Cammy vs. Shadaloo (Mercedes/DeRe)


Mar 10, 2013
Cammy White had been selected for this mission because she was the best that British Intelligence had. This was a one man job (or in Cammy's case, a one woman job) and they needed someone who was not only an expert marksman, but also a fighter. Cammy had an arsenal of ass-kicking moves that could leave a trail of broken bodies; some people said her skills were deadlier than any handgun that the agency could provide. Guns made a noise. Cammy didn't. Or at least... not when she was fighting, that was.

Her mission was to infiltrate an enemy fortress known as Shadaloo, run by an evil tyrant known as General M. Bison and his army. It was going to be difficult, there was no denying that. Cammy had prepared herself (both mentally and physically) for what to expect, and she was an expert at solo missions. She didn't need anyone to watch her back, she was more than capable of looking out for herself.

She had been dropped off a short distance away from the base, meaning she had to walk the rest of the way. In fact, it gave her some time to practice her skills as she happened to stumble across a small guard post along the road, where two soldiers were standing having a chat, having no idea of who was watching them from the bushes. It was far too late, and it took only a matter of seconds for the petite woman to leap from the jungle and knock the pair out. She hoped the rest of the mission would be this easy...
A bulky figure stood silhouetted in the glow of TV monitors. The fearsome Sagat glowered even fiercer than usual at the images flickering before him. He watched as a small, lithe, pigtailed girl made a mockery of his mercenaries - and it insulted him beyond measure. The casual, contemptuous way she disposed of them was irritating enough, but the fact she was a white girl made it all the more abhorrent to him.

He snarled like a chained dog, lips curling in a feral frustration. "I am risking a lot on this little stunt of yours, Bison, and I am not enjoying the show".

The hypnotic tones of Bison's voice sounded from the gloom. "Settle down, my old friend! This is just the titillation before the main feature. And when that beautiful creature is in our hands I promise you first go. On my honor". His broad face split in an ugly, oily smirk as his white teeth flashed in the dark.

Sagat looked back up at the monitors. He watched Cammy running right into their trap, her taunt body pumping with energy. "I want to fight her," he growled. "I want to beat her. I want to break her".

Leather creaked and silk rustled as Bison lent forward, eyes glowing with lustful intent. "This girl has humiliated me, and the pride of Shadaloo, far too many times. Now it is going to be her turn. When she enters the Citadel, you can be the welcoming party, and from there it will be our purpose to turn Cammy White into a mockery of a woman".

Sagat threw off his jacket and loosened his shoulders.

"She'll be through that last rabble soon enough. I had better get up there and prepare to greet her".
Cammy White

Bison and Sagat

With the guards unconscious, she pulled out a pair of zip-ties from one of the pockets on her holster and used them to restrain the men's hands behind their backs. The small woman then dragged the pair in to the guardhouse and closed the door, flicking one of her pigtails over her shoulder. She was completely unaware that her entire infiltration was being watched, and she was oblivious to what lay ahead of her. Cammy smirked, and continued on through the jungle, keeping off the road when possible.

She had brought a handgun with her in case of emergencies, though without any kind of silencer on it, meaning it was a last resort. It brought her some comfort knowing if things really hit the fan, it was there. After all, if she was being shot at from a distance then there was no way she could just... stretch her leg all the way across and kick the gun out of his hand..

About twenty minutes later, she arrived at her destination. After the first encounter, it had been a very uneventful walk. Sure, she had to get rid of another lone guard who had been walking along the road but he was easy enough. In fact, it was almost as if she were wishing for a stronger challenge. She did like to fight, after all.
Pressing her back against the wall, she blindly searched for her radio that had been attached to her belt. She pulled it off and brought it to her mouth. "Colonel," she whispered, keeping the volume turned down low, "I've arrived at the base. I'm about to break in to the warehouse. Cammy out."

Tucking the radio back to where she got it from, she saw the small hole that only a petite woman of her size could fit through. Getting on her hands and knees, she began to squeeze through the gap and in to the warehouse, keeping as quiet as she could.
The Shadoloo trooper peered hard through his night-sight. He was a Thai farmboy of limited experience but what he saw truly broadened his world. It was Cammy's perfect ass, wiggling in rhythm as she crawled on all fours into the old warehouse. Her tight camo pants were virtually painted on. It took the trooper a few moments to recover his wits and whisper urgently into his radio.

"She's coming in! Now!"

Sagat nodded curtly to the two handpicked troopers he had brought with in. Each was proficient in muay thai and they were competent fighters. One immediately ran to the warehouse's back door, the other crouched down and paced steadily around the side. As soon as Cammy pulled herself through the hole and stood up, the first trooper revealed themselves long enough to distract all of Cammy's attention. But just as she readied to movie, she heard the click of a pistol and the rattle of a cold Shadaloo voice. "Put your hands behind your head, you blue-eyed bitch!"
Her eyes closed, her head dipped slightly. How could she have been so stupid to allow herself to be caught right away? His command went ignored, as the young woman came up with a solution in her head. There was only one, he shouldn't be too hard to take down. Sure, he had a gun pointed at her but she was quick. Though was she quicker than a bullet? If they were going to arrest her and make her a prisoner, then that meant that the guard wasn't going to shoot. But could she take the chance?

"Don't call me a bitch." She muttered to him, her head looking up once more and showing the anger in her eyes. She didn't look particularly dangerous, though it was a fact she had used to her advantage many times. They didn't expect such a petite young woman to be such a dangerous fighter. However, she knew that right now the best approach to this situation would be to do as she was told. Even if he handcuffed her, she could still kick his ass. And she planned on doing that very soon. The young soldier raised her hands and joined her fingers behind her head, not taking her eyes off the man, even for a microsecond.
"Check her for weapons!"

While the first trooper kept his bead firmly fixed on Cammy, the other grabbed her slender wrists and slapped a pair of handcuffs on them. With a practiced flick of his combat knife he cut her belt, then sharply pulled her pants down to her ankles. Her stunning bronze legs, dappled with sweat, were now exposed to view - as was her tight ass which strained against the confines of her leotard. The trooper snatched off her beret and stuffed it awkwardly in his pocket, yanking roughly on one of her pigtails as she turned her head around.

"Eyes forward!" He barked. Stepping up close behind Cammy, he reached around and roughly seized her pert, pouting tits. He was momentarily amazed at how rock-hard they were, as he could barely squeeze the firm round mounds.

The other trooper spoke in Thai (unaware of course that Cammy was fluent in it). "Don't mess around!" He said urgently. "Let's get outside and back to Sagat now! This one's dangerous!"

But his comrade was enraptured with his prey. "This one? Just a silly little Western bitch," he said, emphasizing the last world. His crotch was pressed up hard against Cammy's. "Feel that, girl?" he rasped intimately into her ear. "It's not my rifle!" He licked his lips and chuckled dirtily. Kneading her tits eagerly and with quick breaths, he moaned "Oh yes, we are going to have fun with you..."
Having the handcuffs slapped on her wrists wasn't a problem to her, nor was the fact that they had removed her belt which included her equipment for the mission. She frowned at the trooper that grabbed the beret from her head, curious as to why and what he was going to do with it. She yelped when her pigtail was pulled, and she was close to either spitting or head butting the guy who had done it. Not yet. She wasn't going to do anything just yet.

However, when it came to the moment he began fondling her breasts through the leotard (and her leggings down at her ankles) then she knew what was going to happen here. The leotard she wore was tight, it moulded to her body perfectly and was the last layer of protection that she had on her body (she never wore underwear on a mission). Cammy closed her eyes and winced as he pressed against her, feeling his hardness poking in to her. She managed to shake him off and pulled away, through because her leggings were currently around her ankles, it caused her to lose her balance and fall comically to the floor.

Unfortunately, the leggings also formed a sort of bondage which prevented her from using her legs the way she'd like. It restrained her ankles to the point that they could only part by a couple of feet, and it meant she couldn't kick or run away. "Stay away from me!" She shouted, "Don't you dare touch me!"
The troopers reveled in Cammy's discomfort and whooped with delight as she writhed on the floor. "So much for the deadly agent!" the one above her snorted. "The blond nympho is ready to spread her legs for us already!"

Both of them hunched over the struggling girl. The one in front of her placed his boot down hard on her neck as she gasped painfully. The one behind her pulled off her trousers - as well as utility belt with the pistol - and held her down firm, thrashing thighs. Cammy was now head-down, ass-up, and helpless between these two men.

The troopers gazed at the perfectly round twin mounds of Cammy's ass. The one pinning her legs cackled with an almost delirious glee as he slapped one cheek while squeezing the other. He pulled aside the thong of her leotard, exposing the little pink oyster of her pussy, and ran his callused fingers across its velvet lips.

"Man, you must see this," said the trooper admiring Cammy's snatch to the one standing on her next.

"But what about Sagat? Come, let's get her to him now!"

"Oooh no," the other replied in a grave tone. "This is the only chance we'll ever have to sample a slice of this" - he nodded at the restrained Cammy - "before it goes somewhere no-one ever sees it again. We're gonna rape this bitch!" He stood up over her - releasing her legs - and began to clumsily unbuckle his gear.

The trooper pinning her neck looked back anxiously over his shoulder. He did not want to be caught with his literal pants down if Sagat came into the warehouse. On the other hand, the sight of Cammy - nubile, sweaty, and terrified - overrode any real discipline he may have had. A broad grin creased his face and his cold brown eyes locked with Cammy's glistening blue ones.

"We're going to use you like the lowest Bangkok whore, and do things to your body that you never imagined possible. What to you say to that, bitch?"
Cammy struggled, the position they had her in prevented anything other than wiggling around, which unfortunately caused her ass to tight ass to shake from side-to-side. She almost growled at them, but it wasn't going to stop them. The foot on her neck was causing discomfort and some pain, and no matter how she moved it, the boot kept her from bringing her head up.
They teased and taunted her, telling her what they were going to do to her, something which made her feel so helpless. She wasn't used to being in this situation, and she was... scared? She didn't want to be raped, yet her attempts to fight them away proved useless. Her pussy was exposed, the crotch of the leotard pushed to one side. There was nothing else to stop them. How could she have been so stupid? They were only a pair of guards, probably poorly trained and not even that skilled in fighting. She hadn't even reached Sagat or Bison, yet here she was defeated against two no-named grunts!

"Nnnnghhh..." She groaned, trying to look up at the two men. Cammy didn't want to beg, she was better than that. She didn't want to plead with them to let her go, that she would do anything as long as they didn't penetrate her but she just couldn't bring herself to speak the words. Instead, she went on the defensive and groaned some more. "...If you god damn rape me... I'm going to destroy that little dick of yours so you can't ever use it again...!" She said in defiance.
The troopers cackled in delight at Cammy's obvious distress. They were reveling a delirium of lust and almost maddened by the thought of pounding her petite frame. Lost in the madness of the moment they had put their weapons aside and dropped their guard.

Removing his boot from her neck, the trooper before her stood back and yanked her head up with a hard pull on one of her ponytails. "I have a better use for your mouth, girl". He began to unbuckle his heavy belt with a leer, locking eyes with Cammy and drinking in her fear.

Behind her, the only trooper grabbed her cuffed wrists firmly and pulled her up to a kneeling position. He then ran his hand under the crotch of her leotard, lightly fingering her pussy. Running his tongue up her neck and face with long wet strokes he was almost giddy with delight.

The standing trooper dropped his pants exposing a raging if modest erection. He whacked Cammy across the face with his buckle, and sneered to his comrade "C'mon quickly, let's spitroast the cunt before Sagat gets her!"

Fumbling with his pants, the other trooper was too distracted by Cammy's bouncing ass to notice her shifting position.
"Fucking zipper is stuck!" he hissed.

With his cock in hand the standing trooper twisted one of Cammy's ponytails around his fist and growled "Now, suck this!"
She was waiting for the perfect moment. With the boot now off of her neck, she had a better chance of fighting back. They forced her on to her knees, and she gritted her teeth when a set of wandering hands began to stroke her private part. The tongue left a trail of disgusting dampness that she couldn't wipe away, all she could do was dig her nails in to her palms and accept their tormenting. They kept on mentioning Sagat, which meant that he was obviously on his way and would be here soon. With her hands bound, she would have some difficulty in fighting him... though she was still confident that she could beat him.

Cammy soon found that her face was mere inches from the guard's cock, and with one of her ponytails wrapped tightly around his hand, she could feel it being pulled towards it. She was starting to think that Sagat turning up wasn't a bad idea, because it would give her a chance to escape. That's all she needed; one small opening.

But she couldn't wait for that. She had to act now. Cammy adjusted her position so she was still crouching, yet now on her feet. After that, she swung her leg clockwise and swept it right round until her foot connected with the back of the guard's leg, causing him to lose his balance. She was well aware that he was still holding her ponytail, but she hoped he would let go otherwise she would be pulled down on top of him...
Cammy's sudden attack stunned the dense guards. The one in front was toppled with a dull grunt, falling to the floor with his half-erect cock exposed. His grip on her ponytails loosened and Cammy was able to deliver another kick into the trooper's crotch. He hunched up shrieking in agony.

The trooper behind her had been stunned for a few moments, but as he suddenly moved in he was met with a fist from nowhere, landing firmly in his stomach. Cammy's speed and energy were too much for the poorly trained thug and the solid blow brought him down immediately. She had managed to lay out both troopers, but only for a few moments.

Outside the warehouse, a sweaty Sagat had been waiting in frustration for some minutes. He cursed the hapless goons he sent in, and decided in move in himself. Ordering the rest of the Shadaloo forces to stay in position, he strode purposefully towards the warehouse and the sounds of fighting.

Never one for discretion, the rageful giant threw open the doors and regarded the sight within. The night's quarry, that blond British slut, was right there before him at last. He sized up the situation in a moment, and realized how the trooper's amateurish focus on raping her and led to their defeat.

The sight of the panting, tensed Cammy excited every nerve in his body. Everything except her seemed to fade away in his focus. A cruel grin, as long and savage as a scar, parted his hard face...
Cammy tried to catch her breath, though she couldn't help but feel a little satisfied at knocking the pair out. She had been bound yet still overpowered them, something she knew she would all along. It was the reason she had been sent on the mission; no matter what the situation might be, Cammy White would succeed. Then again, a male member of the team wouldn't end up in the same kind of rape scenario as Cammy would have...

The door was thrown open and she braced herself for another fight. This one, however, would be far tougher than the one that had just preceeded it. With her hands still behind her, Cammy stood ready for her enemy to attack.


The best from Thailand towered over her petite form by what looked like at least two feet, the kickboxer having a distinct height (and reach) advantage. His kicks were deadly, and she had to be nimble and very quick if she were to avoid them. But it was that smirk that bothered her. She wasn't going to let him enjoy this one at all.
Sagat's one eye was like a flashing chip of glass. He regarded Cammy with a steady gaze. "Hardly a fair fight with this cuffs on, isn't is?" He took the key from a guard's belt and threw it at Cammy's feet. Within a few moments the agent was deftly able to free herself.

"Now, that's better." His voice loomed as deep and large as his huge bulk. "I apologize for the thugs," - he ran his eye over Cammy's panting, sweating body - "but if a pretty white girl like you is going to dress like that in Shadaloo, then she will get what she deserves."

His death-head grin grew wider as his saw the anger churning in her bright blue eyes. This one was young and reckless, he thought. It would be easy to exploit that. "You're just a little girl, playing a man's game. You should be warming the bed of some corrupt politician and spending his money, not playing the secret agent." He watched her pert, pouting tits rise and fall as her chest heave. Wispy strands of blond hair waved across her face.

"If you submit now you will keep your pretty face. You will have the privilege of being my slave. But if you insist on fighting I will destroy that face, and ruin your body, and show you a place worse than Hell." He swung a huge fist out to the side and shattered a wooden pillar, reducing the thick pole to dust.

The one cold eye focused on Cammy. "Your choice, Miss White..."
She had bent down and picked up the keys, removing the cuffs from her wrists. She rubbed where a pair of red marks had formed, soothing the discomfort yet never taking her eyes from the towering one-eyed man in front of her. He was even bigger and more intimidating in the flesh, and photographs really didn't do his size any justice.

*Yeah, just keep underestimating me... the bigger they are, the harder they fall...* She thought to herself, preparing herself for a fight. It was ever so colder now that her leggings had been removed, and she fixed the crotch of the leotard so it was covering everything again. Sagat could call her a slut all he wanted, but she was going to be the one standing tall at the end.
His show of strength didn't impress her, and she rolled her eyes when he smashed the wooden pillar in to nothingness. "Is that supposed to impress me?" She asked, her hands on her hips.
Sagat was almost disgusted by Cammy's arrogant insouciance. Her haughtily raised eyebrow and upper-class English accent offended him even more. She symbolized so many things he despised and his desire to break her began to rage like a fever. The way she pouted like a schoolgirl after he shattered the pole almost amused him in a detached way. Enjoying the mindgames, he decided to explore some different angles.

"You know a lot about poles, girl? So what did you do for Colonel Guile to earn your rank? Judging from your mediocre performance against these guards, I'd say it wasn't your combat skills - more like your skills in bed." His scar quivered as his face split into a leering grin, cold and broad as an alligator's. "How many times did you have to spread those lovely legs of yours before he gave you this mission?"
Cammy rolled her eyes, shaking her head at his mind-games. She was slightly amused at his insistence that she wouldn't be able to defeat him, that her only skills seemed to be useful in a bedroom rather than a battlefield. Sure, her encounter with the two guards wasn't her finest moment, but it had been a different story when she knocked out the gate guards earlier on in the day. They hadn't seen her coming, and even if they had then the ending would have been the same. In fact, she was going to be using this to her advantage. Sagat thought she couldn't even fight two goons, let alone a strong kickboxer like himself. His over-confidence would be his downfall.

She took a step back, though tried to disguise it as merely shifting her position. He had a distinct reach advantage and didn't want to be caught off guard. Unfortunately, the part of the warehouse that she was in was cramped and didn't allow much room for manoeuvre. She was going to have to take this fight to a much more opened area if she wanted to get a kick in. "The only time I have to spread these lovely legs of mine is to kick someone's ass.."
Sagat's grin faded away. Cammy's utter contempt for him was a provocation he could not bear. He knew he could call for a dozen more Shadaloo troopers, and even Bison himself himself. But there was no way he was sharing this girl with anyone. Even if they were not already enemies, the very way she arrogantly arched her eyebrow at him made Sagat want to hurt her badly. Enough of the teasing, he thought sullenly - it was time to fight.

He knew he obviously had size and power in his favor. With the tight confines of the cluttered warehouse it would be a straightforward matter to pin her. Sagat had a few specialized techniques that could seriously incapacitate a female opponent - he just needed to land a few crushing blows in the right places.

Slowly he slid into a combat stance. He looked over his petite blond opponent, watching the sweat spot darken between her heaving tits. His cruel dead eye met her sparkling blue ones. With a slight flick of his fingers, he invited her to attack, oozing "Ladies first!"
Cammy tried to study her surroundings, but she had to keep one eye on Sagat at all times. He could easily take her by surprise, throwing her off guard or knocking her out with one of those strong legs of his. She could see a much better area to fight, though it was on the other side of the warehouse. With him now ready to attack, but suggesting that she get the first attack... she gave him a fake smile. "Oh, aren't you a gentleman?" She asked, licking her lips and then suddenly diving through a gap in a shelf, disappearing from his view.

This was hardly the way that Cammy had been taught to fight, but she had to adapt to her surroundings. Suddenly, she was gone. There was no trace of her, and if Sagat wanted to play games with her... then she was more than happy to do the same. Her petite figure gave her the advantage of sneaking in to places that he certainly could not, and in a warehouse like this, there were plenty of gaps in the shelves to jump and crawl through. Cammy continued to sneak around, using the tall shelves as cover, keeping as quiet as she could so he could not hear her.
For a moment Sagat was almost stupefied by the suddenness of Cammy's disappearance. But he quickly collected his thoughts and realized the little white bitch was going to be more trouble than she seemed. He knew she was playing to her advantages and leaving him vulnerable to surprise attack. A feeling of frustration melted into a wry amusement. She was an impudent little thing, this English girl, he thought with a crooked grin.

"Well, you cowardly little bitch, you go diving into holes like some diseased Shadaloo rat?" As he sneered , Sagat's eye flashed about the walls and roof, glowing with a suppressed rage. He knew from his own childhood that these places were a warren of tunnels and secret passages. His finely attuned senses and sharpened hearing were dulled by the incessant noise of the nearby city, and he struggled in vain to pick out Cammy's thumping heartbeat.

Then he noticed the gear of one of the incapacitated troopers - particularly his pair of infra-red goggles. Sagat snatched up the sophisticated piece of Bison-tech and held it up to his eye. Glancing swiftly around the gloomy warehouse - its bleak walls now illuminated in vivid shades of color through the goggles - he found Cammy's tight body glowing with heat as it passed behind a wall. Thinking herself unseen, and unable to see him, Sagat stealthily began to close in on Cammy and prepared to ambush her as she emerged.
Cammy had so far managed to evade him, though this wasn't the way she liked to fight. She didn't like to hide, though sometimes it was a tactic that was needed in such a battle. She wanted nothing better than to kick that sneering bastard in the face so hard, that he toppled over like the dumb giant that he was. She knew that his eye-patch would come to her advantage, and she just had to keep on his left side in order to take full advantage of it. Unfortunately, she didn't count on the infra-red goggles that the soldiers had been carrying.

She was blissfully unaware of his ability to see her. She pressed herself against a wall and looked round the corner, feeling that sense of dread now that she had no idea where he was. While he had been speaking earlier, he was now very quiet and must have been very light on his feet. Peeking her head out one more time, she was satisfied that the area was clear and moved on from her hiding place. Keeping low, she hid behind a stack of boxes and kept her breathing to a minimum.
While the climate was a little warm, the warehouse was quite cool against her now-exposed legs. Cammy, with her legs crouching, used her fingers to adjust the leotard as it began to ride uncomfortably up her crotch. Unfortunately, it left her unaware of her surroundings for a moment..
Despite his massive bulk, Sagat moved as lithe and silent as a panther. Nonetheless it was no easy feat to track the nimble Cammy through the labyrinthine warehouse. He tracked the glowing contours of her body through the green glow of the goggles. A distinct red burst of heat shone bright between her legs. The little minx is turned on by this, he thought. Like a bitch in heat, getting off on taunting him. He had seen such overweening self-confidence before and it never ceased to irritate him. To see it oozing from a white woman was all the more irritating for him. At least, he reflected, it was going to make her the more fun to break.

Sagat could tell she had gotten lost, and that her adrenalin and arrogance had just gotten her trapped in a corner like a rat. He could also tell she was clueless as to his whereabouts. Still young and relatively inexperienced, Cammy let her guard down at exactly the wrong moment. As he watched her hesitantly move out of hiding and duck down behind the boxes, he removed the goggles and prepared to move in behind her.

The scent of her sweat was heavy in the humid air as he crept up on her. In most cases, he would have been prepared to challenge her to a fight again. But she had blown that chance, and he felt the little whore deserved only the lowest and nastiest of tricks. He watched her shift uncomfortably as she adjusted her leotard, a move he found incredibly slutty.

Taking advantage of Cammy's distraction, and her wandering hand, Sagat pounced like a predator. He seized her wrist, wrenching up her arm in a savage move and propelling her face down onto the dirt floor. Keeping her wrist held tight in his iron grip, he landed a crushing blow right into her kidneys. Then, with a grinding of muscle and bone, he popped Cammy's shoulder from it's socket like she was a doll in his hands.
She should have heard him coming, there was no way that his hulking mass should have been able to sneak up on her like that. By the time he grabbed her, it was too late for Cammy to react. He shoved her face down in to the dirt, before starting to attack her: a painful shot to the kidneys which caused her to groan in pain. But it was nothing compared to the pain of having her shoulder pop from it's socket, the poor woman screamed.

Still holding her arm, she tried to think of a way to get him off of her but she didn't dare move in fear of hurting her arm even more. Already, she could feel the area of her kidneys bruising, although her leotard prevented her from seeing it. Cammy eventually tried to kick him away, but she was in an awkward position and her attempt was almost laughable. She had never been taken out of a fight so quickly before.
Cammy's tortured screams were sweet music to Sagat. He crushed her wrist tight in his steel fist, breaking the delicate bones there. Pulling her dislocated arm up - tearing tendons and sending an incredible pain through that tight little body - he lifted the writhing Cammy upwards and dangled her before him. With three vicious, expertly practiced kicks he slammed his knee into her side, shattering several ribs with the final blow. He then dropped the shrieking woman to the floor like a rag doll.

As she lay face down he delivered a sharp boot between her legs. When she yelped and instinctively curled into the fetal position, he kicked again and she rolled over onto her back. Sprawled out and incoherent, Cammy lay lost in a haze of pain.

"Not as tough as you thought you were, eh bitch?" snarled Sagat. He gripped her costume firmly at her breasts and tore the tough kevlar off her petite form like it was cotton. Cammy's body lurched as it was ripped off and she was left stripped naked, save for her boots. She was sweating, screaming and spreadeagled, utterly helpless before him. Sagat began to undo his belt...
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