Never Stop Training ( BtP and Itazura Reborn)

Jan 28, 2009
Grace's legs were burning, her heart pounding, and her lungs aching from the strain of running so hard, so fast, and for so long, but she was far too excited to entertain the idea of slowing down. The thought of stopping to catch her breath couldn't have been further from her mind. Only one thought went through the 19 year old girls head as she ran home, and simply thinking it made her run a little faster and squeeze the ball in her hand tighter. Her long, wavy red hair fluttered behind her as she speed up just that bit more. Clutched tightly in one of her hands was a red and white metallic ball, the size of a baseball. Inside that pokeball, was her very first pokemon.

No one had thought Jane should be a trainer. Not her family, not her friends, even the professor who had given her this pokemon had been apprehensive of the idea. But she had never listened to them. Being the daughter of a highly successful power couple of the business world made everyone think she should go into business like her father and mother. But Jane loathed the idea of fallowing in the same footsteps that kept her parents away from home 99 percent of the time, only finding a few hours on big holidays to meet with their daughter. They even had fired her nanny once she turned 15 and proved able to take care of herself. 4 years alone in her house was more than enough for her.

No, she wanted to see the world as she traveled about, not go from city to city just to sit inside all day. She soon came to her house, a large place, one of the biggest in the town. She stopped outside the door, taking a moment to finally catch her breath. As soon as Grace was inside she went about packing her things, a back pack full of supplies and clothing. She changed into a tight fitting black tank-top, and snug little shorts. Pulling her hair back into a pony tail and slipping her nice walking shoes on she took a moment to admire herself in the mirror. She left her house and locked the door behind her. IT would be a long time before she saw home again if she had her way, and that was fine with her.

About an hour into her walk down the first route, she decided she was getting a little lonely. With a slight smile she tossed her pokeball "Come on out Bulbasaure, Let's get to know each other."
Bound To Pleasure said:
Grace's legs were burning, her heart pounding, and her lungs aching from the strain of running so hard, so fast, and for so long, but she was far too excited to entertain the idea of slowing down. The thought of stopping to catch her breath couldn't have been further from her mind. Only one thought went through the 19 year old girls head as she ran home, and simply thinking it made her run a little faster and squeeze the ball in her hand tighter. Her long, wavy red hair fluttered behind her as she speed up just that bit more. Clutched tightly in one of her hands was a red and white metallic ball, the size of a baseball. Inside that pokeball, was her very first pokemon.

No one had thought Jane should be a trainer. Not her family, not her friends, even the professor who had given her this pokemon had been apprehensive of the idea. But she had never listened to them. Being the daughter of a highly successful power couple of the business world made everyone think she should go into business like her father and mother. But Jane loathed the idea of fallowing in the same footsteps that kept her parents away from home 99 percent of the time, only finding a few hours on big holidays to meet with their daughter. They even had fired her nanny once she turned 15 and proved able to take care of herself. 4 years alone in her house was more than enough for her.

No, she wanted to see the world as she traveled about, not go from city to city just to sit inside all day. She soon came to her house, a large place, one of the biggest in the town. She stopped outside the door, taking a moment to finally catch her breath. As soon as Grace was inside she went about packing her things, a back pack full of supplies and clothing. She changed into a tight fitting black tank-top, and snug little shorts. Pulling her hair back into a pony tail and slipping her nice walking shoes on she took a moment to admire herself in the mirror. She left her house and locked the door behind her. IT would be a long time before she saw home again if she had her way, and that was fine with her.

About an hour into her walk down the first route, she decided she was getting a little lonely. With a slight smile she tossed her pokeball "Come on out Bulbasaure, Let's get to know each other."

The Bulbasaur she had gotten was strange. The professor had mistakenly switched the one she was suppose to get, with one from his personal collection. When the Bulbasaur appeared, it was clear it was not normal. It was highly aggressive and even a strange color (shiny). The normally dark tent of his skin was now more of a grassy color and the light bulb on its back was a darker green. It was just tall enough, that the bulb on it's back could reach her knee.

At its current level, all it could do was tackle and growl. It looked up at her and grinned. Thoughts filled its head, but nothing she would be able to see or tell. It nuzzled her leg, as it if was trying to be friendly. "Bulba."
She was shocked to see the oddly colored Bulbasure. Weren't different colored pokemon very rare? She almost couldn't believe that the prof had given her such a rare and valuable pokemon. This had to have been a mix-up, there was no other way. Not that she planed of giving the rare find back to the prof. Finders keepers after all. She giggled as the little pokemon smiled at her, it was such a cute little bulb of a pokemon. She crouched down and pet the pokemon. "Well little guy, I guess we are meting for the first time. My name is Grace. I'm your trainer. I don't have any pokeball's yet, so It is going to just be you and me for a while now. At least untill we get to our first town."

"Do you want a nick name, or should I just call you Bulba?"
The Bulbasaur looked up at her, quickly spotting something he liked. It seemed that her tight shorts gave a perfect outline of her pussy and ass. It was something he would have if he got the chance. Right now, there was little he could do to take it. It would have to wait for now. He pranced around lightly and smiled. "Bulba!" He was happy to have a trainer. Well, a young female trainer anyway.
She was totally unaware of her pokemon was so lustfully eyeing her body. Who would ever think of pokemon in such a way? She smiled and laughed as her cute little Bulba pranced around. "Bulba it is then. You seem to like it well enough." she rose to her feat and began walking again. It was not a very eventful time, a easily won random battle with wild pokemon here and there, but they ran into no trainers on this road. She was glad for the fights, and she had plenty of potions she had stock piled the previous months to make sure her pokemon was never out of shape or in any pain.

She soon found herself to be quite tried. She had never walked so far, for so long before. It wasn't to late in the day. But she had hardly slept the night before out of excitement and the fatigue finally got to her. "Hey bulba, I think I am going to lay on the patch of grass here for a nap. Feel free to explore around, but don't wonder off to far." she commented, kicking off he shoes and placing them under her back pack to help support her head as she slept. It only took a few moment for the trainer to fall into a pleasant little sleep.
As Grace took her nap, Bulba watched her. He wanted so much to get a piece of her, but he knew that the moment he tugged at her clothing, she would wake up. He still didn't have any attacks that would help him with this. He sighed and hung his head as he wandered off into the distance. He would look for something to to while she slept.

A few moments later, a pack of Rattata, led by a rather large Rattacate, found her. This was strange because Rattacate were not found on this route, or on any route near here. The Rattacate seen the sleeping trainer as a chance to have a little fun. With a chatter, he ordered his pack to attack her. They leaped onto her body, scratching and ripping at her clothing.
She woke with a start as she was suddenly attacked by the pack of Rattata. She cried out for help but her voice was drowend out by the chatter of the pokemon that were covering her body. She tried her best to get up from her laying position but it was no use, it was like she was being attacked by a pack of small-ish dogs. But these were pokemon, far faster, nibler, and stronger than a plain old dog. No matter how she tried to rise up, she was forced back down again by the Rattata.

Soon her clothing was in tatters, the smooth flesh of the red-headed trainer was bare for the world to see.
Once she was nude, one of the Rattata done something that was really strange for a pokemon. It leaped onto her face, and forced it's four inch cock into her mouth. It started to thrust against her lips, its small sharp claws holding onto her head. Others started to pull her legs apart, and pin them down. A small Rattata moved in and starts to lick her pink folds.
She opened her mouth to scream once more, but found herself shockingly unable to. Gagged by something hot and fleshy. It was only after the pokemon began to thrust did she realize what was happening. This Rattata was fucking her mouth. She couldn't believe it was happening, but the strange taste of pokemon cock was overwhelming on her tongue. She tried to wiggle her head and struggle free, but with a firm grip and sharp claws and couldn't manage much. SHe tried moving her arms and legs but they to were being held down by the Rattata. She let out a moan of protest around the cock in her mouth as her legs were forced apart, as the she felt the tongue against her sensitive folds she struggled to keep it from becoming a moan of pleasure.
The Rattata lapped at her pink cunt as the one on her face thrusts more into her. Two more crawl onto her chest and start licking at her nipples, as the large Rattacate watches on. He was waiting his turn. They others were giver permission to tease, lick, and use her mouth, but only the Rattacate was allowed to have her prized spot.
She felt the cock press deep into her mouth, brushing against the back of her throat. Almost enough to make her gag, but instead as the pair of Rattata mouths began to tease her sensitive nipples she moaned all the louder. A she weakly struggled, but each struggle grew weaker and weaker with the passing seconds. Soon her pussy was dripping wet with her own juices just as much as the pokemon's saliva.
The Rattacate moved over to her, knocking the Rattata away from her pussy. It moved over her body, and lowed itself a little. A seven in cock slowly slid from it's body. It was only two inches around, but it was his. He latched his paws onto her hips and thrusts. With a single push, he shoved his entire cock through her pink lips and started to thrust.
Suddenly the warm tongue of the rattata was gone from her sex. Due to the one that was using her mouth she couldn't see what was happening, but she soon figured it out from the feel. Something long and hot slide into her wet pussy. The rattacate that was leading this horny pack was taking what was his. She moaned loudly, half in protest half in pleasure she could not hold back, around the thrusting cock in her mouth. Her tight walls squeezed around the rapidly thrusting cock, her inexperienced body unable to cope with animalistic ferocity of the raping, she quickly felt her body racing towards a climax.
The small claws of the Rattata, and the larger ones of the Rattacate scratched at her flesh as they held her. The one in her mouth picked up speed and soon game inside her mouth. It pulled away, but another one soon took it's place, shoving a small cock past her lips. The Rattacate thrusts roughly into her cunt, not caring one bit how she felt.
She felt the stinging pain of sharp little claws scratching at her soft skin as the monsters gripped her tightly, living read marks and even barely breaking the skin in a place or two as they had there way with here. Soon her mouth was filled with the strange, thick, musky cum of the rattata. She hardly had time to try and spit the hot, odd tasting jiz from her mouth before another rattata mounted her face and continued the mouth raping, the sudden force of the cock pushing into her mouth forced her to swallow the bitter tasting cum. helplessly she squirmed as the Rattacate slammed violently into her wet pussy, had it not be prepared by the rattata's warming her up earlier she would have gotten no pleasure, but she had been wet and yearning for a cock by the time the larger pokemon took his turn, so even with his rough thrusts her body was reacting with pleasure, even if some pain came with it.
The Rattacate was growing closer to cumming. It dug its claws into her thighs and waist as it thrusts harder and faster. It wasn't long before it slammed his cock deeper into her slit and sprayed his cum into her warm hole. The Rattata continued to use her mouth until it came. With the leader done, the group started to pull away and leave.
A muffled cry of pleasure escaped the trainers lips as the Rattacate suddenly doubled it speed, though pain was mixed with that cry as it's claws racked harder into her gentle skin. A final furious slam pushed so far, but she didn't quite cum. Even with the feel of the hot cum filling up her abused cunt she didn't reach her own climax. But the pack of pokemon didn't care. They had had there fun and now they were done with her, she lay on the ground, breathless, sore, and despite herself still very horny. She had been so close to cuming, if it had gone a little longer...She shivered as she felt the animal cum leak from her folds. When she final had the strength to sit up again she called out "Bulba?" She just then wondered if her pokemon was all right, what if that pack had attacked bulba before raping her? She stood to her feet, legs shaking as he body was still weak with pleasure and burning for more, begging for a orgasm. The mixed jucies of pokemon seed and her own wetness dripped down her thigh "Bulba?" she called out a gain, a little more worry and desperation in her voice.
Bulba had been off a ways to the North. It had been doing some minor training, not enough to raise it's level, but more like skill training. It hadn't heard the attack, but then again, the Rattata hadn't given her the chance to call out. It did, however, ear her call out his name. It turned its head and started to waddle towards her. It was then that he seen his trainer. She had her clothing ripped, and was dripping a strange fluid. Bulba could smell that it was cum of another pokemon, and this made him mad. She was his trainer, and this was considered a type of defiance to him. He glared at her. "BULBA!" It was angry that she had had sex with another pokemon.
The sense of relief she felt as the sight of her precious starter pokemon safe and unharmed was a great weight off of her mind, though she was still in a very fragile state mental and emotionally after what had just happened. This made her quite surprised, confused, and a little scared, when her bulbasar seemed so mad with her and looked at her with such ferocity. "I-I was attacked..." she said weakly "I was worried they attacked you to..." She felt to her knees and let out a sight "I don't know why your mad...but at least your all right." she turned her back to her bulbasaur, still frazed to really think about it. "hold on...I think I have a change of clothing..." she was bent over digging through her back pack, not realizing she was presenting herself to the bulbasuar, her still dripping sex radiating the smell of lust and need.
Bulba looked more angry at her as she spoke. It felt as if she thought he wasn't good enough for her. He wasn't listening to her, so he didn't hear that it was an attack. He couldn't tell what they were, but he didn't like it. As she turned her back, he started to move closer. If she gave herself to wild pokemon, but not to the one that she took as her partner. This upset him even more. As she bent down, showing off her used cunt, he snapped. He raced at her, mounting, pushing her onto her stomach. His cock slid from his body, reaching a full seven inches and an inch around. It slid along her lips, coating itself in the Rattacate's cum. He pulled back and thrust, but missed her slit and shoved his shaft right into her ass.
To weak to properly struggle, and to surprised to stop her pokemon. It all happened so fast, suddenly she felt the weight of the of her pokemon pushing her down so her arms and legs mostly gave way from her, leaving her face down in the ground, ass raised to just the right height for the first stage pokemon. She opened her mouth to ask what he was doing but the sudden, throbbing warmth of his cock sliding along her sensitive sex made her moan slightly in-stead despite herself. IT was all to clear and obvious when the bulbasaure was after. "W-wait, bulba please no!" she begged but suddenly he rammed his cock, well lubed with pokemon cum and her own juices into her tight ass, causing her to cry out loudly. She hadn't needed much stimulation to reach a climax after what the rattacate did to her, even the sudden intrusion into her tight ass was enough to final make her cum. Her body shuddered in pleasure as she came, she felt what little strength she had left leave her all together.
Bulba didn't listen to anything that she said. It didn't care any more about what she said. She offered her pussy to a wild pokemon, so he would take what ever he thrust into. He felt the tightness of her hole, so it was pretty clear that it wasn't her pussy, but it didn't care. He started to thrust his stubby hips, making sure to push even inch into her hole.
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