Card Tricks (Kiandra and Batman4560)


Feb 26, 2013
Washington State
Within the basement of the old military lab, a soft glow emenated from the corner. Dust covered the large tube, which glowed a greenish blue. It was apparent no one had checked down here in years. Inside the tube, a woman floated, tubes pumping liquid into her. A face mask covered her nose and mouth, and her eyes were closed. She was nearly naked, but two pieces of cloth wrapped around her waist and chest. Black hair with purple streaks framed her small face, and she had purple, blue and black Phoenix tattooed on her back.

The lab above had forgotten her, and so she floated within her tube, forgotten in time, not knowing that the years continued to pass by while she was in her glowing tube.

A clipboard was attached to the front of the tube, next to the controls that regulated the liquid inside. On the clipboard, the only information given was that she was given the name Weapon V, and that she was 22 years old. But that information had been put there in 1943.
Gambit had been making his way around the old military base for hours, the professer told him that a mutant was trapped inside. He clutched his staff hard and moved metholdicly threw the area searching high and low. After about seven hours of searching he found a switch located at the bottom leg of a large oak desk. Carefully flipping it, a large panel on the wall behind him slid back and revealed an elevator. With a large smile Gambit moved inside and drew a card from his brown jacket. Flipping his hair out of his face he hit the only button on the elevator and went down deep into the lab. The doors opened to reveal a tube with a woman floating inside. "Well what do we have hear?" He spoke with a thick accent. Taking a few steps he picked up the clipboard and moved to a small control terminal and followed the instructions that freed the woman from her long sleep. Gambit took off his jacket to reveal his black under armor and waited for the glass to move so he could wrap her in his jacket.
The liquid slowly drained, leaving her hanging from the multiple tubes running from her body to different machines keeping her alive. The air around them suddenly heated, and the water droplets on her skin began to evaporate. When the tube was completely empty, the glass lifted, the woman resting against the bottom, her hair hanging over her face. The tubes began disengaging from their spots, until she fell. The wraps around her body clung to her, still soaking wet. All the tubes had fallen away, but the face mask remained, locked on her mouth and nose. Thankfully she could still breath, signaled by the slight rise and fall of her chest.
Gambit ran up and cradled her in his arms while wrapping his jacket around her body. Carefully he pulled the mask from her face and looked down at her. "Hang in there Gambits gonna get you to safety." The former thief looked around and hoisted her up in his arms. Taking a few steps for the elevator he stopped and grabbed the clip board to and entered the elevator to return home. The lift seemed to go on forever and allowed Gambit time to look her over for any wounds but she seemed to be ok. When he reached the top floor of the military base Gambit let off some cards and moved out of the building while the exploding cards started to burn the building down behind them.
The woman didn't stir, unconscious as she was, however, a slight heat wave was pulsing around her body. The cloths wrapped around her slowly dried, the liquid evaporating in the heat emanating from her. Her hair seemed to float on its own, and she started shifting in his arms, not waking, but seemingly knowing that she was no longer in the tube.

Her mind was awakening, and she started taking stock of her surroundings. She knew the mouthpiece was still on her, but now she was being held carefully. Was it another test? Would she have a chance to escape?
Gambit boarded his small air craft that looked much like the black bird. As he walked up the ramp lights flickered on and a small engine started up. Placing her in a chair behind the pilots seat he strapped her in and carefully removed her mouthpiece and replaced it with an oxygen mask around her neck. Gambit sat down and started to prep for take off for a few minutes. The plane lifted up with turbines that were on the wings and slowly moved forward in the air heading back for New York.
She felt herself put down into a chair and her mouthpiece taken off. What sort of torture was this? What was to come? She asked herself, still half asleep. She opened her eyes when she felt a weightlessness, and looked around sleepily. She was aboard a small aircraft, and she could see someone in the pilot chair. She turned her head, checking her surroundings. She wondered where she was. She lifted a hand to investigate what was on her mouth and found an oxygen mask. She lowered her hand, finding that that simple movement tired her out. She took a second to check her body out, and blushed as she found herself nearly naked. She drew the jacket tighter around herself, closing her eyes and hearing the plane move.
A few hours had gone by until they arrived back at the institutes hanger for jets. Touching ground on the landing strip and coming to a stop Gambit rose from his chair and moved over to the woman. Noticing she had moved some he spoke. "Hey...hey are you awake? Gambits gonna get you some help." He un-fastened her belts and tossed one of her arms over his shoulder and carefully lifted her up. "Ok beautiful, if your awake I need you to walk with me now."
Her eyes slowly opened, the color of blue smoke and she nodded weakly. She motions towards her face, not able to articulate that she wanted the oxygen mask off. She looked around, trying to figure out where they were as they exited the jet. She looked over to her rescuer, since she figured she was safe now, and tried to thank him, though it came out muffled and garbled.

The two made their way through the large hallways and into the medical bay, and she was placed gently on a bed. She tried to take off the oxygen mask, weakly pulling it away from her face. The plastic was beginning to soften and melt, becoming distorted and brown around the edges, which touched her skin. Her eyes met his as she tried in vain to get it off.
Gambit saw the blackened edges of the mask and quickly but gingerly removed it from her face. "God your warm" He muttered to himself. Growing nervous he started to ask questions. "Just nod your head yes or you know your name? Do you know your powers? Do you know where you are?" He asked in succession and waited for her to respond as he hooked up wires to her body so he could tell what kind of state she was in and if she would need surgery or medical attention. Gambit couldn't remember the last time he was concerned this much for a stranger.
She watched him silently, and nodded yes for the first two questions, then looked at him confused. She glanced around and then turned back to him as he began hooking her up again. She jolted away from him, not wanting anymore lab tests done on her. She was not an animal to be experimented on. She found herself in a corner, trying to make herself as small as possible, fear evident in her eyes. However, there was also a spark of defiance within, she was not completely broken as she raised her hands in front of her, purple flames enveloping her hands as the air grew stifling hot around her.

"No more tests." She gasped, her throat spasming around the words as she began searching for her original face mask.
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