The Perfect Girlfriend - Technomancer Style (Angel_Lina x Lawpreacher)

Angel Fire

Romance Freak, Cuddly Kitten
Oct 15, 2009
SF Bay Area








As the first activation checks were completed, slowly, this new being decided to open its eyes and see the world around it. Looking right in front of her, it noticed that there was a very beautiful, red haired woman that was standing in front of her. What the woman was doing, it could not be sure as it had a pondering question in its processor.


Its computerized question focused itself on the bottom left hand corner of its vision as the programming started to take shape.

"Are... you.... my... creator?" It asked with a pause as if it was struggling to speak. Hopefully, some questions were going to be answered as the unit looked at the woman for the very first time in its existance.
As the first activation checks were completed, slowly, this new being decided to open its eyes and see the world around it. Looking right in front of her, it noticed that there was a very beautiful, red haired woman that was standing in front of her. What the woman was doing, it could not be sure as it had a pondering question in its processor.


Its computerized question focused itself on the bottom left hand corner of its vision as the programming started to take shape.

"Are... you.... my... creator?" It asked with a pause as if it was struggling to speak. Hopefully, some questions were going to be answered as the unit looked at the woman for the very first time in its existance.
"I am. My name, Candi, is Thatri Silvers. You may call me Mistress, Mistress Thatri or Mistress Silvers." Thatri stands and walks closer. "Present your self for inspection."



As Candi stood in the middle of the floor in a room that she did not recognize, she noticed two things about herself that were very apparent. one was that she was a female and the second, she was naked. Walking back and forth, she started to her inspection routine, which required her to kneel down on the floor and spread her legs wide.

"Your... wish... is... my... command... Mistress... Thatri." She slowly spoke as her voice program just did not seem to be working at full capacity.
As Candi stood in the middle of the floor in a room that she did not recognize, she noticed two things about herself that were very apparent. one was that she was a female and the second, she was naked. Walking back and forth, she started to her inspection routine, which required her to kneel down on the floor and spread her legs wide.

"Your... wish... is... my... command... Mistress... Thatri." She slowly spoke as her voice program just did not seem to be working at full capacity.
"Seems you have speech issues. Diagnostics my lovely Candi." Thatri kneels in front of her stroking her body."






Feeling the strokes from Mistress onto her body, her emotions were not showing at all. If she was capable of emotions at this moment, she probably would feel comfort with the soothing touches that Mistress was providing. With her diagnostics completed, Candi finally spoke. "Candi can now speak properly. There was an error in Candi's speech processing program. Candi has now fixed that error. Does that make Mistress feel better?" She asked as she stayed in the same position that she was now in.
Feeling the strokes from Mistress onto her body, her emotions were not showing at all. If she was capable of emotions at this moment, she probably would feel comfort with the soothing touches that Mistress was providing. With her diagnostics completed, Candi finally spoke. "Candi can now speak properly. There was an error in Candi's speech processing program. Candi has now fixed that error. Does that make Mistress feel better?" She asked as she stayed in the same position that she was now in.

Thatri speaks in Elven which is a language Candi is not programmed to understand but can learn. "Thaumaturgical Diagnostics." Thatri then scans her magical pattern to see if the Emotional issues are there as she switches back to American. "Emotion programs aren't working check related software."
Candi could not understand what language that Mistress Thatri was using but, being proactive, she decided to save the accents and the words for a future reference. Once Mistress Thatri switched back to American English, Candi heard the command and started her software checks:






Just as soon as the emotional upgrades were installed, Candi let out a smile of content as she felt Mistress Thatri's hand stroking her body. "Thank you Mistress. Candi was not able to download this much needed software." She let put a soft purr as she leaned her head in towards Mistress's hand. "Candi feels... comfort with Mistress's touch. Is this normal to feel like this?" She asked, feeling puzzled as the emotions that she just downloaded were swirling all around her processors in her body.
Angel_Lina said:
Candi could not understand what language that Mistress Thatri was using but, being proactive, she decided to save the accents and the words for a future reference. Once Mistress Thatri switched back to American English, Candi heard the

Just as soon as the emotional upgrades were installed, Candi let out a smile of content as she felt Mistress Thatri's hand stroking her body. "Thank you Mistress. Candi was not able to download this much needed software." She let put a soft purr as she leaned her head in towards Mistress's hand. "Candi feels... comfort with Mistress's touch. Is this normal to feel like this?" She asked, feeling puzzled as the emotions that she just downloaded were swirling all around her processors in her body.

"Yes that is perfect." Thatri kisses her passionately. "Now, my Candi, what do you feel now." The magic scan showed no magical anomalies. Thatri smiles at the knowledge derived from her magic.
Feeling the passionate kiss on her lips, Candi felt her entire body glowing in delight as she started to get goosebumps all over. She could not help but to answer as she smiled. "Candi feels... " She paused as she was trying to relate to a feeling but there was nothing that she could relate to so she decided to do the next best option... tell Mistress how she felt. "Candi feels joy and happiness. Candi feels a very slick feeling between her legs building up. Candi is not sure what this means. Is this good, Mistress?" She asked in her confusion. Deep in her programming, she was only sexually attracted to other women so that was one subroutine that could not be changed..
Angel_Lina said:
Feeling the passionate kiss on her lips, Candi felt her entire body glowing in delight as she started to get goosebumps all over. She could not help but to answer as she smiled. "Candi feels... " She paused as she was trying to relate to a feeling but there was nothing that she could relate to so she decided to do the next best option... tell Mistress how she felt. "Candi feels joy and happiness. Candi feels a very slick feeling between her legs building up. Candi is not sure what this means. Is this good, Mistress?" She asked in her confusion. Deep in her programming, she was only sexually attracted to other women so that was one subroutine that could not be changed..

Thatri purrs. "Very good." Thatri stands. "Stand and embrace me." Thatri waits as she watches for any issue. Thatri is wearing Black Leather pants and a Red leather sundress with a White cotton lab coat. And Red Leather Ballet Boots.
Candi's motor subroutines went to work as she stood up smiling with her red hair flowing below her shoulders and down her back. Many emotions were swirling into her computerized mind as the one main emotion stayed with her... happiness. Though her programming told her to obey mistress at almost every command, she was starting to make a connection with fulfilling those commands. To her, fulfilling Mistress's commands equaled happiness as she did just as commanded. Wrapping her arms around Mistress, Candi placed one hand on Mistress's lower back with the other just behind Mistress's neck. She decided to go with full body contact as her breasts were squishing against Mistress's body. She let out a loud purr as she smiled. "Is this how Mistress wishes for Candi to embrace her?" She asked, feeling a small shake in her body as happy emotions were sweeping through her systems.
Angel_Lina said:
Candi's motor subroutines went to work as she stood up smiling with her red hair flowing below her shoulders and down her back. Many emotions were swirling into her computerized mind as the one main emotion stayed with her... happiness. Though her programming told her to obey mistress at almost every command, she was starting to make a connection with fulfilling those commands. To her, fulfilling Mistress's commands equaled happiness as she did just as commanded. Wrapping her arms around Mistress, Candi placed one hand on Mistress's lower back with the other just behind Mistress's neck. She decided to go with full body contact as her breasts were squishing against Mistress's body. She let out a loud purr as she smiled. "Is this how Mistress wishes for Candi to embrace her?" She asked, feeling a small shake in her body as happy emotions were sweeping through her systems.

Thatri kisses her again as she rubs her ass. "What do you think Candi?" Thatri's leather feels cold against Candi's skin.
Feeling the warm kiss against her cold lips, Candi let out a very unexpected purr just as Mistress rubbed her ass with her hand. The rub almost forced Candi closer to Mistress as she released the kiss and smiled, answering Mistress's question. "Candi feels that this embrace that she did pleased Mistress very much. The reward told Candi that this is how Mistress wished to be embraced. Candi will embrace Mistress just like this when she is commanded to do so..." She paused for just a bit as she leaned her head against Mistress's shoulder. "This is because Candi enjoys this type of contact... very much." She added as she then looked back up with her eyes towards Mistress. "Can Mistress... teach Candi how to make Mistress completely happy?" She asked with a pleading look in her eyes.
Angel_Lina said:
Feeling the warm kiss against her cold lips, Candi let out a very unexpected purr just as Mistress rubbed her ass with her hand. The rub almost forced Candi closer to Mistress as she released the kiss and smiled, answering Mistress's question. "Candi feels that this embrace that she did pleased Mistress very much. The reward told Candi that this is how Mistress wished to be embraced. Candi will embrace Mistress just like this when she is commanded to do so..." She paused for just a bit as she leaned her head against Mistress's shoulder. "This is because Candi enjoys this type of contact... very much." She added as she then looked back up with her eyes towards Mistress. "Can Mistress... teach Candi how to make Mistress completely happy?" She asked with a pleading look in her eyes.

Thatri's lips are warm it is her leather outfit that is cold. "Of course. Just be very obedient and hyper sexual at all times." Thatri kisses her again as she does she fingers Candi's ass.
Candi felt the leather outfit that Mistress was wearing in her embrace against her cold body. She did not look down to see if she was naked or not but she has a very good feeling that she is. Feeling another sweet kiss as she felt her ass being fingered, Candi lets out a very muffled moan as she releases the kiss. Though she did not need to breath, she could feel that Mistress certainly needed to. "Candi can be very obedient. That is part of her programming but... Candi does have a question." She paused as she looked back into Mitress's eyes once again. "How can Candi be hyper-sexual and... what is 'sexual'?" She asked, feeling a little confused as she made one more question while still learning more and more about her surroundings and her Mistress. "Is what Mistress is doing to Candi... sexual?"
Angel_Lina said:
Candi felt the leather outfit that Mistress was wearing in her embrace against her cold body. She did not look down to see if she was naked or not but she has a very good feeling that she is. Feeling another sweet kiss as she felt her ass being fingered, Candi lets out a very muffled moan as she releases the kiss. Though she did not need to breath, she could feel that Mistress certainly needed to. "Candi can be very obedient. That is part of her programming but... Candi does have a question." She paused as she looked back into Mitress's eyes once again. "How can Candi be hyper-sexual and... what is 'sexual'?" She asked, feeling a little confused as she made one more question while still learning more and more about her surroundings and her Mistress. "Is what Mistress is doing to Candi... sexual?"

Thatri kisses her passionately. "I love you. Okay Sex is two" Thatri smirks. "Sometimes more then two people enjoying each others physicality. So yes all this is sexual. Hyper means overly or a lot. So you should spend a lot of time being this way with me. Unless I say otherwise." As images of the Kama Sutra flash through Candi's mind.
Candi's processors were still trying to make sense of what Mistress was telling her as she felt the sweet kiss yet again. She could feel her body swaying with her mistress's movements but with being a special android, she had to rely on her programming. There were so many variables that Mistress talked about but only one thing was certain for her... what they were doing now was sexual as that seemed to make her very happy. "Candi understands, Mistress." She replied, having not reached the programming to call herself by 'I' or 'Me' just yet. "So Candi should feel... very happy or..." Softly, she tried to access many data banks and even the internet to find the right word but she just could not find it.... not at her stage of awakening. "Mistress, I can not find the word that I am looking for. Can Mistress help to find it?" She asked as arousal was not ingrained into her programming... not yet anyways.
Thatri seems to shiver while purring. "Candi should always feel very happy when she makes her Mistress happy."
Candi felt Mistress shivering just a bit as she tried to process the ideas that came out. "Candi understands that Candi should feel very happy when Mistress is happy... but Candi does not understand what cum is. Can Mistress help Candi to understand what that means? Is it sexually related?" She asked, still feeling Mistress's fingers flowing through her as images of two women engaging in Karma Sutra positions flowed through her processors.
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