Double Life - [ Temptationist & Protagonist RP ]

Feb 26, 2013
[ Temptationist & ProtagonistRP ]

Harry Potter Based:
Ekaterina Willkins x Draco Malfoy

Double Life


It had been four years since I had graduated from that dreaded institute known as Hogwarts, but still, almost every day, it was on my mind. Probably because I had spent almost seven years of my life there, but mainly because it had driven me into further wanting to leave the wizarding world behind. Although living among Muggles was more rare and frowned upon, it was still possible, and resources were available for those who wanted to integrate themselves back into a magicless culture. For me, that incorporated faking schooling documents, and essentially converting Hogwarts grades to grades for Muggle courses such as Math, History, Science: the basic stuff. As well as this, a fake CV (Curriculum Vitae) was created to increase my odds of finding employment. It was a big transition, but one I enjoyed. Yet, I was alone in this world. With only few wizards and witches that I had known to leave were spread across Europe. Some even ventured to North America, and Russia. The only travelling family I had were making their way South through Italy - and I had decided against constantly moving. I was a stereotypical Wizarding Gypsy in the realm of magic, but in plain ol' Muggle England, I could be whoever I wanted to be. I could travel where I wanted. I could explore passions unrelated to magic. Although it was becoming a lonely life, it was still fulfilling. Though, I still dreamt of magic every night, so perhaps I wasn't as fulfilled as I tried to convince myself I really was. Despite magic possessing a special place in my heart, I wanted adventure; to explore different places, different subjects, and different interests. This is what lead me to the busy streets of London.

It was a beautiful sunny day with a comfortable 68ºF degree weather. A light breeze swayed through the various trees in the heart of London. It was a busy Saturday morning as citizens and tourists alike flooded the area. The traffic was nothing I wasn't used to, as I traveled by foot and public transit every day. It was just another day for me as I returned from a mostly uneventful morning dance rehearsal. Carrying my nap sack with a pair of high-rising combat boots tied tot he strap, it didn't particularly matter to me who I wacked, nipped, or even struck with those articles. I was just concerned with getting home. I raced in and out of walking crowds on roller blades; a mode of transportation I fancied and had become fairly good at maneuvering. It was faster, funner, and kept me busy and active at all times of the day. Big headphones over the ears, and iPod blasting "Walkin' On The Sun" by Smash Mouth, today was a pretty good. With a beaming smile, I headed for the intersection mumble-singing "♫ ... Mr. Wizard can't perform no godlike hocus-pocus ... ♫"

As I stepped onto the cross-walk, I hadn't really payed much attention to my surroundings - I was simply following behind a crowd of people walking several meters ahead of me. I was alone in my stance, perhaps a little behind, but I had been so distracted by my music that I hadn't noticed that a vehicle and my body were heading for the exact same spot. As soon as it came into the corner of my eye, I reacted quickly; almost supernaturally. Rather than the car striking me down, I jumped before I could be hit. In my motion, I slid across the hood of the car before swiftly landing on to my hands and feet. Pulling myself up from a croutched-landing position, I angrily smacked the window before then aggressively slamming my foot against the side of the car in a heated kick. My headphones had fallen from my ears and dangled below my hip. I had just been ripped from my "zone" and I was truly pissed. In the angry hype of the near-death moment, I half wanted to beat the shit out of the person, and half wanted to just veer off. My fuzzed mind decided it would be too much of an effort to amplify the situation, and instead, decided to forget it. But just as I was about to leave, I glared at the driver, and had to prominently double-take.

To my disbelief, the man behind the wheel bore a familiar face. My brows drooped and crunched as I lowered my head to the window in complete disbelief. Making direct eye contact, I shook my head and exhaled; quickly drawing myself into a standing position and rolling my head back. It was over. My day had been killed. This was not the blast form the past I had hoped for, nor that I was dreaming about. Out of all people: one of the few I truly detested. "Malfoy..." I grumbled under my breath in an irritated huff and puff. Rather than dealing with the situation, my first instinct was to get away. "Hell, no... Not today. I am not dealing with this shit today!" I shouted, mainly to myself and not talking to anyone in particular. Several people had already gathered; concerned about my general well-being. A woman approached me, "Are you alright!?" She stared right at me, but in an attempt to black out the current event, I ignored her and gazed at the other side of the street; my destination. Within those efforts to avoid any sort of confrontation with the boy, I turned my back to the car, and started to roller away.
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