Hidden Love {Aria x Shani}


Sep 9, 2011
It had been fourteen long years since that fateful night. The night that he was defeated by a mere toddler. The night that his mother's love saved him. The night that he swore never to love again. Harry Potter may have defeated him all those years ago, but he was back, and more powerful than before. This time though, he wouldn't be so lucky. No, for he had a plan. He was going to defeat the teenager once and for all. It was his scar that reminded him of his failure. This time, there would be nothing left of the famous Harry Potter to leave a scar on.

Voldemort sat in the Malfoy's mansion, plotting his latest attack on the brat, and this time he couldn't fail, not with all his followers at his side. His personal army, made up of the most twisted, rutheless, uncaring wizards and witches that the wizarding world had to offer. His Death Eaters were specially trained, the three unforgivable curses drilled into their heads, and upon proving that they could cast all three on living victims, he gave them their coveted Dark Mark. He gave them as usual, but one individual, a certian woman, caught his eyes.

She was the sister in law of one of his best Death Eaters. She proved herself capable, and quickly earned her mark. She also rose in ranks quickly as well, becoming his number one Death Eater. He was enthralled by her. He knew that she had feelings for him, and he finally had let her know, his true feelings for her, but made her swear to tell no one, not even her sisters. But as he sat there, he felt the need for something. Something he never thought he'd need, or want for that fact. But it was needed, and he couldn't think on anyone more suited for this task than her.

"Lucius, get Bellatrix, and then you can leave." Voldemort said, as he sat at the head of the table. He would use the top floor of the Malfoy Masion to do as he pleased, and tonight he would put it to good use. "Oh, and Lucius, top floor, no one up there for at least the weekend, I have improtant business, and expect not to be bothered." He added, as he narrowed his eyes.

"That is unless someone would like a nice Crucio tonight, do I make myself clear?" He added, as he got up. "Send Bellatrix up when she arrives." With that, he walked out, his long black robes flowing behind him, to wait for the one true love in his life to arrive.
Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black was finally free from her 14 year imprisonment in Azkaban for the torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom. They had refused to tell her where the love of her life was after he had fallen, so she made them bat shit crazy. The poor fools didn't know they even had a child together. She laughed proudly even as she was convicted, she sat in the chair not like a prisoner but like a queen on her throne.

Bella spent 14 years in a living hell, for her love, she was nothing without him even if he didn't know she liked him as such never really letting on about it when she was in her right mind, but now it's blatantly obvious even though she hadn't really said it. not wanting him to be upset with her knowing love was a weakness but she was madly in love with him, plus he released her from Azkaban and personally trained her. Bella was on heavy duty potions for pain and to try and restore her strength, power, and beauty. Feeling as though Azkaban took it away from her. On top of that having horrific nightmares, she'd wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Recently getting comfort in the knowledge that The Dark Lord loves her in return, she didn't understand it at first nor did she tell a soul what he had said.

Bellatrix was just coming back from a mission that The Dark Lord sent her on. Not long after walking in she saw Lucius then listening to what he told her. She nodded her head and went to her room making sure she looked descent before going to see him. Curious to what he wanted to see her about, even though she was tried. Bellatrix made her way upstairs She lightly knocked upon the door, once she was given the okay to enter she did. "You wish to see me my Lord?" She asked bowing low in respect going lower than any of the others.
Hearing the knock on his door, he knew exactly who it was, and didn't bother getting up. As he seen Bellatrix walk in, giving her low bow, he smirked and nodded at her. "We have things to discuss, come sit down, get comfortable." He told her, knowing what Azkaban could do to one. But she was strong, and knew she would get throug it. "How was the mission Bella? Things go as planned?" He started off. Knowing that Bella rarely ever failed, he asked as a formality, judging her reaction, and making sure that he wasn't being spyed on. He didn't call her here just to check on how things went, no he had bigger plans, bigger things in store for them.

Walking along the room, he cast silencing spells, and made sure that the room wasn't somehow bugged. He was paranoid, and for good reason. What he was about to say, if the Auror's got wind of it, he was sure that it wouldn't go as far as an idea. Finally settling down, sure that no one or nothing was able to hear or even see them, he walked over to Bellatrix. Putting his hand under her chin, he looked her in the eyes. "Bella, I have something we need to think about. As you know, I've been defeated a few times, and one of these times, although I don'tlike to think about it, I may not be coming back." He said, putting it bluntly. "I've been thinking Bella, long and hard about this. For about ten years now." He continued. Kneeling down, so that they were eye to eye without having to look up at each other, he took a dep breath.

Letting it out, he steadied himself. Looking around once again, he did a mental scan of the room, making sure that it was once again safe to continue. "Bella, I need a heir." He said. "I can think of no one better to give me an heir than you Bella, as you're the only one I've truly loved." He added. "So think about it, let me know what you feel, no rush, but an answer by monday would be good." He said, knowing that it took a lot to recover from Azakaban.

Leaning in, he kissed her, letting her take in what he just said. It was a lot to ask, but he knew deep down, that it was the right choice. He also had a feeling that her answer wouldn't take long, but he gave her time anyways. "No rush to leave, you can hang around if you want, but I'm going to be planning a few attacks against Potter, unless there is something else you want." He added, as he stood up and went back to the table, drawing up plans for his next attack, this one he would lead personally.

It was personal this time, and he was going to rule the wizarding world, even if he had to start by having children. He smirked, imagning his children walking around Hogwarts, proudly wearing the silver and green of Slytherin house, just like their parents did.
Upon hearing him tell her to come and sit with him, she carefully stood up and walked over sitting down on the couch for the first time, since coming back from the mission. "Yes, My Lord, the mission was fine, unfortunately there is no knew information to report, and the others you asked me to take care of are dead." She stated hoping he wouldn't be upset that there was a lack of information to report. Bella watched him carefully as he moved about and silenced the room. Having no idea what he wanted from her, not normally having her come up here to ask about a mission.

Bella's heart began to race as he touch her chin resting his hand there holding her face, looking into hid beautiful eyes. Her breathing was a little shaky, even though he's told her that he loves her he hasn't gotten this close besides helping her out of Azkaban. She continued to look at him as he said they needed to talk, as he started saying one of these times he wont return, she started shaking her head not wanting to hear it, She couldn't lose him again. She tilted her head slightly wondering what he had thought about for ten years she didn't understand where this was going, she was locked up for those ten plus years. Bella watched as he knelt before her looking into his eyes.

Bella silently waited for him to tell her what he wanted to she didn't want to anger him but she wanted to know. Her breath let her and her eyes widened in disbelief, she could believe what he just said. He wanted her to bare his heir/heirs. Was she dreaming? Her eyes had a slight crazy glint to them as she worked this out in her head, she was 47 years old having kids now could be dangers and risky but also wonderful and exciting. Plus taking into account healing from Azkaban. "I love you too...My Lord Always have.." She stated besides to her sister she's never flat out said that she loved him.

Bellatrix shuddered as he kissed her not having been kissed in years nor touched by anyone besides dementors. She kissed back slightly, enjoying the feeling. Bella knew not what to say she needed a minute or two. Bella stayed on the couch as he left her she didnt want to go anywhere yes she was tired but had a lot to think about. After awhile Bellatrix stood up and walked over to his desk looking over his shoulder at the plans. "Yesss" Bellatrix hissed softly giving him his answer.
Nodding, he looked at Bellatrix, not caring about no more infromation, as it was the deaths of the targets that concerned him more. He pushed the plans of the attacks away, and started to come up with ways to keep Bella and the baby safe, and knowing that she was about to do this, also meant cutting down on her field time as well. If she was out there, and something happened to them, he would surely burn the world to the very core.

Voldemort knew that she wouldn't be able to tell her no. He knew she was still recovering, and she was 47, but she had to take in to account just who he was. He was the Dark Lord, he'd use his magic to protect both her and the baby. Even though he knew that she didn't want to hear the cold truth, there would come a day, if not for having to defeat the cursed Potter, that someone somewhere had it out for him, as he was the number one wanted wizard in the wizarding world. He would have to have someone carry on his legacy, and he wasn't about to give it to any of his Death Eater children, as they always proved themselves unworthy when it came down to loyalty.

Hearing her come up behind him, he knew she was ready. Her drawn out hiss in his ear made him look up and smirk. For the first time in over two decades, he felt a stirring in his stomach, one that he knew existed, but hadn't used since he was in Hogwarts. Turning to face her, he pulled her into his lap, and kissed her again. "Relax Bella, I've got things under control, you'll be fine." He told her as he broke thier kiss. "I'm going to give you time to recover from Azkaban, plus I have Lucius and Snape working on potions to keep your energy up, and get you healed." He told her, giving her an evil smirk as he felt himself getting hard for the first time in at least two decades. He also knew that how he had Bellatrix, she could feel it as well.
Bellatrix knew she would be incapacitated while she was pregnant unable to go on missions, in fear of causing harm to her or the child. She would be more vulnerable, and unable to use magic, for the baby would be taking most of her energy. Their were definitely many risks to consider but she could and would never say no to the Dark Lord. Bella would follow him loyally until she was dead.

The thought filled Bellatrix with joy she had always wanted to be a mother but never loved her husband enough to have children of her own, filling her time doing missions then helping Narcissa raise Draco until she was taken away. What made it better she would have a child or so with the man that she loved, that she has always loved, and he loved her. Bellatrix knew he could die but didn't want to hear it just like her dying she never wanted to hear it.

Bellatrix smiled at him loving, not wickedly like she showed many. She giggled as he pulled her into his lab, closing her eyes as he kissed her again. Opening her eyes again, listening to his words. "I know I don't doubt you, nor have I ever. I know I'm safe." She replied then listened to the rest of his words, nodding her head in agreement. "Yes My Lord, Severus has given me a few a few potions already." Bella stated then tilted her head curious about his smirk, until she could feel him press against her. Bellatrix bit her lip softly, "My Lord is that a wand in your robes or are you just happy to see me?" She asked playfully being a little bold compared to how she normally was with him but things were kinda different now.
Voldemort knew that she didn't love her husband, and never had children with him, and that was fine with him. Made her perfect to bear his children. Plus she did have experience, what with helping to riase Draco. He turned out to be a good kid, and had his moments, but doesn't everyone? Plus this was going to be his and Bellatrix's own child, not one of his death eaters. He knew also that she would follow him until one or both of them were dead, and that was the detication he needed. He also knew that that she had loved him for a long time, even before marrying Lestrange.

But he didn't care about that anymore. As far aas he was conserned, the only one in Bellatrix's life worth her time waas his, and shewas about to have a lot of time to devote to him. "Good, I want you to stay on them for awhile. Let me know when yhou get, I'll let Severus know when to bring more." He said, as he seen her smile him. Hearing her ask if it was his wand in his robes, he smirked again. "Bella, my wand is on the table behind you." He said, liking that she was relaxing and being a bit more bold. Let her true nature come out when it was just the two of them.

"Hm, I like this side of you Bella. But don't let anyone else see it. It's my privlage, not theirs." He added, letting his words sink in. Sitting back, he put his arms behind his head. Smirking again, he got an idea. "So, are you just going to sit there, or do something? When do you want to start?" He asked, letting her pick when she wanted to start having his children. He didn't really care, he knew she needed to rest up and get her energy back, but there were other things she could do, but he wanted to see if she would actually do them on her own.

In a way, he liked to see her question herself, to doubt and have second thoughts. It's who he was, making them think that it would piss him off, butin reality, it was the opposite of what they precived. Smirking, he waited, seeing if she was able to put the doubts behind her.
"Yes my Lord, I'll continue to take the potions, until I am well again." She stated agreeing with him. Bella knew she needed rest only recently being let out of prison. But Bellatrix would happily bare his child, it will only bring her closer to him.

When he said that his wand was on the back table, and smile, "So I guess that means you're happy to see me then." She smiled seductively. " Do you my love? hm?" Her voice was seductive and soft. "Of course not, I work with them I don't talk to them..." she stated she could work with her fellow death eaters but they didn't need to know her. As it was a strong chunk of her insanity was real but there was more she'd add to scare the world.

Bellatrix looked at him as he asked if she was just going to sit there or what ,and when she wanted to start preparing for the child, Bella thought for a moment. Obviously she couldn't carry the child until she was well, she knew he knew that for he had said it but that didn't mean other things were off limits. In her state of mind and the passion she had for him. It didn't take her too long to decide what to do. Granted she didn't what him to become angry with her knowing very well how much being Crucioed hurt.

Bellatrix bit her bottom lip turning around to face him some, wrapping her arms around his neck. Bella then brought her lips to kiss hesitantly, softly, beginning to kiss him. After a bit Bella moved down kissing and lightly biting on his neck. Bella was also hesitant not just because of the dark Lord but after not doing anything for 14 long years she was worried she wouldn't be able to please him. Bella began to dig her nails softly into his shoulders, as she also tried to figure out how to remove his robes for his were different than theirs. Bella kissed his lips again before slinking to the floor. Lifting up his robes aand undoing his pants to release his member from them. Watching him at times then at others afraid to look at him. Gently she began to stroke his member by hand, his soft skin and feeling how hard he was. Bellatrix looked at him before bring her mouth to his member slowly licking his tip in circles.
He looked at her, as she tried to figure out what to do. He knew she still feared him, and it pleased him, but he needed her to trust he wouldn't get mad. She had to remeber, it may have been 14 years for her, but for him it was going on 20-25 for him. Granted he never forgot how to do this, he just wanted to test her, see if he could put up certian wall, and break others down. Knowing that having to endure the dementors for 14 years took a toll in her, he knew that it could drive one insane, as he was subjected to them as well, and knew the madness and despair the put on ones sanity.

Smirking as he watched her, he felt her arms around his neck, and kissed her back, as she kissed him, encouraging her. He put his hands on her ass, and held her there, in his lap letting her feel just how happy he was to see her, his own insanity released through the suffering of the muggle world, the one that he thought had no right to be mixing with the wizarding one. Thus why he quickly mastered the three unforgivables, using them on riend and foe alike, not caring who got the receving end of one of his Crucio's or even his killing curse.

But no matter how mad he got, she never had to fear him, for if he displeased her, he had other ways to go about punishing her. Giving her the cold shoulder, sending her on do nothing missions with no killing, no torture, no nothing, just scouting, and it would drive her nuts, as he knew that she had the sme outlet as he did, but to him, it wasn't enough anymore. No, he needed her to do just what she was doing, forgetting how good it really felt. "Mm, keep going Bella, you're doing fine." He told her, when she looked up at him once. Then as he finally felt her tongue on his cock, he really did forget how good it was.

Undoing his robes for her, he moaned as she began to lick his tip, the sensations she was giving him hitting him like a bolt of lightning. Forgetting his plans of attack, and even on the plans for her, he was focused on her, and kept encouraging her, letting her know that she hadn't lost her edge in the 14 years in Azkaban. "Bella, your doing good, don't worry about me, you'll know if I'm upset." He said, running his hand through her thick dark hair.
As Bellatrix licked his tip in circles she looked up at him as he spoke to her. It had been a while for her 14 in Azkaban, she hadn't much of anything besides her wedding night, and what she did in Hogwarts. Bella was still haunted by the dementors even though they weren't near her taking much of her happiness and filling her with pain and torment. She smiled sighing as he ran his fingers through her hair. Re-adjusting herself Bella began to lick up and down his shaft, heading for his balls sucking, nibbling, and lick them., before moving back up to his tip wrapping her tongue and mouth around his member taking him into her mouth, beginning to suck, slowly at first getting ussed to it then picking up speed and depth. Massaging his thighs as she went
Feeling her working on his cock, it all came back to him. He knew that at Hogwarts he was lucky not to get caught at some of the things he did, some of them being as sick and twisted as he did now, but that was past him, the only thing that mattered to him right now was being here with Bellatrix. As she settled into a comfortable pace, he couldn't help himself, the ugre too great, he had to do once, and knowing Bellatrix, she'd just go along with it, knowing she still feared him. So he'd use that fear against him if it came right down to it.

Running his hands in her hair again, he gripped it tight, and with one fluid thrust, he forced his cock into her mouth, hearing and feeling the gag as she was foreced to take him, he held there for a few seconds, moaning as he felt her try to accomidate him in her mouth. Finally releasing her, he looked down at her, and smirked. She had done good, better than she probably thought, but he wasn't torturing her yet, so she'd done nothing wrong, as a matter of fact, she did exactly as he had expected.

Letting her continue, he put his head back, his eyes closing slighty, enjoying the feeling, wondering why he hadn't started up again after he was brought back. But he had more important things to deal with then. But now, it was totally different, as he was just messing with the Aurors minds, and he had time for this. So he'd take full advantage of it.
Remembering body language something she used and identified with on the job when interpreting or watching, plus in school most of her boyfriends back the would relax and let her do as she pleased normally in bliss. Bella wasn't fearing anything at the moment, noticing a difference in her Dark Lord, he seemed at peace.

Bellatrix sighed as his hands ran through her hair, her eyes grew wide as he gripped her long pinned locks tightly. Bellatrix gagged, choking a little as he forced her to take all of him into her mouth. As first she squirmed slightly arching her back, not really expecting it. Once her pulled out she coughed a bit, then tried to regulate her breathing. Looking up seeing his smirk, she knew she was doing well in his eyes, for there was no sense of anger.

Bella waited a moment then seeing his head go back with his eyes closed, she went back to suckling on his large member. As she continued Bella started to change the pace one moment she was soft and gentle going slow then she would increase the speed and pressure, then drop back down in away to hopefully tease him. Her clawlike nails dug gently into his thighs, scratching at his legs gently. Bella then proceeded to take her right hand and bringing it towards his balls began to massage them gently.
Hearing her choke and cough, he smirked. It had been awhile since he'd heard anything like that, and it was like music to his ears. But he just had to do it the once. Laying his head back again, he closed his eyes, letting himself get lost in the feeling of having his cock sucked again after all these years. As he let Bella work, he felt his orgasm beging to build.

Having been years, he really hadn't thought about sex, having been caught up in trying to find a way to be rid of Potter once and for all. But as Bellatrix continued, it all came back to him, and he moaned, letting her know that she was doing good. He let her continue, enjoying the feeling he hadn't felt in years.
Bellatrix got back into a steady pace looking up at Voldemort it was nice seeing him so relaxed. Closing her own eyes as she sucked his dick and massaged his balls. Bella's hand rubbed his thigh, dragging her claws along his skin. Now the rumors were true, that Bellatrix serviced the Dark Lord in more ways than one.  Bellatrix heard him moan she smiled slightly as to not harm him as she sucked. He sounded like he was enjoying himself. Bella moaned softly with him between her lips. 
He was getting closer by the second, as he let Bellatrix continue. But as she did, he felt her nails along his thigh, and moaned again, the feeling unlike any other. Putting his hand back on her head, letting it rest there, he felt the tightness in his balls. He was at the point of no return, and he knew it. "Bella, get ready." He said as picked his head to look at her.

Then it all came rushing back, in the seconds it took him to fill Bellatrix's mouth. "Bella, I'm cumming!" He said, his balls emptying in her mouth, grunting as came, a smirk on his face. Running his hand through her hair, he felt the last jet of cum land on her tongue. Now she did more than just kill and torture for him. She was his, in every way, and it was better than he could have thought. "Get cleaned up Bella. We have work to do." He said as he watched her. He sat there, letting himself calm down, he undid the silenceing spell, as he let his cock hang out, not caring. He knew that if anyone entered without knocking, would get his Crucio, and then he'd have to silence them from the image they would have gotten.

But being Voldemort, anyone who dared to bug him behind closed doors, knew that it had to be very important, and then he'd at least have the time to cover up. Letting out a deep bteath, he put himself away, doing up his robe, and stretching out. Now came the planning again, as he still had to get things ready for the attacks, as he was going to push back hard against the Aurors, now that he wasn't so distracted.
Bellatrix continued to work her magic on the dark lord even though she hadn't done so in years. Moaning softly to let him know she heard him, feeling his hand rest upon her head. Bellatrix braced herself knowing he was fixing to cum, looking up at him for a minute. 

As soon as she felt it Bellatrix drank down Voldemort's seed. Bella made sure not to spill a drop of him, hearing him grunt in pleasure. Swallowing the last of his seed as he ran his fingers threw her hair, she loved having her hair touched by others. She was always his, even when she wasn't, she was. Once he was finished she removed herself from him. Hearing him say to clean herself up, she stood took a basin filled it with water taking a cloth, cleaning herself up, all around her mouth, chin, face and neck to be sure. Bella was still tired from the long day, and more so after there event, the many reason she was tired was her potion was waring down. Once finished, despite being tired, she rejoined him.  
Smirking, Voldemort stood up, finally able to really concentrate, he had to get working on his next attack. "When do you want to go out again? I have a few witches that need your interrogation skills." He said, looking up at Bellatrix, knowing she liked useing the Unforgivables just as much as he did, so he'd give her the chance to use it a few more times before she became incompasitated. "If not, then I can send maybe.." He said getting lost in thought.

Now that it was clear that she would do more than just his killing and torturing, he had even more use for Bellatrix now. He didn't need to say it, as she was allowed to be with him anytime, and if she didn't want to, didn't have to go back home to Lestrange either. He could care less, it was Lestrange that might have the problem, but as he was a Death Eater and served him, Voldemort seen no problem with it. That and he had taken over the thrid floor of the Malfoy Manor, he had ways of keeping things from anyone he needed, even his followers.

He'd have to also get ahold of Serverus, as he needed some things taken care of potion wise. Sure, he could have made them himself, but why whould he when he had half of the wizarding world to help him, not to mention, he could have Snape make the Slytherin students make them. Tell them that they were starting their servitude to him now. Making his potions, and such, not allowed to do anything until they came to age, that way they didn't get hit with the underage magic use. Yes, he would do that, that would work just fine.
Bellatrix followed beside him, she thought for a moment "I'll go out as soon as you need me to My Lord, not tonight preferably, But I'll go out tomorrow...but if it's urgent I'll take another potion and go tonight... I'll need to know who." Bellatrix stated smiling softly she loved a good torture, but she felt drained and would need another potion if it was to be a long night. She leaned on his desk, listening to him watching him. "I'll go,no worries there." Bellatrix stated she didn't want to be looked down upon in his eyes if she didn't go always wanting to impress him, to make him proud of her, to want her.

Granted the years in Azkaban had indeed changed her. By being locked up she felt like she had failed him, though she never lost hope like the others. On the other hand Bella's body had become thin and frail from lack of nuriousment. Food was rarely brought to her the guards did it purposefully, "forgetting" to feed her. She felt as if her beauty had been taken from her having new angles to her face. The dementors constantly harassing her taking many of her happy memories. The lack of magic and the lack of sun made it worse it was enough to drive you mad. Her skin was pale, being a powerful witch and not having her magic drove her nuts the feeling of being helpless.

Bellatrix never really had feelings for her husband sure she liked him but she didn't love him. Their marriage was arranged, so she had no choice then straight to Azkaban so they never had time to grow. One thing was apparent she always loved Voldemort. 
Voldemort shook his head. "Of course not tonight love." He said, as he knew that she'd go and do anything he wanted. He loved that about her, but he wasn't about to work her too hard, knowing about Azkaban, they would do anything to you, including starving. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he kissed her. "Go get the house elf to get you something. I forgot the things name, but he's around here some where. Eat and get rested up, I'll have names and locations for you tomorrow." He told her.

Then as she went to get rested up and get her strength back, Voldemort went back to work, getting other things set up for other Death Eaters. Then after he was done, he got ready to go see Severus at his house, knowing that Hogwarts wouldn't let him just walk right in. That was another thing he'd have to change. Taking over Hogwarts would allow him to corrupt many young wizards and witches, those outside of Slytherin. Yes, he would start soon.

Getting ready, he'd discuss that with Snape as well, as Snape would be his Headmaster, and he'd be in control of a powerful school, giving him access to many resourses he didn't have freely. Smirking, he left to see Serverus.
Bellatrix went weak in the knee's as he called her 'love' always wanting to have heard that from him, it made her melt. Bella would do anything and everything he'd ask of her, she'd even die for him. Her back arched slight feeling his arm wrap around her waist, still not used to much interaction, but feeling his lips upon hers she kissed him back. Smiling when the kiss was broke, it was so little to make her happy. "Yes, my Love, I shall...Alright then." Bella stated kissing his cheek softly before heading out the door.

She made her way downstairs, "ELF!" she called and once the shaky creature appeared. "Fix me a dinner plate." Bella ordered wanting dinner, after her long day. "Make it quick!" she snapped. Waiting at the table until the elf came back. It put the food and drink in front of her. Once there Bella began to pick at it, eating bits and pieces hardly able to eat full meals because of Azkaban, she'd get sick.

Bellatrix finished her meal she had the elf wrap up what she didn't finish,and headed up the stairs to the room she was welcomed to stay in when too tired to go home. Having clothes and such there she changed into a black nightly with black panties. She unpinned her hair letting it fall, her long locks nearly went down to her butt when not pinned back. She laid down to rest, falling asleep instantly.

About and hour to two hours later Bellatrix began to scream and freak out, thrashing and flailing fighting in her sleep. Screaming loud enough to wake the dead but stuck in slumber unable to wake up. That was the only thing Rudolfus was good for was to cuddle with her while she slept so she wouldn't freak out.
Voldemort knew the effect that Azkaban could have. So when Bella came back up to get some sleep, he didn't bug her, instead, he worked on his planning. He was reenergized, and had new plans to make, and ones to follow through on. So he left, leaving Bella to sleep. Going to Severus' house, he made sure to have the potions for Bella stocked up, as he wanted to start on the heirs soon.

Getting that set up, he went to visit someone else. Dropping by, he made sure that they were clear on what he wanted them to do. Threatning the Cursio, he left, satisfied that he was done. Then he apparated back to the third floor of the Malfoy Manor. Not bothering to say anything to Lucius, he went over to the table and kept working on his plans.

Then he suddenly heard Bellatrix start to scream, the dementor insanity taking hold, and making it impossible to wake up, and do anything about it. Grabbing his wand, Voldemort rolled his eyes, the dementors not letting anyone out of their grip, even him. Waving it, he cast a calming spell, as she had to get he rest, not worring about going over there to comfort her. He loved her yes, and didn't like the insanity that came with Azkaban, but he still had work to do. If he had to, he would make sure to get something to help her sleep.
Bellatrix continued to freak out, It felt as if a dementor had her pinned down, making it harder for her to breathe. Her mind was having difficulty determining what was dreams and what was reality. At one point Bellatrix dug her nails deep into her hands, causing her to bleed. Still breaking down until he hit her with a calming spell trying to get her to calm down. It made her relax and quiet back down once more, curling up into the warm bed wrapped in the blankets. Bellatrix wasn't used to soft warm bed in Azkaban oftentimes the floor was more comfy but it was cold

Narcissa had heard her sister scream and freak out but Lucius told her not to bother the Dark Lord, but it worried Narcissa hearing her sister freaking out as if being attacked by something, she knew that The Dark Lord hadn't done anything to her, she knew Bella had the night fights from Azkaban. Narcissa cuddled into her husband going back to sleep once her sister stopped screaming.
(Sorry it took so long to get a reply, totally my fault.)

Voldemort looked at Bella, raising his eyebrow, until she finally seemed to calm back down. He knew what she'd been through, but she had to get better, as they needed to get started on getting him a heir. He sighed, knowing that the few moments that Bellatrix was screaming, she woke at least her sister. He would have to figure out something to help with her sleeping problems, but he did know that the dementors where the cause. That's why he rarely ever slept. he kept his energy up meditating, and he would do it when he had the chance, as he didn't really exert any energy tonight, or the past few days, so he didn't need to do that even.

At last he got the attacks finished, and everyone lined up. Now all he had to do was sit back and relax. He figured he'd give Bella a few more days, but after that, if she wasn't ready, he'd get her ready. No more delays, even Azkaban couldn't stop this plan, as it was set in motion just hours ago. Yes, he would get an heir from his most loyal follower, and it would happen soon. But he wasn't going to use magic on this, as he wanted it to happen naturally, thus why he was eager to get started, as a lot could happen in nine months.
Bellatrix couldn't help it, recently coming out of Azkaban everything was still fresh an new. The blasted dementors wouldn't let her go, they hardly let anyone go once they had them. Having to face them for 14 long miserable years. Tears were in her eyes as she slept being so terrified by her dreams, not being able to tell if they were real or not. It wasn't easy fir her, especially since many would think of happiness but most of her happy moments were taken from her.

She remained calm throughout the rest of the night after being hit with the spell. Bellatrix turned over onto her other side trying to get comfortable. Bellatrix fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of a new life. Seeing a large manor, and a happy family not just any family but her family. Her new life, happily with Voldemort, and their children. Running, frolicking, playing, her sister and Lucius were also there having tea talking about whatever watching the children as Draco was attacked by nieces and nephews. Then looking at the world they lived in it was perfect they won the war, The Dark Lord was in power, she second in command. The Potter boy was dead, they took the muggle world, all was left were the pure blood families. After being hit with the calming spell it was the first good dream in years.
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