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F3 Deathclaw RP [Alcadera & Haitious]


Mar 27, 2013
Enclave Research Department
Monthly progress report.

Case no.: GS-522386

Research into forceful gender shifting in case of extinction of the female gender.

Subject information.
ID: #669403
Name: Chriss Benningfield.
Age: 27
Gender - previous: Male
Gender - current: 61% Female - 39% male
Race: Caucasian

Subject was formerly a private first class in unit Gamma 42. The subject has been stripped of rank and chosen for gender shifting research after unique exposure to high levels of radiation under the influence of an experimental dose of an anti-radiation solution[see case no.: AR-510789].

After unit Alpha 42 proved susceptible to man-designed mutations while under the influence of case no.: AR-510789, all units exposed to case no.: AR-510789 have been made available to the research department for purpose-built mutation experiments.

Subject #669403 has been kept restrained in a temperature controlled room and stripped of all clothing for the purpose of observation. Exactly 30 days ago, while the subject still contained case no.: AR510789 in it's bloodstream, the subject has been routinely injected with a high dose of female deathclaw hormones. Our hopes is that the hormones of the highly mutated deathclaw females will provide a faster and more reliable mutation catalyst than that of a human female. Primarily the deathclaw's innate ability to regenerate beyond human capabilities is most likely the ideal catalyst in the mutation process.

Approximately 17 days ago, the hormones have proven to be a success. The subject's male reproductive organs have been rejected by the subject's hormone induced body and a female reproductive organ has been taking shape. Approximately 9 days ago, the female reproductive organ had fully shaped, and initial experimentation show the subject to feel every sensation a female can. However, at this stage there are still no signs of breasts, as the subject maintains it's masculine physique.

as of today, the subject continues to have a male physical appearance aside from the female genital. further hormone injections prove insufficient as the internal organs have ceased mutation before obtaining fertility. Scans indicate an undeveloped womb, undeveloped cervix, no development of fallopian tubes and no development of ovaries. However, research staff have mentioned the subject is starting to give off a female deatclaw's hormone scent.

We would like to study the following options before termination of research:
- Whether or not the hormone scent indicates a possible deathclaw reproductive cycle and subsequent "heat"
- Whether captured deathclaw subjects are susceptible to the subject's hormones and possibly attempt to mate while the subject is kept restrained. [this may best be kept for last, in case the subject can't survive the process]
- Whether another dosage of case no.: AR510789 will allow for further mutations.
- Whether pairing subject #669403 with subject #669404 will provide new research opportunities for both cases.
Enclave Research Department
Monthly Progress Report

Case no.: DCM-258274

Research into possible Deathclaw mutation to strengthen current solider capability.

Subject information.
ID: #669404
Name: David [CLASSIFIED]
Age: 25*
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian**

[CAUTION]: Due to this subject's aggressive behavior the research team is prohibited from approaching subject #669404 without the backup of armed personnel.

Subject formally of third class researcher status, as been currently demoted to M-Class for mutation research. The subject has been given controlled dosages of Deathclaw DNA following mutagen DM-4325, and recently the anti-radiation solution AR-510709 [see case no.: AR-510789].

Subject #669404 was originally designated to standard Deathclaw containment unit 21B prior to initial use of mutagen DM-4325 after mutating beyond expected rate. Subject is awaiting upgrade to containment unit 56C due to the exposure of DM-4325 with AR-510789 increasing subject #669404's mass substantially. Staff is prohibited from further doses of either mutagen or anti-radiation solution until the subject's current growth rate evens out.

[UPDATE:] Subject has been moved from unit 21B before upgrade - will now remain in non-standard Deathclaw restraints in cell 12A. Containment upgrade will have to be reinforced due to subject's continued growth beyond projected expectation. Subject has from this point forward been revoked of any future private class and will be terminated following completion of extended research period. [See Insident Report: 348-B]

Over the subject #669404's initial mutation period it was injected with mutagen DM-4325 in the hopes of obtaining capabilities common in Deathclaws - including resistance to high levels of radiation, increased bone reinforcement, and heightened senses. Although the subject maintains intelligence at the human level 20 days after injection, #669404's body has accelerated in mutation to the point of no longer classifying as human.

30 days prior to injection subject closely resembles a alpha-class Deathclaw in appearance. [Note: Subject's ability to speak has thus far been taken away after a fully developed Deathclaw body had been obtained.] It has been taken into account that the subject's "claws" remain short through the mutation process, and #669404 seems to possess what resembles a more pronounced snout. Subject's skin pigmentation has accelerated into a red color, pigmentation extends to the spines and horns to some degree. Previous skin conditions - scars, tattoos, etc. Have been integrated into the subject's skin. One of #669404's tattoos has become what resembles a skin-pattern beyond where the tattoo was originally placed.

Although the display of intelligence continues research staff are prohibited from releasing #669404 from restraints, and may only interact with the subject in a heavily-monitored environment.

Subject at that point had been injected with AR-510789 and refined DM mutagen 4590, 17 days prior to injection subject's size has increased exponentially, beyond containment cell capabilities. Its current size is 14 feet tall.*** Subject has also become increasingly hostile in certain situations, staff have after this point been prohibited from all interaction with subject #669404.

Subject had breached security from containment 21B for over [CLASSIFIED] hours. Subject #669404 has since been retrieved outside the facility after killing two researchers, subject has since been moved to 12A with non-standard restraints until upgraded containment unit can be obtained. [See full incident report: 348-A]

[Extended Study Requested] We would like to study the following options before subject termination:
- Possible extended intelligence in the subject due to mutation.
- Interaction with captured Deathclaw subjects in the hopes in integrating the subject into their social structure.
- Further study on subject #669404's digestive system after incident 348.
- Weither pairing subject #669404 with subject #669403 will provide new research oppertunites before termination.

* - Subject is assumed to be this age through tissue testing, otherwise this number may not be accurate.
** - Subject is mutated beyond ability to classify "Race", currently left with previous case file statement.
*** - Subject has not been measured since incident 348.
Deep inside of the Enclave research facility, used primarily for mutation research. A young male, if you could still call him that, lay strapped to a table. Old worn padding supporting his back, his arms tied on outstretched restraints, His legs held apart in the same way. Thirty days had passed with him being kept restrained in this manner, everything in his life had suddenly become affixed to this table. Sleeping, eating, being stabbed with needles, having his body defiled by inquisitive fingers, even forced to defecate without being released. A miserable existence with no sense of time, no sense of humanity and no sense of life.

The room was kept at a 'comfortable' room temperature, cleaned often enough to be considered sterile at any given time. The young male, named Chriss Benningfield, was under constant surveillance. After all, if he couldn't hold it again and left his business leaking down onto the drain below him, a low level janitor was dispatched to clean the floor and flush the drain. The table holding Chriss Benningfield was tilted just enough for him to have a perfect view of the opposite wall, which held a single large mirror. Aside from the ceiling, this was the only thing Chriss could see, with his head tied to the headrest, there was little else to do than watch in horror as his once proud manhood was being rejected by his drug-induced body. In all this misery, Chriss was at least thankful that the mutation process itself did not feel painful somehow.

Time was slow, however. And Chriss' inability to keep track of it by neither a clock, nor a day/night cycle made it seem to him like he was kept there for several months already. Every waking moment he longed to be able to move his body again, which is exactly what he refused to stop trying. His soldier training had not been for naught, as he had tried to pull his arms together repeatedly in a similar fashion to muscle training. Nothing much seemed to happen, but today however, while tapping his right hand on the outstretched armrest, he began to feel a little bit of motion, which means the metal holding the table together wasn't as strong as he had feared. His main problem, however, is how to break out unnoticed... A janitor made it's way to him within a minute of him having done his business, meaning there was always someone keeping an eye on him. Considering the motion in the armrests was only minimal, he knew it would take him a long time of constantly applying force back and forth in order to break off at least one of the arms, so as to allow him to untie himself. What he needed was not only a distraction, but something knocking the table hard enough to either snap or severely weaken the slightly fatigued metal holding his armrests in place.

Chriss sighed as he closed his eyes, hoping he could maybe catch a little bit of sleep, or at the very least gather his thoughts. He knew this situation was hopeless. If anything, the Enclave was very thorough in what it did.

"hah...The lies I believed in hopes of serving a just cause..." he thought to himself, knowing full well that anything he said out loud would most likely be recorded.

"In another life, I was 'saving the world'. securing an important research facility from bandits, going out on scouting patrols, liberating and securing property of the 'government'..."

chriss sighed to himself again as he lamented on his memories. He felt he should have realised the mandatory injections his unit was given, being sent out to secure a waste processing facility and being far too ill equipped for such a potential radiation hazard was just too fishy to be safe. Now here he is, strapped to a table and mutated into some freaky cross between a woman and the man he once was. And then there was the smell, this strong scent he never smelled before, yet somehow feel like it was his own body odour. If he had known that was the scent of a deathclaw, he might have figured out why it was so pungent, as deathclaw noses work in a strange way, they're quick to pick up on scents of prey, but their own doesn't seem to register half as much, requiring them to be significantly stronger than that of a human. To Chriss, however, his sense of smell didn't change with the mutations, and he himself smelled more pungent than ever. To a normal deathclaw, he would likely smell simply like an ordinary deathclaw, it might not even notice at first that it's female.

"I probably should never have been buddies with David... that's probably why they took out my unit... A simple grunt getting on first name level with one of their high prised scientists? yeah, I thought not. No wonder they stopped him from seeing me in the mess hall a few weeks before we were injected."

After a moment, chriss grunted. "For all I know they simply had him scout out which unit was viable for testing... the proud and mighty Enclave... couldn't even care about it's own footsoldiers, so just uses them as guinea pigs... throwing away their lives..."

Chriss' lower lip began to tremble. His memories of what seemed to be a perfect life, rebuilding the world, were nothing more than a painful reminder of how far he has fallen. However, he didn't have very long to feel sorry for himself. as suddenly a deep rumble could be heard from the walls, Something must have hit a wall somewhere with enough force to vibrate his room. Chriss tried to move his arm again, still not a lot of movement, whatever it was, it was going to have to slam something really big against the wall of his chamber in order to free him. His hopes were about to be answered however, as he heard a muffled alarm sounding from behind the mirror.
Perhaps they should have been a little more careful. Perhaps a single set of restraints was not enough. Perhaps they shouldn't have left one particularly lazy guard on duty that day - whatever the reason, their laziness was about to be their downfall.

For he was still growing, every minute of every hour he was still growing.

David wasn't the most clever of people, even long ago when he spent his days looking over research notes, typing out the same reports over an over again, never letting the truth of what he was typing get to him. He wasn't ever one to come up with a new alloy, or start up some mutation program to help his fellow researchers. Maybe that was why he was so disposable in their eyes -- a simple man who did simple work, spending the time he could have helped their civilization reading comic books and keeping company with gunmen who probably didn't even know what the boiling point of water was.

Honestly, who would miss him?

The metal screeching of the bars against his form was loud enough to wake the dead, when they finally gave weigh he was rather sure that security would notice in but a moment. There was no time for fighting with door controls - he doubted he could get his new fingers to push a single button at a time anyway.
Now it was just to get the restraints off. A wall would work well enough for that. With all the strength he could muster he was slamming himself against the concrete, trying to loosen the ties that wrapped around his body to two metal electric locks on his shoulders. The first broke well enough, but the second was being a bit stubborn. It didn't help that that blaring noise was beginning to bother him, he could barely /think/ with that stupid thing going off.

He hadn't well expected to crack the wall on his third charge, but that would do for now. It was nice to have his hands free to stretch his fingers, to widen use of his arms. It just felt so perfect... so /right/.

Before long the padding of footsteps was filling the upper level - the wide balcony to overlook his containment for observational purposes. Often where those beady-eyed scientists would watch him, pointing fingers and making diagrams. He couldn't... couldn't remember why they were watching him. Only that they had done this before, before he escaped last time.

The men upstairs were heavily armored, equipped with their standard-use guns and heavy helms. They took aim over the railing, past the destroyed cage to the fifteen-foot tall deathclaw near the wall. It only took a single gunshot.

A single gunshot to drive him mad. To have him slamming with new force against that wall, driven by the pain in his side, driven by the rage that someone would try to raise arm against him. There wasn't a single thought in his head now, nothing but getting /away/ from the stinging sensation was priority. He let out a bellow, shaking the walls around him, sending some of those battle-ready men away just a little -- the thought registering in his mind that they weren't the solid pain-delivering monsters he thought they were from inside the cage.

They were boys. Boys wearing armor and carrying /toys/. Toys that stung him but never seemed to wound him. Even their petty cage couldn't hold him, couldn't hold the /power/ that he possessed down there. They were scared of him. Afraid of getting down there to fight him. He could hear them, hear their ragged breathing, their muttering of curses and trying to scramble with their commander to figure out what to do. They were absolutely /terrified/.

They had every right to be.
Chriss could feel the deep rumbling go through his room a couple times more. Whatever it was, it was massive and strong... strong enough for him to not want to be near it. Sadly for him, his escape fully depended on it. He had no idea if anyone was still observing him from behind the mirror, but he wasn't going to get another chance, with a little luck there won't be any janitors available for anything other than running for the emergency exits, so he had to risk it now.

As the repeated knocks against the walls far away sent a low rumble through his room, the build quality of his bed started to become audible, as a faint rattle started to betray the quality of the metal beneath him. Chriss kept trying to press his arms up as much as possible, but for the moment there is still not enough give. If whatever was making that noise in the distance could get close enough to hit the cell with something, maybe something might snap.

[i don't know what else to post at this point -.- i need David to hit the outside wall of this cell with SOMETHING to make his escape, and their chances of meeting, seem more plausible]
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