Light of the Soul (Bleach, by Trisscar and XavierZeherisHarper)

Oct 17, 2012
Aizen had just grabbed the Hogyoku from Rukia, nearly killing her, and implanted it in his own body. He had explained just how his sword worked, even as he wove an illusion around Momo to illustrate his point. Momo, inspired by the honeyed words the illusion spoke to her alone, began to attack her fellow shinigami, distracting some. One, however, was not distracted. He was even... slightly amused.

Leo Cervino was a traveller from somewhere outside of Soul Society. Even he didn't know where he came from. Proof of this was in his sword's name, and the 'uniform' it summoned. It was a set of grey silk clothes, including a long coat, pants, and t-shirt. Tough black leather boots crafted to last finished the ensemble. It was unusual. He still couldn't remember his mortal life, or indeed how he died. He has never spoken about his first memories. He has a 'friendly' rivalry with Zaraki Kenpachi. Zaraki enjoys that someone actually consistently accepts his desire to fight, and actually able to put up a decent fight. Leo's style is skill and speed based, and filled with painful counters and barrages. Leo is not officially linked with any Division, despising paperwork, and acts as a freelance troubleshooter, but does listen to and respect Yamamoto.

"Huh." Leo comments. "That's nice. Guess that explains the uneasiness I've felt around you. Orasolis doesn't like liars, and you lie to reality." Aizen smirks. "And how do you expect to stop me, when you can't believe your own senses?" "Oh, but we can." Leo replies, drawing Orasolis in a swift and smooth motion. "Every ability has a counter. For the most part, Orasolis's Shinkai ability is unimpressive, and relatively useless. But..." Here a vicious grin, reminicent of Kenpachi's own, crosses Leo's face. "It completely ruins people like _you_. Cut through lies with burning light, Orasolis!" A raw field of spiritual energy engulfs them all with a flash, but doesn't seem to do anything... "And this is suppose to...?" Aizen questions, feeling nothing in particular. "How could you?!" Momo cries, falling to her knees and ceasing her attack on her fellow shinigami. "How could you lie to me? Deceive me?!" She sobs uncontrollably. Aizen, startled, turns his gaze back to Leo. "Wha-" "Absolute Truth." Leo interrupts. "In this field, no lies can be told, and no illusions can work. They are all unmade. Your blade is useless against me." The grin on Leo's face widened, before he blurred into his attack, and Aizen began on unexpected and desperate defense against a man who constantly battled Kenpachi. "Dance of Frozen Time!" Leo shouts as he slashes with blur of speed and skill.
Nira Asagai had been watching the proceedings from the bustling set up for the medical division. Aizan was Finally being taken down a peg, that had been long in coming in her opinion. She had never like Aizan, nor his treatment of Momo, and to find that her fears were founded was both alarming and satisfying. Turning her attention back to the groaning Shinigami within her healing feild Nira began chanting softly under her breath, glancing back a few times to the misterioius stranger who was able to take on Aizan. Watching the battle further impressed her, for the mans skills were good and he had alot of power. Suddenly an espada apeared behind the two battling men, circling round them for an oppertunity to strike at the grey silk clad soul reaper.
Growling slightly Nira stood, unsheathing her zanpakto and flash stepped to the espada, slamming into him and forcing the attention to her.
"Think you can take on a focused target cowardly espada? Scream to the Heavens, Erentante!"
With a roar of rushing fire her zanpakto made his apearance, in the processes Nira's eyes turned almost cat like, her canines extended and nails became claws. Snarling feraly at her foe Nira smirked, gesturing at her opponant.
The Espada turned to Nira contemplatively. Noticing the moments amongst the crowd, it didn't the best course of action, and dive to engage Nira. It didn't expect to win, but to delay her long enough for Aizen to escape with aid, and hinder the wounded's healing.

Aizen was hindered in this battle more than he'd planned. Aizen had prepared to be forced to battle any of the shinigami in his escape, but the previously unknown ability of Leo's zanpakuto had removed his best offense/defense. Further, they were already engaged in blade battle, and unlike Kenpachi, who's skill, while certainly fast, was more power and endurance than Leo's speed. Aizen wasn't left with time to disengage for kido, where he was amongst the best. Aizen wasn't shabby, but he wasn't as skilled with a blade alone, and the ongoing battle proved it. He only hoped that- "Feral Death Blow!" A barely managed spinning block saved him from being decapitated, only to be caught in a whirlwind of steel, unable to block every blow, so blocking the fatal ones. "Girallon Flesh Rip!"

Leo was having a thrilling time. Able to go all out without having to worry about whether his opponent died hadn't happened in awhile. Hollows weren't much of a challenge, and sparring matches, even with Kenpachi, weren't to the death. This however, against a captain and traitor who was amongst the best, was a grand fight. The three fiery blue blasts of kido from the outside was an unwelcome nuisance though. With a spinning cut and a yell of "Diamond Defense!", the kido blasts were destroyed. Leo continued his assault on Aizen by striking him from above in a moonsault at high speed. "Soaring Dragon Strike!"
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