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Interest Check: Battlestar Galactica


Feb 8, 2010
I've had an idea for a while of a roleplaying game set in the Battlestar Galactica world. I feel like it would be best with a number of players, so I figured I would post the idea up here and see what kind of interest exists.

My idea is for one of two settings. If you are interested, go ahead and vote on which idea you like better:

Idea 1 - The game will be set on New Caprica, during the Cylon occupation. We will not be playing canon characters, but rather and variety of created officers, civilians, or even cylons. I intend it to be a more player driven plot, with us able to play out our own sub-plotlines while existing within the setting that is already established by canon. Obviously there are nearly unlimited opportunities for romance, action, subtlety, and the like.

Idea 2 - The game will be set in space during the flight from the colonies and the ensuing cat and mouse game with the Cylons. I envision this taking place on a fictional battlestar that also escaped the eradication of humanity. Again, we would play non canon characters (this whole ship would be made up), but rather any character we thought up. The plot would be more railroaded, with the officers at the top determining where the ship is going. Outside of that, however, there are also endless possibilities for what your character can do.

Again, I don't know how much interest there is on this board for this setting, but I figured I'd post it up and see. If I can get a few players, we can post up our characters here and try to get the game started in the near future.

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