Take my Wealth, but not my Sister! (RyutheXIIIth x Ursa-hime)


Feb 20, 2013
He was a man of strength and honor. The soldiers respected him, the nobles praised him, and his people loved him. He was the general of the Kazegawa clan, that replaced the Toyotomi clan when Hideyoshi Toyotomi was slain by Orochi.

This man, Hayate Kazegawa, had served under the Toyotomi for a while, but his loyalty along with his sense of justice made him one of Hideyoshi's favorite officers. But during the events that transpired with the return of the dark Orochi, Hideyoshi was brutally wounded in a battle with the Serpent King himself. During his last moments, he passed down his position and assets to the young Hayate, and he accepted it, promising to lead the clan to great heights.

Nene was shocked and upset over her husband's death, but she respected his decision to hand the throne to Hayate. She trusted him, and knew her husband had made the right choice. Hayate allowed her to make her own choice as to whether to stay with him or not. She soon became his close advisor and assistant.

Now, Hayate, at 30, had made his presence well-known to the other clans. He wanted to form an alliance with the stronger Sanada clan, whose wealth and strength surpassed his. He was ready to give Yukimura Sanada whatever he wanted, not only to expand his territory, but also to gain access to some of the Sanada's wealth - Hideyoshi had rubbed on him his taste for gold. However, there was one thing, or rather one person. he was not willing to share.

His little sister.

The man who seemed unshakable even in the most dire of situations had one great and embarrassing weakness and secret: he was in love with his little sister. Of course, no one knew, not even his sister(to his knowledge, at least), and he couldn't let it be known to the outside world. However, a few days ago, when an officer asked for his sister's hand for an alliance, he felt nervous, but he relaxed when she politely refused him, saying that she was waiting for 'the right man'.

He was curious to see what kind of man his sister liked, hoping that he could be that kind of man for her. And so, one day, he had called for her into his private chambers, wanting to talk to her about her feelings.
Aiko Kazegawa was currently making her way to her brother's chambers, nervous about the events that were possibly about to transpire. She was only 18, a good number of years behind Hayate, but she loved her brother deeply. However, considering only a few days prior, she had turned down a man who had asked for her man in marriage. Thinking about it now, it was probably a strategic move on the officer's part, after all - Hayate had taken over from the beloved Hideyoshi Toyotomi and thus, not only gained a considerable advantage in battle, but also a considerable amount of wealth. Pouting to herself, Aiko sighed. She thought that strategical marriages didn't serve much of a purpose, especially when the two involved didn't love each other at all.

Arriving at Hayate's chambers, she adjusted her kimono and made sure that her hair was perfect before knocking. Aiko was 100% sure that she was going to be admonished for her mistake, before being made to apologize to the officer and beg for his hand in marriage. Biting her lip, Aiko opened the sliding door, more than ready to accept any punishment that her brother was about to give her.
Hayate was seated in front of her in his golden armor as usual, but he had taken off his helmet, allowing his smooth neck-length brown hair to bob a little as he nodded at the girl who opened the door. His face was broad but smooth and clean, looking quite young for his age, and his skin was naturally pale, but it had darkened over time with battles and responsibilities. He was incredibly handsome for his age, and one would think he would have an equally beautiful bride. But, surprisingly, he was single.

Nene was curious to know why he chose to remain a bachelor, and Hayate had simply responded that he wasn't 'interested in girls', unlike his predecessor. This was, of course, not true, but he knew that if he wasn't careful, one day Nene might find out about his love for his sister; she was quite nosy, and he prayed it didn't have to come to that.

Breathing in and out a little slowly to calm his nerves, he smiled at the approaching girl. "Ah, my dear sister, please come in. And close the door behind you. Relax, for I only wish to talk to you."
Aiko blinked at her brother, looking dashingly handsome as usual before nodding her head slowly. "O-oh? Just a talk?" She asked timidly, before entering the room fully and closing the door behind her. Tilting her head to the side, she was confused. The younger sister was not sure if this was a ploy by her brother to lure her into a false sense of security before giving her the talking to of her life.

Moving to kneel down in front of Hayate, Aiko rested her hands on her lap, although she couldn't stop fidgeting with them from time to time. She was nervous, she was not at all pleased to be chewed out by her brother for whatever reason, especially when she had no intention to returning to that officer and apologizing for her denial of him."S-so... what seems to be the problem, Hayate? H-Have you finally decided on a suitor!?" She asked, her tone of voice raising slightly.
Hayate gulped a little, seeing his sister in a while. She had grown to become a beautiful young lady, and he really couldn't bear the thought of her being with another man. But if it ultimately made her happy, he would have to submit. Her happiness was more important than his. He shook his head to her nervous question. "No, no, my dear. If you are to be married to someone, it should be with someone you like..." He sighed slowly as he nudged himself closer to her. "Tell me, what kind of man interests you?"
Nodding her head slightly, Aiko smiled in relief as she fully realized she wasn't going to be told off. Looking thoughtful at his query, she pressed a finger to her mouth in thought. "Hmmm... what sort of man..." She said, trailing off in thought before looking at her brother and smiling brightly.

"My perfect man would be you, brother!" She declared, pointing at him adorably. Aiko was rather naive in declaration, but she was also right. Hayate was indeed her ideal man, successful on the field of battle, incredibly handsome and well loved by all of their retainers.
Hayate was ready for anything, but not for her unexpected answer. He almost broke into a sweat on hearing her words, but quickly shook his head back to reality. He wiped his brow with his left hand as he looked at her with calm but slightly shaky eyes. "W-well, you do mean someone like me, don't you? You can't really marry me, what with being blood relations and all..." However, within, he was rejoicing. She had found him to be the ideal man.
"Oh. I know~ it's just... you're the only one that's ever been able to match up~" Aiko said shyly, pushing some of her long brown hair back behind her ear. She certainly wasn't ashamed to admit it. Few men could even manage to get to where Hayate had been before, much less actually surpass that and become even greater. Looking at him, she giggled cutely. "Please don't be too troubled by words brother, it was just an example~" She said softly.

"I'm not sure, it's hard. If it's not you, it's like no one else is quite worth it~" Aiko continued, looking thoughtful as she pressed a finger to her mouth.
Hayate simply nodded, his cheeks nearly flushing red as she complimented him. He wasn't a man who would be moved by flattery; he was far from it. But hearing his sister praise him was something else. He looked away for a second, breathing in, hoping his darkened face hid his blush. She really was too cute when she spoke like that.

Clearing his throat, he looked back at her again, trying to keep his cool. "Well, certainly, I have worked hard and sincerely to make it up here... And there is no one like me..." He coughed a little, realising that he was bragging. He had every right to do so, but he didn't, in general. "So... I guess it is going to be difficult to find the perfect suitor for you."
Aiko smiled cutely at Hayate, nodding her head. She hadn't noticed his flush, or the way he was hiding his face - she was quite oblivious when it came to matters of the heart and so, was a bit naive as to when people were reacting to things she was saying in a favorable way. Blinking at him as he cleared his throat, Aiko giggled as she seemed a bit flustered - although she assumed it was out of her flattery rather than something deeper.

"Yes, you're right brother~ there is no one like you~ so it's okay if I don't get married right?" She said teasingly. "Then I can stay with you forever!"
Even as he was trying to maintain his composure, his eyes widened at her words. He gulped again, looking down on the floor for a few moments. Her simple words really struck him, for he realized his sister had so much affection for him.

He looked up at her again, after a long breath, and spoke softly, "My dear Aiko-chan, please come here..." as he stretched open his hands with a soft smile. When she did, he put his arms around her, hugging her gently, pulling her a little closer to him. "I love you, my little sister..."
Aiko was filled with nothing but admiration for her older brother, knowing that she would stick by his side through thick and thin. Looking at him as he addressed her, she tilted her head to the side before moving closer to him and feeling his strong sturdy arms around her small frame. He was toned, every muscle chiseled and suiting his handsome face. She felt safe in his arms, a feeling that made her blush.

At his kind words, Aiko smiled and nodded, nuzzling against him in their hug. "I love you too brother~" She said innocently, not knowing the full extent of such words upon someone such as Hayate.
Hayate felt a huge chill run up his spine as he hugged her and she said those words. Her lithe frame felt so warm in his arms that it melted his heart. He knew she meant it in a platonic way, but he wanted to make her understand that his love for her was more than that.

He slowly departed from her, but with one hand still around her, as his other hand caressed her soft white face. He looked into her eyes as he spoke softly. "Aiko-chan, I really do love you..." With that, he closed his eyes and leaned his face closer to hers such that their lips met, and they stayed as such for a few moments.
Letting Hayate break the hug, she smiled at him brightly, letting him caress her face before looking up at him with her doe eyes, too innocent to realize what he was doing before it was too late to pull back. His lips were incredibly soft for a man of the battlefield and it made her blush brightly to even think such a thing of her brother. He had just admitted he loved her, in more than a sibling way and she barely had time to process it.

Yes, Hayate was extremely attractive and any woman would be lucky to have him, but she couldn't understand why he was choosing her when he could've had anyone he wanted. Blushing adorably as she pulled back from him slightly, her mouth frozen in an adorably perfect 'o'. "H-H-H-Hayate...? I-I... u-uuuu...?" She asked, her mind reeling as her face got brighter and brighter in color.
His sister's lips were soft, like that of a pure maiden, which she admittedly was. Hayate felt a slight disappointment when she pulled back, but at least he had revealed his feelings to her. Forbidden as it was, he had always hidden his feelings for his own sister, knowing that one day he was going to let her know. But whether he was going to regret it or not was a different matter. He looked at his blushing sister as she stared at him, shocked and unsettled. He had taken a great leap, and he felt uneasy with what he had done; she needed time, and he understood that. He turned to the side, closing his eyes, feeling a tinge of panic. "I-I'm sorry... I needed to let you know, my dear sister... I've... had these feelings for you for a long time now..." Saying those words out loud made him feel slightly ashamed.
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