It came today. Tommy was very proud of himself for his choice. In celebration for his mother's birthday, he'd ordered her a very pretty blouse he'd seen on the internet. He might not have been gay, but he had a decent sense of fashion. At least that's what his mother thought when she took him clothe shopping. He'd been helping her choose outfits since he was 7. The thumbnail picture made it look nice on the model, and Tommy felt it would look nice on his mother. She wasn't fat, so he didn't dare get anything for plus women. His mother's bust, though, would be a problem. Tommy wasn't sure he'd accounted for that. He hoped it wouldn't render the blouse unwearable. It had cost a pretty penny.
Because of the deficiancies of courior logistics, the blouse had arrived too late to be hidden and giftwrapped. Tommy just had to present it as it was. He hoped his mother would be pleased.
Because of the deficiancies of courior logistics, the blouse had arrived too late to be hidden and giftwrapped. Tommy just had to present it as it was. He hoped his mother would be pleased.