Dream Sharers: The Weight of the Guilty Crown

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He was wondering just when Nia would come and drop by. With his mind, he willed into existence some blocks, guiding it with his hands as a conductor would to a concerto. To think this place was once a wasteland, back when they were still children. What started as a few sandcastles became a sprawling metropolis. Night after night they had spent building a city out of their imagination. It was, after all, the realm of their dreams. It was strange to be sharing the same continuous dream with another person, but as they matured even he began to form feelings for Nia...

Having removed a few blocks, the bricks lined with some mortar began to fall into place. The Cathedral would be a great touch to the park they had just made a few weeks ago! Looking around, he was curious as to where Nia was. There were times when she would arrive very late, but he wasn't sure why. She said she had some business to tend to, but he wasn't one to go too far into that: he too had his secrets, especially since he was a part of the Quarantine Response and Control squad. He had to end the lives of a few people, knowing well what it was like to lose the lives of friends. All such a harsh road to travel...but...after all, he promised...

When he felt her presence, he turned around and smiled. "Hello there, Nia." he said, casually referring to her by first name. They had been 'friends' ever since they were children. And though they have yet to meet outside of this dream realm, he trusted and confided in her. "Like the cathedral? I was thinking about decorating the interior but I wasn't sure...
Nia had been rather busy with sorting out an attack that was meant to go on the next day, and had gotten to bed late again. It was hard keeping on a regular schedule, especially when you were in the same situation as she was. Still, the prospect of seeing him each day always made everything worth it, it helped her pull through. Life had been rough, and she wasn't sure if she would have made it if it wasn't for having him to go to in her dreams.

As she lay down and slowly fell asleep, a familiar landscape formed before her. She smiled softly as she gazed around, finding him rather quickly. "Hey" She said softly as he greeted her. She made her way over as he asked about the cathedral and gazed up at his creation, a smile forming on her lips. "It looks really good!" She said, smiling happily as she gazed over the building. "I don't see why not, what good's a cathedral without all the fancy decor inside?" She asked playfully as she gazed over to him.
Being a girl, small fussy things like the pattern of the rug always fell upon for her to decide. He wasn't that good at all when it comes to decorating and patterns. Was she an artist in real life? He never really found out, she gave sparse information about her life and neither did he. How would she react when she found out that he was a killer, a person who has killed others in his line of work? He promised his ailing mother, just before the Apocalypse Virus consumed her that he would work towards eradicating the heinous disease but...did it really have to bring him to this? Watching her create, he couldn't help but ask "So, how was your day?" He asked as he put the finishing touches on the chandelier he had to put. She kindly asked him to re-arrange him, which was the cause for some laughter. He was, after all, not that finicky about detail. That was why the airport looked considerably less spectacular than the city hall she made!

"Hey, Nia, I've been wondering..." He asked, taking a moment from instructing the dreamspace to paint the interior, "...Would you think less of me if...if...I told you..." he had trouble completing the sentence; no doubt it'd come as a shock to the gentle Nia, a girl he had known to be anxious about peace and the current situation, what with the GHQ and all. "...If I told you that I...I was a killer..." There, he said it. He looked down, not wanting to see her reaction. Yes, he had hidden this fact for almost 5 years now. At a time when he saw a terrifying change in his personality. No longer was he phased by the grim sight of the corpse or what brutality the interrogators may do, coldly performing his duties as a member of the QRC.
Nia shrugged passively as he asked about her day. "There isn't much to tell" She said, sighing softly and glancing up at him. "Just a lot of working is all" She added, sighing softly as she glanced up at him and set to work dreaming up some things for the interior so that it wasn't just empty inside.

That's when he spoke again and mentioned him being a killer. She frowned slightly as she looked up at him and shook her head slightly. "It's hard to find someone these days that haven't killed someone" She said, sighing softly and shaking her head. "Life's been really hectic lately. Even if people don't mean to, it's possible they've killed someone. So... i'd say I just hope it was a good reason"
He wasn't sure whether or not he should have been disappointed or relieved by her words. Did she...find no wrong in his confession? Or...Well, that sure killed the mood. Even so, he sighed and tried his best to focus instead on the job at hand. As much as he wanted to deny it, she was correct: people have become so desensitized to the brutalities of one another that the sight of a mutilated corpse or dozens of bodies shot execution style doesn't phase anyone much. He was a proud product of that, the person who wouldn't hesitate if he was commanded to take a prisoner to the back and end their life with a shot to their head. However...

"...It was." he said, clenching his fists, "I made a promise to my mother that I would work for the better of this country...for peace." he said, saying nothing more. He didn't really want to tell her that he was a member of the brutal and ruthless QRC, for shame! "I want to protect our country's peace...I want to create a world safe from the Apocalypse virus and from violence...this...this I promised myself!" he said, hand against his heart. For a moment there, he totally forgot just what he was doing, until he began to act once more, fixing up a few bricks on the wall that seemed out of place.

"A-ah...I'm sorry, it's just..." he couldn't say any more, instead a bit...distressed at the topic. Perhaps she could help by veering this conversation far from the topic of murder or death...
Nia smiled softly and nodded her head slowly. "Well, then that's better than nothing" She said softly, a small sigh coming through her lips. "People now adays only know killing... Sadly it's a norm now" She said before hearing his voice turn to one that sounded a bit strained and distressed. She glanced over to him and just smiled a bit, figuring that he wanted a change of topic.

Glancing over to him, she created two different styles of a gothic type of altar and smiled up at him. "Which do you think looks better?" She asked, causing both of them to float up off the floor. "Just for authenticity, of course" She said, figuring that getting his attention on work would help a bit.
He could concur. With the recent bombings in the Tokyo settlement he couldn't help but feel raw fury build up inside of him. Why was the Jinrai doing this? Weren't they helped from the brink of total annihilation by the GHQ? Why do they insist on biting the hand that feeds them and bring misery to families broken by their senseless violence? Nevertheless, the choice she gave did give him time to clear up his thoughts. "Hmmm...I like that one. Matches the marble on the flooring." he said. Then, taking a step back, after the finishing touches he began to marvel at creation they made. Beautiful, as always! The power of two minds thinking in unison...

"Umm...Nia...I...I wanted to ask..." He knew it was almost time to rise, given how his usual patrol was to start a tad earlier today at 4AM, "D-do you want to meet in real life sometime...I...I mean...maybe when you're ready...You don't have to say yes..." he flushed so brightly, it was almost embarrassing. He was almost as red as a beet!
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