Project Nova (AndyrisnerXUrsa-hime)


Mar 15, 2013


Excerpt from Doctor Artemis Colt:

Day 10, 2164

It has been a month since I last saw my family, ever since joining Project Nova, while I do miss them and know after this is done I might never see them again. However, I could not pass up the Illusive Man's offer to further human biotics, if we can pull this off not even the Asari will be able to contend with us.

We have received a shipment of twenty young adults in cryogenic stasis, each had been screened for biotic potency and wiped of their memories. While I abhor the idea of taking their memories, had their memories had been intact they would most likely resisted our efforts. Also their guardians have signed off all legal documentation so they do belong to us.

On that note, subject 20 has shown powerful latent biotics but has suffered the highest degree of memory lost, however that's not all, Subject 20 suffers no ill effects from her L2 implant. From reports from her caretaker say that she doesn't have any memory of the outside world, as though she was born in the pod she came in. Though she has a grasp of the human language, all technology is strange to her and she has no memory of her family. While it makes it hard for her to use her biotics powers, since we have to teach her every step to accessing her L2 implant, but it makes her the easiest to manipulate.


Caretaker Notes(John Calvin): Subject 20

From what I seen from other caretakers is that positive re-enforcement works well these kids, giving them rewards for good behavior while Doctor Colt deals punishments allows us caretakers to look like "good guys" to the kids. I have to admit Subject 20's calm demeanor makes her the easiest to deal with, praise it enough to keep her going... it's almost like she get's a high from pleasing me.

The cell she has is ten feet long by ten feet wide, small for a living quarters but never the less the basics are there: toilet, sink, and bed. All the walls are like one-way mirrors, but are super re-enforced so that she can't get out. The only world she knows is this, and I plan to keep it this way.
Diana had pressed herself to the side of cell, her face up against the cool paneling. Her eyes did not dart from one side to the other as normal people's did. She was somewhat curious about the world around her, considering she did not have a previous life like the other test subjects seemed to think they had.

'Test subjects'. It was a curious word to Diana - while she was not 100% sure on what they were being tested for, or if it was the other way around and they were the ones being tested on - all she knew was that when she did well, it seemed to please the man who had been assigned to her, which in turn pleased her. It had only come to pass sooner or later that she would start to achieve at her optimum rate in order just to please John. Even the simplest things he did to her came across as great pleasures and she was more than eager to continue it.

Tilting her head to the side, Diana stared at her own reflection in the mirror, skin pale and dark green eyes. Her long black hair contrasted with her skin, a jet black pool that curled at the end, reaching past her waist.
John looked down at the data pad, having finished his recording for the latest test they had completed, as usual Diana had passed with flying colors. The construction of beta implants had taken to well to her and from what the other caretakers were saying, the implants would make combat biotics a possibility. He had to agree, from the pressure plates she clocked in at 200 newtons, more than enough to knock a full grown adult to the floor.

"To think that before this week, she could just push cups around..." he said to himself, looking over at Diana. Though he knew she couldn't seem him, the intensity of her eyes made it seem like she could, it almost perturbed him if he hadn't been used to it already. John tugged at the collar of his pure white outfit, doing his best to ignore work and go back to Diana in high spirits. After a quickly checking his if blond hair was presentable and there wasn't the threatening dark circles around his green eyes, he walked into Diana's cell.

"Evening, Diana, it seems like you did very well on your last test. Director Colt says you deserve a reward for that... I think so also. So you will have the next two days free to do what you want, toys, board games, externet use, even free time with subjects that are also are free. Sound good?" said John, smiling at her.
Diana turned as John entered her cell, immediately bouncing over to him and smiling brightly. "John!" She said excitedly, returning the smile he was giving her. He always seemed so happy to see her - the idea made her blush and she quickly hid her face behind her pale fingers before tilting her head at him.

"U-uuu? Really? I'm so glad! I was looking forward to finishing that exciting game -- I believe it's called 'Monopoly'?" She asked, pausing for a moment to seriously consider it before smiling brightly again. "Will you join me, John? I promise I won't beat you too much~" She said with a childish giggle, her pale fingers reaching up and touching his blonde hair, marveling at how it shone against her pale fingers.
John almost shuddered from her touch, it always seemed like she was freezing though she didn't show any signs of it or was it because he was so hot. This puzzled him for a second but he pushed his thoughts aside; Materializing his omni-tool he had, messed with it for a few seconds, then brought up the video game to display on one of the walls.

"There and sure I'll join you... but I think a few AIs would only be fair to add into the game. So tell me, Diana, how are you feeling?" asked the taller man, taking a seat next to her. It had been required of them to keep close tabs on their subject's mental state and small chats like these proved to be effective in getting accurate data.
Looking at him as he shuddered, Dianna blinked once, then twice before brushing it off. She to her knowledge had always had a normal body temperature but maybe normal people were different. Wondering about it for a few seconds, she turned her attention back to John who had materialized the board in front of her, making her clap and giggle with excitement.

Taking an eager seat, she made her selections for her character piece (a Turian in a top hat, because it looked adorable) before looking at John and smiling. "I'm feeling good John~ how are you feeling? Not too tired from all the working that you're doing ne?" She asked, rolling the dice and moving her piece, buying the property she landed on before looking back at John as the AI took their turns.
"I'm good, Diana, you know any work I do with you is a pleasure. Anyways you know the procedure; any depression, exhaustion, over sexual arousal, hyper sensitivity, or hearing any voices?" asked John in a slight chastising tone, going over the symptoms many of the other subjects were going through. He looked at the board, carefully taking in which dice rolls would proved to be beneficial and took the Cerberus Logo character piece.

However he didn't expect to hear any issues, since she have proved to have no ill-effects from her L2 implants. Which was a point of pride for him, he had basically the easiest job on the station, many of the other subjects would fall into rages or extreme pain. Luckily the chain of command had set a protocol that any subject that exhibit extreme behavior could be terminated, for the safety of the staff and other subjects of course.
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