Weight of the Guilty Crown (QBxRae)


Oct 24, 2011
Nia Armentay - Posessor of the extremely rare Void Genome. Feared by her opponents.
Tamadate Ryouta - Leader of the Jinrai. Figurehead.
Aika Tsumebachi - Operative, Void user. Her code name is 'Judgment Chime'. Her void is known as Charity Bell, a sound-based Void.
Noboru Sanada - Operative, Void User. His code name is 'Far Reach'. His void is known as The Mile, a sniper rifle.
Kouta Aramiya - Operative, Void User. His code name is 'Malice Ripper'. His void is known as God Eater, a chainsaw Blade.

Mackenzie Atwood - Lance Corporal, Squad 104 of the QRC.
Rusty Klyne - Private, Squad 104 of the QRC.
Raphael Sommers - Corporal, Squad 104 of the QRC

He could concur. With the recent bombings in the Tokyo settlement he couldn't help but feel raw fury build up inside of him. Why was the Jinrai doing this? Weren't they helped from the brink of total annihilation by the GHQ? Why do they insist on biting the hand that feeds them and bring misery to families broken by their senseless violence? Nevertheless, the choice she gave did give him time to clear up his thoughts. "Hmmm...I like that one. Matches the marble on the flooring." he said. Then, taking a step back, after the finishing touches he began to marvel at creation they made. Beautiful, as always! The power of two minds thinking in unison...

"Umm...Nia...I...I wanted to ask..." He knew it was almost time to rise, given how his usual patrol was to start a tad earlier today at 4AM, "D-do you want to meet in real life sometime...I...I mean...maybe when you're ready...You don't have to say yes..." he flushed so brightly, it was almost embarrassing. He was almost as red as a beet!
"Alright, that one it is" She said, moving the correct altar at the front of the room. The second vanished into thin air and she glanced over to him curiously. She stood back and gazed over their creation, a happy smile on her face.

When he said her name, she glanced over to him and smiled a bit, tilting her head to the side a little. "What is it?" She asked tilting her head to the side curiously. "Really?" She asked when he asked. "I-I'd love to... I'm not sure how I'd find you, but I planned to try and do so anyways"
His face brightened up when he heard her agreement. "R-really?! I...I.." he was feeling so bubbly, butterflies in his stomach. "W-we should totally meet up, I...I know about this great place a-" Only when he realized what time it was did he finally calm himself. "A-ahh...It's almost time for me to wake up...do you mind if we...can talk about this this coming night?" he asked, walking close to her, his face blushing bright.

"I...I really want to meet with you and all..." he said, confessing the truth. He really did want to talk to Nia, perhaps even form a relationship with her. But, he was already being beckoned from beyond. "Well...I have to wake up. Let's talk next..." he said, smiling as he slowly faded away, only to awake looking up to the top bunk.

Raphael was already at the changing room, quick to change into their uniforms, putting on his optical helmet. "Ehhh. Just another long day." says Raphael, smugly smiling. Rusty, the one beside them, interjected. "Yeah, those fucking Jinrai ain't gonna be attacking this place...we got an entire garrison here!" While the two did go on about how Complex B was indeed well protected, even Mackenzie was a bit cautious...you never know when your life was going to be taken away...


"Hey, Wake up, Nia!" her bedmate, Aika, nudges her to awaken. She always slept like a rock, given how the plannings often went on for so long. Void Users were extremely instrumental to the Jinrai as it afforded them the only advantage they had against the GHQ. "Look, Tamadate won't be happy if you're late again...we're going to attack this heavily guarded supply facility...he really wants you there!"

She was, after all, the bearer of the Void Genome. The very white figure feared by her foes in the battlefield.
Nia smiled softly and nodded to him as he spoke about showing her a place he knew of. As he began to fade, she smiled and waved good bye to him. Shortly after, she could feel herself being prompted out of her dream by a familiar voice.

She groaned as she felt herself wake up. Opening her eyes, she stared up at Aika. "Yeah yeah, I'm here" She said tiredly as she slowly sat up and got to her feet. "When do we move?"
"We're still gonna need to get brief though...Tamadate really wants this done right." Aika said. She must be referring to the last mission where...excessive destruction only delayed the mission a little more. Of course Aika was thankful for Nia saving her neck that time. Heck, even right now her wound still hasn't crystallized from before. Any more of that and she would have shattered then and there... However. "L-look. I'm sorry for what happened last mission. I won't let it happen again!" she bowed, kneeling in apology. Yes, her recklessness to chase the target did get the best of her, to the point where even her void wasn't enough to sustain such heavy gunfire. Only with Nia decided to halt the pursuit was she saved...

Even so, all of the Kumaitachi was abuzz: armaments were packed, soldiers geared up and officers ran to and fro, delivering messages. Aika was right beside Nia the whole time, making their way to the briefing room, where Noboru and Kouta had already been, sitting on the table. Outside the window, Repainted Endlaves were docked, in preparation for such a large scale attack. "As you all know, we're counting on you in this mission. Our sources say that a specimen of Strain 12-B is being shipped on this site. The man pointed to the map, showing a rather complex supply facility.

12-B...that was one of the original samples of the Apocalypse Virus. They say that you could make a concentrated dose of the Void Genome with it... Could he be risking an attack against an extremely well guarded facility for this?
"Hey, don't worry about last mission, I'm over it" She said as she glanced over to her partner and smirked a bit. Soon, they arrived at the room and she sighed softly as they began to explain everything about their little mission.

"So what exactly are you wanting us to do?" She asked, crossing her arms and sighing softly. "Destroy the strain before it get's to the site?" She asked, tilting her head to one side and shifting her weight to one side before she sighed softly and glanced down to the map
Tamadate's gaze sharpened towards Nia. "If you can't get a hold of it, destroy it. If you can, take it. It'd be better for us to have more samples. The more void users we can amass, the quicker we can end this protracted, bloody war." he said, clenching his fist. "Alright, briefing shall be updated, keep on standby. That is all." he said. Wow, that was a quick meeting. Noboru was quick to wave goodbye, though Kouta, the more reserved, was quick to exit the room.

Aika sighed. "He's been so uptight lately...he's not like the kind of guy I met when I first joined~" she mused. Yes, he was alot more animated and very kindly, now that things had taken a difficult turn it seemed like it brought out his worst qualities. "Wanna eat something?" she asked, "I'm hungry again..." Oh Aika, always quick to fill herself...
"I suppose we have time" She said, sighing softly as she walked out and gazed at the ground. It had seemed strange. Was stealing really necessary? Sighing, she tried to shake it off and glanced over to him curiously. "We may as well eat though, doing this mission on an empty stomach won't help" She added.

Soon, they found a small little 'cafe' that had been made in their little hide out. She stepped in and sat down at a table, sighing and putting her elbow on the table and resting her head in her hand.
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