Sapio Sexual Dom

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Apr 1, 2013
I am looking for a Sapio Sexual Dominant male, who understands D/s is not about sex.. although a part of D/s.

For those not knowing the word Sapio sexual:

One who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive feature.
"I want an incisive, inquisitive, insightful, irreverent mind. I want someone for whom philosophical discussion is foreplay. I want someone who sometimes makes me go ouch due to their wit and evil sense of humor. I want someone that I can reach out and touch randomly

I am not opposed against sexual RP, but for me there needs to be a connection.. so a friendship to build up is for me the most important thing.I can simple not do a sexual scene without that connection

For me a D/s RP is a journey to be taken slowly.. a story to develop..
Without that is becomes a shallow scene for me..
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