Playing all sides (Fulicious x Malice87)


Mar 9, 2009
It was Ginny Weasley's 5th year at Hogwarts and things had certainly taken a drastic change. Since the end of last year, Voldemort had seemingly vanished from the face of the Earth. Nobody had seen or heard from him in months, the Death Eaters were in total disarray to begin with, before fracturing into separate groups of their own, all now vying for power over the other remaining factions. In the meantime, the ministry had taken the opportunity to declare victory and an end to Voldemort once and for all, pushing for things to simply carry on as normal now that the threat was over, confident that they could stamp out any remaining pockets of still confident Death Eaters.
However Ginny wasn't quite so sure that things were back to normal. There was still a lot of turmoil all over the magical world and, as far as Ginny was concerned, there were still no definite winners in this war....things could still go any direction....and Ginny had no intention of being on a losing side. Still, choosing a side was rather more difficult than one might imagine. Nobody had the complete story, just bits and pieces. "So I need to get the information....all the information....from all sides..."

Ginny was sat in her dorm room thinking, planning. Whilst Harry and the Ministry hadn't been on the best terms in the past, they were now grooming him into a hero once again, someone that people could rally behind, and thus rally behind the ministry as well at the same time. That meant that Harry would likely be the best source of information within Hogwarts of what the Ministry were planning.
When it came to the Death Eater sides, well, it was obvious. Draco Malfoy would naturally be the best source of information. Almost certainly he would have information not only on what his family's Death Eater faction were up to, but they'd be keeping tabs on the others as well.
And then there was unknown was unclear just which side he was truly on. The Ministry? The Death Eaters? Or perhaps some unknown third faction? Either way, he would likely know things that neither of the others would.

"Well's time to get started..." Ginny slowly stood up. She knew that none of them would simply hand over information, and so she was left with only one option....seduce the information out of them. It was the only effective weapon she had against them all. In order to make sure her plan worked, she had even taken a potion to enhance her sexual attractiveness. It would work on pretty much any man, and one unfortunate side effect was that it would effect relatives much more strongly, but it was a risk she had to take.
But where to begin....well....that just depended on who she would meet first.
Turning to head out of dorm room, Ginny went to head through the Gryffindor common room out into the corridor in order to begin wandering the halls in search of one of her targets....
Ron Weasley sat in the Gryffindor common room. He was staring at a piece of parchment with the words "The Purpose of a Rubber Duck" written across the top of it. It was a paper for his muggle studies class. The title was a inside joke about a question his father, Arthur Weasley, had once asked his best friend Harry. Below it were a few paragraphs of writing. Unfortunately a few meager paragraphs were not enough to call this paper finished. The instructor had set a 1000 word minimum. Ron knew he was well short if that mark ,but he didn't have the heart to count to see, or even to use a spell to do it for him. The figure would only discourage him further. This paper should have been easy. His two best friends had grown up as muggles and practically still lived like them when they weren't at school. He had hoped to pick their brains for help.

His friends, Harry and Hermione, seemed to be more and more scarce these days. Since Voldemort's alleged defeat and the death of Serious Black last year, things had changed. Harry's every spare minute seemed to be taken up between Dumbledore and the minister if magic. Not that Harry having to do with them was anything new. It just seemed like things were different now. Before Ron had gone along with Harry for all his adventures, now it seemed as though he was getting left behind and Harry was more on his own. More than that when his friend was around he seemed quieter and more reserved.

Hermione was much the same. Although, Ron couldn't say why. He knew she was devoting a lot if time her studies, but that was nothing new. She was also putting a lot if energy into helping Harry with his extracurricular studies. It was more than that though. Even when she wasn't doing either of the former she never seemed to be around, and when she was around she seemed prickly and on edge.

Ron wondered if it was him. They seemed to be leaving him behind and he didn't like it. Part if it was missing his friends, part if it was him feeling jealous of them spending time together. Harry having something with Hermione he did not.

He was starting to feel irritated, so he put the paper down and stretched searching the room for something to distract himself from his thoughts. Much to his surprise he finds something. He sees his sister, Ginny. Something seemed different about her as of late. Ron couldn't put his finger on it but she seemed more.....womanly. He knew he shouldn't think such things about his sister but recently he had been noticing her womanly attributes. The curve of her butt, her youthful perky tits, her thin toned legs, all seemed to have blossomed almost over night. He wasn't sure if she had really changed or if it was just his imagination. Either was she suddenly seemed very enticing. He blushed slightly to himself, at the sudden lewd thoughts towards his sister.

Closing his parchment in his book he stands up and strides over to his sister.

"Ginny, where are you going?"

Elsewhere in the castle Harry was waiting outside Professor Snape's classroom. Snape was giving Harry supplemental defense against the dark arts lessons per Dumbledores request. It was easily the most unpleasant part if his day. Professor Snape was evidently running late today, something Harry didn't mind in the least. Harry looks up and down the hall checking for any sign of the absent instructor. There weren't many people about this time of night. So it was easy to pick out Malfoy, staring at him contemptuously at him, just down the hall. Not a word passed between them. None were needed. They both knew the score. As if they didn't hate each other enough the event of last year had only escalated things.

Malfoy's father had been found out as a death eater in the fallout of the attack at the ministry last year and been forced into hiding. Harry wasn't sure what had transpired between then and now, but he sensed something different about his rival. The eyes of the skinny blond held a malice and intent that wasn't there before. It unnerved Harry a bit. It gave him the feeling that everything between them was going to come to a head, and soon.

If Harry thought there was a difference in Draco he wasn't wrong. The previous summer had changed Draco in some very fundamental ways. He was no longer a coward like his father. No, the new Draco was vicious and motivated, not the sniveling brat he had been. This was all thanks to his dear aunt.

His aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange, had demanded to take him after his father fled. She threatened to kill Draco if his mother refused. So, he was taken under his aunts wing. She trained him, twisted him, and warped him until he was her prefect little death eater and potential successor to the dark lord. She had sent him back to Hogwarts as a test. She had sent him with the task of eliminating their enemies.

At the other end of the hall Draco stared his hate at Harry. He wanted to kill Harry ad redeem his families name. To prove that the Malfoys were nothing to be scoffed at. He would succeed where his father had failed. Unfortunately now was not the time or the place. He would have to bide his time.
*Damn...* Ginny mentally cursed to herself as she heard Ron's voice....of all the people to bump into right now...right after she'd taken that potion, and even worse Ron was the only person still in the common room, everyone else having seemingly either gone to bed or not back yet. Maybe she should've saved it until she was out of the Gryffindor dorm....the longer that she spent around Ron the more the potion would effect him. "Oh know...just...going out really..." She smiled softly to her older brother, rubbing her head as she did her best not to seem at all suspicious, far easier said than done though. It was getting late, not too far from curfew for the students, so to head out of the dorm at this time was suspicious in itself. "Say uh....don't you have that assignment due pretty soon? You should probably get to work on it really" Ginny was trying to distract Ron's attention away from her....the way he was looking at her least she could be pretty certain that the potion had taken effect.

"Look Ron....I' a few things to take care of before curfew y'know? So...I really should just get going" She started trying to inch around him slowly, she needed to get out of the common room quickly, if she spent much longer around Ron then the potions effects would only keep on getting stronger, and she doubted Ron had the self control to contain himself if things got to that point. She needed to get out into the hallways...she'd almost certainly run into Harry or Draco there, possibly Snape if he was out on patrol. Then again he only ever seemed to be on patrol when he was the absolute last person you wanted to see. Damn she wished she had Harry's map....with that she could've located them easily. Hm....perhaps she could seduce that away from him...the red headed witch made a quick mental note about that, it would certainly make things easier for her.
Ron could tell his little sister was up to something, she was as bad a liar as he was. He didn't know what though. Any other time he would have been compelled to play the big brother. Try to find out what she was up to and then to talk her out of it. Today however, he found himself distracted by his sister. So much so that he only half heard her mention his muggle studies assignment.

"Huh? A..Yeah, but I can't do anything with it until Harry or Hermione get here......"

He trails off, a bit befuddled by the effects if her potion.
The closer he got to her the more intense the effect seemed to get. His heart seemed to beat faster and his breath came a little deeper. His skin was flushed and he knew he was blushing. It was that deep blush only gingers had. Their pail skin contrasting with bright red as blood rushes to the surface. That wasn't the only place blood was rushing. Ron could feel his penis start engorge as he came up to meet his sister, making a noticeable bulge under his school robes.

"I was just about to go look for them. Maybe I should go with you."

He tries to clear his head and stay on subject. He knows he shouldn't be having such thought and feelings towards his sister. Still. He moves with her, narrowing the space between himself and the wall. Closing the gap she might escape through. She is close enough he could reach out and touch her.

"Ginny...." He breaths.

Snape was descending the stairs in his way to his classroom. He was leaving Dumbledores office. They had just finished a meeting with the Minister of Magic. It had been about Potter and to a lesser extent the Dark Lord. It had been the usual round over said subjects.

The minister firmly believed the Dark Lord had been dispatched when he had battled Dumbledore at the ministry last year. He wanted the world to carry on as though Voldemort had never existed. Furthermore he wanted to make Potter a symbol of this victory and continued campaign against the remaining death eaters. Personally Snape thought the man was a fool believing what was convenient so he didn't have to deal with the fearful realities if the world.

Dumbledore on the other hand was no fool. He did not believe the Dark Lord defeated. In fact he denounced the idea with certainty. While Snape had not been there he took Albus at his word when he said the Dark Lord was not vanquished. Initially the headmaster had tried to argue this point to the minister, though he quickly have up when it became apparent that there was no reasoning with the man. Surprisingly Dumbledore had even allowed The minister to use Potter as a figure head, though he did try to limit the extent to which the minister did in the boys interest.

This Surprised Snape. More to the point it told him that the headmaster had a larger game at hand than what he had thought. It left Snape considering his position and actions more carefully, trying to see the grander picture of Dumbledore's plan. There would after all come a time when the Dark Lord was truly well and gone. What then?

Snape withdrew from his thoughts as he entered the hallway to his classroom. Potter was as expected waiting for him. He had known full well that the meeting would make him late for their lesson, but he had not bothered to inform the son of James Potter of this fact. Instead He took some small satisfaction in knowing he had inconvenienced the boy. He also observed Draco Malfoy. The two boys stared at one another and it was apparent there was no love lost between them.

Draco and his aunt were another variable to consider. They had called Snape's loyalty as a death eater into question. Using his continued protection of Potter as leverage for their argument. Snape defended himself by saying he did not believe the Dark Lord gone and that only the Dark Lord had the right to kill potter. While it held water, his reasoning had not convinced Bellatrix. She in turn had convinced her faction of death eaters that he was in fact a traitor. This had made Snape's interaction with that side of the conflict tricky. He knew full well that he needed to be mindful of Draco this year.

"Malfoy, you should be headed back to your common room shouldn't you."

His tone is cool and even, betraying none of the complicated thoughts within, as he addresses the thin boy. Malfoy Doesn't say anything as he turns to leave but the displeasure of Snape's interruption is plain on his face.

Turning from the blond Snape continues down the hall until he reaches his door and Potter.

"Professor." Harry acknowledges as his instructor approaches. Snape does not extend the same courtesy.

"There will be no lesson today."

He states simply before entering the classroom and closing the door behind him. Harry is left in the hallway exasperated but without any course if action against. Left with not other choice he turns to leave.
Oh great, Ron was getting closer and closer, Ginny not having much option but to press back a little against the wall, almost pinned against it by this point as Ron came so close, close enough to touch, close enough to hear his deep breathing, close enough for Ginny to notice the rather sizeable bulge forming between Ron's legs....damn....he was bigger than she would've given him credit for. That moment of distraction as she looked at his crotch was enough though, enough for Ginny to find her last route of escape cut off and she was now truly pinned up against the wall, stuck in the corner, no way to go except through Ron. Damn....and this close the effects of the potion were only going to get stronger even faster.

"R-Ron uh....look going with me is....probably not the best idea right now..." She swallowed nervously, her chest rising and falling, the outline of her breasts visible through her blazer. She had purposefully gone without any underwear due to what she was looking to do, meaning no bra to contain the outline of her chest and no panties beneath her slightly shorter than usual skirt. "Now uh....why don't you just let me get going big brother and I'll try to send Harry your way if I see him...." She laughed nervously, referring to him as big brother rather than his name, attempting to try and get through the building lust in order to try and hold him back.
Ginny was right. The closer Ron got to her the worse his delirium became, the worse his thoughts and wants towards his sister became. The closer he came to his sister the less he could think of anything besides his throbbing cock and his carnal desire for her. Ron caught her looking down and knew what she saw. The thought only exited him more and his cock bulged to show it. Her momentary distraction was all me needed as he pressed closer to her, placing one hand on the wall. Now she was truly trapped.

She wasn't the only one looking at things. He noticed her tits heaving as she breathes heavily. How her shapely legs leg up to her short skirt, as if trying to tempt him further. He hadn't noticed it till now but his sister had filled out nicely over the last year. His cock was practically salivating in his pants at the thought of what her body must look like under her clothes.

Her attempt to shake him from his potion induced stupor is in vain. At this point Ron hardly hears her let alone comprehends what she says. All he can think about is how much he wants her, needs her, as his cock throbs painfully in his pants. He has never been so horny in all his life. Ron is at his breaking point. He leans in pressing her between him and the wall, his dick pressing against her.


He breaths again as his lips com in to meet hers. Lower his free hand slides down the outside of her thigh, then traces back up the inside towards her pussy. He is pleasantly surprised to find her without underwear as he starts to play with her pussy, rubbing his hand in circles between her folds and over her clit.
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