Mission discoveries (Fulicious x Tallen Driftor)


Mar 9, 2009
Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno had been sent on a scouting mission by themselves by the Fifth Hokage, to investigate rumours of unknown ninja that had been spotted beyond the borders of the established ninja states. It had taken almost 2 weeks of travel for them to get this far, crossing through several countries practically without stop and their route hadn't taken them anywhere near any towns or villages, so they'd been camping for the entirety of the trip. So needless to say when they finally reached a small village the two of them were more than somewhat relieved. Finally they would be able to rest a little, spend the night in an actual bed rather than camping on cold, hard ground, perhaps even get a bath or a shower. "Oh thank god..." Ino sighed as she looked at the village closing quickly. "I can't wait to finally take a bath...oh please let them have a nice inn with a huge bathtub or something....." The blonde haired Kunoichi was doing her best not to get her hopes up, but after so long it was rather unavoidable.
On arriving in the village, the two would be caught rather off guard by what they found. At first the village itself appeared rather normal, but the people....there wasn't a man in sight, publically at least the village was inhabited entirely by women, though it was possible the men were out working or simply being kept indoors. Even more noticeable however was that every woman seemed to be rather scantily clad, barely wearing enough to cover up and leaving practically nothing to the imagination. Their outfits made string bikinis look covering by comparison.

Fortunately, despite the unusualness of the situation, the two would finally find a small inn with a room for them, though it was a twin room so whilst they'd have to share, at least they would have their own beds. Even better was that the inn also had its own hotspring. "Alright!" Ino grinned ecstatically when they had put their bags in their room. "I'm heading straight for the hotspring!" She licked her lips, waving to Sakura without even waiting to see if she was coming, before turning and heading off down to the hotspring, practically tearing her clothing off before heading out into the water to relax.
Whilst Sakura was in the room, a maid, just as scantily clad as the rest of the women in the village and, even by this places standards, very well endowed, came into the room, giving Sakura a smile and carrying out some last minute preparations to the room, before bowing deeply, showing off her ample hanging cleavage, then leaving.
Just as Ino was about to get into the water she stopped, blinking for a few moments then slapping her forehead. "Geez...I should at least get some extra towels..." She glanced around, noticing there didn't seem to be any around for her to just pick up and use, it seemed you were expected to bring a towel from your room. "Well, at least it was before I got wet..." The girl chuckled, turning to head back into the changing rooms in order to get dressed, then proceed back towards the room she and Sakura were sharing.
She didn't bother to knock, what was the point? They had been friends for a long time and they were both girls, so knocking was just pointless. Instead, Ino just opened up the door, stepping inside. "Hey Sakura, I forgot to grab some...some..." Ino's sentance trailed off as she saw Sakura, Ino's mouth dropping open as she stared wide eyed in disbelief, the door slowly creaking shut behind her, as she watched her friend...her friend she had known practically her whole life...jerking two large, throbbing erections that were jutting from her crotch. "S-Sakura.....?"
"I...that....you..." Ino was just staring at Sakura's throbbing erections...her huge...throbbing erections...two of them...on her otherwise female body. Ino's first thought was that perhaps this was just some kind of transformation jutsu....but if that was the case then why not simply undo it rather than trying to cover up? "I...but....how....?" Ino just pointed at Sakura's twin cocks, somehow tearing her gaze up to her pink haired friends face instead of her crotch. "I mean...I....how long have you had....I never saw....I mean you always wear those tight shorts and..."
"Always...? I....oh wow...." Ino glanced down at the cocks again, squeaking as they seemed to twitch. "Oh my....they uh...they're...very....b-big..." She swallowed nervously, looking back up at Sakura's face as she stood back up. "They uh....they...work...huh? So uh....I mean....you were using your hands but uh....I mean....have you ever....uh.... 'used' them before?"
"I uh....yeah I...suppose...." Ino laughed nervously, it did make sense....after all if someone else knew about Sakura's secret like this then there would probably be some kind of rumour going around or something. "So uh....what's.....what's it like...? Having those things when you're a girl...? You uh....you did seem to be...enjoying yourself when I walked in..." Ino knew she should just....leave, just apologise to Sakura and leave the room as quickly as possible...but for some reason her feet were frozen in place...she just couldn't tear herself away.
"I-wait I never said that I-" Ino cut off as Sakura walked over and pushed her against the door, the blonde gasping as suddenly her breasts were grabbed in Sakura's nimble fingers, digging into the soft flesh. "O-oooh...." Ino couldn't help but moan softly, her nipples hardening in response when she felt Sakura's twin, throbbing cocks prodding into her belly. "I...I never.....I never said I wanted...." She shivered and groaned softly, her back arching involuntarily to push her chest further into Sakura's hands.
"Ah!" Ino yelped as her hard nipples were flicked, her entire body shivering, her head tilting out of the way as Sakura leaned in to kiss her neck. "I....th-that's just..." Ino trailed off as she felt a hand sliding down across her stomach. When did Sakura become so assertive? Maybe it was just because she was no longer hiding those twin erections of hers. "Y-you sure...you've never done this before? A-ah....you're.....p-pretty good at it" It was getting harder for Ino to speak through the laboured breaths of pleasure, interspersed with moaning as her most sensitive spots were flicked and touched.
"HYA!" Ino cried out sharply in pleasure as she felt Sakura's fingers suddenly plunge into her already moist pussy, which was becoming hotter and wetter by the second. "S-Sakura....oooooh!" Ino had to admit, maybe she'd had the occasional fantasy or two about something like this, but that was perfectly normal. She'd never imagined this would really happen...and certainly not with Sakura having those things between her legs. "Nnnn!" She let out a long groan of pleasure as she felt a hot, wet tongue against her sensitive breasts, her entire body jerking with pleasure. "D-don't stop....m-more....please....I need more..."
The kiss caught Ino by surprise, but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy it. She felt Sakura's tongue against her own, slowly and gently returning the kiss, savouring the taste of her friend until the kiss was broken, leaving Ino to whine slightly in protest, licking her lips to try and get more of a taste for her friend. "H-huh? Oooooh!" Ino groaned in anticipation as Sakura lowered herself, then let out a moan of pleasure loud enough for anyone in either of the rooms besides theirs hear. By this point Ino's legs were shaking, barely able to support herself as Sakura licked and sucked on her pussy.
"Nyaaa!" Ino cried out as Sakura's tongue worked her now dripping wet pussy, juices flowing eagerly into the pink haired Kunoichi's mouth as Ino's entire body shuddered with pleasure. When Sakura grabbed her breasts she let out another long moan of pleasure, not caring who heard. Her breasts had been aching for further attention and Ino had been on the verge of grabbing them herself. Still, if this was how worked up she was getting with just female body parts, she could only imagine what was happening between Sakura's legs.....
Ino groaned almost in protest as the licking stopped and she was instead lifted up, carried to the bed and gently lay down on it, panting heavily as she looked up at Sakura. "H-huh...? Transform..?" She blinked, then gasped as she looked to Sakura's crotch, the twin erections now gone, replaced instead by a single one almost twice as long as either of the 14 inch cocks had been by themselves, even the thickness seeming to be almost the two combined. "H-holy....s-so big....." Ino swallowed nervously, unsure a beast like that would even enter her, let alone fit inside of her entirely. "Hn!" Ino gripped the bedsheets tightly as she felt the tip of that steel hard erection grinding against the dripping wet entrance of her pussy. "D-don't tease me.....c-come on...."
Ino gripped the bedsheets almost tight enough to rip them away as Sakura started to enter her, groaning loudly as her tight pussy was spread by the arm-thick cock pushing inside. Whilst Ino might've been a virgin, her physical virginity had been taken during her own 'experimenting', meaning that at least the only pain was from just how fucking big Sakura's cock was. "F-fuck!!" The head was barely inside and already both girls needed a break to get used to the sensation, Ino already panting heavily, her stomach bulging slightly from the girth of the monster sized flesh inside of her. "S-so big....nnn..." Every twitch of Ino's body caused Sakura's cock to press against a different part of her, jolts of pleasure shooting through Ino's body like electricity.
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