Waltzing Through Blood & Clover (Hahvy & darkangel76)


.:The Vampiric Fae:.
Jan 26, 2010
Why do you care?
Click clack... click clack... Alice felt the corners of her lips tug into a tiny smile as she roamed the all too quiet halls of Hatter Mansion. They were deathly quiet, though she knew such silence wouldn't last forever. It never would. It never did. At that, she let out a tiny puff of breath and tilted her head. Curious was the sensation as the air passed over her lips and the soft sigh rolled out of her mouth. Just then, her smile broadened. It made her wish that quiet moments such as this came more frequently. But sadly, her life was far from quiet and calm. She hadn't known such things since falling down the rabbit hole.

Alice almost laughed, a tiny burbling bubble working its way up her throat as she continued to walk down the hall seemingly alone. But was she alone? No. She hadn't truly been alone since venturing into Wonderland. Ah, but that was the truth of it all! She hadn't ventured anywhere! She'd been taken! Snatched up from her nap and whisked away to a chaotic world where nothing made sense yet everything... did. No. Nothing did. She wanted to go home!

Home? But what was home any more? What was there to go home to? Honestly, she was starting to wonder about that sometimes. Oh Peter, why did you bring me here? What was the purpose? And why do you...

Just then, Alice felt a sharp pang in her head. The pain settled behind her one eye, bold and sharp like a knife driving deeply into her skull. She let out a small groan and sighed as she raised her hand to push at her blonde hair, moving it aside so that she could rub at her one eye, at her temple. Finally, the pain eased and she felt slightly better. Smiling again, she continued her walk and relished the silence—silence that wouldn't last, silence that probably wouldn't come again for a very long time.

Time. Just how much had truly passed? Alice had to wonder. But no matter. Things were as they'd become and she'd started to accept that. After all, in many ways, she had no choice. At least she was safe. For now. She just wished she understood the why of everything, but then maybe that was the purpose of her visit to Wonderland. Maybe that was why she was there and had to be there. Then again, sometimes... some things... were just unexplainable.
He had to find her again. It was an obsession that was growing steadily within his ticking heart. She fascinated him unlike anyone else in Hearts or Clover. Her heart beat changed while his remained the same regardless of his panting breaths or growing emotions. It was like catnip or music to his senses, that changing heartbeat of hers. Plus, it helped that she grew so flustered from his blatant advancements and words. As he walked between doorways in time, he come upon the door that linked to her room in Hatter Mansion, the one he desperately wanted to link to his own room but he would wait until she told him she was lonely. He wanted her to be lonely, to give in to him, but he had to be patient. He had to be. Cats were great yet terrible at being patient. Why was she at Hatter Mansion, anyways? Did she like that mafia lord so much? It bugged him. It made him jealous. He didn't like being jealous. He also didn't like knowing that despite Alice enjoying Wonderland, she wasn't fully committed to being here. To staying here. She still had some regret and some desperate want for home. He had to erase that...He had to keep her here...where he could be with her.

"Dammit, Alice..." Boris said, ears twitching with his growing unrest. Opening the door to one of the hallways in Hatter Mansion, Boris decided to check the place out. They couldn't stop him. Time was part of his job here after all. Tail swaying behind him as he walked, The Cheshire Cat known as Boris tried to figure out where his obsession had wandered off to. It was oddly quiet in the mansion, considering the idiot twins were usually ranting and raving and making obscene amounts of noise while Blood Dupre and his right hand were always talking about their next conquest and assassination. Where was the sleepy mouse anyways? Boris could use some more play time-- Ah! There she was. Boris blinked as he watched Alice, not quite making his presence known yet. She was...smiling. It made him blush as he watched the smile light up her face and yet he was jealous. She was probably thinking of some other man in Wonderland to have that smile on her face. He had to fix it!

"Alice!" He called out, coming out from where he was. He walked right up to her and cupped her chin, waiting for her to either pull away, blush, or be flustered at him. It was usually all three. "You were smiling. What were you thinking about? Was it Blood? You are living here and not with me, you know." He said almost accusatory as his ears lowered slightly and he gave her a glare, showing his jealously. He wanted Alice all to himself...he didn't want to lose that music.
The moment Alice heard her name echo off the walls of the Hatter Mansion halls, she turned her head to see who'd called it out. Though, as she moved and shifted her stance to see, she already knew. She always knew when she heard the lilt of that voice. Blonde hair swishing, pale eyes met those of the cat and that mischievous grin. Immediately, a heat rose causing her once pale cheeks to darken to healthy shade of scarlet. While her breath caught in her throat for a mere moment, her heart started to pound harder... faster... its song a pulsing and beckoning rhythm of her flustered and excited state.

"Good morning, Boris," Alice began, her eyes fixed upon the cat's. She swallowed hard, trying her best to hold her ground as she looked at him. Upon meeting him, since her arrival in Wonderland, he hadn't relented in his manner and feelings. In fact, it hadn't taken him long at all to express anything nor did he seem inclined to hold anything back.

So curious.

Others in Wonderland had seemed drawn to her, so Alice had noticed. But none like Boris. None with such persistence that it almost seemed uncanny just how often their paths seemed to cross. Was it all orchestrated or just fate? Oh, how was she to know, Wonderland was too dynamic and strange for her to understand completely. However, she could comprehend the present and even some of the past.

"Usually one greets someone with pleasantries first," Alice continued, her eyes still staring into Boris'. She could see the accusations, the... hurt? Biting down on her lip, she then let out a heavy sigh. Her face felt warm and flushed and without realizing it, she raised a hand to touch her cheeks. "You know why I'm living here, Boris. It has nothing to do with Blood. I..." her voice trailed and she felt her tummy flutter slightly. Once more, her heart began to race. "What brings you out here so early? It's been very quiet." Tilting her a little, she gave him an innocent smile. "Looking for something?"
"I was looking for you, Alice, like usual." Boris replied, watching her sigh and bite her lip, her face flushing as he watched. Why was she blushing? Was it because of his gaze or was it because of that fiend?! He pressed closer to her, wanting to corner her, cage her. She had the best reactions when he did something like that and there were only just for him and him alone. He wouldn't share those things with anyone else. It was only her that he wanted those things from and he wanted her to give those things to him and him alone. His tail swayed as his ears flicked, watching the emotions play on her face. She had no idea how beautiful she was to him, especially when she was flustered and stuttering, and then pasting on that innocent smile like he didn't actual effect her. Bullshit! He totally did. He hated when she tried to hide it from him.

"Come take a walk with me today." He said, not exactly asking as he looked at her with a broad smile. He was begging her to spend time with him despite his nonchalance. He wanted to hear her heart beat change more.
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