A Wild Encounter (Another Round and ViralShadow)

Another Round

Jan 6, 2013
Jaren smiled. His decision to progress through the forest through a less used, harder to find path had proven fruitful. He only knew of the path through second hand knowledge picked off a fellow Trainer in the previous town's Pokémon Center, who in turn only knew of it through a story a different Trainer had told him. The Trainer had promised that he would be guaranteed to find a rare Pokémon if he took the path. It had taken Jaren quite a while to actually locate the path, only having a vague idea of where it was. It was not an easy path to follow either. A good portion had been overgrown and therefore it was hard to tell road from forest, and in some places thick vegetation impeded progress to the point where he had to deviate from the trail slightly. Jaren had been convinced that it was a stupid idea to take the path, and that no Pokémon he could find would make the journey worthwhile. Recently, though, his opinion had greatly changed.

Before him was a Vulpix, a Pokémon that was very rare in the area. Jaren had found it with relative ease, it had been walking alongside the path when he had stumbled upon it. Jaren didn't know why the Vulpix would do such a thing, but he really didn't care. He wasted no time engaging it. The Pokémon had put up a fight, but there was only so much a wild Vulpix could do to the likes of his trained Poliwhirl. Feeling confident that the Pokémon could be captured, Jaren reached a gloved hand into the depths of his light, blue jacket. He always kept a few empty Pokéballs around his belt, along with the ones that contained his Pokémon. In a rehearsed motion, Jaren grabbed an empty Great Ball from his belt and tossed it at the wild Pokémon. The Vulpix was absorbed into that ball, which then fell to the ground and commenced shaking. Eventually, it stopped.

A grin spread across Jaren's face as he walked forward to retrieve the ball, recalling his Polywhirl to its own as he did. He picked up the Great Ball, examining it for a moment. Then Jaren tossed the ball into the air, releasing the newly-caught Vulpix from it. Jaren liked to inspect his Pokémon after he caught them, and the Vulpix would be no exception.
the vulpix looked at her new trainer, blinking in surprise, and then started to scoot back a bit, still slightly wary of him. he HAD just caught her after all.... she was young, only just 16, barely knew even will o' wisp, bite and tackle. she had been hurt by the battle, the water type's power sapping her strength. she whimpered at him, scooting a bit more away, fearful, but submissive.
It was immediately clear to Jaren the timid behavior of his newly-caught Vulpix. This was not unexpected, it wasn't uncommon for Pokémon to be wary of their new Trainers. It occurred to Jaren that the battle must have drained the Vulpix's strength. Jaren removed the single strap pack slung around his back, opened it, and dug around in it. In time, he found what he was looking for: an Oran berry, ensured to give Pokémon a small restoration of stamina. He got down on one knee, as to appear less threatening to the Vulpix, and extended a berry-holding hand.
the vulpix stepped close slowly, and took the berry, stepping away a bit, and set it down to eat, finishing it quickly, watching him warily
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