Pokemon rp 1x1 with SAoD and Bass

Apr 14, 2013
Justice sat by the water, holding Soul the Litwick she had just hatched, and feeding her a bottle and singing a lullaby, She was a quiet thing and didnt speak much to people, but she loved pokemon and rraised each of her tesm members herself Litwick fed on the bottle bliss
SweetAngelofDarkness said:
Justice sat by the water, holding Soul the Litwick she had just hatched, and feeding her a bottle and singing a lullaby, She was a quiet thing and didnt speak much to people, but she loved pokemon and rraised each of her tesm members herself Litwick fed on the bottle bliss

Pallet Town. The beginning of journeys. Jake stepped out of his abode, six Pokeballs clipped to his belt. He had been gifted five new and exotic Pokemon, and a Pidgey, who was a family pet. Jake smiled as he began to take off, clearing Route 1 easily. Once he arrived in Viridian, he decided to take a break. "Okay gang, come on out!" He opened all of hiis Pokeballs and out came his team. First was Blaze, his female Blaziken. Then came Blade, his male Axew, Gust, his male Pidgey, Grace, his female Ralts, Ryu, his male Riolu, and Sugar, his shiny female Buneary. He was always close to his team, because he had the uncanny ability to speak to Pokemon. [Master, where are we?] Grace asked as the others looked around. "This is Viridian, team!" Jake said with a grin.
Justice heard him and walked towards him, mainly attracted to his pokemon at first and smiled "Um, hello?" She said softly and prodded his shoulder, her team following and giggling
Jake flinched and laughed. "Sorry. You scared me!" He smiled at this young woman. "Lemme guess. Haven't seen this Pokemon before?" He asked cheerfully.
Justice smiled "sorry, yes I have but not around here, my team were all eggs I collected." She smiled picking up Tesla her Shinx "Im justice. "
"You got some good looking pokemon!" She smiled "I see we both have exotic creatures." She smiled
(Sorry things in my personal life went down south)
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