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A pretty sacrifice (DonVoltonus X KingSandy)


Aug 17, 2010
In your blankets, looking for a hug
The chains were cold, as was the stone they held him to. The boy lay naked on the bare stone, his body exposed and vulnerable. His mouth was wedged open with a kind of ring bucked about his mouth. He was blindfolded. He was here to appease the demons and their ilk, to keep the town safe. To keep their sons and daughters unviolated.

They had picked Jack, of all the boys, because he was slender and short. His hair was fine and long, tree-bark brown. His eyes were like faded leaves. His skin was not the delicate porcelain prized in women but the healthy tan of someone who spent a lot of time outside. Jack was the prettiest of all the boys in town and the envy of some women, too. People had wanted to spare their sons or daughters this fate and Jack was perfect to replace both. An orphan in care of the Church, too. No one to protest. A pretty doll of a boy, now a gift.

The townspeople watched the young captive. They were waiting for the demons to make him disappear. Every once in a while, a sacrifice would come back as a dazed, confused or broken shell of a person. Sometimes they would come back and act possessed, attacking and molesting anything in sight. Other times, they would not come back at all.

Jack lay quiet. He had tired himself out struggling. He could still hear the townspeople, waiting. Murmuring. Drool dripped down the corners of his mouth. He wished he were dead. He wanted to cross his legs. His legs were open to the point where the priest had said the demons would come out of. . . It was so odd.

With a flash a demoness exited the portal, walking over the the prone young man. "Ohhh, very nice this time guys. Don't worry, I'll be gentle, this one won't come back a wreck!" She grinned, waving to the villagers. "So little offering..." She slowly rubbed his crotch, teasing his balls. "What's your name? I'm Sara, and I'll be your new mistress." Her cock seemed to twitch every few moments, as if beating with her heart.
Whatever Jack was expecting, this wasn't it. A flash of light and a gasp from the townsfolk. He wondered what could be here, what appearance the demons took. He'd never seen them before. Jack opened an eye and took in the creature. She seemed pretty enough, in an exotic way. What he was not prepared for was the overwhelming masculinity and femininity of her form. She was mostly bare and endowed massively. Her hand was soft and sent little pin-pricks of delight through his body. But he was also afraid. That cock of hers twitched every so often. . .

"I-I'm Jack, Mistress Sara."

The townsfolk filed away, leaving Jack to his fate. He tugged a little at the manacles. "Um. . . Are you going to eat me?"
"Well, you're a lovely little pet Jack." She chuckled, stroking his cock more firmly. "No, I don't plan to eat you as long as you behave, though I'll be partaking of your lovely cum." She knelt at the end of the slab, running her long tongue over his cock. "Be a good boy and give mistress lots of hot sperm."
Well that was a relief, really. He bit back a little moan as she stroked him. Her hands were delightful and he wasn't going to be eaten or anything. Jack's back arched against the slab as her tongue swept over his cock. "O-of course, I'll be good. Um. . . Are you going to do that all out in the open? What-what if someone sees?" Of course, that was the least of his worries but he'd never done anything sexual before, really. And to say he was nervous was an understatement. "I'll try my best but. . . I've never. . . never." He blushed.
She chuckled. "Aww cutie, wouldn't matter even if you had. You wouldn't be any better prepared for this." She turned around, anus sliding out to take his cock in, tightly clutching around him. "Human girls have nothing on me."
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