The Bat and the Cat (Kia & Cougar)


Feb 26, 2013
Washington State
Selina Kyle awoke to find her mate laying beside her, still asleep. She smiled at his face, and gently kissed his cheek before getting up for the day. She moved silently, her footsteps just like her namesake, as she grabbed some clean underwear and then headed to the bathroom.

She turned on the water, and stuck her hand under the flow, waiting for the water to warm up, before she steppes into the shower. Once inside, she sighed as the hot water pounded away at sore muscles. After the last couple of days, she had been thinking about talking to Bruce about going on a vacation, just the two of them. Somewhere hot and private.

She closed her eyes, and as the water cascaded down on her skin, slid her own hand down in between her legs.
Bruce was looking at an attractive picture of his partner, Selina, as he was getting himself adjusted to the morning light that was brought by the sun.

Selina was so sexy in every way in Bruce's mind. He woke to the day finally, hearing pleasure-filled moans escape from the couple's bathroom. Bruce thought it best not to disturb his beloved while she was bathing. Instead, he focused his mind on the picture, or attempted to do so anyway... His mind faded back and forth, between the events that apparently took place in his dreams and the events that were currently presenting themselves. Selina desired pleasure, but Bruce, in his current state, could not provide her with it. Therefore, the ex-Catwoman resorted to the scene in the shower. Accepting this fact, the ex-Batman tried his best to relax and let the seductive picture that he held in his left hand fill his mind with lusty thoughts. Bruce soon meditated himself into a deep sleep. During the sleep, he experienced a "wet dream", probably from the thoughts that the photograph and current status of his beloved Selina Kyle induced. Regardless of the reason however, Bruce woke with the odd sensation of soaked underwear. He needed to change them. Seeing as how he was alone in the room and therefore, had privacy, the muscular man decided to strip himself bare and change into a new pair of underwear. Then, he re-clothed himself with the previously worn pajamas, for they were still dry. After this, Bruce felt the need to use the toilet within his bathroom, but decided to let his bladder suffer while he waited for his beloved Selina to finish bathing herself in the sure-to-be-warm water. Felines were not supposed to like bathing, but apparently Selina did.
Selina purred loudly as she found release, then finished bathing. She stepped out of the shower and dried off with her towel before walking out of the bathroom into the master bedroom naked. She stopped at the doorway, leaning against the jamb as she smiled at him softly.

"Bruce, how would you feel about kittens?" She asked quietly, her mind twisting about the subject. She tilted her head, and if she had a tail it would be flicking back and forth as it lay beside her leg. She was confident in her skin, so had no qualms about walking around naked.
(OOC: Sorry; I didn't receive any update saying that you replied. ^___^")

Bruce's member was thick and erect as he noticed his mate, Selina, presenting herself to him, mentioning the idea of "kittens", meaning "babies". The ex-Batman flushed his face, a bright pink now present in his manly cheeks. "Um... Why do you... ask... Selina?..." Bruce seemed a bit uneasy at first about the idea of supporting for other members of his "family", which was not technically a family yet, since it only consisted of himself and Selina. The brawny former superhero approached Selina, kissed her lightly on the cheek, and told her that they would speak about it in more detail after he used the restroom. Bruce did so and returned to the bedroom, still naked, but hoping to soon change into a new pair of clothes for the day.
She chuckled to herself as the thought of scaring him out of his mind came up but she denied herself the pleasure. It would have been hilarious to see his reaction if she told him she was pregnant, but she decided against joking like that.

"I don't really know. It is what normal couples discuss, right? I just thought we should talk about it so that in the future we won't have to. So what do you think? Do you think we should try for kittens in the future?" She tilted her head to look at him quietly from her spot, a rather confused look on her face.
"I love that look, Selina..." Bruce passionately kissed his partner on her full lips this time. Then, he finally responded: "I know that we are both former crime fighters... and crime <i>doers</i>... so I wonder if any of that history would affect our children... if we were to have them." Bruce clothed himself as he conversed with Selina. His small eyes scrolled down and up Selina's currently naked body. "Won't you get dressed, sweetheart?" Bruce was thankfully no longer shaken from the events of last night, mainly because he thought that it was all just a dream. However, it seemed so real and he noticed a tiny scar on his right wrist that reminded him of the events in his "dream". "Um... How did I get this scar, Selina?..." Bruce distinctly remembered struggling in cuffs and chains during his supposed dream, which would explain the scar, but only if his "dream" were actually real.
She looked at him with sad eyes, as she walked over to him. "Bruce, do you remember what happened last night?" Her voice was a soft purr as she looked into his eyes, pulling him over to the bed, where she slipped one of his shirts over her so she was covered.
"Um..." Bruce walked over to his bed, as instructed by his beloved half-feline partner. Selina drew attention to the former Batman's events of last night that he experienced, but did not remember because of the drugs in which Basil Karlo gave to him as he oh so violently raped the beautiful former Catwoman. Luckily, Selina ended him soon after the events, but due to Bruce being drugged, he could not remember anything and instead, thought it all a dream when his memory began to catch up to his body. "I thought that... Do you mean that it wasn't a dream?!" Bruce questioned Selina in an urgent and shocked state, remembering the raping and the fact that he could only watch and do nothing about it. The feeling of helplessness overtook Bruce once again.
"My darling bat, it wasn't a dream. It was real." Her eyes were filled with tears as she sat there next to him. She nuzzled in close, her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder as she breathed in his scent while trying to offer him some comfort. She began purring while she hugged him, tightly as if that would make all the memories disappear.
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