The New Girl Meets The Overfiend (DeRe & ~Rebellious_Desire~)


Mar 19, 2013
Somewhere in the fetid depths of hell, a spark shone out. High above the seething infernal masses it rang like a bell through the choked air, before becoming a broad shining circle - a portal. Somewhere, on the Other Side of the boundary, some idiot mortal was attempting - yet again - to summon a demon.

In the midst of Hell's teeming morass hunched the Overfiend, the demonic personification of rape and degradation. Long since banished to this wretched dead zone of rejected devils, his frustration and desperation to escape were more than enough fuel to strive upwards towards the light.

With his superior power and size he easily clambered over the writhing lesser beings and aimed for the portal of escape. As the fiends below moaned in anger his claws crushed them down and he passed through the shining light, whooping with delight.

The obligatory flash of light and reek of sulfur announced his arrival in this plane. In his aspect as a naked, handsome and seemingly normal human male, he had expected to find a coven of worshipers or witches had called him. But he found himself in some sort of bedroom, with a single female kneeling on the floor before a primitive summoning device.

"Well, hello," he purred. "Who are you? I'm Nick".
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