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Some series based ideas

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Jan 11, 2009
Well, topic title makes what's to follow pretty obvious. Got a few new ideas/cravings, all of which are series based. List will follow in next post. Also, keep requests to PMs please. Just that I pay more attention to PM's than the thread itself when it comes to people making requests.

Anywho......on to the good stuff.........

Law and Order:SVU

Got a number of different ideas for possible RP's based on this series. Though, they all really revolve around Olivia or Casey Novak. So, if you want to do something based on the series, I'd like it to involve one or both of the above hotties.

Scooby Doo

Yea, this is a weird one. And I'm not talking about the cartoon. I'm leaning more towards the crappy live action movie. Bad movie, but Sarah Michelle Gellar looked crazy hot as Daphne. As did the chick that played Velma........whose name I can never remember. Don't really have any long term ideas for this. The ideas I have are smutty and more or less series of one shots.

Ghost in The Shell

This could be long term or another set of smutty one shots, as most my ideas involve miss Major getting involved in sexual situations while undercover and such. Or something a tad more unique like a her getting injured in a chase and discovered by a random computer nerd kid who "nurses her back to health". Or even something like her coming to the real world somehow, and all the sexy fun that follows.

Resident Evil

I'm well versed in all the main series titles and most of the spin off's, so I could do something based on just about any entry. So, I'm leaning towards either my usual zombie/Plaga/Majin banging heroine smut, or some humanxhuman girl on girl. Of course, easy enough to mix as well.

Dead Space 3

Rather enjoyed the newest entry, but not quite to the level of 2. Though, one thing that does stand out more than the other games is the fact that in 3, Ellie became ludicrously hot. So, my idea with this primarily would be RE style zombie smut, but with Necromorphs. Or perhaps a side story type thing that takes place before or after the game.......but still full of plenty fo sexy fun, human or freaky creature based.
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