Digital Desires (RyutheXIIIth x Tanith)


Feb 20, 2013
It was a time of peace, after the two worlds that had been kept secret from one another now coexisted, thanks to the efforts of the 'chosen children' who had saved both worlds from certain destruction. Before, access to the Digital world from the Real world was highly restricted, and time progressed much slower than it did in the Real world. But now, after the events that had nearly spelt certain doom to the Digital and Real worlds, time flowed in the same speed in both worlds, and more Digimon found their way into the Real world, learning to live with them.

Now, a new development was going to occur that, though would not influence the worlds as a whole, could drastically change the life of Digimon, and even humans.

Back in the Digital world, Leomon was standing atop a cliff, looking down on the lush forests below, his arms crossed. Now that there was peace, he had nothing to do but watch over the Digimon living there, acting as a judge for any commotion or scuffle that arose between them - despite it having been so many years, he had not lost his sense of justice, but sadly it was not being put to use much. He sighed, as he looked around him, but then he froze, feeling some sort of disturbance around him. He turned around, but saw nothing. All of a sudden, he felt something hit his broad chest, like a kind of prick, but when he looked, there was nothing there. He blinked once, trying to figure out what happened, and then a huge wave of heat hit him, and he kneeled, breathing hard. He put his hands on the ground to support himself; while it didn't really hurt, he felt extremely uncomfortable, as his body was undergoing a change, an extreme one at that.

And then, the heat began to subside, until it was gone, and Leomon got back on his feet, still breathing heavily. He didn't know what hit him, but it changed something about him. He realized what it was, when he felt something hard in his pants. It was big and bulging, and felt very hard. With that, he also felt strange, as if he wanted something. He knew what he wanted, and he wanted it badly. He wanted a female.
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