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A comic for you... please be kind...


Jan 11, 2009
Somewhere in hell...
Okay... so this is something I'm working on... I don't really have a name for it or anything... but it's gonna be an ongoing thing if people end up liking it.

Here it is, episode 1: Lost...

I hate that guy.

The photocomic is decent! Simple, but that's good, particularly for a start. It's a simple joke this first time out, but you're already setting up the basics of the interaction. Are these to be continuing characters? I could see a very Red vs. Blue kind of personality conflict humor evolving. There are a lot of possibilities with minatures like this; different opponents, different styles. Wait till a Lego man gets involved...

Anyway. Good job. You've got a good start, you can build from here.
Please, keep it up. I think you've got a good photocomic concept, I like what you're doing, it's just a matter of tightening up some thoughts, making some things clearer. This can be a kind of "test run" area for you, a friendly place where we can offer suggestions or ask questions, and you can use our responses to figure out how you could sharpen your approach. By asking you stuff, or suggesting stuff, we're not trying to shut you down, we're just suggesting some things that you might want to consider. It's always up to you, of course.
Thanks MM, I'm trying to think of new ideas, different stuff, still don't have a name, but I figure I'll get it eventually. I have trouble thinking of jokes and stuff like that, but I have some people to help.

I'm thinking about making it something of a collab, I'd like to ask for a writer at least, if you'd like to apply for it, just give me a holler. ^-^
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