The Ravenclaw Rebel - [ Temptationist x Gashnaw ]

Feb 26, 2013
[ Temptationist & Gashnaw ]

Harry Potter Based:
Ravenclaw Student x Slytherin Rival

The Ravenclaw Rebel


Name: Ekaterina Willkins
Nickname: Eka (pronounced Eeka)
Year: Final / Seventh
Age: 17
House: Ravenclaw

I had never really fit in anywhere. Identity was always something I struggled with. Not because I didn't have one, but because society couldn't define it, and never understood it. I was simply my own bundle of strange and that often caused a social-shatter between different groups. Always dreaming about Hogwarts in hope for a new life among those like me - wizards and witches - my arrival here was at best, neutral, and at worst, disappointing. Not because of the actually school, but of the constant racism I had long dreamed to escape. Being a Wizarding Gypsy brought a lot of chatter, and a lot of judgement. And as if the students weren't bad enough when it came to picking fights, the Hogwart's institute was just as guilty in that department. I became quickly infamous as "the wig who was removed". Upon my arrival, and at the opening banquet, the Sorting Hat had declared me a Slytherin. But the house of Slytherin was one of great influence. Members prided themselves in their purity, and having a "wig" as a representative of their household would shame the entire Slytherin student body. This sorting clearly upset many particularly powerful parents and thus, I had barely lasted but a week before I was requested to do a "private" re-sorting - to which I was relocated with Ravenclaw. Although my adoration for Ravenclaw is infinite, the circumstances of my removal would come to haunt me for the rest of Hogwarts life.

Specifically, I was the laughing stock with Slytherin over any household. I was the reject; one of the few people, if not the only person, to have been sorted then removed from the Hat's original choice. Afterall, the hat was never supposed to be wrong. Was it wrong? Ultimately, no - not in the end. Now, seeing what household I could have been in only made me sick. Slytherins were snobby, self-absorbed, and concerned with only themselves. They had little compassion if they had any at all, and I hated most of them with a passion. Being placed in Ravenclaw only made me realize how much I wasn't like Slytherins, despite the fact that my feisty and go-getter attitude would often seem comparable to that house. Although, I was still wedged me in an awkward in-between. I was like Ravenclaw because I valued knowledge, schooling, and aced most of my classes - but I never cowered to a fight. In that sense, I was stupid, naive, and illogical, because I often let pride interfere with logic - especially if it meant protecting what little reputation I had. So, I was always in trouble - and this made me an outcast even in Ravenclaw.

Despite this, I still had my body of friends, and I still enjoyed - for the most part - my school years at Hogwarts. Needless to say, I looked forward to graduating, and eventually becoming an independent on my own. But until that time, I would have to do my best to stay clear of Slytherin interference, and try to stay grounded and out of trouble until graduation. Little did I know, that would be a lot harder than I anticipated - as trouble was not far from me. Like usual, I was breaking Hogwarts rules by being out past curfew. It was easy to get out of the dormitory when you were friend's with a patroller. Plus, I kept a clean presence and always returned without anyone noticing or reporting to a teacher. Thus, every Thursday night, I ventured out through my dorm window and made an escape to the Forbidden Forest. There, I searched for a roaming Thestral, who I had developed a relationship with after discovering I could see them. Every week, if possible, I would ride her throughout the night. Although facing expulsion if I were caught, my bond to her was too great to bear parting from her. Hence, I kept our visits secretively. Only I knew where I went off to and absolutely no one knew that I had domesticated and befriend a "beast" and sacred "omen". And because most could not see Thestrals, it was very easy to hide and mask my weekly visits.

Pulling the hood of my long, black, ankle-length cloak over my head, I reached the edge of the woods and headed for the mass of trees before me. Though, for the first time a while, I could sense I was not alone.
"Slytherin" The school cheered as a Wig was sorted into the Slytherin house. Most of the kids at the table just shot a disgusted look. Even Bryan couldn't stand the idea of it happening a second time. Just some gussied up girl who practiced dirty magic. His twin sister simply growled at the woman as she passed by taking a seat and everyone else glared at the gypsy. Bryan stood up disgusted with this fact and headed away for teh table. There was enough of an issue with the one that switched houses. Denying the magic of the hat.

Shooting up Bryan felt sweat poring down his back. it was a nightmare, one he kept having ever since Ekatarina had attended Hogwarts. Pretty much every slytherin around that day who understood what a wig was had similar nightmares. rubbing the sweat off his forehead he groaned, it was late, most kids asleep in their beds. Still teh dream woke him up, he was going to be awake for a while now. Putting on some pants he decided to relax in teh common room for a bit. Bryan was seventeen, a pureblood slytherin. Proud of where he stood, having most of teh house under his thumb. When it came to Slytheirns he was their king. Even his sister did not hold similar stature but still, no one dared to mess with his twin. He loved where he stood an although they once had a wig, it was for a short time yet it still left a bight upon the house. Her bed, he one she had slept in for less than a week, still ha dnot been touched, first years ere often warned not to use it.

"You're up" A voice said calmly as Bryan headed down the steps to the common room. Looking over Bryan saw his sister sitting on the sofa.
"Are they bothering you?" He asked calmly sitting next to her.
"yea, they keep kicking my bladder."
Nearly seven months ago a Lycan had gotten into the school, most kids didn't know of the story but what had happened is that during its little rampage it had cornered Alex and raped her. She w now pregnant with his litter. Since the incident Everyone had disowned her, Both her parents, her aunt and her older sister. In fact the only one still on her side was Bryan himself.
"I'm going for a walk. Can't sleep"
"Nightmare again?" Alex asked to which Bryan simply nodded.
"The Wig is wondering around again."
Bryan raised a brow. He knew his sister had a spider in every house keeping track of teh students. She knew who was sleeping with who and such. In fact most of her gossip came form the spiders. She had since been keeping a tab on the Gyspy. She didn't have much gossip but every night she could watch as the girl would leave the Ravenclaw house and venture off. It got to the point were Alex had gotten another spider to follow Ekatarina solely. Eventually they discovered her little trips to the forbidden forest.

Bryan just smiled. He liked that the wig would leave school grounds. Only less of her time on campus. However she still broke rules when leaving. She truly was a problem for him. Here he was making his way to be king of the school and instead he Was only controlling part of the Slytherin house. Alex had more control over the other house but only because she knew everything about them.
"Who s up?"
"Snape, and Mcgonagal." Alex stated knowing full well what Bryan was asking. He wanted to know which teacher he would have to deal with if caught wandering the halls. He just had to be quick enough to get outside the castle and take his place on teh peak of it, overlooking the night sky. "You can take the north wing without them seeing you."

"How could you do this to your family?" Bryan saw his father yelling at Alex. "Its a disgrace, and You, how dare you take her side?"
Snapping awake again he groaned. His head filled with nightmares and memories. The one he had just gone through was the one about his sister when her parents found out. He really hated the situation as she wasn't even going to make it through the school ear before she gave birth. He have been chewed out for not protecting her and upholding teh family honor. In truth however he liked knowing that his sister was not carrying a pueblood. as much honor as he held himself, anything Alex did, good or bad, sat well with him. He even debated what teh worse thing she could do would be and in the end decided that even if she had made friend's with the Wig he would not care. Of coarse, he could not guaranteeing he would feel the same way had she done so before now.
I had always had a good instinct, and a heightened intuition. My mother always told me it was because we were Gypsy - and the mass of racism and danger that title has put us in allowed us to evolve to be alert and conscious beyond the normal limitations of an average wizard or witch. She always used to prophecized about how Gypsy blood were naturally closer to the dead; closer to the other realm and that we could border the spiritual border between life and death. I never really believed her until strange events began to happen as a child, and as I grew into adolescent, I was convinced I could see the dead. Despite this, I could also sense the living when they are around me. I could sense intense emotion and often had a feeling about what was on their mind, although I was not a mind-reader. This enabled me to determine that someone was following me, or at least behind me. A burning sensation overcome me and I quickly turned around, only to come face to face with Professor Snape. I jumped - startled - and looked away as I came to realize that this could be bad.

I swallowed nervously but tried to maintain a strong stature. "You scared me." I grinned, trying to avoid contact.

Snape said nothing, he just stared down at me, giving me the classic Snape look that everyone dreaded. Finally, his deep voice emerged, “Just what... do you think... you're doing, Miss Willkins?” He dragged his words, making his dark figure all the more terrifying, but an encounter with Professor Snape was nothing new to me. I had learned to embrace and even understand the darkness of his character, and I had – unlike many others – a deep profound respect for me, as he did I.

My heart started to race, hoping this wouldn't be the end as he opened his mouth to speak. I interrupted him, "I have too." I stood for this firmly, gazing up at him intently. "I have too." I sighed, looking away as I shook my head lightly. “She's sick.” I admitted, only allowing a second of a pause before continuing. “She will die unless I care for her.” My eyes returned to him, “I will never forgive myself if I allow that to happen.” I swallowed again, “I'll never forgive you.”

Although most felt Severus Snape was a heartless and cold being, he wasn't as empty as the common perception. He stared down at me intently, as if debating the situation but then finally making a decision; “You have an hour. No more. No less.” He turned from me, and without another word, headed back to the school. The average person would have had points removed, suspension, or even expulsion, but Snape had a soft spot for me. Mainly because he knew my family, and could relate to their discrimination amongst his own out-casting. He also liked my determination, and my papers. Nevertheless, he was serious when he spoke of an hour. It was all I had, and it was certainly what I was going to use.

I turned to continue my way into the Forbidden Forest. Several minutes passed before I found the area. There before me lay a Thestral with her head down and her body limp with exhaustion. Although she was lying down – she was not comfortable, nor was she in good shape. She was fighting a raging infection from an attack. It had been a harsh battle for the entire week. Luckily, I had found some potions and ingredients that I felt confident would boost her immune and disinfect the injury. Still, I feared she had already gotten too sick – and that it might already be too late.
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