Recognition [ Temptationist x Shadowkiller ]

Feb 26, 2013
[ Temptationist x Shadowkiller ]
Blackfire x Nightwing



The underground rock club, Wasteland, was a pretty versatile hang out when it came to the array of music they hosted. Because it's core purpose is to advertise local bands, it never limited itself to one specific genre. It hosted a vast collection of different rock nights, in which different styles and types of rock; whether hard or soft, could be demonstrated. Bands who played always performed for free and as a gift from Wasteland would receive a drink on the house. It was in a small subburb within Gotham City, kind of in the middle of nowhere, where the exterior of the building looks like a rundown warehouse. In reality, it really was, but the heart of the club wasn't on the outside, it was literally underground. Once entering the old warehouse, attendees are lead down a flight of stairs to the basement; which is the true location of the event. The club, for the most part, was pretty well maintained thanks to the large alternative, punk, and goth population as well as general rock lovers who were in graceful numbers in Gotham City.

Tonight was Industrial Rock Night or IRN, where there would be several bands playing into the night. One of those bands being my own, Serpentine. For a relatively recent band, we had a pretty great following, and never played without a substantial crowd. A lot of followers also came from the spreading rumor that the band was associated with the rebel group Red Flag. Well really, it was more than an association. We really were Red Flag - all of us. We just so happened to all share a common interest in music. Since it was mostly a side thing for fun, we had several styles of songs, and in reality - we were just a bunch of bored youngsters making music for mostly entertainment and fame. Tonight was no different. The club was packed from wall to wall with mostly teens and young adolescents. Some drunk, some stoned, some just ready to jam out to a good tune. I had lived a pretty normal human life in the past few months I had returned to earth, but it was moments up on stage, with the crowd cheering my chyme, that I truly felt alive.

Leading into the song, I smiled as I extended my arm and my index finger and pointed to different fans as they sang along. I held the microphone with the opposite hand; practically swallowing the device with how close it was to my dark plump lips.

" ♪ I will try to behave.
To be quite perfect.
In every way, every way,
Honestly, honestly
... ♪ "

A fierce grin swept across my face as I pumped my body for the chorus. "So... " I pointed to the ceiling and began to jump. My outfit was pretty usual in relation to this club, but out in the city, it would definitely stand out. I ported a black biker-jacket-style vest with the collar being completely studded. The jacket sparkled in the spotlights, but despite this, the rest of my attire was not so shiny. My legs were covered by tight, curve-hugging black skinny jeans; ripped from thigh to ankle horizontally. I was wearing a low-neck white ruffled tank top and was bare-armed other than a pair of fingerless and studded biker gloves on my hands.

" ♪ If you hear my mental fix,
Don't bang the walls,
Try to make me quit!
I. Am. Not. God's. Angel!
Late at night, I melt my dolls!
Hang them up by nooses,
You're not living next door to an angel,
♪ "

Everyone jumped with me, raging their fists and horns in the air as I let my harsh melody echo throughout the club. It helped that I was a) a female singer and b) an attractive one, at that. It brought both the girls and the boys to the club to give a nice diversity to the crowd. Still singing, I threw myself into the crowd and they carried me like I really was an angel; despite the irony of both the song, my past and even my present. I surfed it around until they brought me back to the front and pushed me back onto the stage. Slightly laughing, but still trying to maintain enough of a composure to sing, I walked towards the other side of the platform - just to assure that every section of the crowd got some loving. I could recognize many friends, regulars, but there were a lot of new faces. One face, I caught at the corner of my eye, was not so unfamiliar. Not wanting to make it too obviously, I turn my glare to the now matured young man and gazed almost seductively as if singing directly to him, " ♪ ... Yeah, I really thought you were aware. That I could be your worst nightmare, say a prayer - you don't wanna hate me! ♪ "

Placing my booted foot up on the amp center-stage, I moved my eyes over to the crowd again, but a special smile pulled at the corner of my lips. Realizing exactly what I had done, it only occurred to me afterwards that I could have potentially placed unwanted attention on myself. Not that I was really worried you would recognize me, but more that I fear if you were snooping around, that it had to do with Red Flag. And any enemy of Red Flag was a direct enemy of mine; including super heroes. Although I had retired my super villain cape long ago, I would turn villainous again if it meant protecting my group. Still, I finished the song, as it was my last for the night. As it came to an end, the crowd gave their usual cheer. One guy made in an effort to scream out 'I love you, Koma!'; he pointed to a pin that he was wearing that had the words "Komatosed" with the band's Serpent logo. It was a running trend for those who were fans of mine to wear the pins in support of the band and more specifically, to profess their love for my apparent important existence in the small music scene. To satisfy his raging hormones, I grabbed a piece of my already-torn black jeans and ripped it right off. I threw it to him and he screamed in excitement. I laughed at the mount of people trying to catch the thing; as if a pack of wild dogs fighting for a scrap of meat. I shook my head and exited the stage, to where I and my other band mates were handed a beer.

Looking over my shoulder, the smile quickly diminished as I could not see the face that had previously been so distinct within the crowd. Thinking perhaps I had just halluscinated, I decided to leave the club suddenly. I had been overwhelmed with a strong sense of fear; as if my instinct was screaming at me - telling me to leave while I still could. I should have just darted out of there the second I stepped off stage, but I had been too conceited to just rush away from my fans. Instead, I decided to head upstairs. "Eh, uh - I'm just grabbing a smoke, k?" I alerted my band and teammate - the lead guitarist - he nodded before quickly being distracted by the party. I shook my head slightly, realizing he probably didn't even hear me, and headed up the stairs. The bouncers gave me a slight nod before allowing me to go continue up the stairs - which would eventually lead me to the roof. As I opened the door, I took a big breath of fresh air. I stepped onto the ledge of the roof and looked down, having absolutely no fear of falling. Taking my pack of cigarettes from my pocket, I slipped one in between my lips and pulled out my lighter. As I lit it, I overlooked the suburb. I could hear the other band playing in the background, but tried to block everything out in order to, for a moment, listen to my own thoughts. Exhaling the toxin, I watched as the fumes faded into the cool breeze.
Dick was heading in to the Wasteland following a lead. Some political office guys asked Nightwing to look up about the new gang that was starting up called the red flag. He looked them up and only saw them doing just graffiti work as well as speak out about Gothem's corrupted government. He then almost laughed thinking about it for he didnt knew a time when gothem didnt have a corrupted pollination. He was finally in the club but was forced to move as the tight crowed would allow him as the place was packed. If the fire house knew about this they shut it down now for its breaking so many fire hazard Dick thought in his head. He then saw the band get on and start singing. He stopped and looked at the stage as the voice sounded familier to him for some reason. He watched the band and watched. Saw the lead singer that was pretty good and seemed really exited to perform. But when she was looking right at him he took a closer look and his eyes went wide when she turned away and he finally realized who it was and said under his breath. "Blackfire?"

When the band ended its performance Dick worked through the crowd to get to the back stage. it was hard as he was pushed and shoved as he moved through the crowd. When he finally go to the back stage he saw her leaving and he quickly used his training from batman as well as being in the titans to hide in the shadows and followed her. As he did he slowly took off his jacket and pants as he pulled out a mask as under his outfit was the Nightwing outfit. He put the mask on as he came up to the roof and saw her starting to smoke. When she exaled blowing the smoke out of her mouth he spoke. "Dont you know those are bad for your lungs Blackfire." He made sure she could hear him say her name. He then stepped out of the shadow so she could see him. "What brings you back to Earth Blackfire?" he said as he had his hand on one of his bird arangs with titanium rope attachment incase she tries to run.
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