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lit - hetero - short term

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Jan 14, 2009
timewastington, capitol of procastor
hm, hmm, hmmm.
yes, yes, about time to get around to searching.

as listed in the very of this request thread, i'm looking for nothing more nor anything less. heterosexual pairings and short term stories. generally, i'd go about and list my various interests, yada, yada, yada..
but, i'm not all too interested in rummaging through my old threads and doing a bunch of copy and pasting. so, short and condensed!

i like most everything dealing with modern settings, fantasy settings, and sci-fi settings. i dislike masterxslave/pet pairings because i like the struggle for power in the story.
not to say that i don't like the opposite, just prefer there to be equal give-and-take.
willing to play out various fandoms - video games to certain shows, ask and i shall offer up those that i'd like to play in their setting the most. don't watch much anime, nor read much manga/comics.

vague cravings:
spoils of war - medieval setting; fandom - skyrim, supernatural, star wars; interracial relationships; ruler/tyrant x trusted warrior; open to suggestions.

my posts usually range between two to four paragraph responses - each paragraph having at least three lines, usually toward four/five.
i also prefer to have photos used for descriptions, with or without minor changes to the photograph - these can be real or cartoon/anime. mine usually being real photos. this little bit isn't required by my partner; all personal preference. c:

my mediums go as followed - private message, messenger, email, thread.

send all interest to my inbox, i'll likely be checking / updating this for the next handful of days before eventually allowing it to fade or simply asking for it's removal.

have a wonderful day, thanks for stopping by. C:
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