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My Neko Slave ((For Hereforthefun))


Jun 29, 2011
Taylor stood gazing deeply into space with a cold and cruel expression on planted on her face. A cigarette dangled loosely between her lips. Taylor had a handsome face. A face anyone could fall in love with. Only Taylor had no interest in pathetic emotions that weakened the mind. Emotions are for Nekos NOT for Vampires. Holding true to that logic Taylor was the cold hearted emotionless type, rough around the edges, sometimes short tempered, annoyed by all things weak, and full of pride. Taylor came from a line of very famous and power vampires. Her grandfather was a general in a great war 1000s of years a ago. As expected vampires live forever unless murdered or commit suicide. But the key to living forever comes at a price, a Nekos life. By that, a Neko must willingly give their blood up to a vampire and live along side their vampire master as a servant for eternity, because once a neko is fed on by a vampire they will stop ageing as well and live until their master disowns them or dies.

Therefore, Nekos are taught at school , when very young, how to serve a vampire. The perfect age for a neko to begin serving a vampire is 14 years old. The neko's blood is pure at this age. It is also very sweet and the nekos are much too weak to ever put up a fair fight against a vampire. This way the vampire will have control over them forever.

_____ is a young neko forced into the school against his will. He hates vampires and what they do to nekos. He hates how neko's easily fall in love with the heartless blood suckers and just give and give and receive nothing in return. What happens when he is chosen be the royal vampire Taylor who is as heartless and cold as any vampire? What happens when she forces him into being her blood/love slave and he starts growing feelings for a vampire that feels nothing in return? What happens when she dominates him and easily over powers him and he acts out more realizing he might like being controlled? How does he cope with the fact that he might just turn into one of the weak nekos that love vampires? Will he try to break her cold and emotionless shell and make her care for him back?

(b Here are the rules:)

Swearing is fine

Sex is fine but READ my profile first!

Be creative! Add new twists and turns to make the story interesting!
Don't be afraid to be more than one character.

(b must be at least 700 Characters)

Remember your character is going to be a love slave to vampire that you hate! How is he going to cope with that? All of this attention from such a attractive being might stir up some does he deal with having feelings for a blood sucker?

Also, anime pictures only!
Taylor stood gazing deeply into space with a cold and cruel expression on planted on her face. A cigarette dangled loosely between her lips. Taylor had a handsome face. A face anyone could fall in love with. Only Taylor had no interest in pathetic emotions that weakened the mind. Emotions are for Nekos NOT for Vampires. Holding true to that logic Taylor was the cold hearted emotionless type, rough around the edges, sometimes short tempered, annoyed by all things weak, and full of pride. Taylor came from a line of very famous and power vampires. Her grandfather was a general in a great war 1000s of years a ago. As expected vampires live forever unless murdered or commit suicide. But the key to living forever comes at a price, a Nekos life. By that, a Neko must willingly give their blood up to a vampire and live along side their vampire master as a servant for eternity, because once a neko is fed on by a vampire they will stop ageing as well and live until their master disowns them or dies.

Therefore, Nekos are taught at school , when very young, how to serve a vampire. The perfect age for a neko to begin serving a vampire is 14 years old. The neko's blood is pure at this age. It is also very sweet and the nekos are much too weak to ever put up a fair fight against a vampire. This way the vampire will have control over them forever.

Taylor leant up against the wall of the Jr high school building. Her eyes were closed now as she waited for the school to finally let out. Taylor stood at a tall 5'8 and looked about 18. Her hair was long and silver and her skin was a pale white. It was difficult to tell her gender from a distance and her pompous attitude didn't exactly help. Taylor stood firmly as the bell rang waiting for the neko boy to exit the building who she would claim as her own.

"Common Damnit...." Taylors eyes opened slightly as sworn of nekos rushed out at the sound of the bell. The cigarette hanging from her lips nearly fell once a herd of nekos gathers around Taylor. *Who is that?* One neko replied to another *It’s a vampire for sure, it has no ears* A neko stated. *I wonder who it’s here to take?* Taylor smirked slightly and then gazed through the nekos. The crowd blushed a muttered *So gorgeous, I hope the vampire chooses me* Taylor growled slightly at the annoying mutters.

"Get out of my way" Taylor stated in a cold and heartless tone as she pushed through the crowd uninterested at the pathetic excuses for slaves.

Alex sat on the side, alone and disinterested in the visitor of great importance, he wasn't interested in being a pet or slave to anyone. He listened to his classmates clamor around the woman loudly and shook his head. He knew they had no concept of how long forever was, though he was no different in that aspect. Living forever almost seemed like it would be a bad thing to him. His gray hair moved in the breeze a little as his tail moved slowly on its own. He figured the woman would soon pick one of his classmates and be on her way. He only knew that when a vampire was there to pick her Neko everyone had to stay so they could get the perfect one for themselves.

He took another look at the woman and felt a hatred rise, despite his thoughts being calm and rational when he looked at any vampire his loathing flared. They used Nekos for their own selfish ends, he didn't understand how someone could fall in love with such a horrid creature! He got up and tried to almost hide himself from view leaning against the far side of the pillar unaware his disinterest was making him stand out more than the rest. He reached into his pack and pulled out a book and started to read it hoping she would hurry up and pick one, so he could leave and get on with what passed for his life, dull and uneventful as it was it was better than being a meal for a creature of the night...even if she was a pretty damned thing.

All the rest of the Nekos, both male and female were following her around making excited sounds still, some nearly begging her to pick them. "Miss Miss pick me!" One said as he moved in front of her and took her hand in his then let go blushing forgetting his lack of training, never to touch unless instructed or chosen. They crowd paid little attention to her command to move, following in a mob behind her, one of Alex's classmates noticed him standing off to the side and went to get him. "Hey aren't you going to come present yourself to the lady?" she asked softly. Alex's distaste wasn't exactly a secret as he replied "Present myself? I would rather jump in front of a bus." He said a little sarcastically then saw how close she was getting, inspecting each of them.
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