Trouble in Ooo (mrkiscool x freckled_beauty)


Feb 2, 2013
It was just another day at the treehouse for Jake and Finn. Finn looked up at the ceiling, bored out of his tree once again. He had spent the last 5 years defending Ooo from different threats. He was tired, and had spent the last few days on holiday, just resting, preparing his body and mind to defend the kingdom once more. He stood up. Jake had cut his hair the night before so it was tight again, and he put is top on, the hat section of it covering his hair. He smiled as Jake came over
"Hey buddy, ready for some adventuring!" He said, lifting his sword into the air. Jake shrugged
"Awww man, I was getting used to napping!!" He complained looking at him "But yeah, I wanna go kick some evil butt"
"Amen to that brother!" Finn said. All of a sudden, he looked up, that confused face on him again "Wait man, do you hear that?" Jake looked at him, pouting a little
"What sound?"
"Listen man!" Jake enlarged his ear and then frowned
"Yeah man, I can hear it"

All of a sudden, Ice King came bursting through their window. He looked at them and smiled meekly
"Hey guys, I need the fan-fiction I gave you. Gunther peed on mine" he said, his beard keeping him floating
"Get out of here Ice King, we are getting ready to go on an adventure" said Jake, looking clearly peeved
"But I need it, I want to bring the characters to life!" The Ice King moaned, looking at them sadly
"WHAT?" Finn asked "Are you crazy? That could cause some huge issues, we have to ask Princess Bubblegum first"
"NO! I want a wife now, and nothing will stop me from getting it" With that, he freezes both Jake and Finn's legs to the floor
"ICE KING!" Finn cries, the coldness on his legs starting to numb the rest of his body as well. He looked as Ice King found the comic.

"I have it, I have it!!" He cried in glee
"Ice King, how many times have I told you, if you don't listen to me I will kick your ass!!" Finn said.
"Yeah Ice King, I'll make you kiss my butt again!!" Jake said grinning at Finn. Jakes fist stretched across and Finn bumped it
"Hahah yeah man"
"SILENCE" Ice King said, as he took off his crown and aimed it at the comic. He said something, and a white beam hit the comic, blinding Finn and Jake. The looked as they saw a hole open, and out spilt 4 people Finn recognised from the book Ice King had drawn. Cake, Gumball, Ice Queen and.... Fionna!
Fionna tumbled out holding Cake under her arm. her vision was a bit fuzzy for a moment before everything began to register. She stood looking around "Ice Queen! What did you do?!" She screamed a minute ago she was fighting Ice Queen at the candy castle. "And where is Prince Gumball" She demanded not seeing him in her immediate line of site. Cake jumping from under her arm and hissed at Jake. Fionna turned to see what was wrong with Cake. Her face grew pale as she stared at Finn and then glanced at Ice King and then around the treefort.

"Over here Fionna!" Gumball called standing and dusting himself off. He looked around the room seeing Ice Queen and then other people whom he did not recognize. "What was that light Fionna?"He asked moving around the stuned Queen over to the shocked Fionna who was gawking at Finn.
"ICE KING!!!!" Finn yelled, looking at all these intruders to his treefort "I will destroy you!" Prince Gumball looked at Finn, then back to Fionna, before back to Finn again
"Surely you mean Ice Queen?" he asked, looking at Fionna again before diverting his attention to the Ice Queen
"No, the Ice King... Look" he pointed at the haggered floating man in the room "that's the Ice King. He wrote a comic about you guys based on us, and that's how he brought ye to life" Prince Gumball looked at him and laughed a little
"My dear man, there are multiple parallel universes. Just because he wrote about one that he thought didn't exist doesn't mean it has never existed. We existed long before this book was written" Finn looked confused, as did Fionna.

Meanwhile, Jake was growling at Cake
"Woah man, calm down. She's just the cat version of you. I know your not a big cat fan, but this one is different. After all, she is best mate with the female version of me" he blinked, looking at Fionna. The Ice King seemed happy, going over to the Ice Queen
"My new wife! I brought you here so we could be together!! Look, I brought you Gunter" he said, drawing him from his underwear "I assume you have a penguin army too hmm?" Finn screamed before getting out of the ice block
"ICE KING!" He said, leaping on top of the man and punching him in the face. He looked up and saw the Ice Queen over him. He then looked back to Jake, utterly confused
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE???" He asked. Jake just shrugged
"Just go with it man, it happens" Jake said, as laid back as ever
"YARRRGHHH!!" He said, visibly angered and annoyed by the whole situation
"I didn't do this you TOMBOY!" Ice Queen snarled pushing her self to her feet and dusted her gown off and looked around. Ice Queen looked down at Gunter and raised a brow then looked Ice King over and froze Gunter in her hands handing him back to his owner. "Get me back home you pile of useless candy!!" Ice Queen screamed at Gumball.

Fionna stood in front of Gumball drawing her crystal sword at Finn's word. Fionna looked over at Gumball as he explained that they were not made up as the Ice King thought they where made up.
"Gumball so what your'e saying is that he's the boy version of me and that old guy is like Ice Queen, and the dog is like Cake." As she said Cake's name she swept her in to her arms and held her stroking her gently to keep her calm. "Does that mean there's like a girl version of you?"She asked.

Gumball walked away from the dog and boy and thought for a moment. "Well in theory" he bgan and looked at ice Queen. "I don't have a lab, we'll have to find someone here who can help."He said thinking rubbing his chin. "Is there anyone who has a lab here?" He asked glancing at Finn.

"That means YES!" Fionna cried excitedly. Since she was the only girl aside from Ice Queen in her land of Ooo she had on more than one occasion entertained the thought of meeting other girls. "What do you say Cake? Want to go Adventuring?" She asked holding the cat at arm's length.
"Anything to get away from the Dog!" She said narrowing her eyes and pointing at Jake and hissed."Where's Marshall Lee?" Cake asked knowing that he had been with them as well when it all happened.
"Good question. Maybe he's somewhere in this world." Fionna said.
"Everyone calm the Math down!" He said, looking around the room. Gunter was frozen, the Ice King was nursing where Finn had punched him, Jake was still frozen to the floor and Cake and Fionna were very defensive "OK, so you are missing someone, and ye need to get back to your world. Alright" he went over to Jake and broke him out of the ice holding his feet. He then looked at the new guy, who was clearly a prince "Yes, we do Gumball. Her name is Princess Bubblegum. She is into Science, she might be able to help you"

He turned his attention to Fionna and Cake
"Ok, so you are me in that other world, great. Right, me you Jake and Cake all have to get on really well. If we don't those two idiots" he pointed at Ice Queen and Ice King "will decide it'd be fun to capture us and rule Ooo or something. So, me and you have to get along" he said, putting up his hand so that she would lower her weapon. Then he looked at Jake and Cake. "And they have to get along. Otherwise you may never get back to your universe." He looked around the room and sighed, before smiling warmly at Fionna, putting out his fist
"Do you know what time it is?" he said, smiling at her with that goofy grin he gave to people he trusted.
Fionna rolled her eyes as she listed to Finn but he was right. they had no choice but to work together on this. She looked down at his fist and gave a soft nod. She bumped his fist and said "Adventure Time!" She giggled and then looked over at Cake.
"You'll ave to deal for now! It's not for long though just till we get back home." She said. Cake grumbled "Fine." She sighed shrinking down and climbing into Fionna's hat. "Well let's get going. Come on Gumball." She said with a smile and glared Ice Queen. "Don't get any ideas!" She warned.

Ice Queen rolled her eyes. "Like this idiot would be any help to me." She said folding her arms. "Just hurry it up Tomboy!" She snapped waving the away.
"Let's find this Princess Bubblegum. I'm in no rush to see Marshall Lee." He mumbled following behind Fionna.
"Don't be like that! I'd really wish the two of you would get along." She said
((Hands Gumball over to you))

While this was happening on the other side of Ooo Marceline was just getting out of the shower and heading downstairs. She froze pushing her long hair back and glanced around her small home. She sniffed the air hissing.
"Who the hell are you!" She hissed seeing a figure rummaging though her fridge. She floated over to him grabbing them by the collar and pulling them out of the icebox. She looked at the boy who had the apple to his mouth sucking the red from the apple. Her eyes widened watching as the apple turned gray and he tossed it aside giving her a smirk.
"Hey." He said smiling at her.
"What the hell."She whispered to her self looking him over.
He grinned back, chuckling as she said Adventure Time. He looked at Cake as she shrunk into her hat, looking at her, his eyebrow tilting slightly "man that is one weird Cat" He looked over at Jake who was huffing
"Aww man, what's up?" Jake looked at him, his face furrowed in a deep frown
"You know I don't like cats man, why is she coming" He put his hand on his shoulder
"Suck it up man, the sooner they get home the sooner there is no Cake" Jake looked horrified
"But I love cake man!" Finn chuckled and looked down at his best friend
"No man, the cat!" Jake cheered up as the left the fort. Finn stuck out his tongue as he jumped on Jake's back.

He looked back up to see everyone in the treefort. He smiled up at them and waved at them
"Come on, just jump on Jake. It's like landing on a massive pile of pillows" he looked up as Fionna giggled and landed behind him. He grinned at her as Gumball joined, whilst the Ice Queen flew. Ice King came down and came over to Finn
"Why doesn't she like me?" he asked, looking up at the Ice Queen
"because you're creepy and old maybe?" Finn said, shrugging his shoulders "I don't really get girls though" Ice King dropped his head, looking upset

Meanwhile, on the other side of Ooo Marshall Lee looked at the female who had floated over to him. He had no idea how he got her. He was watching Gumball and Fionna battle the Ice Queen when a bright light had blinded them, landing them in this house. It was similar to his, but it was a bit more girly, and the axe was a bass, which was weird to him. He had stunned her by sucking the red out of the apple. He chuckled evilly as he watched her reeling in shock.
"Ohh, so you know what a vampire is?" He said, hissing and pulling his vampire face, baring his sharp teeth "Maybe I should suck the red out of your blood to?"
Marceline barred her own fangs and lunged at him. "I'd like to see you try pretty boy!" She hissed "Who are you and where did you come from?" She asked holding him against the wall and thought from a moment. "Did-Did my Dad send you here?!"She asked moving away from him. No that didn't seem reasonable, and yet in a sense it did.

"Hey. Maybe your dog is the wired one."She said with a smile
"Yeah. Dogs are just plain strange." Cake mocked and watched as Finn jumped on Jake's back. "Uh no way he's showing me up!" Cake hissed matching his size with Fionna on her back.
"Are you gonna be like this the whole time?" She asked holding on to Cake as she followed next to Jake.
"Yes! Yes I am!"

Ice Queen stayed close to Cake. "The old man."
"We are not having this conversation!" Fionna said quickly ending it.
"UGH! Be my friend for once!" Fionna and Cake exchanged a glance and sighed
"Only while we're here Ice Queen."
"Oh good!" Ice Queen smiled and looked up seeing the candy castle.
Marshall wasn't expecting to see fangs baring back at him. From where he came from, he was the only vampire. Another of his race was very intriguing, especially to someone who didn't have any real competition (apart from Fionna). He liked the way she was getting all rough with him. He smirked at her, ready to launch into a playful attack before she backed away scared. Huh, she must know who I am, I am the Vampire King after all However, she mentioned her father instead. He came over, floating backwards, grinning at her
"Awww, is the icky-bicky baby scared of her Daddy?" he chided in a mock infant voice "Shall I get you a boccle with some warm milk and tuck you in with your bwanky?" He asked, chuckling and smirking at her.

Finn and Jake watched as Cake came out of Fionna's hat and grew to the same size as Jake, walking beside Jake with Gumball and Fionna on her back
"See dude" said Jake, giving Cake evil eyes "That's why I don't like cats, they are mentally unstable" Finn looked over at Cake
"Yeah man, I see your point. She kind of is mentally unstable" Both Finn and Jake laughed "But I trust them" he looked at the Ice Queen "Well, most of them at least"

They keep walking for the best part of a half hour before the reach the gates of the Candy Village. However, Finn hears cries of help from the tower. He looks up to see Princess Bubblegum being manhandled by Cute King
"Princess Bubblegum, no!" The gates to the village open, and a wave of Cuties pour out. He looks over at Fionna
"You gotta help me, the quicker we defeat this Cuties, the quicker we get to the Princess and get you home"
With that, he drew his sword from his backpack, jumping off Jake towards the cuties
"YAAAARRRRRGGGHHH" he cries, swinging his sword towards the nearest Cutie. It pops, and he begins slashing his way through them, making sure not to get overwhelmed by their vast numbers. He looks over at Fionna, who is also battling the Cuties. Hey, she's not bad. In fact, that's kinda... he pushes the thought from his head as he continues onwards, battling through the Cuties.
Her fact lit up at the thought of fighting. She quickly drew the crystal from her pocket and it grew to a sword and she began to attack the cuties. She turned just slightly at the sound of Finn's battle cry. He sure is strong

Fionna followed Finn's lead in to the battle she giggled picking the Cute King up by his shirt. "You're so adorable!!" She said and smiled "What do you think Cake."
"He sure is tiny to be such a threat." She mumbled shrinking down and walked over to Fionna and the others. Cake looked up seeing the Ice Queen land next to her and produce a small pouch from the pocket of her dress and hand it to Cake. The cat sniffed it and her eyes widened. "Cat nip!" She smiled and began to pat it to her face her tail fluffed and she was completely calm hardly listening to her owner anymore.

Princess Bubblegum dusted her self off as the battle ended. "Thanks Finn." She said fixing her crown and looked around at the group. Half she knew the other half she did not. "And who are your new friends?" She asked placing her hand on her hips her eyes going to Gumball.

Marceline growled as he mocked her. "Do you know who I am?" She hissed "I'm Maceline the Vampire Queen! Now who are you annoying twit!" She yelled balling her hands into fist ready to fight if he was. She leaned back observing him. It was strange to see another like her. She thought all the rest where in the nightospere like her Dad. Everyone knew she hated for him to interfere anyway in her life.
Cute King looked visibly annoyed after the battle, especially with the fact that Fionna had picked him up and was making fun of him.
"I am a powerful and benevolent ruler! My cuties will make quick work of you, you female oaf!" He cried out, his childlike voice making Jake chuckle
"Heh heh, sounds like someone needs there bed time!" He said, stretching his hand around to his face, having his finger tickle Cute King's chin
"NOOO! Cuties, where are you?" he said, looking gloom after realizing he was defeated yet again
"Why won't you ever let me win Finn?" he said, looking up at him with cute eyes
"Ohh no, I made a mistake teaching you to use your cuteness to make others do what you want, it isn't happen again" he said looking at Cute King severly. He grabbed him from Fionna's hands and kicked him out past the gate
"Now get out of here!" Cute King looked at him
"Hmm, alright, but I'll be back" he said as he ran off into the trees, laughing as he did so

Finn turns to Princess Bubblegum and smiles warmly at her
"It's no problem, just doing what I have been doing for years." he looks at Jake and grins "and it hasn't gotten boring yet" they fistbump, before he turns to the others
"Ohhh, these came from an alternate universe or something." he points to Fionna "that's Fionna, she's the me from the other universe" he points to Cake next "that's Cake, the Jake of the other universe" he leans into Princess Bubblegum and whispers "I think she isn't all there in the head". He then turns to Prince Gumball "And that's the you from the future, Gumball" He turns around and faces everyone
"Ok then, time to get these guys back to their own universe!"

Meanwhile Marshall was getting annoyed with this woman pretending. He grew 2 times in size and looked down upon her, flames coming from his lips
"No, I am Marshall Lee, King of Vampires! I have no Queen, do not pretend mere human! If I cannot defeat you, my mother surely will!"
"Human? HUMAN!" Marcie screamed growing to match his size. She then thought for a moment going back to her normal size. She went back to her room and found a hat and jacket. She place both of them on and then went back to this Marshall Lee. "I'm the only vampire in Ooo. Which means you're not real or rather you're one of Bonnie's experiments gone horribly wrong." She said flying off. That was the only explanation she had. If there was another like her in Ooo then she would have known centuries ago.

"Hey! I'm not a thing I'm a human."Fionna sneered rolling her eyes at Finn. "It's his fault were even here!" She said pointing at Ice King who was watching the Princess.
"That's right!"Cake said with a nod.

"Finn! Don't be rude to them. Even if Ice King did bring them here they're still our guest." She said patting his head. "So another dimension?" She asked walking over to Gumball. "I have another lab but it may take several days to locate your universe and then maybe a few more to get you back." She said.
Marshall Lee was extremely surprised when she got angry at being called a human, as well as her growing to the same size as him What exactly is she? he wondered. When she told him what she was, it just confirmed his theory. He was with the Ice Queen and Fionna when a flash of light had blinded them and they ended up here. This must be a different Ooo, probably caused by a dream spell the Ice Queen had cast.

When she flew out he sighed, grabbing a large coat and using that as a shade. He flew after her.
"I don't know who Bonnie is, but she must be smart. Look, I need to get home so why don't you take me to Bonnie and I'll be out of your hair in no time"

Meanwhile, back in the Candy Kingdom, Finn was confused as to why they were giving out to him.
"Hey, I was just saying! I don't know where they are from or how they got here, the Ice King did something and all of a sudden they were here. I don't know what the call humans in other universes!!" He said, looking around at them all, curious as to what is going to happen
"So, Gumball. Are you and Bubblegum going to do Science together? Can I watch! SCIENCE IS AWESOME!" He shouted, then looked at Fionna "MATHMATICAL!"

Jake looked at Finn and pulled him aside
"Whoa man, calm down! It's cool you're excited, but don't go crazy like that Cat thing! Keep your cool man" Finn looked at him and smiled
"Yeah dude, your right"
((DUDE! I thought you vanished on me!!))

Marceline knew that Bubblegum had to have something to do with this. Either Bubblegum or Ice King. She cared deeply for Simon and knew this would sooner be his fault than Bonnie's. "Marshall Lee?"She whispered and shook her head. The name finally clicked. "You're from Simon's book! Oh my gosh! We have to get you to Bubblegum like yesterday!" She cried "Look just follow me!" She said leading the way to the candy kingdom. She landed looking around seeing everyone and several faces she didn't recognize.
"Bubblegum! What's going on! Why is there a boy vampire who thinks he's king of the night-o-sphere?"She asked

"You found Marshall Lee!" Fionna asked excitedly going over to the girl. She then looked up and smiled. She could relax a bit knowing that everyone was safe for know. Cake hissed and shrank hiding in Fionna's hat

"Oh Finn. I know you love science but you would just get in the way if you where in the lab with us. "Why don't you show Fionna and Cake around?"She suggested patting his head and smiled at him. "I heard jungle Princess was having a party." She added

Bubblegum looked up seeing Marceline. "Hello Marceline!"She said softly and then saw the boy land next to her. "Boy vampire?"
freckled_beauty said:
((DUDE! I thought you vanished on me!!))

Marceline knew that Bubblegum had to have something to do with this. Either Bubblegum or Ice King. She cared deeply for Simon and knew this would sooner be his fault than Bonnie's. "Marshall Lee?"She whispered and shook her head. The name finally clicked. "You're from Simon's book! Oh my gosh! We have to get you to Bubblegum like yesterday!" She cried "Look just follow me!" She said leading the way to the candy kingdom. She landed looking around seeing everyone and several faces she didn't recognize.
"Bubblegum! What's going on! Why is there a boy vampire who thinks he's king of the night-o-sphere?"She asked

"You found Marshall Lee!" Fionna asked excitedly going over to the girl. She then looked up and smiled. She could relax a bit knowing that everyone was safe for know. Cake hissed and shrank hiding in Fionna's hat

"Oh Finn. I know you love science but you would just get in the way if you where in the lab with us. "Why don't you show Fionna and Cake around?"She suggested patting his head and smiled at him. "I heard jungle Princess was having a party." She added

Bubblegum looked up seeing Marceline. "Hello Marceline!"She said softly and then saw the boy land next to her. "Boy vampire?"
(Yeah, I will try to be on more often, was dealing with a lot of shite lol)
Marshall Lee kept following Marceline, keeping himself shield from the sun as the wind blew through his hair. He looked at her confused. Simon? A book?
"I am from no book woman, I am from the land of Ooo, and this isn't my Ooo. This is clearly an alternate universe or some crap like that. Just get me back to my home so I can back to ruling and feeding" he said, getting a bit irritated by her. Soon they landed beside some weird looking people and others he knew.
"I am the king of the night-o-sphere you fool... Well, my Mam is at the moment...But I'm next in line!"

He looked around and saw Fionna "Oh, hey. Ye guys got here to huh? I meet this freak and she claimed she was queen of the vampires.. More like queen of the hissy-fits" he saw Cake hiss at him. He smirked before baring his fans and hissing at her.

Finn looked at Bubblegum a bit disappointed
"ohh, well ok then. a party would be a bit of fun I suppose! Me and Jake can show Fionna and Cake how wild we are!" He turned to Jake and fist-bumped him. He turned to Fionna
"Hey, you want to go to a really wild party? I have no idea what will happen but sure that is the point of parties" He hops on Jake who grows to giant size and begins running towards the jungle
"Keep up if ye can!!" they said, chuckling as they went into the distance

Gumball looked at Bubblegum
"OK then, let's go see this lab of yours then! The sooner we get home the better, who knows what damage this is doing to both our universes" He turned around
"Ice King and Queen, you better not cause any problems. If you do we will get Fionna and Finn after you two. Marshall and Marceline, don't cause too much havok ok?"
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