Wild Warcarft (Zell and Lady Arachnia)


Dec 9, 2012
It been over five hundred years sense the last war, and it was in that time both Alliance and Horde finaly decided to make peace. Though it wasn an uneasy one but the people of both race's became more open to one and another. The main citys dont have the other factions race's in them but outside them are, they still have there troubles because of race and past but not as bad it use to. With the peace Gnome and Goblin technology have come a long way, making trains that could get to the other main citys much easyer and better airships then before and right now, guns are more being used as well sense it seems its more effected then the melee weapons but there are some that still use those weapons. Though times to be going well but just as of late new outlaws have been coming out of the woodwork.

Pirate from both air and sea, and theifs robbing trains and there on the rise and it is there time. It was in this time however that Rangers where born, an lawinforcement group that goes all over Azeroth and there job is to take down and bring in any outlaw in any means necessary as long it doesn't harm any civilians. Or not too many at the very lest. Bounty hunters seen it as a golden opportunity to get rich and have been more being active as well. Now our story begins with a bounty hunter who is about to catch his pray, or he hopes so at the very lest.

Mace sat at his table in the far corner of the Black Naga tavern, the only tavern in the port town of Rachet. Mace is a human who looked to be about his late twentys or early thirdys, if one would look at him he wore brown leather pants, a red shirt with a brown vest over it. A brown long leather coat and brown pair of boots. In his full height he would stood to be just about six feet tall which would be a little taller then most humans. He have short dark red hair with a thin beard and mustache to match. Mace is a well known bounty hunter and have been doing this job for a good few years, he always trys to get ahead of his next bounty before they even know hes coming and right now he is more then ahead for his next prey. He have set up a trap laying for his next target and payed the bartender well to do what he asked. If all goes well he wouldn't have to fight the orc hes hunting for long and no one would get hurt, all he could do now is wait for her to show up and shes all his for the taking.
Rhoka had had a long day and had been in several fights one of which had given her a cut over the top of her left eye. She stood around five foot ten and was well built as all orcs were. She had her hair pulled back and tied in to one long pony tail. On her forehead she had a pare of goblin goggles and had a piercing on the left side of her nose, a ring on her lip and a stud on her tongue. Her ears were also pierced with a long bar that went diagonally through them. Her left one also had a fang handing from a big of string while her right had several metallic ring piercings. She wore a harness that covered her breasts well enough with fur though it left the rest of her torso and back on display. She wore leather vambraces on her wrists and tight leather shorts. Her boots were a combination of fur and leather. She had an axe strapped to her back and two daggers on her belt. Her back and arms had elaborate tribal tattoos littering them.

Rhoka entered the inn a little wary and ready for a good cold drink to relax for the night. She pushed two humans who seemed to be arguing out of her way and walked up to the bar. She glared at a gnome there before taking his drink and knocking it back. The gnome looked like he'd love to say something but decided it was wise to just walk away. She then ordered herself a large flagon of ale from the barkeep. There was no one in here she recognised tonight or if she did she didn't show it. She payed for her drink, raised the flagon to her mouth and began drinking, the liquid sloshing at her lips and some dribbling below on to her more than ample cleavage,
Just as Mace knew would happen, Rhoka have came in knowing she would more or less want a place to stay and being this is the only tavern in this town it was obvious where she would go. At the monment she came in he right away put his hand back own which was also the signal for the bartinder to dug the drink as well for this orc. So now all Mace had to do is wait for the effect of the drug to take effect which shouldn't be long what so ever. The female orc have a high price on her head, it was said she robed many trains but wasn't know to use a gun but rather the old faction weapons. Mace didn't know why Rhoka gone that way but it didn't matter to him, he had nothing against her even though shes not bad looking for an orc but still a job is a job and maybe one of his easiest jobs yet.

But that didn't stop him from droping his guard sense orc's can very much keep fighting to the death and known for that. So that plan might fail but it would weaken her greatly and if needed he could just beat her until shes out cold. Mace walked up to the bar and right net to the orc, he orders himself a small drink as he did. "Nice weather we'er having huh, sunny with a cool breeze. I would say that makes it a good day, well that is if your not a outlaw." he said which could hint her he knew what she might be.
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