Alive and Kicking [ Temptationist x X-Vash00 ]

Feb 26, 2013
[ Temptationist x X-Vash00 ]
Blackfire x Nightwing


"Alive and Kicking"

The underground rock club, Wasteland, was a pretty versatile hang out when it came to the array of music they hosted. Because it's core purpose is to advertise local bands, it never limited itself to one specific genre. It hosted a vast collection of different rock nights, in which different styles and types of rock; whether hard or soft, could be demonstrated. Bands who played always performed for free and as a gift from Wasteland would receive a drink on the house. It was in a small subburb within Gotham City, kind of in the middle of nowhere, where the exterior of the building looks like a rundown warehouse. In reality, it really was, but the heart of the club wasn't on the outside, it was literally underground. Once entering the old warehouse, attendees are lead down a flight of stairs to the basement; which is the true location of the event. The club, for the most part, was pretty well maintained thanks to the large alternative, punk, and goth population as well as general rock lovers who were in graceful numbers in Gotham City.

Tonight was Industrial Rock Night or IRN, where there would be several bands playing into the night. One of those bands being my own, Serpentine. For a relatively recent band, we had a pretty great following, and never played without a substantial crowd. A lot of followers also came from the spreading rumor that the band was associated with the rebel group Red Flag. Well really, it was more than an association. We really were Red Flag - all of us. We just so happened to all share a common interest in music. Since it was mostly a side thing for fun, we had several styles of songs, and in reality - we were just a bunch of bored youngsters making music for mostly entertainment and fame. Tonight was no different. The club was packed from wall to wall with mostly teens and young adolescents. Some drunk, some stoned, some just ready to jam out to a good tune. I had lived a pretty normal human life in the past few months I had returned to earth, but it was moments up on stage, with the crowd cheering my chyme, that I truly felt alive.

Leading into the song, I smiled as I extended my arm and my index finger and pointed to different fans as they sang along. I held the microphone with the opposite hand; practically swallowing the device with how close it was to my dark plump lips.

" ♪ I will try to behave.
To be quite perfect.
In every way, every way,
Honestly, honestly
... ♪ "

A fierce grin swept across my face as I pumped my body for the chorus. "So... " I pointed to the ceiling and began to jump. My outfit was pretty usual in relation to this club, but out in the city, it would definitely stand out. I ported a black biker-jacket-style vest with the collar being completely studded. The jacket sparkled in the spotlights, but despite this, the rest of my attire was not so shiny. My legs were covered by tight, curve-hugging black skinny jeans; ripped from thigh to ankle horizontally. I was wearing a low-neck white ruffled tank top and was bare-armed other than a pair of fingerless and studded biker gloves on my hands.

" ♪ If you hear my mental fix,
Don't bang the walls,
Try to make me quit!
I. Am. Not. God's. Angel!
Late at night, I melt my dolls!
Hang them up by nooses,
You're not living next door to an angel,
♪ "

Everyone jumped with me, raging their fists and horns in the air as I let my harsh melody echo throughout the club. It helped that I was a) a female singer and b) an attractive one, at that. It brought both the girls and the boys to the club to give a nice diversity to the crowd. Still singing, I threw myself into the crowd and they carried me like I really was an angel; despite the irony of both the song, my past and even my present. I surfed it around until they brought me back to the front and pushed me back onto the stage. Slightly laughing, but still trying to maintain enough of a composure to sing, I walked towards the other side of the platform - just to assure that every section of the crowd got some loving. I could recognize many friends, regulars, but there were a lot of new faces. One face, I caught at the corner of my eye, was not so unfamiliar. Not wanting to make it too obviously, I turn my glare to the now matured young man and gazed almost seductively as if singing directly to him, " ♪ ... Yeah, I really thought you were aware. That I could be your worst nightmare, say a prayer - you don't wanna hate me! ♪ "

Placing my booted foot up on the amp center-stage, I moved my eyes over to the crowd again, but a special smile pulled at the corner of my lips. Realizing exactly what I had done, it only occurred to me afterwards that I could have potentially placed unwanted attention on myself. Not that I was really worried you would recognize me, but more that I fear if you were snooping around, that it had to do with Red Flag. And any enemy of Red Flag was a direct enemy of mine; including super heroes. Although I had retired my super villain cape long ago, I would turn villainous again if it meant protecting my group. Still, I finished the song, as it was my last for the night. As it came to an end, the crowd gave their usual cheer. One guy made in an effort to scream out 'I love you, Koma!'; he pointed to a pin that he was wearing that had the words "Komatosed" with the band's Serpent logo. It was a running trend for those who were fans of mine to wear the pins in support of the band and more specifically, to profess their love for my apparent important existence in the small music scene. To satisfy his raging hormones, I grabbed a piece of my already-torn black jeans and ripped it right off. I threw it to him and he screamed in excitement. I laughed at the mount of people trying to catch the thing; as if a pack of wild dogs fighting for a scrap of meat. I shook my head and exited the stage, to where I and my other band mates were handed a beer.

Looking over my shoulder, the smile quickly diminished as I could not see the face that had previously been so distinct within the crowd. Thinking perhaps I had just halluscinated, I decided to leave the club suddenly. I had been overwhelmed with a strong sense of fear; as if my instinct was screaming at me - telling me to leave while I still could. I should have just darted out of there the second I stepped off stage, but I had been too conceited to just rush away from my fans. Instead, I decided to head upstairs. "Eh, uh - I'm just grabbing a smoke, k?" I alerted my band and teammate - the lead guitarist - he nodded before quickly being distracted by the party. I shook my head slightly, realizing he probably didn't even hear me, and headed up the stairs. The bouncers gave me a slight nod before allowing me to go continue up the stairs - which would eventually lead me to the roof. As I opened the door, I took a big breath of fresh air. I stepped onto the ledge of the roof and looked down, having absolutely no fear of falling. Taking my pack of cigarettes from my pocket, I slipped one in between my lips and pulled out my lighter. As I lit it, I overlooked the suburb. I could hear the other band playing in the background, but tried to block everything out in order to, for a moment, listen to my own thoughts. Exhaling the toxin, I watched as the fumes faded into the cool breeze.
Gotham, not the greatest place to to raise a family if you ask me. Just look at our messed up one, three orphans and a bastard son all trained to be lethal crime fighters and not the best pictures of mental health. Really the only ones that could be considered normal are Tim and I. Damian is one egotistical assassin that's willing to die for the cause that Bruce instilled upon all of us, and Jason...don't even get me started on what's up with him. Though things have gotten better between all of us ever since he started running around with his "Outlaws". There is one thing wrong with that group, that would be my former girlfriend, Starfire, or who at least I remember as my girlfriend. It turns out that she has some sort of Tameranian thought process that lets her easily forget things that aren't important to her, it's great to know that I was important in Starfires life. I can even remember the talk I had with Jason...

It was after getting out of the hands of The Joker one last time. He had done surf to us that I suppose isn't the best to talk amongst ourselves. Each one had their own personal experiences with him. With me, he talked about my failures as a hero and my screwed up love life. So I was with Jason recovering at Wayne Manor. He was about ready to leave when he came back into the Batcave to grab his helmet. I saw Kori out there, but I couldn't even bring myself to say hello to her. Too many emotions would come up, most of them hurt and anger. So I kept my distance. When Jason came inside the cave I talked to him, though it was more like him scolding me. "You're not serious, are you?" He started off with. "You're not even going to say 'Hi' to her, Dick?" I was perching up towards the top so all I could really do was sit and watch from where I was. I sighed, "The Joker tore open some very old wounds. You understand why I can't think of being close again with... anyone?" I then lept down from where I was and stood a shoulders length away, normally here I would have a stick to his throat and he would have a gun to my forehead, but these circumstances were different. Jason's face remained blank but I could tell he was judging me. "Maybe I get it," he responded, "But maybe I think that girl out there is more amazing than you giver her credit for." Now he was judging me, but I was also starting to think something else was behind that. Could another Robin be after the orange beauty from the stars. "Don't judge me, Todd. Just promise me you'll watch over her." Then Jaosn left saying that he did every day of his life. A bit overexaggerated, but I took it knowing that he would. Then it was back to Gotham for me.

Getting back to work in Gotham was as simple as slipping on the suit and putting on the mask again. I checked in with Gordan on the first night back and he let me in on something that was starting to become a problem. It turns out radical groups didn't end with The Republic of Tomorrow. Now there was a new one, Red Flag. They had drum up some trouble around town and Gordan was looking to bring a few in on some vandalism and theft charges, but they were proving to be elusive. So he asked me to take a look and see if I can pin them down.

It took a few nights, but a few shake downs on some squealers and I learned that the main members of the group were part of a band and frequented a club by the name of Wasteland. The club was easy to find with some directions, but there was no way bursting in and giving everything away was going to work here. That would just scare them off and more nights of searching would ensue. So I was going to have to pull one out of Bruce's book and go in disguise.

Getting in there was no problem, especially when I could just walk in with some dirt rubbed on my face, ripped jeans, and a ratty old sweatshirt (especially since it hides my costume). The club was spacious and looked like it had just the right set up to suit most kinds of music. I kept to the back of the room, scouting for quick exits. The crowd began to grow, apparently this band was quite popular. I was able to keep to my spot as they all gathered and tried to move toward the stage. I waited.

The lights dimmed at show time and the band began their set. It was... odd music to say the least; I myself am more of a blues and rock mind of guy, but to each his own I guess. It didn't matter about the rest of the band, the lead singer had my attention right off the bat. I shoukd recognize her, I've beaten her enough times to recognize that face anywhere. That was Komand'r of Tamaran, my exes older sister. I wonder if she still remembers me?

That look she gave me and those perfectly matched up lyrics made me think she did. So what was wrong with Kori then? That slipped my mind as the band finished up and she left with them to go back stage. I made my move then as some of the crowd tried to bull rush to the door into the backstage room where there would no doubt be a party. I was able to get in with the initial crowd, but the doors shut behind me as we were the only new allowed in that weren't on a list. I guess I can count myself as one of the lucky ones. I saw Blackfire move upstairs and I waited for the party to pick up before I followed her.

Moving up the stairs I saw two menacing looking bouncers staring me down as I slowly climbed the stairs. "What do you think you're doing homes?" Asked the large black one. As I walked up I reached under my hoody and grabbed two ear buds and a small remote looking device from one of my gadget pockets and put the buds in my ear. The two stepped in and closed off my access. They then told me, "You ain't gonna get through here, turn around and get back to the party." I held up the remote for them to see. "The hell's that, you're iPod?" One asked. "No," I said calmly, "It's a sonic disrupter." They looked confused, obviously not the brightest bulb in the box. I already had the frequency and amitude set so I just clicked the center button and the device activated. The two bouncers faces contorted in pain as their mouths opened to scream but nothing came out as they finally collapsed from the pain of high frequency waves hitting their eardrums. I stepped over them and opened the door to outside seeing Komand'r taking a drag from a cigarette.

"So," I said letting her know I was there, "How much makeup does it take to hide the orange skin?"
I didn't so much as flinch as I heard the door open, and someone, even though stealthy, step onto the roof. I had half expected to be found up here regardless. I didn't also feel like fraying from my view until completely necessary. It could have been anyone from a fan, to the bouncers, to even my teammates, yet somehow I had that special feeling. The type of feeling in your gut - one's intuition - that enabled me to predict who the guest really was. It wasn't really a surprise, since I had already seen you in the crowd, but I still pondered what would be the consequences of our meeting. As soon as you opened your mouth to speak, I could recognize immediately that it was in fact the old Robin. A cunning grin spread across my lips as I took another drag of my smoke. I was partly smiling at the fact that you were talking to me (rather calmly, at that), as well as smiling to the humor within that statement. You were perhaps one of the only people who knew of my true appearance and identity. Exhaling the fumes, I blew the smoke again and responded with a calm but matter-of-fact tone. "Too much." I didn't so much as budge from my stance; back towards you, as I gazed at buildings in the distance. "One mousse foundation, three types of concealers, two different powdered cover-ups and a sweat-resistant sealing toner. Two hours too much of makeup." I shrugged slightly; flicking the half-finished cigarette from my fingers and watching as it fell to the ground below. "But it's just a part of my regular routine now. Been so for 7 months." I twisted my body slightly to allow my eyes to finally grab a peek. Just barely glancing over my shoulder momentarily, I made eye contact but soon turned back around to face the city.

"I used to try to pull it off as fake tanner, but apparently orange skin is referred to as "Jersey" and those who have that shade of skin color are often called "Oompa Loompas"... Not that I really understand that reference, but I do understand sense from the way people laugh and glare that it's negative..." I smirked, just thinking about all the bad rep I had received for having orange skin. "Decided to change it when I realize men don't find it attractive to have orange skin." I laughed out loud. Perhaps it wasn't yet apparent that I was superficial, but it would be shortly. "I can't have that, now, can I?" I shot another look at you before finally turning around to face you properly. "I'm too pretty to be associated with the word "ugly". And I'm too good in bed to not even be giving the chance." The smile I gave beamed the fact that I was so full of myself. And, I was clearly much less proper as my younger counterpart. "So, hey, if the humans demand pale skin, then that's what I'll give them. Only the worthy will receive my smooth and luscious orange skin. Irresistible!" I chuckled, running my nails over my arm to scrape off the layers and layers of cover cream. Four prominent lines appeared to reveal the bright golden-orange that lay beneath it.

"You're looking..." I paused, peering you up at down with absolutely no shame or no care in the world for the rudeness it displayed. "...Older." I gave a quick smirk before continuing, "But I guess almost seven years will do that, won't it?" I really didn't leave much room for conversation, as I had so much to say with an unknowing knowledge of how much time I had. I also had so many questions, since I was relatively new to Earth and so much had changed in that stretch of time. "I would have half expected you to reside in Jump City. It's why I avoided it... well..." I paused, "Avoided you. But, of course, another individual specifically." I moved one foot before the other; swaying my curvaceous hips with each step I took. Slipping my hands into my jean pockets as I approached you, I gave a witty smile. "Yet here you are, in Gotham City. And I take it that you're not Robin, anymore. You've also come without a team, nor your companion and my so completely enticing... absolutely adorable... filled with absolutely so much fun... infinitely loving... little sister of mine... Starfire?" My intense sarcasm couldn't be more blatantly obvious had I been holding up a sign stating that exactly. I slowed as I came but a foot from you, facing you, and glaring at you like a hawk would it's prey; except a gleam of fascination coated my bright violet-pink eyes.
Hearing her list the amount of makeup she had to cake on to her skin made me thank god that my dad was able to get me a Y chromosome. Hearing that it took two hours to do made me even more grateful about that fact. How the hell did she have the patience to do all that. It didn't matter, I was simply here to bring in the guys that Gordan wanted, but brining in Blackfire could prove helpful. At least they wouldn't have someone as powerful as Starfire with them. Then again I always had my team backing me when I as still wearing the disco tights, so trying to take her down on my own could prove difficult. On the flip side of the coin, that was when I was younger and just getting out of the shadow of Bruce. I'm older now and I'be got some pretty good experience under the belt. Too much weight behind each decision to make a snap one, I'm going to have to stall her.

Recent experiences had me eager to whip out my Escrima sticks and walk back down to get those who are the one Gordan wants. Though the old nostalgia of pre-fight banter drew me back to the days of Boy Wonder. So I decided to stick with her and hear her out. Later I would find out that it was a a severely bad idea. Though I do have to admit that hearing Blackfire get compared to Snooki was hilarious, especially in my head. "Of course you wouldn't get the reference. It's from an old movie that I don't think you would have seen." She continued a rant about her true beauty and how only the worthy shall see her true skin... blah blah blah egotistical villain stuff.

She gave me a once over, I didn't mind it, I even returned the glance with my own. She hadn't really changed from the last time I saw her, it went the same for Kori, but she tossed me one that I could just blast out of the park. "You look older too," I told her. I then waved my fingers under my eyes and around my face then saying, "You can really see it in the lines on your face." And it's going, going, going, and it's gone! Yeah, Jokers not the only ones who can crack a good one. I reached into the hoody pocket and pulled out my domino mask. I pressed it to my face and the adhesive took hold. Now it was back to brass tasks. "Really? You should have gone to Jump City, I hear its nice these days. We haven't been back in Jump City since... God since the first few months of the team. We moved out to San Francisco and stayed there since we all grew out of the team. Though I'm sure if you're looking to fight a Titans team, Red Robin and his gang are running around New York these days." Then a line was crossed as she neared me. Out of reflex, my Escrima sticks dropped from out of my hoody sleeves. I clicked the button on the stick and the null stun drive activated, bright blue sparks flashed from the tips. "I'm just here for your band." Nightwing was now on the job.
"Charming!" I dragged the word out sarcastically and flailed my hand in the air to add to the drama. I half rolled my eyes before smirking. "I like drama. But I'm not looking for a fight. I'm looking for a new life." I gazed at you, knowing that was probably one of the most hysterical things that's ever come out of my mouth. A new life? What was that even supposed to me. Even I didn't know what that truly encompassed for a woman of my stature. Could I really start fresh, to begin with? Could I really leave behind a royal title, quit the idea of ruling Tamaran, and just forever live my life as a petty human? Probably not, but at least that was a future I was setting for now. Anything that would happen in the future from the future is beyond me. I didn't want to focus on that, knowing full well I will probably give in to my past sooner or later. "If I wanted to fight you, I would have found you months ago." I paused but then continued. "If I really wanted to be the classic bitch I am, I would have gone to Starfire first - just to shove it in her face that I still exist and that I will forever torment her now that I am on Earth and in her presence." I giggled slightly at the thought, "But I'm over that. Bored of it, really." I shifted my eyes, but then watched as the peculiar sticks fell before me.

I stopped before moving any closer. I contemplated taking another step, but then realized I wasn't sure what exactly caused these to trigger; if they even trigger at all. Weight? Sensors? Contact? Perhaps these were just... sticks. But the sparking at the tip of them made me believe otherwises. I laughed down at them, almost in disbelief that you were really pulling one of these on me. "Honestly?" I grinned, "You carry these with you every where? And I thought all the makeup I wore was heavy..." I bent down to reach for them, as if to hand them to you like a good person would if they saw a peer drop something. It was part of human social chivalry, wasn't it? But I was no fool.

As soon as my hand reached but a foot from the baton, I ceased - instead laughing a small blast of dark energy from the tip of my finger. The second the blast struck the stick, it detonated. Within the same instance, I released a larger blast, which counteracted the stun and wavered the attacked towards you. Because the blast absorbed most of the energy from the stun, the carried energy from the bolt towards yourself was minimal, only able to create a force strong enough to knock someone off their balance, maybe onto their rear, at most, but nothing really endangering. I gazed at you, giving you an unimpressed look. "What?" I shook my head, "Do you really think that I'm threatening?" I chuckled, "Hah! That's actually quite a compliment." That classic self-absorbed smile conquered my expression. "You're cute..." I turned around, heading for the door. "Just not enough to allow me to waste my time." I shook my head; clearly; I was a little insulted. More so because I truly craved a conversation with a familiar face, but the reality that I was alone in this universe became all the more apparent. I had no family, and I certainly had no friends.
Thank god the eyepieces on my ask covered my eyes because my eyes were rolling! Why she decided to add flare to her drawn out statement with her hands? Past experiences told me it was because she got a kick out of it. Though it was quite shocking to hear that she wasn't going to try and pummel me. A few muscles tightened up remembering those times that we had encountered her. My grip tightened on my sticks as I was gearing up for a fight. Though I wasn't getting one as she wasn't going to give me one. Knowing the fact that moths ago, when "The Republic of Tomorrow" was still running around, I could have had a hotblooded Tammaranian on me was a bit frightening. Though fear was something beaten out of me when I was still running around in the red and green tights.

She took notice of the sticks, who wouldn't as blue sparks were shooting off of it, and even ridiculed them. "Really, you're going to talk down my weapons when I can sit here and talk crap about your obsession with your sister and your sense of honor." I twirled them in my hands as she reached for them, the stun drives pointing up and reaching for her hand. Just let curiosity kill the cat on this one.

She stopped short, denying me any satisfaction in watching her arm spasm, instead (in an instant might I add) she launched a small starbolt at it. When the bolt hit the end the contact points were triggered and the drive activated, sending the stun charge outward. Since there was nowhere to go I thought that it would just end, but she decided to send another starbolt to catch the charge and send it back at him. When it hit he felt a mix of the bolt and the charge, thankfully my suit was insulated and I didn't really feel anything. The force of the bolt sent me staggering back, in my younger days I might have gotten knocked down, but that was the past. The sticks came up now, ready to close the distance between us and getting in striking distance to hit her hard, maybe she would get to taste the full charge of the drive stun. She turned around to move back to the party downstairs. Koma mocked me and went back in. When the door closed I shook my head a little, "Always the hard way with you Tamaranians."

I took off the hoody and the pants as well, revealing my black and reds. I then opened the door and walked back down the stairs. "Koma..." I said quite loudly, the music drowning it out. I looked around a bit agitated, "Komand'r!!" This was a bit louder but I felt it wasn't getting it across. I opened my utility belt and drew a Wingding out. I threw it at the stereo and the wings unfolded as it flew. When it met its target the stereo died. "Blackfire!" I said with emphasis. "They are wanted by the GCPD and I will take them by force if I have to. That includes you."
Raging down the stairs, I was virtually ignoring any effort made to get my attention - including stating my full name, which nobody really knew. It was Koma. Never Komand'r. ALWAYS Koma. I hated Komand'r, especially since the English equivalent sounded like "commander" - and that was a ruling title I was trying to escape. It was hard not to turn around when you called me that, but I continued to make my way back to the basement, where another band continued to play. It was a pretty ordinary day, which the exception that my lead guitarist was so wasted he probably couldn't differentiate his finger from his toes. I could see him in the near-distance flirting with several girls as he split most of his drink with dramatic hand gestures. Rolling my eyes at the scene, I just shook my head; debating just going home all together as there was too much on my mind to even focus. My thoughts would soon be interrupted.

It only took a second for me to notice the wings soar past me and strike the equipment up on stage. As the wings killed the bass and sound, the current singer looked confused. He glanced at his microphone in awe and tapped it. "Hello? Testing? What the..." He grumbled, dissatisfied by the fact that the equipment failed mid-concert. "Not again. Common, man!" He whipped the mic across the stage; not realizing the situation about to become. That was the moment I knew things were going to get messy, and real ugly, real fast.

Upon the mentioning of "they" and taking "them", that's when I stopped mid-walk. I paused, staring at my drunken friend and envisioning him for a moment being taken by officials and placed behind bars. I couldn't have that. That ticked me off. Knowing full well you knew our identities as Red Flag, to threaten their freedom was crossing the line. I clenched my fists for a second before making a rash decision. In a quick, swooshing motion, I shot a blackbolt towards the wall to my left. The blast struck a poster of Marilyn Mansion, which was actually just covering the breaker-box that controlled the power in the building. The box instantly sparked and exploded, causing all of the power to turn off. People began to react, but most were too drunk of high to really think it as a bad thing; but rather laugh at the darkness. I took this opportunity in pitch black to get my member out and out fast. Swiftly moving through the crowd, it only took me a few seconds to reach my teammate in his drunk stupor. "Code Red," I whispered in his ear, but he was slow to react. "Get out, you moron!!!" I smacked the back of his head to put him into overdrive. The emergency light by the back door began to flash red; among the little light it was visible that several people were escaping; those would be the Red Flag troupe, with other people who were panicking about the lights.

A manager came down the stairs to announce, "Alright peeps. Party's OVER! Power's out. Breaker's down. This show aint gonna be a runnin' until sometime this week. EVERYONE OUT, OUT!" People cooperated and set off for the Emergency exit. The place was packed, making it difficult to move around especially now that everyone was trying to shove themselves out a tiny single-person door.
I was angry at this point, so angry that I wasn't able to see past throwing the Wingding and getting Blackfire to acknowledge me. Bruce would have had my ass if I was still wearing the R on my chest, but luckily solo work had its unique perks.

Blackfire was able to catch me off guard and knock out the lights with a starbolt to the breaker box. The lights were killed and the room went pitch black. For anyone not a part of a surrogate family of crime fighters this would be a problem. Luckily Dick was a part of such a family and was prepared for this. He pressed his fingers to his mask, "Mask optics: night vision." The white eyepieces turned to an iridescent green as it switched to its night optics. The darkness wasp get dark as I saw everything. The scared faces, the solo cups being throw around, and several figures trying to get out the back doors. "Not so fast." I picked my way out through the crowd until I reached the back door and bursted through it. I turned off the night vision optics and gave chase to the group.

I killed the stun drives and clicked on another button and the ends ejected from the top and shot out to a nearby light pole. The tips wrapped around and I used them to propel myself into the air, doing a few acrobatic moves to increase my momentum, and launched myself at the group of seven.

"You can't run from me Balckfire. I know these streets like the back of my hand!"
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