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Star wars's (One x One, OC, M x F, Original stories.)

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Apr 13, 2013
Hello! Good day to you all. I am Sharingan. A shame less nerd, who loves role playing. Particularly, in canon world's I love! But as OC's not canon characters. Now, in this little corner of the forums. You will find, me requesting to role play, some one x ones, in the Star Wars universe. Old Republic, in particular. Mainly due to easy OC access. But, first, some rules.

1: Be at least semi lit. I would love it, if your advanced lit. Meaning, two, or three paragraph's, at the very least. please, keep it at a max of 6, or 8. There is a point where it is too much..

2: I can role play on Pm's, or Thread. Some times IM. But I have a strong preference towards Thread's, to add on to my post count.

3: Respect my posting times, and I will respect yours. I wont always be on line. In fact, some times I can get in four, or five post's a day. Some times one, or two. And, some times. I might not post for a few day's. But, of coarse in such occasions, I will inform you.

4: Respect my kink's, and I will respect yours. F list: Keep in mind, anything not listed is open to discussion.

5: I prefer to use drawn character pic's for this. But am open to RL, if your character is human.

6: Don't post here, pm me instead.

7: To prove, you have looked through my rules, and kink's. Include your fave, color in the pm.

Now, I would prefer we collaborated, on plot's. But, I will include ideas, and basic plot's within. As well, as pairings, and picture plot's. More *'s, more I crave it.

NOTE: All, pictures, pairings, and plot's are subject to the possible inclusion. Of multiple characters. Me, and you, playing at least one or two other characters. For, the purpose of the plot.

Races: Races I like, and would love to play along side.

Twilek: ********

Chiss: ********

Sith Pure Blood: *******

Meriluka: (A blind race, humanoid.) ***

Marialan: (Uh, they can be pretty. If I like the character's look. I can except this race.)

Zabrak: (Females can be hot, if drawn right. So only if I like her character pic ******.)

Rattataki: **** (Something about them, is sexy.)

Humans: Always safe with a human women. Lol. *****
Cyborg: Humans. Just with visible, bionic implants. Apearance wise, can make a man or women look cool. In a womens case, cool and powerful. With a dash of sexy.

Pairing's: Anything colored pink, is the female role.
Human Bounty Hunter X Human/cyborg Bounty hunter **********
(Plot!) Craving!

Human Smuggler X Twilek Smuggler ******

Human Smuggler X Chiss Agent **********
(Plot!) Craving!

Human Bounty Hunter X Sith Pure blooded Inquisitor ********

Human Bounty hunter X Human/Twilek/Zebrak/ Sith pure blooded dark jedi ******

Human Jedi X Human/Twilek/Zebrak/Marialan/Meriluka Jedi

Human Trooper X Human/Twilek/Zebrak/Marialan/Meriluka Jedi

Jedi X Dark Jedi (I can play either. Race is negotiable.)

Any race X Any above pairing (Not what I crave, but I can except it, to get pairings I want.)

Picture's: Any picture can be a plot, or usable character.

***** (I think she is one dark, and sexy Zabrak!)

(Possible, M x F x F . Between light, and dark. ***** )


(Good, possible character pic. For my bounty hunter pairing, I WANT! )

(I like her. Lol, say the least. *****)



(I dont care what pairing. She is hot, and I want her! lol. Yes, I have a thing for dark and powerful women. **********)

Both plot's are simple. But it is the pairings of the two, that I really want.

Bounty hunter's:Hutta, the new home world, for the Hutt's. It was originally Evocar, and was home to a native species called the Evoci. But, they have lost their planet, by foolishly excepting petty gift, after gift. Hutt's now rule this planet. Destroying it with their waste, and mining it's resources. For most, making an honest living is horrible.. But, who said you HAD to make an honest living? It aint, no secret that bounty hunter's, work for hutt's. It is just, something they do. They pay well, and always give them interesting missions, or bounty's. But, for our character's, thing's get a bit out of hand. We are both trying, to get into the great Hunt. A competition, held once a year. For bounty hunter's to test their metal, and prove who is the best. But,must be sponsored by a hut, before hand. We both run into each other, while performing a mission for our sponsor's. And, after a heated battle, we both came out scarcely alive. But, that was not the last we will see of each other. For we are both, excepted into the Great Hunt. And are now competitor's. But, what if we, want more? And, what if, foul play is afoot. Some one rigging, cheating, and dishonoring the hunt.

Smuggler, and his agent: I am a smuggler for the Republic. My current job seem's normal, just a go in, go out and smuggle the goods. But, it end's up as a double cross. Your agent, was my contact all along. Tricking me to come out of hiding, so that you can take me to the Empire. After a long fight, I take you prisoner on my ship. But, you being an agent, you have many tricks up your sleeve... Do you love my rouge? Or is it just a trick to get him to let you go? Such, is the problem's. With loving some one, so deceptive.
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