody in place of her traditional bodysuit, Reina walked the bustling streets of the massive colony's market area. Little could she anticipate the ramifications for sneaking out, or the sudden turn her life would take.
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