Warcraft: Picking Up the Tab (Hawk/Dr. Nibbles)


Mar 2, 2013
Roko eased himself off of his mount as he reached the stables, nodding to the keeper as he passed him the reins and tossed him a couple silver coins for keeping his wolf for the night. The orc looked around a moment, taking in his surroundings as he approached the small tavern just on the outskirts of Ratchet. The tavern was noticeably busy tonight, both Alliance and Horde were enjoying drinks and conversation but not with each other. The Horde managed to stay on the left side of the tavern, filling bar stools and tables while the Alliance stuck to the other.

With a smile, Roko stepped inside and helped himself to a stool and small table located near the middle of the tavern that was unoccupied. He met several stares and nods from other patrons, but the Orc was unfazed by most of it. His strong frame pushed through a crowd of goblins, keeping his hands on the hilts of his axes which rested at his hips before taking his seat. A familiar goblin approached his table, giving him a friendly grin and served him his usual mead before scurrying off to help other customers, leaving the Orc to take in the sights and sounds.
Fauna entered the tavern, her long blue dress dangling from her petite draenai frame. She was a local patron, in fact it was her beauty that brought in most business. She was so gorgeous that it was famed across the expanse of Ratchet and miles beyond that. Though she was more than just a pretty face, she was a harlot at times as well. Allowing any man horde or alliance access to her body if they suited her taste and had a decent amount of cash or other loot.

Tonight was no exception to her devious ritual. On her entrance to the bar she saw a particularly interesting mount. A wolf. Wolves are a Orc specific mount, and those greenskins are the most easily tamed pigeons. She saw the Orc in his massive bulk, sitting at the counter. Jackpot, she thought.
Roko lifted his gaze from his glass when he noticed the Draenei entering the tavern, wondering if she was meeting someone as she looked around. Their eyes met briefly and he noticed a smile play on her soft, pouty lips. He dropped his gaze back to his pint of ale which he knocked back, slamming the glass down on the table as a sign that he wanted another.

The Orc was clad in some armor, a pair of black plate pauldrons rested on each of his broad shoulders, marked in the generic red Horde crest. His chest and midsection was mostly bare, allowing onlookers to see just how strong this green beast looked.

Roko found his eyes wandering again, back towards the female who had just entered moments ago. There was something alluring about this Draenei, giving her figure a closer look.
The bar's attention seemed to focus solely on Fauna. It was as if all men and women of any race were enchanted by her beauty and saunter. Her long, hair swayed around her midsection, as blue and dark as midnight. Her ageless, smooth face was topped with two horns that concaved and pointed outward, turning pink at their sharp tip. Her pallid blue flesh just looked soft to the touch, and her darker lips seemed to beg for someone to take her body.

Fauna made her way to her "target", the massive greenskin that sat at the bar, drinking the night away.

"I'll take the usual." she said, her voice etheral in its beauty. She shifted her attention to the orc at her right and took a seat, crossing her legs in a revealing manner "Hey," she said simply.
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