The Key Corrupted (Kingdom Hearts) - (Agnores and SullenMadHatter)


May 15, 2012
Zane was getting odd looks wherever he went, and the Destiny Islands were no different. It didn't help he accidentally opened a Corridor of Darkness directly in the center of town, or that his eyes were a deep yellowish amber instead of a normal color. Not that anyone else would notice, but his skin was unusually dark for someone who was typically so pale.

Still, Zane did his best to not make the situation worse. He gave an awkward smile, his hand running through his silvered hair, cocking his head to one side. He waved slightly, and mumbled a quick 'sorry' before dashing off in a random direction. No one followed him, he noticed; and when he found himself back into the same street he had arrived in, he still got odd looks, but the people seemed to have moved on. That was a relief.

Sighing, Zane looked to a nearby window in order to check the color of his eyes, and the tan on his skin. He had been told the day he first learned of the Corridors that the darkness that created them would leave a sort of residue on him; his eyes would slowly turn an amber color, his skin would darken. If he continued to use the Corridors for too long, the darkness would eventually take a hold of him, and he would lose his heart to it.

Combine that with the fact that Zane wielded one of the few remaining Keyblades of Darkness, and could wield darkness with the same sort of ease the hero Sora wielded light, Zane was doomed to live a short life.

Zane began to check his surroundings, stuffing his hands into the pocket of his hooded black over shirt. His pants were blue in color and baggy, tucked loosely into his boots. A thick belt rested around his waste, a small pouch at the back of it.

Seeing nothing of interest around, Zane turned to wander aimlessly around the town when he felt it; darkness was gathering en masse nearby. It wasn't until he heard the screams that his fears were confirmed, and he immediately took off running in the direction of the screams.

The Heartless were here. And Zane didn't even get time to enjoy himself.
She hadn't even time to scream before they surrounded her, hadn't even noticed the growing darkness until it was too late.

The morning had started out the same as any other, she had gotten up and readied herself for school, eaten breakfast, and met up with Sophie to walk to school. The girls chatted back and forth, or Sophie chattered away as Kairi pretended to listen. Her mind was on other matters. So caught up was she in her thoughts she didn't hear Sophie's warning. “Kairi! Run!” Sophie shrieked back at her, Kairi found herself surrounded by a couple dozen heartless while Sophie looked on from outside the circle.

“I'll.... I'll get help” her friend took off leaving Kairi to fend for herself in the circle of advancing heartless. A shadow leaped forward swiping at her knees, in her effort to get away from one she back right into another. The heartless slashed at the backs of her thighs opening up lines of shallow parallel cuts.

The scream that had been trapped inside her exploded out as she turned in a small circle searching for an opening, some way to get out. She batted at the heartless with the only weapon she had, her schoolbag. But it couldn't hold off the horde, soon her legs were covered in thin shallow scratches, all the jostling brought her heel down on a rock, her ankle buckled and Kairi flailed backwards on a cry of pain right into the waiting arms of her tormenters.

(lol these scenes are hard I never feel I do well enough)
(That one was just fine!)

"Move, now!" Zane yelled, his voice serious. He shoved people out of the way, sending them careening off to the side with his unnatural strength. He rounded a corner and came onto the pile of Shadows, covering and clawing at a girl. Zane skidded to a halt, holding out his right hand; in that instant a dark cloud covered his hand, and with a small flash of black light, he summoned his Keyblade, Warrior's Rest. A red Keychain of a shield dangled from the weapon's hilt, the hilt itself shaped after the Keychain, the center hollowed for the hilt. The rest of the blade looked like a sword with an unnaturally long blade that was broken, so that the weapon was roughly the size of a typical longsword. A tombstone rested upon the blade, giving the weapon its vague key-like appearance.

His weapon summoned, Zane moved so that the hilt of the blade rested against his lift hip; he began to dash towards the mound of Shadows, a common low-level Heartless. Slashing his blade at the air from left to right, the Hearltess were suddenly thrown off of their prey as if hit by a powerful gust of wind; revealing the trapped girl to be a red-headed beauty, dressed in a school uniform and covered it cuts. As Zane dashed forward, small dark fires seemed to begin to spread across his body. When he was in danger of actually tripping over the girl, he seemed to just disappear.

Zane immediately reappeared amidst the Shadows that were still being sent flying by his initial attack, the hilt of his blade again resting at his hip. He slashed diagonally up from left to right; a thin black line forming, tracing the path his blade followed. The attack sliced the Heartless in front of him cleanly in half; almost instantaneously thousands of other thin black lines formed all around Zane, shredding the rest of the Heartless as they passed through them. When Zane landed, his Keyblade faded away into a black cloud; the Heartless seemed to just fade from existence, releasing their trapped hearts that floated up into the sky.

Zane turned, walking over to the girl that was lying on the ground. "Hey," he said, moving to her side and offering her a hand. "You all right?" he asked, his eyes traveling over her body, counting her cuts.
Through the writhing mass of heartless she could see the form of a young man in a black hoodie rushing towards her and the pile of heartless, he cleared them off of her in a few quick swipes of his blade. It was a keyblade like none she had ever seen before, shaped like a sword not a key, but all the key elements were there. Her eyes widened as dark fires started to spread across his skin, she could only see them on his hands and face, the only revealed part of his body but it was an intimidating sight. He rushed at her, Kairi scrunched her eyes shut bracing for the impact of his body, but it never came.

She chanced another look, the ease with which the young man dispatched the heartless was a sight to behold. She watched speechless as in less then ten seconds the fight was over. The blade he was wielding disappeared in a cloud of darkness. Her eyes were locked on him the startling contrast of his Amber eyes and silver hair to his tanned skin gave him an exotic look. But there was no doubt to it, he was a handsome young man who carried himself with the assurance of someone who knew he could look after himself.

Taking his hand she let him pull her to her feet “yeah I'm....” she gasped lurching forward as she put weight on her ankle, pain lanced up her leg as the ankle unable to support her weight had her stumbling forward right into her savior. If it hadn't been for his strong arm catching her instinctively she would have taken another tumble. Wincing she hopped backwards on one leg keeping her weight on her right leg. “T-thank you for saving me...”
Zane caught the girl, smiling down at her. "Careful there," he said, helping her re-get her balance when she stood back. "You're hurt," Zane said, watching as she favored her right leg. "Here," he said, holding out his left hand. A white light engulfed his hand, and after a few seconds, three small balls of green light shot from his hand and into the girl. As each light hit, Zane knew the pain in her leg would lessen, the cuts would close, and she should be able to stand normally again. Or at least, that is what Zane hoped would happen; he was never good at Magic, and in fact only knew this spell (Cure) and Thunder.

"Should be feeling better now," Zane said, smiling back at the girl. It was then that he felt it, a very strong dark presence, causing him to quickly turn and look around for its source. Briefly, Zane thought he saw someone with deep blue eyes and spiky brown hair, wearing one of the Black Coats, disappear off in the distance. When the figure disappeared, so did the feeling of the strong darkness. The figure had reminded Zane of Sora, which made no sense considering Sora was a being of almost pure light and that darkness had been so strong...

Zane turned back to the red-headed beauty in front of him. "Name's Zane," he said, holding out his hand for a shake. "Professional traveler." His smile was infectious, and despite the rather serious expression he had just moments before, he now had a fairly jovial one.
The pain eased almost immediately, she breathed a sigh of relief as the pain faded and she was able to put weight back on her ankle. She tested it leaning on the ankle and taking a few steps. She chanced a look at the young man who saved her but he was looking off into the distance, following his gaze she caught sight of a black hood disappearing into a portal of swirling darkness. She frowned, the feeling of darkness that had been pressing down on her disappeared along with him. What had he been? Why was such a strong heartless even here? Because there was a new keyblade user about? She studied Zane, he was a dark keyblade user, and like Riku, the darkness was starting to swallow him up bit by bit. She couldn't see it but she could feel it.

His smile though, when he chose to bestow it on her was radius and infectious, she found herself smiling in return “my name is...”

“Kairi!” Sophie came back and behind her were a few officers. The officers eyes were hard as they looked around for any sign of danger, they took in Kairi's disheveled appearance and the sight of the odd young man standing beside her. “Are you okay Miss?” they asked her eying Zane with a distrustful expression. Kairi assured them she was okay and with a final look at Zane they left. Sophie hung back awkwardly as Kairi turned back to Zane.

“Well.. yeah I'm Kairi I'm just a student... which reminds me I am seriously late... thanks for saving me Zane.” She flashed him a bright smile bending to pick up her bag which had been dropped sometime during the fight. Scooping it up she rushed past him and snatched up Sophie's hand. Ignoring Sophie's questions she rushed the two of them to school.

“He was cute Kairi a night in shining armor helping a damsel in distress....” Sophie sighed dramatically holding her hand to her heart. “That's soo romantic” the girls were walking home, school had just ended for the day. Zane had been on her mind all day, it was no surprise considering he had saved her but still her cheeks warmed at Sophie's comment. “Oh quiet Sophie...” Kairi bristled. She didn't want to be thought of as a damsel in distress, didn't really want to be saved because she couldn't take care of herself. Ever since the events with Riku and Sora Kairi had promised herself that she would try to fight on her own... Obviously she had a lot of work to do.

“But Kairi, he's like your white knight or something...” Sophie continued ignoring Kairi. “He wasn't even wearing white Sophie” Kairi smiled at her friend, the girl had always been a romantic at heart, a sucker for all things loveydovey. “So he's your mysterious black knight.... Oh that's even better” she cooed without missing a beat.

Kairi shook her head and waved goodbye as Sophie skipped down the road towards her house, the girl was such a ditz, but Sophie always managed to bring Kairi out of a funk and make her feel better. Humming she turned down the road not to her house but towards the beach. She wanted to visit their special spot. No one really went down to the island anymore, except for some younger kids.

Rowing had been easier when she was younger, panting she pulled into the dock and disembarked. Kids were on the island some were play fighting, others were playing tag on the sandy shore, or fishing in the shallows. She went out to the papou tree leaning against the palm. She remembered the last time she, Riku, and Sora were there together. Her face grew sad, they hadn't been together like that in a long time. She didn't know when or if they ever would again. Though she held out hope one day they would be.
"Kairi?" Zane's eyes grew wide, suddenly aware of who was standing in front of him. Kairi was one of the seven Princesses of Heart. She was someone special. And, Zane was noticing, someone beautiful. No wonder she had two Keyblade wielders fighting for her. Zane would do the same, given half a chance.

Still, the realization he had saved Kairi left him speechless for the most part, his amber eyes focused on her even as the officers fixed him with mistrusting stares. When she said she was late and hurried down the road, Zane watched after her. He still couldn't believe he met Kairi. Of all the people who could have saved her, why him? Where was Riku? Where was....Sora. Zane suddenly remembered the figure he had seen earlier, the one who looked like Sora. It couldn't have possibly been him, Zane decided, because why would he attack Kairi?

Zane spent most of the day aimlessly wondering the town, stopping by various restaurants to eat. Somewhere in the afternoon, he found himself on a small island, away from the main town. Judging from the toys and various objects laying around, Zane deduced this island was mostly used by Destiny Island's children as a playground, a fact that made him smile. As he wandered the island, he found himself nearing the papou tree on a raised platform. It was then he felt the strong darkness again, and almost reflexively he spun around, Warrior's Rest in hand, placing the weapon between him and the oncoming attack.

His assailant left Zane just as surprised and speechless as Kairi had. Sora stood before him, a strange black Kingdom Key in his hands, clashing against Zane's own Keyblade. "Sora!?" Zane asked, incredulously, but the attacker didn't give an answer; instead, Sora unleashed a flurry of blows that Zane had to use everything he had to block, and even still, Sora's final kick made it through, sending Zane flying off the small island and into the waters. When Zane surfaced, Sora stood at the edge of the island, a Corridor of Darkness opened behind him.

It was defnitely Sora. His spiky hair and blue eyes were unmistakable. Why was he wearing a Black Coat? Why did the Kingdom Key look so dark? "Sora," Zane asked, "What's going on?" He was incredulous, and extremely confused. "Stay away from Kairi," Sora said, his expression angry. "Her heart is mine." With that, Sora stepped back into the Corridor, and it closed behind him. "Sora!" Zane called, scrambling to reach the ladder that would lead him up to the platform he had been kicked off of.

Sora was gone, however. "Damn it," Zane cursed, wondering what was going on. The strong feeling of darkness was gone, which was just as perplexing...Sora had no darkness to speak of. So why was he giving off such a dark presence? Zane shook his head, resolved to figure this out, running off down the beach to see if he could find anything of note.

His search on the kid's island came up empty. He could not feel the presence of darkness anymore, and the kids who eventually showed up the island hadn't seen Sora for a long time. On his way back to head to the main island, Zane looked up towards the papou tree and froze in his tracks. Leaning against it was Kairi, the girl he had saved earlier. He remembered what Sora had said about her heart being his, and nodded to himself. Whatever was going on with Sora, Kairi was obviously not safe.

He slowly made his way to the tree, walking up beside her. "Hey," he said, his expression slightly worried. "You all right?" he asked, after noticing her sad expression.
The sun was starting to set now, she remembered many evenings spent together where the three of them would watch the sunset and discuss what they wanted most. She remembered Riku wanting to get off of this island, how they had built a raft and planned to set sail. Kairi had never truly been sure if they meant to do it or not. Nor had she found out for the night before they were supposed to set sail a horrible storm had hit the island and Sora and Riku had been thrust unto their destiny. Kairi couldn't quite remember anything until she had awoken on Hollow Bastion as the seventh princess of heart.

The sound of something hitting the sand had her attention diverted, looking down she noticed a star shaped fruit. Stooping she picked up the paopu fruit a sad little smile touching her lips. The legend of the paopu fruit said that anyone who shared the fruit their destinies would become intertwined. Shrugging she dropped the fruit into her bag, night after night she had spent wondering where Riku and Sora were now, she missed them. But part of her also resented them. How could they just leave her on this island while they were out there doing things that mattered. She shook her head as if with that simple motion she could drive away the sadness that had swept over her.

So caught up in her thoughts, she didn't even hear the sound of footsteps crunching in the sand coming closer and closer, it wasn't until his face filled her vision that she even realized someone was there. Kairi gave a start putting her hand to her now pounding heart.

“Oh Zane.. I didn't even realize you were there.. I'm fine” she tried to smile at him but it came out looking forced. The worried look on his face told her he didn't believe her. Looking him over she realized he was sopping wet. He looked like a soaked cat. “Zane why are you all wet? ..Your supposed to take off your pants and hoodie before jumping into the sea” strangely though she had the feeling he hadn't really intended to go swimming. “Your going to catch a cold if you stay in your wet clothes” with someone else to focus on other then her own thoughts she found herself feeling better. “You can come back to my place and we can get you into some dry clothes. Can't let my savior get sick after all" her smile this time was genuine.
She's not fine, Zane thought. Smiles tell all

Zane looked down when she mentioned him being wet, suddenly realizing he WAS still wet. He had been so absorbed in the Sora incident he had forgotten that he had taken an unexpected dive. When he was invited to come back to her place, his gaze snapped back up to her's, his cheeks burning red. He quickly composed himself, snapping straight up, his hand finding its way to the back of his head. "No, no," He said, his smile wide, his eyes closed, his head cocked to one side. "No worries here," he said. "I just forgot they were wet."

Black flames began to sprout up all over his clothing, though his clothing didn't burn. Slowly, the clothes dried. "See?" He said, letting his hand fall. His cheeks still burned red, but his expression returned to what it was before, serious, and concerned. He had caught her genuine smile, and decided it wasn't right to pursue her earlier sadness. Instead, he focused on what had happened to him. "Have you seen Sora, lately?" he asked, suddenly.
Well that's a handy trick she thought watching as his clothes went from wet one second to dry in the other. Better then dry cleaning

Her smile fell that sad look entering her face again. “No.... I haven't seen Sora... or Riku.. I don't know where either of them are” tears burned in the corners of her eyes, she missed them so much. It was killing her not knowing where they were, if they were okay. She knew she should trust them to return to her eventually but she couldn't stop the doubt, the worry from eating away at her. Blinking away the tears she looked at him forcing her lips into a smile. This guy didn't need to know her sadness it wasn't fair to him, and she didn't know him.

“They are out there somewhere” she motioned to the sky her eyes following her hand to gaze up at the starless sky, it was to light out for stars yet. “They'll come back to me one day” she said softly her blue eyes sad. Shaking her head she focused on him pushing aside the sadness, focus on the now it was easiest. “Why do you want to know where Sora is? Are you looking for him?... I can't actually help you find him Zane I don't know where he is”
Zane could see Kairi's sadness plain as day. It was painfully immense, and Zane had a sudden urge to hug her, try to make it go away. Zane felt as if he was the one who should deal with darkness and the emotions it brought, not someone as bright and beautiful as Kairi. He would gladly quicken his own demise if it would make Kairi stop making that damnable sad expression. Still, her statement about having no idea where Sora is concerned him. Why would Sora be on this island, saying her heart would be his, but not visit her? Why would Sora wear a Black Coat? Why would Sora lead Heartless?

Nothing made sense. Zane crossed his arms in though, stairing down at Kairi's feet. "I guess you can say I am looking for Sora," Zane said finally. "He's..." He paused for a moment. Should he tell Kairi that Sora was on this island? How would she react knowing he was here but hadn't come to see her? Would she be sad? Angry?

Zane shook his head, as if to dispel the thoughts. He opened his mouth as if to speak, Zane suddenly felt that strong presence of darkness behind him. He spun around almost immediately, looking about...but seeing nothing but children. He noticed, however, something he had not seen before, a small opening in the trees that seemed like it led back into a cave. Could the darkness be coming from there?

Without warning, Zane took off towards the hole, his Keyblade appearing in his hands. If Sora was there, he would get his answers, here and now.
Kairi opened her mouth to call out to Zane as he took off, but was cut off. A strong dark presence was pressing down on her, she gasped her eyes searching wildly for the source. This was the presence she had felt earlier. What was it doing on Destiny Island? Her eyes focused on Zane as he disappeared into the islands secret cave. That seemed to be where the source was coming from. She knew that she would be absolutely no help in this situation, might even get in the way. But she found her feet traveling in the direction Zane had taken heading towards the cave.

She felt almost drawn to the cave, her stride picked up speed until she was running after him. Pushing her way into the cave she felt her way along the wall, the dim lighting made it hard to see. She blinked trying to accustom herself to the lighting. “Zane?” she called out to him stumbling along down the short hallway. The feeling of darkness was getting stronger overwhelming him. As much as her instincts screamed at her to run away from this evil she couldn't bring herself too, couldn't run away. She had to see what was causing this.

Kairi rounded the corner and froze, stuck in her tracks, those piercing achingly familiar blue eyes, that brown spiky hair, it couldn't possibly be him. Not here, not now. Not wearing that cloak or clutching that dark kingdom key. “Sora...” she breathed taking a step towards him. “Sora your back..” she didn't even realize what she was saying anymore. She wanted to rush to him and hug her dear friend, but something held her back. “Sora w-what....” she took a step closer into the small cavern.
"Kairi, stay back!"

Zane dashed forward, Warrior's Rest in his hand. Sora wasted no time in bringing the Kingdom Key up, blocking Zane's attack; however, Zane didn't stop. He disappeared in a bout of Dark Fire, appearing behind Sora, swinging downwards. Sora blocked that attack, spinning around, outstretching his hand. A gust of wind hit Zane straight in the chest, sending him flying backwards into the door that was inlaid into the wall behind him. Zane slid down it, jumping to his feet.

"Kairi, come here!" Sora commanded, turning his attention towards Kairi. "Give me your heart."

Zane dashed forward, bringing his weapon above his head. "Kairi, that's not Sora! Stay back!"

Sora spun around, Dark Kingdom Key drawn. "Stay out of this!" He yelled, and met Zane mid-dash. The two seemed to dance in circles around each other, grunting as their Keyblade's clashed. They were attacking with almost blinding speed, the Keyblades moving so fast they were almost unseeable.

"What is going on!?" Zane cried.

"Kairi's heart will be mine!" Sora retorted!

"Like hell it will!"
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