Fallout: Paradise Falls (Raiden x Nibbles)

Dr. Nibbles

Oct 20, 2011
Your Pants
Abigail wandered through out the ruins outside of Megaton, her home of residence. Looking for anything she could sell as scrap for some extra caps. She kept her shotgun in one hand, ready to fight a bunch of radroaches or a raider at any point. Abigail has killed before, she's no longer afraid of it. Being born in a vault does that sort of thing to you, it makes you weak. Though she was voted out of her Vault, 93, due to over population. She hated her family for allowing her to be cast out into the world. A genius future engineer she could have been, now she's a scrap merchant that wanders the wastes looking for some decent funds. One day she'll have enough caps to take a train to Shady Sands. The NCR will truly accept her talents. But as it stands the Brotherhood of Steel aren't accepting recruits and the Outcasts would probably capture her and sell her as a slave if not do other more unmentionable things to her body.

Her pip-boy picked up a bizarre energy reading among the ruins. It was probably a radscorpion, their flesh gives off weird readings. She cocked her shotgun and prepared for a fight.
The man grunts, swinging his weapon up from his waist and aiming it at the woman who approaches him, the armor wreathing his body gleaming darkly in the sunlight. At first glance, it appears similar to Enclave equipment, but any level of examination will reveal the heavier plating, the multiple lenses over the left eye, and the insignia of a black-rimmed eye stamped into the left shoulder. "Easy, sweetheart." he growls, voice made deeper by the armor, one hand gripping the heavy-caliber pistol, the other resting on a combat-weathered, heavy-looking hatchet on his belt.
"I've got no quarrel with any of you folk. Just looking for some, well, mole rats." he admits, releasing his hatchet and patting a twisted, toxic-looking branch hung just below it. "That Brown woman has me hunting them with this... thing." he says, displeasure plain in his voice.
"I don't suppose you're willing to give me a hand hunting? I'll compensate ya."
"How much compensation we talking?" she asks the two mysterious looking gentleman that approached her. She lowered her weapon but did not lower her guard. She was fully prepared to kill them both but only if it was necessary. If she could get some cash out of this little excursion. "And what exactly are you doing out here anyway?"
"A few hundred caps. Not too much... but tell ya what. I'll meet you back in Megaton later today. She recommended a few spots to me on the outskirts of DC, so I'd gladly take you along. I'll be in the bar there, in the room. Just go ahead and call for me, hm?" he suggests, giving her a light bow, and then putting his weapon up, before striding away calmly, humming beneath his breath.

A few minutes after he passes out of sight, a scuff of boots on dirt can be heard behind the woman, half a second before something strikes her in the back of her head.
When she comes to, she is surrounded by a trio of scruffy, bloodied men. Raiders.
"Well, well, boys. Look what we got here. A lil' old scavver, just wantin somethin to do. How about we show her some junk of our own, huh?"
The other two laugh, the sounds harsh and hoarse, and each takes one of her arms, leaving the leader to grab her legs, shoving them apart before he grabs her pants, ripping them harshly off.
Abby never stood a chance. The butt of the gun smashed into the base of her skull and had her land into the ground hazily and quickly losing concsiousness. "Mother....fucker..." she whimpered as the light faded.

When Abigail awoke, she was pinned down and disarmed, her scantily clothed body ready to be ravaged. Without her weapons or sex to save her she could only beg.

"Please I have caps! I'll pay you just leave me be." she panted with fear. "Just don't...please! NO!"

Her scanty shorts were ripped from her curvy hips revealing her surprisingly long cock and tight virgin pussy.
The raiders ignore her pleas, though their leader looks faintly disgusted by her cock. He spits on her stomach, and then, without a warning, shoves his cock against her slit, before impaling her on him, his cock a foot long, and inches thick, splitting her pussy wide.
"Ah! She's tight, boys! Feels real good!"
"Good to hear, boss! Can I use her mouth?"
"Sure. Just don't kill her like ya did the last one."
Grinning, one of the two men grips her face, and drops his pants, rubbing his cock against her face, and smearing pre across it. "Don't you dare fuckin' bite, bitch, or we'll leave ya for the yao guai."
With that, he thrusts forward, and gags the herm with his cock, shoving it deep down her throat until his balls slap against her nose, hanging into her eyes, and beginning to thrust at alternates with his 'boss', shaking the woman between them.
"AAAAH!" Abigail fought hard against her captors, more so once the cock had plunged deep into her untouched womanhood, dripping small drops of blood down their legs. "Oh god please stop! Please st-!"

Her mouth was suddenly filled with the unwashed cock of yet another raider. Her eyes widened at "Don't kill her like the last one." She was suddenly filled with terror. She refused to let them see her as weak though, she thrashed and kicked and yelled and even thought about risking the bite. But in the end all her efforts were futile, leaving her to be had by these monsters. A silent tear fell from her face as in order to stay alive she allowed them to do as they pleased.
The men continue plunging themselves into her tight holes, violating her eagerly... Until the man whose cock is jammed down her throat jerks and stiffens, a sizable blade jammed through his chest... And then falls back, yanking his cock from Abigail's mouth.
A quartet of gunshots follow in quick succession, and the other two collapse backward, a bullet each in chest and head.

A few moments later, the armored male approaches, and kneels next to her, reaching out and checking her breathing. "Good. They didn't kill you." He mutters, shaking his head, and puts his arms under her, hefting her up, and laying her gear on her stomach. "I'll have you to Megaton soon."
The rape felt like hours, constant pounding within her tight virgin opening, ripping her throat and cunt apart. She cried, her body convulsed as she was twisted around and had with in every angle and position imaginable. She was on her knees taking two cocks from behind and one in her mouth when the wanderer came.

Blood splattered against her naked body as the beasts of men are taken out one by one like animals. They didn't stand a chance against the armored man's crack shots. He picked her up and rested her torn gear on her body. "Th-thank you..." she managed to mutter, her face covered in the cum of her assailants.
The armored man grunts quietly at her words, and shakes his head. "Nothing to thank me for. You've still gotta come work for me hunting down the mole rats. I couldn't risk losing such a pretty companion." he mutters, laughing lightly. "I'll get you some new clothes, once we're inside." he adds, carefully draping her torn clothes to cover her pussy, cock, and breasts.

When he reaches the room he's renting-Well, staying in-he carries her upstairs, ignoring the Mr. Handy's greetings.
"There's a bathtub here. Just through the door over there. There are clothes in that cabinet, and there's food on the first floor. Join me when you feel up to it."
The gorgeous redhead hermaphrodite was laid down onto the spare room cot and she groaned in pain. Her body was sore from at least an hour of ravaging her body. She thought for sure she was going to die. But this metal angel, this warrior came and rescued her from sheer death.

"W-whats your name?" she said covering herself with the blanket and sitting up slowly, her bruises making it somewhat uncomfortable. "At least show me your face or something.... isn't that fair?"
The armored male hesitates as she questions him, and looks back over his shoulder at her. "Harker." He says, and with one hand, pops the seals on his helm, lifting it off and revealing a pale, scarred face, a large gash having sliced from his left temple to the right side of his jaw, just barely missing his eyes. "I'll be downstairs, once you're recovered enough to move." He repeats, seeming somewhat apathetic.
Something about scars sent blood rushing to Abby's large cock. Harker's was no exception. The blanket began to rustle and Abby quickly herself, discretely however. "I-I'm Abigail." She blushed.
The male's eyes flick down briefly, and he raises a brow, shaking his head. "Good to meet you, Abigail. Just call if you need... help, with that problem of yours." he says, gesturing to the tented sheets, and then turning, and moving out of the room again.
"What?" she questioned as she realized she wasn't doing a very good job of concealing her massive errection. "That's a r-reflex... p-pervert."

She was in denial. After seeing Harker in action today, and his scarred face being revealed (Something she found oddly attractive) she realized she had a school girl crush on her superhero. When the door shut behind Harker she growled a bit in frustration. An hour after being raped shes horny... maybe thats what losing her virginity did... maybe she liked it rough. The thoughts raced through her head, and she couldn't help but begin playing with her lady-cock.
The male snorts quietly as he hears her words, but exits nevertheless, settling in on a couch and reading, humming quietly beneath his breath. Her sounds of pleasure can't reach him, nor even a call... She'd have to shout, to get his attention.
She slipped her fingers into her cunt and let out a loud moan. She quickly covered her mouth and continued stroking her massive hermaphroditic cock, pre-cum beginning to bubble at the tip as she moaned louder into her hand.
The male yawns quietly, downstairs, hearing the faint, rhythmic creak of the bed above, and then smirks before laying back, closing his eyes and resting a bit... Fully content with just letting her work her own problem out, unless she truly wanted him, needed him.
"Oh yes." she screamed, stroking her cock and now fingering her pussy. Her body was wracked with intense sensation. She couldn't get enough. She needed more... she needed him. "OKAY!!!!" she shouted. "I admit it! Harker... come fuck me." she said the last part quietly. Standing up and limping her way to the landing "Please."

Precum dripped from her dick onto his floor. She stroked herself, fully clothed and watched him sitting their, hoping he'd see.
The male smirks quietly, looking up at her, and then rises to his feet, striding upstairs. Grasping her shoulder, he pulls her back into the bedroom, and pushes her to her knees. "THen you'd best get me ready, hmm?" he asks, his pants visibly straining outward, manhood scarcely restrained.
"I-its the least I can do... you saved my life" she said pulling down his zipper and pulling out his thick cock. "Oh my... its...its..." she couldn't utter words, merely begin to suck on his ample shaft and moan out loud. She began sucking, taking in its length with a whore's ease.
The male groans as she easily takes his shaft into her mouth and throat, and clutches her hair, letting out a shuddering breath. "Touch yourself. I want you hard and wet, when I take you." he growls down at her, eyes meeting hers.
Abbey began stroking her lady-cock, sucking and slurping as she did so. She endulged in every moment of the sexual decadence. His musk, his taste, everything was perfect. She wanted him more. She wanted him in every hole, filling her up with his hot seed continuously. She bobbed her head quickly, sucking harder, fondling her cock with one hand, fingering her pussy with the other.
The male grins down at her, gripping her hair, and thrusting his cock against her head, keeping her in place as his balls slap against her chin, feeling her moan around his thick length. "You want my cock, don't you, woman?" he asks, smirking, and, after some time, pulling back, before climaxing, thick, warm ropes of his cum splattering across her face.
Abigail took a deep breath as she was finnally released from the cock. Instantly her mouth and face was flooded with absurd amounts of thick, creamy cum. "Yes... oh god yes." she moaned as the seed splashed against her face. She quickly climbed onto the bed, pulling her skirt up and her leggings down so he could have full access to her young pussy. "Take me... please." she begged with longing eyes.
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