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Mar 20, 2013
Hello fellow Middle Earthers. If there are any of you who are interested in doing an adult or slow build to adult rp about the Hobbit (movie or book based)
please contact me. I have a few ideas for M x M pairing between Bilbo and Thorin, Filli and Killi, or we could do OC also. Ill set out a few thread ideas now.

Basic plot #1: Where instead of Bilbo joining the company at the shire, instead when he was young his family had a debt to Thrain and gave him Bilbo to pay thier debts. So for his sons birthday the king gave Thorin Bilbo to be his servant. And thus Bilbo has been serving Thorin for years, and when Thorin goes on his mountain quest. he must go with. But ten[/size]sion is high between prince and servant, for Bilbo has always been abit cheeky.

Basic plot#2: Where the eagles didnt arrive in time to save the company from the pale orc, and now thorin and bilbo are his new amusement. Deciding to torment Thorin with what he thinks is an unwanted sexual encounters between Bilbo and Thorin, but what he doesnt know is that Bilbo has had a secret longing to be with Thorin since the start of the misson

Basic plot #3: Since the dawn of time a mark on newborns wrists apears, signifying who thier soul mate or 'mark partner' will be, the mark is a single sentance written in thier soul mates script, and if they are near their beloved the mark will glow. Bilbo baggins never thought he would find his Mark partner, he was well past the age that all young hobbits ever found their beloved's. And worse no one could even Read his mark, so he really had no hope of ever getting mated. Then Thorin Oakensheild showed up on his door step and everything changed.

Ok! so if anyone is interested let me know :3
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