A New Spider in Town (Vash x Lawful)


Mar 19, 2012
A large crash errupted a wall in the middle of downtown New York City. On the bad end, the one being thrown through the wall, was a familiar red and blue suited hero. He ended up face down in a pile of papers, trying to get up from the blow, but his head was slammed back down by a large fist of sand. Flint Marko had escaped jail... yet again, and the Wall Crawler was on the top of his list. He had blind sides Peter and he was struggling to try and get his head in the game. Recently Mary Jane had needed to simple surgery, but it required a blood transfusion. She had AB blood so she could receive any type of blood, so Peter jumped at the opportunity to be a donor with his B positive blood. The procedure went well and she was still recovering so he wanted to get home quick to see how she was doing. Though right now he was taking a beating and needed to find some water fast.

He was able to look up and saw a jug of water lying near him and he knew this was his chance. He got his arm up and did his famous two finger press on his wrist to activate his web shooter. A stream of web shot out and attached to the water jug. Before he could yank it back, Marko stamped on his wrist and prevented it from moving. "You ain't gettin' outta this one bug!"
X-Vash00 said:
A large crash errupted a wall in the middle of downtown New York City. On the bad end, the one being thrown through the wall, was a familiar red and blue suited hero. He ended up face down in a pile of papers, trying to get up from the blow, but his head was slammed back down by a large fist of sand. Flint Marko had escaped jail... yet again, and the Wall Crawler was on the top of his list. He had blind sides Peter and he was struggling to try and get his head in the game. Recently Mary Jane had needed to simple surgery, but it required a blood transfusion. She had AB blood so she could receive any type of blood, so Peter jumped at the opportunity to be a donor with his B positive blood. The procedure went well and she was still recovering so he wanted to get home quick to see how she was doing. Though right now he was taking a beating and needed to find some water fast.

He was able to look up and saw a jug of water lying near him and he knew this was his chance. He got his arm up and did his famous two finger press on his wrist to activate his web shooter. A stream of web shot out and attached to the water jug. Before he could yank it back, Marko stamped on his wrist and prevented it from moving. "You ain't gettin' outta this one bug!"
An not so familiar red and blue heroine swings from above and shoots her webbing at the water jug pulling it over. "Didja really think there was only one spider in town to catch all you villainous flys?" She swings down next to the familiar red and blue one and helps him up.

She kicks Sandman over as she waits for the Familiar wall crawler to say something.
He was surprised to see another web shoot out and grab the water jug. Was Ben in town? When the water jug crashed and broke against Marko the water ran down his body and Peter could feel the sand begin to clump and lose its density. Marko stumbled back as he was losing control of his form and the other hero helped him up. For some strange reason the tough felt familiar to him. He put his head in his hand to try and shake off the headache he had. He finally recovered and looked up saying, "Thanks Be-" He stopped talking when he saw it wasn't Ben Riley, "You're not Ben." He looked the costume up and down and shook his head. Now a girl was running around and stealing his look? "Let me guess, you're Spider-Woman or Spider-Girl? I should really get a patent on this look! Lord knows what's going to happen when Jess finds out you're stealing her name."

He was wondering who this person was? Another deranged fangirl that knew a few things about chemical adhesives? Either way she probably had no idea what she was doing and gently pushed her aside. "Look, I know you're probably going to try to help, but leave this stuff to me. I don't want a civilian getting hurt." He then sprinted and tackled Marko off of the ledge created by the hole and plummeted with him below, mud beginning to splatter on the ground as Marko couldn't hold his form. He pushed off of Marko and sent him down faster while he fired to webs at a building and pulled himself up and fired himself downward like using a sling, sending him at terminal velocity. Peter hit Marko with both of his feet and felt him splatter around him. At about that time, the boys in blue showed up and had a containment unit ready. He took off before they could accuse him of anything and swung home to see how MJ was doing.
He comes home to see her in the shower. She is washing. "Hmmm Tiger is home." She thinks hmm wonder if her can figure it out. She hasn't done her hair yet and there is a bit of mud in it. "Does Tiger want to join me?"
He swung home, head still throbbing from pounds and pounds of sand being pressed on it, and ready for a shower and a nap. When he got to their apartment he swung past it and gave the neighborhood a look around to make sure their weren't any watchful eyes ready to see the location of Spider-Man. When it was all clear, he zipped to the window and crawled in. He was finally able to relax and the tired and sore feeling hit his muscles. He shuffled over to the couch and pulled off his mask, he was Peter Parker once again.

He collapsed on the couch and shut his eyes for a minute or two, almost falling asleep. The only thing that kept him awake was the sound of running water, Mary Jane was in the shower.

He was able to push himself off of the couch and shuffled over to their bedroom. He pulled off his costume and tossed it aside to wash later. He walked into the bathroom and stepped inside the shower with her, too tired to notice the flecks of mud in her hair. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "How are you feeling today?"
Mary Jane is almost bouncy as if high on caffiene. She smiles and turns and kisses Peter as she grinds against him. "I am esctatic nothing like playing with m. . Clay to make you feel like a Goddess." Mary Jane makes a mental note to sign up for a pottery class.
Peter was surprised to see her so up and feeling good right now. He was sure that the doctors told him that she would be a bit slow for a few days until her body recovered. He greatfully accepts the kiss, needing it after taking a pounding from Marko and the stress of knowing that some one was out there, putting themselves in danger, because they think they could do what Peter could. Her soft and smooth lips helped him relax and unwind from those thoughts and he smiled when they finally broke their intimate exchange. She began to tell him why she was feeling good and he was in too much bliss to question it. "Well that's good to hear. I guess it's nice that your boss gave you sick leave. I can't imagine trying to do all that fashion stuff while feelig sick."
Mary Jane thinks if he only knew as she laughs. "I don't feel sick." Mary Jane continues to grind against Peter. "As a matter of a fact, Tiger, I almost feel like a Tigress my self." Mary Jane kisses him again for what seems like an eternity but is only two or three minutes. "So make love to me NOW."
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