The Venom Queen's Savior ((Stormgale x ViperFang))


Jan 24, 2013
Nouhime was on her way to a nearby village, riding on horseback in the middle of a very hot, dry day. The grass that crunched under the mare's hooves had been dried out for days, granting no sort of life in this hot wasteland. The only hope she had for survival was to hurry to the village. It was the only place nearby that held any water and had a place to rest. She was not used to this sort of setting. She had fought in many battles, but never had she gone almost three days without water. Any longer, and she knew she would be doomed. She was sweating and panting as her horse trudged along, not nearly as worn out as she was. Finally, she felt her strength leave her completely. She slumped forward before falling off the saddle, landing painfully on her back with a thud. The wind was knocked from her lungs and she tightly shut her eyes, trying to block out the noon-day sun.

There was so very little she wouldn't do now to get out of this mess. She needed water. She needed food. She needed shelter. She tried to call out for help, her lungs aching to scream into the dry air, but no sound came from her. Her lips and throat were dry. She just knew it was only a matter of moments before death would come. She breathing became raspy and heavy...she didn't want to die yet.
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