A New Evolution {darkest_fate&Rand}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
{all images following are NSFW; all characters are at least seventeen years of age or older as depicted at time of RP.}

Rogue groaned, rising slowly to a semi-upright position. The gothic teenager's held felt tight, as though her brain had swelled and now threatened to push her skull out of her head. She raised a glove hand to palm her face, lowering her head just slightly. She pinched shut her gray-green eyes, seeing spots in the dark vision. Rogue took several deep breaths, sucking in the cool, dry air and trying to calm herself. Still, a tremble shook her lean form, her body trying to catch up to what her mind kept telling her. It just didn't make any sense, what happened, and simply thinking only made her brain feel as though it would swell more.

The teenage mutant lowered her hand and pried open her eyes. Again spots swam in her vision, and Rogue blinked several times. "Where th' hell am ah?" she wondered aloud, her eyes scanning. This certainly wasn't where she'd laid down: back in her bed at the mansion. That place had light colored walls lined with the posters of Kitty's favorite bands, not to mention Rogue's own bed. No, she wasn't home, not at the X-Mansion. Though she seemed to be wearing what she'd gone to sleep in: a long-sleeve shirt, dark green around her perky, apple-sized breasts, and a much lighter green as it worked out. She wore a pair of light gloves over her hands, having once slapped Kitty upon being awoken too rudely. the shirt did bare a slight expanse of Gothic white flesh, with abs hardened by hours of combat training. A pair of loose pajama pants, a darker green with little black skulls on them, covered Rogue's lower half. Yes, the Gothic beauty still wore what she'd slept in... except, something more.

"What th'..." she wondered, feeling at her neck. Something light and metallic circled there, pressing against her skin. Rogue ran her fingers along it, finding no catch or clasp. A collar; a choker; definitely. Rogue felt panic well for a moment, turning her guts to ice. She didn't need signs to tell what had happened: she'd been taken, abducted, with a collar slapped on her, and then left alone in the room. Wait... alone? Rogue looked about, and saw what she'd hoped not to see laying only a few feet away.

Katherine "Kitty" Pryde, a.k.a. Shadowcat lay sprawled out a few feet from Rogue, her arms and legs akimbo. The lithe teen was a year younger than Rogue, seventeen to eighteen, but they'd still managed something of an awkward friendship. Especially difficult given Kitty's eternally sunny disposition and Rogue's Gothic moodiness. Still, Rogue couldn't help but wince as she saw the pretty Jewish girl laying there. Kitty stirred as though brought awake by Rogue's gaze, shifting. She, too, wore her pajamas, though they bared more skin than Rogue's. A short pink shirt hung loose over the girl's petite body. It ended a little above Kitty's navel, showcasing the recent piercing the girl had gotten: a golden star of David that dangled from her belly button. a pair of matching pink shorts covered her body, leaving most of her lean legs on display.

"Uggh, what happened?" the shifter asked, rising up slowly herself.
"Not sure," replied Rogue, looking around. "We got teleported or somethin'. Looks like we have collars too."
"What?" that got Kitty's attention, her hands flying to her throat. The girl frowned as she too felt the metal encircling there. "Oh no, no way. We're getting out of her, like, now. C'mon."

Kitty rose to her feet, wobbling only for a moment. She hurried to grab Rogue's arm, careful not to get anywhere near bared skin. Then the energetic brunette dragged her Gothic friend toward the nearest wall. Kitty picked up pace as they drew closer and closer. Then, suddenly, she slammed into it, falling back on her butt with a little yelp of pain.

"What the heck?" she asked, reaching around to rub her rear. Rogue watched for a few moments before looking to the wall. She ran her hand along it, frowning, then looked back at Kitty.
"That should have totally worked!" yelped Kitty, flinging her hands at the wall as though it had done that on purpose. "I totally was all like 'I'm gonna phase us right through' then whammo! I mean, ouch," she winced as she rubbed her butt again, "my butt hurts."
"Quit ya whinin'," said Rogue. She slid her glove off and then walked over to Kitty. reaching down, the Gothic teen yanked her friend back to her feet.
"Hey! Careful there! I'm fragile and--and-- OH MY GAWD, ROGUE!" Kitty pointed at the other's free hand. "You're, like, like, did you just--"
"No, ah didn't steal ya dance moves or nothin'," mumbled Rogue. She frowned, looking at her hand. She flexed it a few times. "Nothin'," she muttered, then brought it up to run along her collar. "Kitty..."
"I can't believe this! It's just-- like, what the heck is ---"
"They're gonna find out! Who would be stupid enough to kidnap--Lance is gonna be--"
"Ugh, I just can't..."
A loud smack cut off Kitty's words, and the stunned girl looked at her friend, holding her cheek. Rogue nodded, then gestured to the collar, tapping it a few times, "Somebody slapped this on us an' took our powers away or somethin'. They planned this."

that made both girls stop, staring at each other. Who could manage something like that... and why? They swallowed hard, looking around the room. There didn't seem to be any entrances or exits, something both girls observed. Still, they searched as best they could, spending some time learning the nooks and crannies of the empty stone room. After a while, they had no other choice: they had to wait, wait and see who, or what, had done this.
It had begun. The return of the ancient mutant whom had been locked away for generations. At one point seemingly forgotten within the passage of time. A mutant whom had made his return not so long ago, only to be thwarted by the combined efforts of numerous mutants with normally conflicting interests. But that was before. The great evil had since returned. Wiser now to his enemies. Smarter with his approach, as the legendarily infamous mutant once known as En Sabah Nur, now better known by the fittingly ominous title of Apocalypse, had started carrying out his revenge upon the mutants whom managed to vanquish him once before.

But this was happening elsewhere. The initial attacks having been carried out systematically. Many missing, presumed captured or worse. Some had been reprogrammed and were visibly striking out against their former companions as his new Four Horsemen. Others, however, were missing without any known traces or signs of their whereabouts to X-Man or Brotherhood alumni alike. Two such figures were kept safely within a seemingly non-existent room. Accessible only to a lone figure, whose heavy footsteps filled the otherwise silent hallway which lead to an unimposing wall.

Standing before said wall, the legendary mutant gazed upon the wall, a sudden light shimmering within those intense eyes, which evidently triggered a mechanism as the ominous blue outline of a formally non-existent door formed upon the stone wall. With a brief shaking noise, the door slowly lowered, sinking into the very ground itself, while very likely drawing the immediate attention of the pair of teenage mutants whom were presently sealed away inside. The dim light on the other side of the now open doorway may have cloaked the identity of the person on the opposite end of the wall, but it would only take a step or two forward, heavy footfalls signaling this arrival, before both X-Men finally set sight upon their new 'host'.

Standing there, garbed within his battle armor at the present, Apocalypse would no doubt make for a rather disheartening sight to most mutants - whether or not they had access to their powers. Gazing upon the pair of females, the ancient mutant would allow a hint of amusement to mark his often stoic features, as the door behind him suddenly began closing following his entrance. For what was to come next, they need not run the risk of any unlikely interruptions.

"So." The male spoke, his voice deep, booming with authority befitting his legacy, while observing the pair of teenagers, "I see you've both finally awoken from your sudden trip to your new home." A short pause, almost as if letting the last few words linger within their thoughts for a moment or two, before continuing, "To answer the first question you're certain to have, the two of you were transported here using one of the many devices available to myself which had been lost to the ages. The very same type of technology which now stiffens your mutant abilities through the collars you wear around your necks."

Observing the pair, his eyes seemingly watching them like a predator would their pray, the ancient mutant further elaborated, "You were taken during the night. As part of my first wave of offense upon the mutants you call your friends. Whisked away from any physical danger right before the battle started. But also to keep you, in particular, out of the way."

His eyes were directed toward Rogue following the last bit; remembering how the pale complexioned gothic teen had managed to disable his abilities after 'borrowing' the powers of another mutant. There was a touch of malice behind his tone, as the otherwise stoic figure contemplated his personal enjoyment of what would happen to her in particular before addressing the bigger question, "As for why you're here. I've need for you both. For I see within you two a great potential for my future plans for this world."

Slowly walking around the pair of teenagers, the imposing mutant wasn't even gazing directly toward them as he clarified, "No, you won't be reprogrammed into my Horsemen. Instead, I have far different plans for a couple of healthy, pretty, young mutants such as you both." Without any visible signs of trying to trigger something, both Rogue and Kitty would suddenly find two sets of formally unseen holes open up near their legs, as glowing white metal tendrils would suddenly shoot out to wrap around their legs.

The tendrils kept the pair within their current place for now, as Apocalypse turned his head, watching the young X-Men, while plainly stating his intentions, "You two shall be the first of many breeders for my new world. Each used for carrying within yourselves the perfect offspring of selected mutant males whom will offer you their seed." The very idea of this was likely sickeningly terrifying for the teens, even while his as yet unspoken mind control began to make its subtle touches upon their impressionable young minds.

With their legs bound, the large figure was able to slowly step closer, narrowing the gap between them, while adding with a hint of personal enjoyment as he revealed to them both, "In your cases, you shall also be made to offer up your bodies, minds and very souls to the personal enjoyment and carnal pleasures of myself. From this day onward, until the very end of your formally insignificant lives."

Letting this added promise sink in for the girls, Apocalypse reached out with his large, powerful hand - clasping his fingers upon Rogue's bare chin, letting her feel what warmth there was within his cyborg body, while addressing both teens with a rather rhetorical, "Do you hold any reservations over this new arrangement?"
The two girls turned as one when the light flashed and a figure entered. Their heads had, in fact, swiveled as though mounted and designed to move at the same precise time, or as if a magnetic force dragged their gaze. Eyes widened as the appearance of the old enemy, his name just barely upon their lips. Kitty began babbling almost immediately, threatening to talk over the villain. Rogue, recognizing the danger of this, slapped her hand over her friend almost immediately. Kitty did respond with a glare, but they both soon lapsed into a stony silence as Apocalypse revealed his plan.

Transportation, ancient technology, some kind of grand scheme. Both girls itched to prod, to see what precisely it was he wanted with them in particular. Healthy, pretty girls? "He can't mean what ah think he means," muttered Rogue. Kitty's wide eyes shifted to her friend for a moment. Despite being rather talkative, Kitty did have a working brain; was, in fact, one of the most intelligent girls in her grade. She put together Apocalypse's plan moments before he revealed it.

Not that the foreknowledge helped either girl when the tendrils erupted. There were yelps and cries of surprise as hard metal encircled soft limbs. Kitty immediately started to try and phase, pulling forward and contorting her body into impressively flexible shapes. It actually took several seconds before she remembered that her powers had been stripped from her, and then the girl hung. Rogue, having less means to fight back even naturally, tried to relax almost immediately, though her seething eyes locked upon Apocalypse, promising all kinds of vengeance at the slightest opportunity.

"Breeders?" both girls almost said the word at once, but it was Kitty who continued: "Oh, yuck, you can't be serious? You want us to, what sleep with you and your special guard? Are you out of your mind?"

"We ain't gonna jus' spread our legs an' let ya poke around," growled Rogue. Sure, she'd resolved to be quiet, but that reserve didn't fall to something... something like this. She pulled mightily against the tendrils as she spoke, straining against the bonds. Apocalypse hadn't stopped there, of course, also promising that they would serve him carnally.

"Ewwwwww," Kitty managed, looking at Apocalypse, "that's like... ew."

But the blue cyborg had already approached the struggling Rogue. The Gothic teen felt the hand grip her face tight, jerking her to look directly at him. She could see the coldness in his eyes, the weight of several millennia and the force of purpose. It slid over her body, a cold chill freezing nerves and dousing the will to resist. Still, the rebellious teen worked her throat for a moment. She said not a word, but instead spit impressively, a rather large glob shooting toward Apocalypse. It's goal, her aim: his impassive blue face.
The imposing figure seemed unmoving as the pale complexioned teen within his steely grasp suddenly took aim and let out a rather direct act of defiance toward the grotesque mutant's face. Her aim proved true, as the glob of spit hit upon his cheek, nearly causing Apocalypse to flinch briefly as a portion of it got into his eye. There was a short silence, which may have caused a fear or expectation of direct retribution to be dished out upon Rogue in response. Instead, the ominous figure merely raised a hand, holding it in such a way as to bring to mind the image of him bringing it hard across the Gothic teens face, before simply using it to wipe away the spit and gaze upon it as a faint sound of amusement could be heard coming from the large male's lips.

"For that, you can wait and watch while I personally attend to your mouthy companions training." He stated firmly, steely eyes upon Rogue's defiant features, as suddenly another set of tendrils shot up to further restrain the older teen's limbs while Apocalypse released her chin and slowly turned his attention toward the little Jewish teen.

"As for yourself." He spoke slowly, his eyes taking in the smaller yet very attractive curves of the mutant often known by Shadowcat, as an unspoken command brought further tendrils out for her, too. Only while the tendrils holding Rogue simply restrained her, the ones entwining around Kitty would soon begin to lift her off the ground, only by a few inches, while shifting her body's positioning into something a bit more compromising.

"You may feel disgusted at the prospect of servicing me with your body, little X-Man." Their captor stated in response to her earlier protests, while reaching a firm hand out to slowly trace his fingers along her slender thigh, dragging them upwards along her inner thigh as he spoke with almost malicious promise, "But sooner than later, your young body will come to betray you and learn to beg, to demand for my touch."

With another unspoken command, a few further tendrils came out, wrapping around her waist for added support as she was lifted and held within a position of being on her back despite being held a couple of feet in the air. A pair of smaller tendrils, however, moved toward the sides of her pink shorts - slipping within them and rather teasingly rubbing near her sex while working to finally grasp at both panties and shorts before pulling them downward.

Apocalypse ignored any protests she may have for now, watching as the lower garments were pulled halfway down her lean thighs, while raising a hand toward her taut stomach, slowly moving it lower to inch toward her now exposed teen pussy his heavy gaze peered down at her while noting, "You're the one whom phases through solid objects, correct? One could only imagine how frustrating this arrangement must be for yourself."

There was no mistaking the hinted amusement behind his voice while saying this, as his large hand moved between her legs, the wide index finger slowly teasing at her exposed lips while the tendrils pulled her legs further apart for their lord. This made it easier for Apocalypse to part her lips rather easily, showing a skill at knowing a woman's body, before slipping a thick, lengthy digit into her vulnerable pussy. The long finger worked its way in there, seemingly more so focused on confirming a suspicion rather than drawing pleasure so soon, until a small grin broke upon his face while observing. "No longer a virgin. For how long now, I wonder?"

Apocalypse listened for whatever she may have to say, although it mattered little for the imposing figure, whom slowly began to work the invading digit within her parted lips. The male teased at her young body, observing her reactions, as another finger began slowly brushing over the section where her clitoris could be found, speaking with a calm authority and confidence while gazing down into her eyes, "I can assure you, little Kitten, that you'll find being with a mutant of my caliber to be a far different experience than each of those times you spread your legs for whichever insect managed to talk you into their bed."

As his fingers continued their teasing prodding along Kitty's exposed lower body, Apocalypse slowly raised his gaze, directing it over toward the restrained and currently unattended Rogue, whom was granted a front row seat to her roommates molestation. The look directed toward the Gothic mutant made it clear that it was her actions which resulted in their captor focusing his sole attention upon her friend. This was a show for her so much as it was a physical treat for both Kitty and the mutant currently fingering her tender folds, as Apocalypse gave Rogue a brief smirk before refocusing his gaze and full attention toward the Shadowcat - that finger working over her clit by now starting to shift toward joining the other invading digit which was currently dragging itself in and out of her in a teasingly, manipulatively slow manner.
The silence may have been short in reality or for Apocalypse, but for the girls, it stretched for hours. Rogue somehow managed to continue glaring daggers at the villain, even as her spittle slowly worked its way down his face. Her eyes locked on him, watched his every move. They shifted as the hand raised. Rogue's body tensed for a moment before relaxing, remembering all that she'd been told about taking a hit and then some. Yet no blow came. Instead, Rogue watched as the ancient wiped away the spittle and then... and then chuckled?

Rogue hissed with anger, feeling it bubble up within. Trapped, her powers locked, she couldn't do much more. She felt... hopeless. And if Rogue felt that way, Kitty felt all the more so. At least Rogue was used to a feeling of isolation and hopelessness. Kitty hadn't been able to stop phasing for ages. In some ways, the sudden cessation of her powers was a relief, but now, with this.... both girls could feel that icy sensation deep within the pits of their stomachs, knowing that things would Only Get Worse.

Apocalypse spoke, issuing commands with all the authority of his bloodline. Rogue met the gaze head on, even managed a defiant cry at the words, surging forward. The tendrils grabbed and pulled, holding Rogue in place, pinning her down, as all attention shifted to Kitty.

The teenager was used to some attention, though not usually of this variety. With Jean, Storm, and Rogue about the mansion, Kitty usually placed rather low on the "desirable" scale. She still got the gross looks, especially from Toad, who clearly thought only with his penis, but still. She swallowed hard as she looked to the villain visibly eying her. She tried to make herself seem smaller, to shrink.

"Well, yeah," she mumbled as he approached and spoke. His hand went out, dragging along the smooth flesh of Kitty's thigh. The teenager gasped at the touch, goosebumps appearing almost instantly upon her flesh. Squirming soon followed, as Kitty twisted and writhed within the bindings. Her body would...? "That's not gonna happen!" snapped Kitty, her eyes going up to Apocalypse. She didn't quite have Rogue's fire or defiance, but there was certainly steel in the flexible teenager.

Tendrils moved regardless, supporting the trapped Kitty and playing with her. She felt them digging into her little shorts, sliding against them. The strange sensation of the tendril pressing against her most sensitive area made Kitty groan again. She strained against the bindings, trying to curl in on herself. Her nethers trembled and seemed to try and suck tighter still, though the already slim Kitty hadn't even much hip or width to begin with. She felt the tendrils grab her panties, a cute and comfortable cotton pair, light pink with little designs on them, tug lower. Her sex, a tight sliver of pink showed then. The lips did not, however, appear wholly untouched. Tight, yes, and still with a girlish build, but something didn't seem quite right.

"C'mon!" yelped Kitty, squirming. "This is.... you can't seriously be thinking of... of raping us. Aren't you supposed to be some kind of big bad evil guy? You should, like, be wanting to torture us. Don't you--hey! Hey! Stop touching that!"

His hand was on her thighs, then on her exposed stomach. Kitty could feel his hand just a little south of the dangling bit of jewelry within her navel. His touch felt hot, almost super hot, against Kitty's skin. The question came then, and Kitty glared down at him.

"Kitty!" tried Rogue from her position, still struggling against the tendrils. "Don't tell 'im anythin'!"

Kitty shot a look to her friend that was mostly "you're kidding, right?" It wasn't as though Kitty had a whole lot of options at this point. Because that finger moved between her legs, the tendrils parting. Kitty was the most flexible of the X-girls by far, able to easily do the splits and contort herself at pretty well gymnast levels. That showed itself now as her legs easily parted for him, showcasing her girlish sex. Kitty tried to curve, her stomach muscles flexing with the effort, but it allp roved in vain yet again. His finger dug in, and Kitty hissed, her eyes widening. "Holy crap! That's--that's just your finger?" she looked down, curved slightly. Sure enough, just a finger stuck into her sex. That finger felt nearly as big as Lance's dick. Which was exactly what Kitty had been thinking of when Apocalypse spoke. She shot a guilty look to Rogue, who didn't really look all that surprised. Then again, Rogue had always seemed almost hyper aware of the sex going on at the X-Mansion. She knew things before Kitty even suspected.

Though the present mattered more at the moment. A finger worked against Kitty's sex, teasing and stirring. A second finger snaked out, locating in moments what Lance had needed express direction to find. Kitty gasped and trembled, her inner walls dancing and vibrating at that touch. She arched for a moment, sucking in breaths before looking up at those knowing eyes.

"That's cheating," she hissed, her anger bubbling up. Her face had already grown flush, that same heat spreading out. Her sex already started to grow rather wet, the moisture gathering about Apocalypse's finger. "And he was not an insect, you, mons--aahh, hey! I said quit it! Stop! Stopitstopitstopitstopitstoooooooop!"

This came as the hulking mutant began working her tender little sex. Kitty could feel her inner walls gripping and rippling, her body processing the sensations in exactly the opposite of her mind's desires. the wetness didn't help either, as Kitty had always been a bit sloppy when it came to her pussy. She felt the finger tease her clit and another interior tremble released another little bit of juices.

For her part, Rogue stared openly, not believing that she was watching her friend molested in this manner. Kitty's words and the head shaking seemed all denial, but Rogue could certainly see the wetness gathering. She'd hear it in a few moments too, as wet flesh did have a tendency to make some noise. Swallowing hard, Rogue looked up at the monster who inflicted this upon him. At least she had to give him this: he was true to his word.
Her rather audible and borderline annoying protests couldn't hide the very obvious signs of her arousal as the powerful mutant played at her exposed pussy. The hint of a conquering smile played at the corner of Apocalypse's lips as his finger worked around Kitty's inner walls; seemingly trying to stretch her a little further than her previous, pathetic excuse for a love had managed to do so. She would need this and more for what was to come soon, as the second digit began pressing further next to the invading digit, working its way between her already stretching folds, before thrusting that second digit deeply into her by now dripping sex.

"For all of your banal protests, little Kitten, your body seems to scream otherwise." He calmly taunted, watching and listening for her reactions as the pair of fingers were now stretching her in ways which her feeble Brotherhood lover had seemingly never managed before. The digits worked their way around, slowly, showing at least some mercy in not inflicting any unneeded pain or discomfort, allowing her young body a chance to adjust to the increased girth as she gushed and made rather lewd sounds between her slender legs while his hand teased at her teenage pussy.

Eventually, however, they would begin to move a little faster. Pushing a little deeper. A touch harder. Spreading and fucking her with his thick digits in a way she likely hadn't experienced prior, while a third finger continued where the other had left off on teasing at her by now exposed clit. With the tendrils keeping Kitty firmly in place, Apocalypse was free to reach upward with his other hand, grasping at the bottom of her pink top before sliding it higher along her taut little body. The motion was slow, very unlike how a teenage male may go about unveiling a girls chest. Allowing for a touch of anticipation to build, the material of Kitty's top brushing along her slender abdominal area and perky young breasts, before finally pulling the material upward enough to reveal her upper body to his gaze.

"I can easily see why your insect had set his sights upon you, little X-Man." The ancient mutant remarked, a rather backwards compliment, as his freed hand moved to explore along her chest even while his other seemingly hadn't missed a beat in its continued teasing and fucking of her pussy - the wet sounds of her arousal being worked over by now acting as the most audible part of the room.

The large hand moved with surprising tenderness. Fingers caressing along one of her modestly sized yet very perky breasts - massaging at the tender mound of flesh with his hand while the tip of one digit began to lightly circle itself along her pert nipple. This continued for a few moments upon her left breast; before moving his hand toward her right, repeating a similar motion, only giving a firmer squeeze at the breast. Yet it wasn't too hard of a grope. It wasn't some clumsy attempt at feeling her up. His hand seemed to know the exact right pressure to apply to draw out a further reaction, while at the same time not causing those sounds of pleasure and protest to turn into one over any direct pain on his part. Not that the ominous figure wasn't capable of doing such things with the right provocations, of course.

By now having been able to somewhat train her tender pussy into taking the duel fingers with relative ease compared to when they started, Apocalypse made the sudden move of withdrawing the fingers without a moment warning. Taking note of any reaction this sudden act may have drawn out of the teenager herself, the large male slowly brought his fingers, by now nicely coated and dripping with her arousal, upward. His hand traveled mere inches above touching her exposed abdominal area and chest, but a few droplets of her own fluids gave way to gravity and dripped down over her bare flesh.

This happened until his fingers came to their destination, hovering over Kitty's face, a few more droplets cascading onto her pretty, young features, while her captor spoke, "Are you ready for what's to come next? To join with myself in your first taste of true pleasure, while your companion watches and listens to your submission?"

Even though his eyes wouldn't leave Kitty's, it was evident the last portion of his seemingly rhetorical question was also meant for Rogue's ears. Even if so far left relatively untouched, what was happening here was as much for her benefit as it was for the two engaging in these carnal acts. Not that Apocalypse was neglecting Kitty, by any means, as the mutant brought a glistening finger down toward the teens face - lightly brushing it along her lips, smearing her own arousal onto there, while awaiting for how she may respond as he began to slowly draw it away.
The teenage girl's tight pussy became bared to the impressive mutant's workings. You could almost see the walls quaking within, squeezing and jerking in an age old dance. The young girl's shaved sex looked particularly young and vulnerable now, as the larger man pressed against it. Soon a second finger pressed against Kitty's sex, and a rain of "no's" poured from her throat. Soon lips parted in response to that great force, and the two entered. Kitty cried out, arching and jerking, her body tight against the bindings.

Taunting words hammered further against Kitty's will. They hurt almost as much as the fingers that stretched her. Malleable walls moved and adjusted to the girth, while more and more juices wet those incoming digits. Kitty had never felt so full, so stretched before now. For in just two fingers Apocalypse had surpassed the thickest thing that had been in this tight teen body. Those thick fingers would find the walls stretched tight, the skin pressing hot against him. Juices continued to pour, that slippery sound by far the loudest in the room.

"No," whimpered Kitty, her high pitched voice almost hopping another octave louder. His finger caressed her clit and the girl yelped and trembled, attempting to close her thighs as best she could. Hands traveled up to her pink top. "Stoooop,' Kitty whined again. "I don't---you're---ahh, your fingers are too big. You're gonna teaaaaaar some---aaah!"

She arched as she felt a little quake shoot through her. The top had rolled up, baring a pair of perfectly perky teenage breasts. Kitty's bust was decidedly on the smaller side, as befitting her petite build, but they showed all the perfection and plumpness that came with teenage years. Those hands caressed her, squeezing the plump flesh just enough to send shooting signals of pleasure through the young girl. It continued for some time, while a finger went up to tease the nipple, which of course stood at attention. Kitty shivered at the sensations, biting her lip and letting out a moan. She trembled and shook, her abdomen muscles rippling as it seemed that her body shot out another little bit of juices.

For all the while, the hand played with her increasingly wet pussy. Kitty felt her inner walls squeeze and massage. She felt the juices flow. She felt the muscles clamp down, before slowly working. For Apocalypse was working over the young girl, shaping her sex and playing with her body and emotions. Kitty's head swam with sensation, her will to resist crumbling with each passing second. Sex with Lance had always felt good, but this wonder worked upon her body incised Kitty to heights that rivaled.

"Stop," she tried again, her voice breathy, "I don't--your fingers are--aaah!" she trembled as the fingers withdrew. Her sex seemed to gape for a few seconds, as though the sudden emptiness upset her. Kitty watched the hand raising. "That's good, I don't want your nasty fingers---ew! What... get that out of my face!"

She tried to jerk her face away from him, even as she felt the warm juices of her own arousal dripping onto her bound body. Words hammered soon, and Kitty twisted, seeing Rogue watching. The Gothic girl looked flushed and frustrated, her eyes locking with Kitty's. Strength passed between them, and Kitty swallowed before turning back to look to Apocalypse.

"You're--ah, what are you...' her protests had immediately transformed as those fingers lowered. Kitty pressed her lips so tightly together that they formed a thin line. However, the girl, ever the talker, opened for protest. As she did, the digits delved in, giving Kitty the first ever taste of her own juices. The young mutant gagged, her body retching and writhing against her binds in an almost violent matter.

"Let her go!" demanded Rogue, jerking against her bindings. "If ya gonna do this, do it ta me instead! Ya nasty pervert!"

She pulled tight against her tendrils, surging with all her strength. Rogue would keep fighting while she could, and hopefully she could save her friend before anything truly bad happened.
His grotesque finger worked its way around inside of the struggling teenager's unwilling mouth. The already moistened digit made certain to rub itself along her tongue, to brush itself against her forcibly parted lips, whatever it took to make certain Kitty would taste the mixture of her arousal upon his cybernetic flesh.

At first, it seemed Apocalypse was too caught up in his torment of the petite X-Man to even acknowledge Rogue's protests, as the ominous figure gazed down at the Jewish teenager with uncaring eyes. This turned out to be untrue, however, as the large male suddenly inquired without breaking away from his current torments, "Would you enjoy taking her place?" The question lingered within the air, Apocalypse still working his finger around inside of Kitty's mouth, making certain the unwilling teenager got every last drop, as he turned his head just enough to gaze toward Rogue from out the corner of his eye.

"A young, healthy, beautiful female mutant. Cursed by her own gifts into never again being capable of feeling another persons embrace. Relieved of said curse, yet now finding herself bound and untouched while watching the first step toward her companions corruption." The girls captor spoke rather frankly, his voice seemingly more giving a cold rationalization of the situation, albeit letting a hint of malice slip into his voice as the ghost of a smirk danced upon the corner of his lip while adding, "If one did not know better, they might say there was a twinge of jealousy behind your 'heroic' decree."

Rogue would have her turn. Apocalypse had every intention of seeing to this, personally. But she would have to wait. To endure as her friend was used for the personal enjoyment of perhaps their greatest enemy. But the infamous mutant wasn't satisfied with simply letting her sit there and watch, either. "Regardless. If you're feeling so frustrated, then I can keep you entertained in other ways." He suggested, as almost immediately the tendrils holding Rogue into place began to shift about, with the ones holding her legs beginning to pull them further apart.

Holding her like so, another tendril moved toward her ankles, the tip working at slipping within her pajama pants from below, slithering along her right leg as it snaked its way upward. The tendril would work around any other clothing barriers it might found beneath those pajama bottoms, save for the teenagers panties. Instead, the tip of the tendril would begin to press itself against the thin material. Rubbing. Massaging. Working with surprising grace as the metallic object started to teasingly prod at the Gothic teen through her undergarments like a lovers finger might do. But its intention was simply to keep Rogue 'entertained', rather than bring her immediately toward any release, as the tendril continue its prodding motions along the forming outline of her slit while its master focused on the other female.

Giving a passing sound of amusement from his lips, Apocalypse returned his attention toward Kitty by now, as the mutant withdrew his now cleaned finger from her full lips with a single motion. "There. That wasn't so terrible, now was it?" Apocalypse spoke, gazing down at the female, yet not seeming to care terribly about any words or response she may have in protest as he prepared for the next step, "But enough games. You're not solely here for your own pleasures."

With this, Apocalypse took a step away from the bound Shadowcat. His current positioning was clearly one intended for giving the two captured teens a clear enough view of himself as the cybernetically enhanced mutant began working at his armor. In particular, his fingers went toward the area around his waist, pressing upon the surface as the metallic protection briefly glowed to life after responding to his unique DNA signature. There was a sound of metal unclasping. A lone tendril moved toward, readily catching onto the lower garments of its master, as the lone article of clothing/armor fell away from the large mutants waist - revealing to both X-Men the rather impressive endowment of their 'host'.

The male was huge. At least close to a foot in length, with a considerable girth to match. More surprising, however, was the fact that despite the series of actions carried out against Kitty, Apocalypse wasn't even fully erect. The head hung low, toward his ankles, with the cybernetic enhancements having made their mark there, with their light blue outline looking closer to veins as they decorated the impressively sized slab of flesh. For his part, Apocalypse stood without shame at his nudity, but also without a foolish sense of pride. The male held a unique confidence in his sexual prowess; knowing full well of his rather blessed endowments, yet not basing said confidence solely upon this, as he gave a knowing gaze toward Kitty. "Do not worry, little X-Man." He spoke, raising a hand to brush along her cheek in a mock gesture of sympathy, "I'm certain your body can handle what is to come next. With some effort."

His eyes diverted briefly toward Rogue, whom was continuously being stimulated by the lone tendril, as if giving this faint reminder of how what was to come next had been intended for her viewing, too. Rather suddenly, the tendrils holding Kitty in a suspended position again changed their positioning. This time, they worked her around, moving the mutant from a 'laying' position on her back into a bent over position - her tight bottom raised up on one end as her face was suddenly moved within inches of the male mutants groin.

Reaching down, Apocalypse began to slowly stroke along the length of himself; using the mixture of Kitty's arousal and her saliva as a makeshift lubricant as the steadily hardening cock began to glisten with a thin sheen in certain segments ."It may assist in your own comfort if you were to provide an additional source of lubrication before we begin." He offered, staring down at the teenager's face as the swollen head of his cock remained inches away of her pixie-like nose - knowing that even if she grew bold or stupid enough to attempt biting him it wouldn't cause any harm considering the type of extraordinary abuse his body was capable of withstanding.
Kitty gagged upon the finger. It stretched and malformed her pretty little mouth, smearing her own juices about her still wiggling tongue. And Kitty gagged. She could feel her spit leaking about the edges of her mouth, forming long sticky strands that swayed when she did. She could feel a little bit of it come out her nose, nearly dribbling down. But mostly, Kitty could taste the sharp taste of her own arousal, that own taste quickly becoming mixed with the strangely metallic taste of Apocalypse himself.

So Kitty didn't pay attention to the words as they were being said. She was too busy trying not to entirely empty the contents of her mostly empty stomach. The words were for Rogue, and the feisty Goth continued to glare fiercely at the mutant dictator. "Enjoy it? ya sick freak!" she snapped, surging again against the tendrils that held. She continued to struggle as Apocalypse spoke, as though she could physically overcome the barrage of words. Truthful words, for the most part. Healthy, beautiful, vibrant; he forgot nearly always horny and desperate for touch. Every day Rogue heard or saw or smelled hints that her fellow mutants went at it like animals. She knew that Scott and Jean slept together, that Kitty sneaked out to slide into Lance's bed, even that the adults sometimes went off for liaisons. Yet Rogue was always left behind, left twisted and worked up, much like she was now. Jealous? Maybe a little, and maybe that little was what made Rogue fight all the harder against the tendrils. In fact, the young mutant pulled so hard that one of the tendrils actually started to lose its grip. Perhaps if Apocalypse hadn't acted, the young mutant would even have broken free.

But he did. He wanted to "entertain" her. Rogue yelped as she felt the tendril snaking up her pajama pant. She looked down, horror momentarily overriding her anger at the sight. The still writhing tendril bulged slightly against the cloth of her sleeping pants, slithering upward like some snake. Rogue could feel it touching her shins, her thighs, drifting closer. "Ah hell no," she mumbled, jerking and trying to roll her hips away. Yet the tendril pressed against her. It would press against a pair of well-worn cotton boy shorts: black with a dark green skull and crossbones over the rear. Now that fabric pressed against Rogue's oft-ignored sex, wiggling and moving. The Southern drew in a sharp breath through clenched teeth, stiffening at the sensation.

"Ya sick, twisted freak!" she yelled, the anger twisting her beautiful face as she looked to him. The mutant glared at him in quiet anger, her body seething. Worse, she could feel the pleasure coming from her loins. Unwanted or not, the tendril knew what it did. But all it did now was provide a constant distraction for Rogue, a revving of her sexual engine without actually turning anything all the way on.

Kitty hadn't paid attention to this, so when the fingers parted and she gulped in surprise, she was treated to a sight she'd thought she'd never see. Rogue was openly squirming, pressing her legs together and dancing like she needed to use the restroom. Kitty openly stared for a few seconds, still sucking in her own breath and trying to work at the drool that gathered about her pretty pink lips. Yet Apocalypse spoke, and both girls looked.

Then he postured. Two pairs of teenage eyes watched with horror, fascination, and something akin to excitement as their mutant captor worked at his coverings. The metallic clasps made both girls wince, and they watched the tendrils working.

"Oh, ew, you're not gonna..." said Kitty, her voice still shaky from her recent finger-sucking. She winced as the armor fell, revealing... "Holy cow! That's--OMG!" Kitty's mouth worked several times, words failing her. The wide blue eyes looked to Rogue, who was equally stunned. Both girls had heard about guys before, and they'd sneaked peeks at their fellows. Hell, Kitty wasn't even a virgin. She had experience first hand. And that experience involved an admittedly impressive young man: complete with nearly eight inches of almost always hard cock. This though, it was easily half again the length and twice as thick.

"There's no way that's gonna fit," said Kitty, her eyes still fixed on the cock. "It's--- it's huge!"

What Kitty didn't add was that she was not. The petite girl had always been, would always be, on the small side. Fully standing and stretching nearly on her toes, Kitty still barely topped over five feet. Her body would always have that gymnast's build, would always be waif-thin. Her torso barely seemed to be two feet total; this cock was about half as long as her body.

"You'll--you can't---you can't be serious," she stammered, looking from the hard member to the man who held it. "That's gonna wreck me!"

Those words brought that reality to a sudden clarity for both girls. It wasn't just that Apocalypse had an impressively large cock: he intended to shove that thing within their nubile bodies. There was little doubt that he would utterly decimate their tight little pussies (and likely their pert asses too). Vivid imaginations painted pictures of gaping sexes, each battered and leaking from the fierce pounding this monstrous mutant planned on delivering.

Suddenly the tendrils seemed a wanted alternative.

Those very tendrils shifted, and Kitty yelped as she felt herself shifting position. The girl nearly rolled, her ponytail of brown flopping about her face. Soon she hovered in the air, bent over, her rear jutting into the air. The smooth curve of her body lead to a face that grew increasingly pink with each passing second. Kitty could even feel her belly adornment dangling beneath, the little star trembling. No sooner had she shifted than Kitty found herself face to face with her latest nightmare. The thick scent of him wafted around her, overwhelming her senses. In fact, everything had become laser focused on the gaping thing, hovering just bits from the cute, pixie face.

"Are you nuts?" demanded Kitty, shifting to look up with him, her face twisted with incredulity and anger. "I'm not going to suck your big, ugly---thing! You put that anywhere near my mouth and I'm gonna bite it off!"

Rogue wanted to congratulate her friend for the fiery resistance, but the noise turned into something of a moan as the tendril caressed something of a sweet spot. The Gothic mutant could already feel her moisture seeping into her panties, making them contour even tighter to her fine form.
The imposing mutant watched as Kitty voiced her repulsion and anger at ever placing her lips anywhere near his cock. Where this might offend or anger most males, Apocalypse merely stared, then gave an amused smirk at the amount of spunk the teenager had in spite of her situation. Whether her response be brought about by bravery, ignorance or a combination of the two; the male would simply direct that increasingly familiar and often imposing smirk down toward the petite female while calmly stating, "As you wish. But remember? I did offer."

Letting those words linger within the teenager's thoughts for the time being, Apocalypse glanced over toward Rogue, noticing how her own increasing arousal had caused portions of her pajama bottoms to dampen while the tendril worked its teasing motions. Another amused scoff at the scene, followed by Apocalypse starting to walk around Kitty to get into position for finally breaking her in for the first time.

One more unspoken command was issued toward the tendrils. This time, they would shift the girls just enough for them to be facing each other. Kitty looking toward Rogue's robotic molestation, while Rogue was given a clear view of her friends face as she remained bent over and awaiting the monstrous cock which the Jewish mutant had insulted. The tendril snaked up Rogue's pajama bottoms began to work a little faster at her thinly covered mound, with the length of itself squirming a slightly wilder, as if trying to put on a show for Kitty as the outline of the teasing tendril became easier to spot while it squirmed around within her roommates loose fitting pajamas.

Moving between her legs, the tendrils held Kitty's thighs further apart for their master, while Apocalypse slowly stroked his monster of a cock as it inched its way closer to her already glistening pussy. "When we are done here, little X-Man. No other shall capable of fully satisfying your bodily urges." His booming voice spoke, promising, calmly, while stepping closer and slowly pressing the bulbous tip of his cock along her dripping slit. The head rubbed rather teasingly along her heated flesh, gathering up what fluids it could, while giving Kitty an idea of how thick his cock was compared to her small entrance.

Two smaller tendrils sprouted from the ones holding Kitty's legs apart in her bent over position, with the tips rather skillfully slipping into her puckered sex, then slowly opening her up for their master. As this happened, Apocalypse reached over Kitty's back with one arm, grabbing hold of her ponytail, before pulling her head back slowly, forcefully, until her face was now staring directly toward Rogue. A glance toward the other bound female made it clear he wanted her to see what would happen next, as the ancient mutant gave a rather cruel smile, before slowly, firmly, pushing his powerful hips forward.

Like with his fingers before, Apocalypse moved with a precision which didn't allow for much in terms of unneeded discomfort or pain. Unfortunately for Kitty, however, the male's size made it impossible for there to not be some of both, as that bulbous, swollen tip pressed its way against her entrance and forced the young mutant's body into accepting the thick head of his cock. Apocalypse let out a satisfied groan at the sensation, eyes closing in pleasure for a mere moment, while letting the tip alone settle within Kitty's already straining sex.

She was being stretched in ways likely never tried or even contemplated for herself, as his hand kept its firm grip on her ponytail, insuring that whatever sounds or expressions she made would be out there for her companion to consume. Then, when she perhaps thought it could get any worse for her, the large mutant began to move his hips about while firmly embedded within her straining sex. His powerful hips moved, pushing forward, then twisting them in a half circle, which both further tested Kitty's limits thus far and drew further pleasure for himself as her body gave way to another inch. Then another. His hips continuing their movements, feeling her fluids overflowing around the thick tip which nearly seemed to plug her up, barely letting a drop slip free, thus making her feel it even more as every faintly lubricated inch of himself began working its way inside of her as the monstrous mutant began working those slowly moving hips into more of a steady thrusting motion as he made her take him deeper.
"Seriously, do you ever stop with that stupid smirk?" demanded Kitty, her eyes flashing again. She felt the words linger though, the hint that she might have chosen poorly in her decision. At this point, Kitty almost didn't care. She could still hear Rogue squirming and writhing just a few feet away, could still see the hulking blue mass of mutant just near her, could still feel the still air of the world around. They were trapped, playthings, and while it might have been dumb, not sucking Apocalypse off was at least Kitty's decision to make, perhaps the last she'd get for some time.

There seemed to be a scoff for a moment, with both girls again looking to Apocalypse. Rogue ended up gasping as the tendrils shifted. They worked against her, forming obvious shapes against even the loose cloth of her pajamas. You could see bulges in the cotton fabric, writhing bits that certainly didn't belong to the wearer. Rogue hissed as she felt the tendril lash against her still covered sex, further heating her. The writhing, whipping of it seemed to be stirring up her nether region, bringing forth a heat that was all too familiar for the pale mutant.

Kitty was far more focused on other tendrils. She could feel them pulling her legs apart, showing her. That little sex seemed to part almost kittenishly for the massive mutant. Kitty's "kitty" was only the slightest slit of light pink along her thighs, almost an immature showing. No hair crowned her; most X-men couldn't do much in the way of body hair, thanks to the skin-tight uniforms they all squeezed in. Looking at Kitty though, you had to wonder if anything so girlish could possibly sprout hairs. There didn't seem to be any stubble or sign, nothing but a pair of trembling lips, lips that already showed signs of the recent mauling they'd received from a pair of very talented fingers.

Then words, words that thundered for both girls. Again two sets of eyes tried to follow. Yet they could both hear the ringing truth in those words. Kitty could feel that truth, as a thick, bulbous head pressed against her tiny sex. Her nether lips seemed to part for him, kissing the head of his cock like welcoming a lover. Yet the vocal little X-man moaned, her body trembling.

"Get your stupid cock away from me!" she tried, squirming yet again. Yet she could almost feel that squirm push her body down the thick shaft. Instead, however, Apocalypse hovered about, ever in control. Kitty gasped as she felt tendrils pulling apart the tight lips of her sex. A glistening slash of pink showed all the more, with the tight lips spread as wide as they could go. Kitty started to twist to look back and speak, but just as she moved, her ponytail landed in his grip. So instead, Kitty ended up yelping with pain, her body arching back as he pulled her upright. Despite her wishes, Kitty found herself locked eye to eye with Rogue. They both exchanged glances of nervous tension, knowing, fearing what Apocalypse was about to do to them.

"Nooooo!" Kitty managed again. "Quit it! I said stop! Like, you feel gross and---aaah! You're way too big! Ooooh gaaah, you're so---ugggh, your cock! It's too big! Get it out! Get it out! Getitoutgetitougetitout!"

The girl trembled, sucking in great gasps of air as she felt him doing precisely the opposite of her plea. A thick cock, far larger than any mortal man, slid into Kitty's sex with the slow certainty of an iceberg across a plain. It parted flesh with ease, pushing aside the quivering, squeezing folds of Kitty's vice-tight pussy. The girth of it pushed aside Kitty's walls, stretching her even as only the head entered. Pain shot through the poor girl, pain laced with ever so much pleasure as the thickness entered her sex for the first time.

"Omigosh, omigosh," chanted Kitty, her voice high pitched. She trembled, her small breasts jiggling. Her sex squeezed tight, desperately working. "You're soooo biiiiig!" she pinched her eyes shut, taking several deep, shaky breaths. "Take it out! You're going to stretch me oooouwwwww!"

The noise happened as the hips moved, twisting and pushing at Kitty's sex. A shot of pain hit the girl hard, making her vision swarm and her word twist into a cry. But an inch popped within the girl, shoving aside her walls and reshaping her flesh as a vessel for him. The hips continued, another inch shoving within. Fluids leaked about, trying to provide what natural lubrication they could.

"Oh my fu----aaaagh," Kitty managed through clenched teeth. She trembled all over, her body tense as a drum. "Aaah, you're too big! You're...aaaah! It's stretch--aah, you're tearing me! Aaah, ooooh, ugggh," she trembled, biting her lips and shaking.

Rogue saw it, saw it all. Kitty's face was a masterwork of emotions, the girl always one to show precisely what she felt. As if the vocal concert wasn't enough to let everyone within earshot know exactly what was happening. Rogue could practically hear the massive thing tearing into her friend's body. She could see the suffering and pain in her friend's face, but she could also hear the arousal choking Kitty's high pitched voice.

Worse still, Rogue felt her own heat pool within her sex. Moisture gathered there, drawn out in part by the tendrils, yet, but to Rogue's shame, she knew that watching her friend be taken like this was actually turning her on. Rogue fought to contain herself, to pull in, but her sex was growing hotter, a flush easily showing on her pale flesh, and her eyes remained riveted upon the erotic scene before her, unable to move...

even though she didn't want to.
What little movements Kitty was capable of making while bound by the various tendrils were indeed pleading for the monstrous mutant. The feel of her tightening flesh restricting and flexing around the first few inches of his cock. Struggling, desperately, at adjusting to the sheer girth of his arousal while the mutant's hips continued to push himself deeper with every twist and thrust of the male's lower body. Apocalypse moved his free hand along her slender back, then stretching those long, bulky fingers around her abdominal area. Feeling the way her body reacted to the violation of the teenagers most intimate of places. His finger brushed along the piercing which dangled near her belly button. A cute little trinket, symbolizing a faith which would mean nothing to her new life, as the mutant pulled back those powerful hips before thrusting forward. Hard. Hard enough to make the tendrils themselves yield slightly from the impact of their master thrusting forward, forcing another inch or two of that unusual cock into the X-Man's already stretched out pussy.

The godlike mutant rather enjoyed the sounds she made. Both her frantic protests - which showed a growing glimmer of arousal behind those choked out cries of pain and discomfort - along with the moist noises of her vaginal walls, slicked with her arousal, squeezing desperately around the invading cock. When Apocalypse would pull back, her body would squeeze, almost pull at him. A vacuuming effect, with an audible 'pop' noise being heard during those brief moments where the large mutant's movements allowed for air and moisture to escape around the corners of his cock. Her bottled up fluids would spill out during those brief instances. Loudly, as they splattered onto the ground, translucent liquids, giving Rogue an idea of how turned on her friends body had been despite those many protests.

For her part, the Gothic beauty would find those tendrils seemingly react to her growing state of arousal, as they worked a little faster while teasing along her panty clad mound. The tip of the tendril would start rubbing along the outline of her slit. Pressing forward, making the panty further soak up her arousal, while teasing the promise of entering the pale teenager were it not for that so very thin later of clothing separating the metal from her warm entrance. The tendril teased. It pleasured her. Yet it almost seemed fully aware of her state of arousal. Carefully keeping her continuously stimulate without running the risk of letting her climax at any moment.

Soon enough, this tendril would be joined by a couple of others. Only these new arrivals would instead direct their attention toward the teenagers upper body - slipping under her shirt from the bottom and working their way beneath the articles of clothing covering the Rogue's chest. Unlike with the one teasing at her pussy, these would be felt along her bare flesh beneath her top. Only despite their metallic material, they felt surprisingly warm, as the slithering tendrils slowly wrapped themselves around her ample breasts - squeezing at them gently for now, while the tips of them began to lightly brush along her vulnerable nipples with surprising precision.

Meanwhile, Kitty was being made to endure even more of their 'hosts' training, as over half of that huge cock was buried deeply within her tender young body. The hand on her ponytail maintained its grip. Letting Rogue see every second of her friend and teammates reaction toward her ongoing violation, as those powerful hips started working at a faster, steadier thrusting motion with what portion could fit within the teenager's body. Suddenly, another unspoken command, and the tendrils holding Kitty in her place began to moved yet again. Only this time they kept her within her place, while starting to actually guide the young mutant forward and back with slow, steady motions. Sure enough, they were moving the unwilling teenager along their masters huge cock - matching the large male's own thrusting motions, mimicking how a female would normally receive their 'lovers' arousal while joined together.

"Mmm. Much better." The large male groaned out, showing the first signs of visible pleasure on his often stoic features, as he spoke with surprising calmness even while steadily fucking the young mutant, "You may protest now, little X-Man. But soon your body will desire to do such acts both willingly and most wantonly." Following this decree, Apocalypse suddenly thrust forward harder, faster. Taking her even deeper, as soon Kitty would not only find herself filled with a thickness never before experienced, but also a length to which it seemed she had never experimented with while sleeping with her insect of a lover. His motions were fiercer. The hand at her waist gripping firmly. Pulling along with the tendrils, while making Kitty take him over halfway after another powerful thrust, and seemingly have little intention of stopping so quickly.
"Oooooaaaahrrrgh," came unbidden from Kitty's mouth. The teenager bit her lips hard, trying to swallow further cries. That pain, mixed with the sheer torture of the massive thing sliding into her tight sex, made tears squeeze from the corners of Kitty's eyes. She'd been battered before, felt her share of blows upon the battlefield. But this, this was something different. This was a pain edged with desire and all directed at Kitty's most private area. She could feel her muscles stretching against him, feel her body tearing and reshaping all around the cock. Her interior walls gripped him obscenely tight, practically forming a second skin. Each little bump, each veiny protrusion upon that cock pressed along her sensitive skin, dragging along Kitty's flesh with each drag of the hips. As he pulled back, Kitty swore he would suck her pussy out with him. She let out a little scream as she heard that first pop, the sexual noise soon followed by several more. The girl could already feel her juices sliding across, and heard little drops of it splattering against the ground.

"Uuuggh, too big," she hissed through her teeth. Her tears ran and she swallowed hard, almost hiccuping. "Aah, so deep, so long. Your---this is just...aaah, you're so freakin' hu---aah," Kitty trembled, her throat working as more tears leaked. She couldn't help it: the pain from her groin was just too intense. It swam through her, creating a burning shaft that extended throughout her entire slim form. Worse yet for the tiny mutant, she could feel her body reacting to it. Being stuffed with cock might hurt like hell, but it was also a sexual pleasure the likes that a tender teen like Kitty had never even come close to.

Rogue watched all this, saw her friend succumbing all too quickly to Apocalypse's work. The Southern beauty could hardly blame her: even from where Rogue was, she could see that at least half that huge cock now stuck inside her tiny friend. And Rogue's attentions were almost fully upon Kitty's impalement. It provided more fuel for her own arousal, which blazed hotter and hotter with each passing second. The tendrils surely must have noticed, for the whirled faster and faster. Rogue could feel the pressure building and she knew that if things continued as they were, she'd be the first in the room to orgasm. The shame of her situation made the Southerner bite her lip hard, practically drawing blood. Yet almost when she thought she'd lose it, the tendrils seemed to slow. Not stop, not leave her alone, but slow just enough to leave her dangling.

Fuck, the Gothic teen thought, nearly speaking the word, th' perv wants ta rile me up, make me all nice an' horny afore he even gets to tryin' anythin'. Dammit, it's workin--- "Ah!" the sharp cry wasn't nearly as vocal or long as Kitty's, but it certainly was audible. It came as tendrils snaked up to find Rogue's breasts. The two mounds easily dwarfed Kitty's perky bits. Rogue's breasts had always been one of her proudest features, though she often tried to be subtle about it. Now though, they seemed to be great balls of weakness, as tendrils whirled about them. they squeezed the plump flesh, circling and slithering. She felt them wrapping tight, circling her entirely. Then bits sought her nipples: two slightly darker peaks of erect flesh. Rogue bit back a low, throaty moan at that, trembling. She pinched her eyes shut, trying to swallow the feeling.

"No! No, wait! Stop moving!" came from Kitty as the tendrils shifted. She could feel them pushing her body back against them. With each rocking motion, the massive cock within her slid against her tight walls. Kitty could feel him dragging along her, pushing aside her tight flesh. She could almost swear she could see the great bulge of him against her tight, flat body. Yet he wouldn't allow that, of course, so intent was he on yanking her hair back and bending her into a near perfect bow. Yet that same position likely made such a visual display all the more likely.

"I. Don't. Want. To. Do. This!" Kitty managed, though her body thrust and bounced with each word. Her tiny breasts jiggled and shook in almost a parody, as though teasing the much more endowed Rogue only a few short feet away. Kitty felt her own heat rising, her cheeks growing flush and sweat beading upon her flesh. She bit her cheek as another groan went through her. He'd shifted, and now something gripped around her waist. Kitty's eyes widened as realization hit moments before actuality.

"No! No! Nononoooooh gaaaah! Uh, uh, uh, uh," the last almost sounded like a motor trying to rev up, little bits coming with each thrust. Kitty was proving, to a fault, that she was the most vocal of partners. "You're. Hitting. Me. Too. Deeeeeeep!"

Because she could feel the head of his cock hitting something deep within. Kitty didn't realize this, but Apocalypse, massive as he was, battered deep within her, threatening to fully skewer the poor teen. She shook and trembled again, struggling against the sensations.

While Rogue struggled against letting on that she was feeling the most pleasure in the room. The Goth was doing a great job of keeping her expression nearly blank. Sweat poured down her, but she was somehow managing, now, to keep mostly still, except for trembling breaths. "C'mon, Kitty!" she managed, her voice only shaky, "jus' put up wit' it! Ya know he can't, can't last long! Not with a cock like that!"

Kitty opened her eyes and met Rogue. The pain from one and the pleasure from the other was communicated in a single exchanged look. A look that they had a feeling would soon be combined on them both.
The mutant found his own state of arousal further heightened by the feel of her tight young body squeezing around the invading girth. These sensations were intermingled with the sweet symphony of her various protests flowing out of her soft lips and filling the room. Leaning his upper body forward as she spoke of not wanting this, Apocalypse pulled her hair a little harder, more so to draw it back enough for his lips to be within inches of her ear. "Perhaps not now, but you shall. When we're finished with you, you'll come begging for more of it, my little pet." He promised, almost whispering those words within her ears, yet speaking them clearly enough to be heard by their single person audience.

Thrusting harder and deeper within her unwilling young body, the ominous figure gazed over at Rogue, taking immediate notice of how flustered she appeared despite the rather commendable poker face she maintained. Still, Apocalypse gave her a knowing stare, even as she finished with her words of encouragement toward her violated friend. Sure enough, Rogue would be able to tell that the large mutant had signaled another unspoken command, as the tendrils upon her chest doubled their efforts. They would massage and squeeze around her ample breasts. The tips flicking, almost giving little lashes, while dancing against her hardening nipples - almost appearing as intent on causing the gothic beauty to let out further sounds than they were on simply pleasuring her.

Meanwhile, Apocalypse was thoroughly enjoying his first ride with the rather vocal teenager. While Kitty couldn't look down to see the effect his deepening thrusts were having on her body, there was indeed the hint of a bulge within her very slender stomach - showing where the rather thick cock was delving into her very core. Another inch deeper. Another portion of her warm flesh wrapped snuggly around his throbbing length. Apocalypse hadn't directly responded to Rogue's accusations of not being able to last long, but it was evident by the way the large male was working himself within her friend by now, that this increased tempo was a fairly direct result of the other teenagers attempted words of encouragement.

Every thrust threatened to reach into new depths of Kitty's body which she perhaps never dreamed possible in the past. Each pistoning movement causing her to slam forward, with the moist sound of her tender flesh smacking upon his cybernetic body growing louder and more frequent. Soon, that massive cock was almost like a jackhammer, slamming away inside of the petite mutant teenager while both the tendrils and his hands tugged her to and fro along the length of himself.

Yet that maddening tempo continued. The franticly paced thrusts were never sloppy. They continued to hit her in just the right ways. Drawing out pleasures unfelt before, even throughout the pain and discomfort which had been wrecking her young body while adjusting to the sheer girth of the massive mutant. Apocalypse had bedded many women, human and mutant alike, during his time. Many long before either of these girls parents were even born. Taking and taming a pair of rebellious young teenagers like the two of them was mere child's play, as the experienced male slammed away with the first grunts of pleasure starting to make themselves heard upon his grotesque lips.

"You protest, little X-Man. But your body say otherwise. It knows what it desires. What it wishes to experience once its grown accustomed to the size of your new master." He accused, showing a hint of strain within his voice while taking those pleasures, before again directing his gaze toward Rogue. With a knowing stare, Apocalypse gave another small yank at Kitty's hair - this time intended to make her look toward Rogue as he spoke, "Do you see your friend?" A short pause, giving Kitty a chance to take at least a glance toward her teammate, while noting, "I'm certain you've noticed the way she looks at us. How flushed her pale skin has become while watching your violation."

His hips hadn't seemed to miss a beat, slamming away inside of the petite female, even as he continued making his point, "Don't you see? She wishes she were in your place. That it was her, bent over, taking my cock within her nubile young body. Deep down inside, a part of her envies you."

Staring at Rogue, the male gave an amused scoff, letting his words sink in for both of them while again inquiring toward Kitty, "How do you feel about this? About her watching your continued violation and growing further aroused while you're taken by one whom you had trained so hard to defeat?" The male listened for any response either girl may have, yet hadn't really eased up, as those powerful hips slammed, taking Kitty roughly, while those first drops of rather thick and excessive precum had started flowing out of his slit and filled her insides while mingling with her own fluids.
"Noooooo I wooooooon't!" Kitty chanted, her voice slurred with each thrust from the massive man. She could feel him delving ever deeper into her tight sex, that sheath of skin. The tight girl had already reshaped to him somewhat, her flexibility again showing itself in the most unseemly of ways. For now Kitty could feel him hammering away at the deepest parts of her. She could feel her walls squeezing and vibrating about him. Could feel her liquid arousal dribbling down his impressive shaft. Could feel a familiar tightness curling up within her abdomen, one that she wished with all her might to stifle or stop.

Rogue, too, felt that tightness. Yet while Kitty continued to show every bit of her arousal in her flushed and contorted face, Rogue remained stoic. She met Apocalypse's stare head on, her gaze not wavering. Tendrils moved along, finding her breasts and lashing them mercilessly. The Gothic mutant felt the dance along her pendulous orbs, flailing and teasing. Flexible tendrils squeezed plump breast flesh, pulling her up and effectively pumping up her nipples. Those received little lashes, and Rogue even winced at them. Yet a lifetime of learning to be silent, even when she wanted to scream, came into play. The mutant girl squirmed. She trembled. She knew that her orgasm was evident, but she did not speak.

She did not have to: Kitty made enough noise for them both. When she didn't manage words through her haze, she regularly released sharp cries of delight. It seemed as though the teenager would never run out of voice. Yet even when her vocal cries went low, a sound occurred, as though her sex wanted to get in on the sexual song. The wet squelching of a tight object thrust into a damp hole became a regular accompaniment to the moans, moans that were even now becoming more about pleasure than about pain.

But the jackhammer effect of the cock did cause Kitty extreme discomfort and pain. The tears flowed freely from her blue eyes, the sound of pain choking her words. Yet that same motion brought the pleasure to the forefront. That cock prodded and pushed deep within Kitty, finding areas the girl hadn't even known she had. The stimulation of such deep sexual parts of her rocked her to her very being. Though Kitty wouldn't dare admit it: this was the most pleasurable experience of her young life. It was also quite possibly the most painful.

"MmmmmMmmmmMMmmmH!" Kitty managed yet again. she bit her lip, finding her own noises to be humiliating. Then her tormenter pulled upon her ponytail yet again, forcing the girl to gasp and open eyes. She beheld her friend and could see Rogue's arousal all too well. Rogue looked.... she looked more turned on by this than anyone there. The flush upon the pale skin, the arousal reflected in those eyes, and you could see a damp patch at the crotch of those cotton pants, right where the tendrils did their bit. An anger flared up in Miss Pryde upon that sight, upon the thought that her friend would be turned on. As Rogue shook her head though, as she so obviously fought it, Kitty felt that anger wane. It didn't vanish; the tiny mutant half believed Apocalypse's taunting words, but it certainly diminished.

"No!" Rogue somehow managed. Despite her best efforts, strain showed in her voice, making it hoarse and stretched. "Kitty, ah, ah, oh, dammit, ah don't--it's--"

"Ahaaahaa, RoooOOoOoOgue, juuust shuuUhhhUt uuuup!" Kitty half crooned. She trembled and shook, her body dancing. The little ornament on her navel seemed to dance in concert, as though celebrating the obscene actions of its owner. It danced as though it knew that the build up within Miss Pryde was swiftly becoming unbearable. The young teen bit her lip hard enough to taste blood, much as her friend did only so far away. Then, Apocalypse shifted, slamming deep, his cock leaking fluid deep within Kitty...

and Rogue came. There was only a sharp gasp and a stiffening of her bound body. A jerking, a tightness, and the girl trembled. The whole affair looked remarkably silent and still, without the thrashing or yelling that one so often associated with it. Yet Rogue's sex shook and trembled. Juices spread along her crotch, soaking the panties completely and leaving a noticeable wetness upon her pants. Her body went through wave after wave of humiliating pleasure, and all the while she looked into the eyes of her friend, trying to apologize.

And with the merciless cock pounding her insides, Kitty didn't know if she could forgive Rogue. She didn't know if she could think or act on anything outside of the massive thing reshaping her tight young form.
The large male took in an immense enjoyment from their attempts at brushing aside his words. They were perhaps twisted, one could easily argue. Refitted in order to suit his needs in further corrupting and breaking the two X-Men. But they weren't lies. Not complete lies, at least. One would only need look toward Rogue as she suddenly began to draw near her own climax. An intense orgasm, brought about by the direction stimulation of those bothersome tendrils, along with the indirect stimulation of seeing and hearing her teammates complete violation only a couple feet away from where she stood.

"Do you see?" The mutant spoke, thrusting hard and fast into the petite female, holding her head in the fixed position for making the teen's head point toward her friend, as his own cold eyes gazed upon Rogue's shameful image, "Your friend is enjoying herself. Just from watching you, she was pushed over the edge by the simple manipulations of a few robotic assistance."

As if responding to the last portion, the tendrils around Rogue began to slowly their previous stimulation - more so seemingly trying to tease the teenager during the afterglow of her orgasm, rather then attempt to bring her toward another orgasm. The one teasing along her drenched panties rubbed slowly along that damp outline, while the pair working over the Gothic mutant's respective breasts simply kept a restrictive grasp on the heavy mounds - maintaining their coiled positions around the two peaks, while almost idly rubbing along the southerner's tender nipples. Their main task had been accomplished with flying colors. Now they were to simply keep themselves somewhat on standby, while the true stars of the moment shinned only a couple feet away.

The tendrils holding Kitty began to pull at her a little faster now. The ones holding her arms and waist in particular starting to guide her even harder onto that thick, pulsating cock which violated her very core. "Are you prepared to feel similar, little X-Man? To let all of that pain and discomfort pay off with a literal climax to your first true step toward reaching heights of pleasure you've never before experienced?" His words came in a question, yet seemed more so a declaration, as Apocalypse clearly little intention of easing up regardless of what she may respond with.

His cock was by now buried deeply enough within Kitty that his heavy sack would occasionally slap upon her pussy and inner thighs - adding another wet smacking sound of dripping flesh colliding with the increasing tempo of the nearly impossible pace. Apocalypse could feel his own orgasm approaching. The petite mutant girl was a tight fit, even considering his own impressive size, and was thus squeezing at him in ways which the ancient mutant found most enjoyable. Grunts escaped his lips. The male's muscular physique flexing. His arms gripping harder by now at her ponytail and hips while pulling the teenager back with a perfect rhythm to his own thrusting lower body.

"Here it comes, little mutant. Prepare to accept my seed." Apocalypse nearly shouted - not so much losing control with the increasing levels of pleasure, so much as making himself heard for both of the young X-Men whom were trapped in the room with their unlikely 'host'. Yet Kitty would not need any such warnings. Though her insides were being plowed in ways never before fathomed by the young Jewish girl, she would be hard pressed to not take notice of the way his considerable girth had began swelling within her already stretching sex. It was the first and only true warning she may have to what was about to erupt inside of her well used body.

His powerful lower body continuously slammed forward, nearly skewering her with that massive cock during his more powerful thrusts, before that familiar ripple suddenly raced throughout Apocalypse's body. While maintaining a sense of composure, the mutant was clearly enjoying what came next, as deep groan escaped from those lips while the first throws of his intense orgasm had struck. Ripples of pleasure raced throughout the male; immediately mimicked by the torrents of cum which streamed throughout the mutant's lengthy arousal as the first powerful blast of his surprisingly thick semen spilled out of that bulbous tip.

That first blast was enough to almost entirely fill Kitty. It was far greater than Lance or many other mutants, regardless of their X-Gene, were capable of mustering even after repeated climaxes. Yet it was only the first stream, as a second burst of hot cum flowed out of that tip. Painting her insides. Hitting her even deeper than his cock had managed to delve thus far. Doing so with enough force to almost feel like a thrust in itself, even while Apocalypse continued to slam that massive thing between his legs into the well used teenager's vulnerable pussy. The amount of cum was enough to cause a slight bulge within Kitty's taut stomach, but much of it did manage to spill out whenever Apocalypse pulled his cock back slightly for another pistoning thrust - giving her some relief right before another torrent of the large mutants thick seed simply flowed out to replace the lost portion.

The wet sounds of the captor and the smaller of his two 'guests' filled the room. The smell of sex, already having become nearly had to miss since they started, was instantly amplified tenfold. A pool of thick, white cum would flow down, cascading, like a small stream out of where Kitty and the ancient mutant were joined. Portions would literally squirt out from where her tender folds strained around the girth of the male's cock. Some of it simply spraying to the floor in different spots. One actually staining the teenager's dangling piercing. Others managing to spray upward, thus being capable to lewdly decorate Kitty's tight bottom and slender back while her body was thrust back and forth along that still cumming cock which was now filling her in more ways then one.
Kitty saw, though her mind hardly processed. All her attentions and feeling centered upon the cock thrusting within her sex. She could feel her pussy contorting about it, squeezing and shaking, building that pressure more and more with each passing second. That intense pressure both drove away the pain, swallowing it in pleasure, and amplified it, letting the tiny teen know that her body was being ripped into by a cock far larger than any she would ever take before or since. So it shouldn't have been surprising that all she managed was a long, low moan at the words, another bodily tremble, and yet more tears.

Rogue saw her friend's reaction and heard the words more sharply. She could still feel the tendrils working at her form, teasing her already teased flesh and promising all sorts of things. Shame burned in her body, brought out by those touches till it scorched her cheeks and burned deep within her mind. Her own lust momentarily satiated, Rogue tried to focus on supporting Kitty, on offering the younger girl some means of strength. Yet it seemed that Kitty had lost the fight already, judging by the noises.

Indeed, Kitty had. The girl could only handle so much, and Apocalypse was pushing her far beyond even her extended boundaries. She felt that cock stirring deep within her insides, sheathed within her so fully. She could feel her body stretched about him, accommodating him, and yet she somehow knew this wouldn't be all. Things had only begun. The question that hovered in the air only seemed to further that point. With eyes still shut, tears still brimming, Kitty tried to reply, tried to gather what strength she still had:

"Oooohhooohooh, iiiiiit feeeeeelssss....aaaaaaah, sooooo bigggggg, I'm, I'm, I'm aaaah!" and with that, Kitty's body begin to twitch. The tendrils kept the thrusting going, taking over that work as they had always done. Yet now new motions had been added. For a sex rippled and shook about a cock as though electrified. Yet more juices ran along that veiny shaft, thoroughly soaking. Feet kicked, a body tensed, and sheer pleasure blew out young Kitty's mind. She screamed in agony and ecstasy as the hard orgasm tore through her, leaving devastation in its wake.

Yet it would not cease. For the cock plowed deeper into Kitty's twitching form, adding new sensations. Muscles rippled and jerked, the body contorting into made shapes of sexual ecstasy. A milking, thrumming sex felt a hammering blast upon it. Another shout echoed from Kitty as the blasting semen jerked her body into another orgasm, riding tight along the other. The sheer pressure and force of it felt like nothing Kitty had felt before. Her eyes rolled within sockets; drool began to fall from her lips; her mind dissipated in the sheer pleasure of fullness.

And the trembling sex took the blast, felt it, sucked it in. The seed ballooned out kitty's stomach, forming a pouch not unlike that of an early pregnancy. Yet the seed did not stop at filling her there; it continued. Kitty felt it squirting along their writhing, thudding sexes. She felt hot liquid splash over her bared back. Felt little droplets land upon her pert asscheeks. Felt a glob land just beside her navel. Felt more dribbling out of her, even a great torrent leaking as Apocalypse rocked backward.

"Sooooo muuuuch cuuum!" screeched Kitty. Her toes splayed, her body shook, tightened, took more, felt the orgasm running roughshod over her body. Kitty came so hard that dots swam in her vision. Came so hard that she felt an intense ache. part of her felt that with this one fuck, Apocalypse had already seeded her, made her his breeding bitch. The pain and ecstasy were excruciating, exquisite, and too much for Kitty. The girl drooled and babbled, her mind having left her in that one last screech, drifting in the sea of arousal, awash in a torrent of white.
The rather impressively endowed male let out a seemingly contented groan as his hips thrust that pulsating, spasming cock into the incredibly stretched and thoroughly abused lower body of the bound X-Man. His lower body hammered away. Riding out that intense orgasm, yet doing so with a surprising amount of control; not simply thrusting with reckless abandon during the peak of his pleasure like a horny teenager. The thick, warm seed continued to flow out of Kitty's abused pussy each time Apocalypse pulled back enough to allow any of it to seep out and add to the growing puddle beneath them.

But the mutant had more than a fair amount of cum left to unleash during the final spurts of his orgasm, as the ancient figure slowly pulled himself free of the teenager's petite body. A moist suction noise could almost be heard along with a wet 'pop' following the removal of Apocalypse's thick tip from Kitty's gushing vaginal region - the head of which was fat enough to make sure she felt every sweet inch of it during the removal process. While a fair portion of the overflowing cum spilled onto the ground following this action, the real surprise came from the male placing his cock over the young Shadowcat's pert asscheeks - rubbing the moist underside of his massive length along her warm cheeks, while the tip spewed out further portions of his seed.

The thick cum flowed out onto Kitty's slender back. Caking her body with more of his cum. Marking her outsides like he'd so enjoyable done to her insides. The pulsating cock rubbing along her cheeks managing to let out a few spurts strong enough to reach her head - literally splashing upon the teenager's hair and flowing down over her pretty, pixie of a face as Apocalypse finally released the girls ponytail. Using the hand which previously held Kitty's ponytail to give his cock a few more strokes, the teenager's captor was able to jerk out a few stronger spurts - with a couple of smaller globs managing to hit Rogue's upper body and even get a portion onto the Gothic beauty's cheek.

Giving an ominous smile toward their one person viewership, Apocalypse took a step back from the nicely used teenager. Her mind was rather gone for the moment, which worked nicely for Apocalypse. Their collars didn't simply repress the girls powers. They also worked at subtly manipulating the teenager's thoughts, with moments like these being amongst the best times for such molestations. Unlike the total reprogramming done to his Four Horsemen, Kitty would very much remain herself to some level. But she would leave this experience with a greater appreciation for the idea of serving her new master's sexual appetites than she'd had earlier.

Stepping around to Kitty's side, reaching a hand upward, the ominous figure gave an almost soothing pet along the fucked silly teenager's head while speaking, "You've done well for your first time, my new pet. Your master is very pleased with you. Thus far." Realizing Kitty had perhaps remained a bit lost to the sea of conflicting and overwhelming sensations which had swarmed over her, Apocalypse used the collar and his own abilities to mirror his previous and following words into her very mind while adding, "I shall return for you later. So rest up for now. For this was but the first day of your new life."

Even if Kitty hadn't heard his words at the time, they would echo within her mind upon snapping out of her stupor enough to register them. With that, however, the tendrils slowly lowered the teenager to the ground - letting her mostly naked body rest within the almost literal pool of cum which had formed beneath them.

Holding out a hand as a tendril handed over his previously discarded armor, Apocalypse began to redress himself, as his eyes glanced out from the corner of his line of vision toward the still captive Rogue. "I trust you enjoyed the show?" He spoke with a cold, uncaring mocking undertone to his calm voice - finishing suiting himself back up while starting for the door, "Food and beverages shall be provided for you both while I'm away. See to it that she's well fed. She'll require her energy for when I next return."

The previously sealed doorway opened for its master, whom stopped right before it and slowly glanced over his shoulder toward the pair, "Oh, yes. Also see to it that she's properly cleaned up by then." At this, a large portion of the floor at a faraway corner opened up, with a lower section rising upward while containing upon it a large tub, seemingly ancient Egyptian in appearance, with gold plated symbols and other such designs, yet providing running warm water for the pair to use at their leisure.

The aforementioned food would likely be provided in a similar fashion, to limit chances of escape for the pair, as Apocalypse resumed in making his departure, "Now. If you'll excuse me. I have more pressing business to attend to with your companions."

Indeed, taking over the world was a troublesome endeavor, as the war continued beyond these walls and outside of the two X-Men's reach, while the main figure causing their friends and loved ones so much heartache in the world gave a parting glance toward the prone Kitty and finished with a confident, almost smug tone, "I am grateful, however, for the increasingly needed release of tension."

With those parting words, Apocalypse left the room; the door sealing and once more vanishing behind himself, as the tendrils restraining Rogue finally lowered her back to the ground, the ones previously teasing at her breasts and dripping sex being the first to retract themselves, before fully releasing the Gothic teenager to attend to her friend.
The pulsing rod within Kitty felt as though it would never stop spurting. Her womb already felt swollen, and she had a distinct bulge in her lower abdomen area. Worse still, her sex kept twitching and writhing, even as the massive mutant began working his cock out of her. Each passing bit of that cock strained against Kitty's nether regions, and the teenager let out another moan as it slid from her. She felt the squelch that the others simply heard, and knew that her sex thrummed. Her previously tight nether lips gaped slightly, seeming to breathe and shudder. Cum continued to leak from that throbbing sex, dribbling down in a near constant flow.

Yet this was not to be the end; Kitty could feel Apocalypse placing his massive cock upon her rear. The girl moaned again, the noise only slightly muffled by her clenched teeth. Eyes pinched shut, a body tightened, all became accepting, if not ready, for the cock. For Kitty could feel it nestled between each pert cheek of her ass, still spurting cum along her body. The white hot liquid splashed along her, smearing against her back and skin. She could feel it landing upon her hair, the ropey strands of it dangling along the brunette locks. The cum seemed to stream, coating kitty's back, even hitting upon her head. She could feel the seed dribbling down her front, just coming within range of her lips.

All this, Rogue saw with almost painful clarity. The Goth's eyes could not leave her friend, who kept moaning and squirming like a bitch in heat. Load after load of cum shot over Kitty's body, glazing the teenager. That cock seemed as though it would never stop; spewing forth like a hose. To Rogue's surprise, a few globs connected with her. The Southern Goth let out a slight yelp, feeling the hot, sticky stuff upon her cheek. She stared at the mutant who produced who, who returned her gaze with a smile that send shivers down Rogue's back.

At last, it appeared to have ended. Apocalypse strolled, almost casually, around Kitty. Rogue watched with horror as he patted the girl's head, effectively treating her very much like her name sake. A pet, one that pleased. Kitty looked up at the blue mutant, her own blue eyes hazy and decidedly glazed. The sea of pleasure and pain would not give up its victim, not for some time. Words, then parting tendrils. With a wet splurt, Kitty landed upon the puddle of mixed cum. The teenager lay there, her only movement deep breaths and slight twitches, the cum seeming to almost seep about her.

Rogue then realized that the attention had moved upon her. She looked to their captor as he approached, fear seeping into every bit of her. Her sex felt colder still, the wetness from her earlier treatment now seeming a cruel prophet. The mutant taunted his captor, and Rogue glared daggers at him. She still dreaded what was to come, knew that he would likely take her virginal body in a very similar fashion to her friend, yet Rogue could not give up her fight, could not diminish the fire within. It was not in her to do so. So she continued to glare, to threaten him with her gaze. Even to squirm slightly against the tendrils that bound her.

Then commands, given off hand, as though Rogue were a servant and Kitty the bride. She hissed at him, shot insults, but he ignored them all, simply leaving with only a parting glance toward the panting, soaked Kitty. The tendrils lowered Rogue, and the teenage mutant lowered herself to all fours. Several great, hiccuping sobs racked her body, and she pounded against the ground with her fist. Seconds passed as Rogue gave way to the complex emotions swirling within, seconds before she realized she had better do what she could for her friend.

Rogue would then rise unsteadily to her feet, walking over to where the battered and beaten Kitty still lay. The older mutant gently lifted the younger, smaller one. Kitty reflexively threw her arms about Rogue, giving her roommate a dreamy smile. Rogue tried to smile back, but all she could see were the ropey strands of cum still laced throughout her friend's body. Even as she tried to shift her grip, she saw her friend's battered sex still leaking. Kitty needed cleaned though; Rogue owed her that.

So the Goth dropped the previously perky teen into a bath. With care and some rigor, Rogue bathed Kitty as best she could. It was hardly surprising that decadent smelling oils had been laid forth for their use. These Rogue used as best she could, wanting to banish the sexual smell from her normally innocent looking and feeling friend. It took some time, and proved quite difficult. For one thing, Kitty could not or would not clean herself, and Rogue knew that every inch of Kitty needed cleaning. So the Goth had to dutifully scrub her friend's sex and ass, using a copious amount of oils on both. This proved especially awkward as Kitty had a small orgasm after several seconds of teasing, one that was "rewarded" with a gripping hug that almost pulled Rogue into the waters.

Soon after, Kitty was dried and set aside, her still mostly intact clothes laid next to her. Rogue tried to wash out her own clothing as best she could; it appeared that their captor wasn't going to provide them with spares. Rogue's garments had received worse treatment than Kitty's own, with the various juices staining them. So Rogue had to opt for a soft towel to wrap about her body while she continued with the rest of the actions. This also meant feeding the still catatonic Kitty as well as herself.

In time, Kitty curled up on Rogue's lap, falling into a deep, satisfied sleep. Rogue attempted to get as comfortable as she could, staring at the door. Her thoughts chased one another around for some time, till sheer exhaustion overwhelmed her, dashing her into the same slumber that possessed her young friend. Neither would know how long it would be till their captor arrived, or even if they would be awake for his return.
Although time would prove difficult to tell for those locked away within the windowless room, it would roughly be a full days time before they were to be treated with a return appearance of their captor. Enough time for Kitty's body to regain its strength, regardless of whatever state her young mind may have been in at the time of her new lord's arrival. Time enough for Rogue to have dwelled upon the incidents of the previous day long enough for it to act as a form of torture in and of itself for the lone mutant trying to keep things together for herself and her companion.

Whether the pair were sleeping or awake during the time Apocalypse returned to visit his prized possessions, they would likely be stirred about within a short amount of time as the previously sealed door suddenly came alive with energy before opening wide. Entering the room, Apocalypse appeared as imposing a figure as before, only this time his body armor had been replaced with silk garments closer fitting the clothing worn prior to his reawakening. Very much appearing like an ancient Egyptian ruler overseeing a harem, the mutant walked inside slowly, every footfall echoing briefly within the enclosed room as the door shut behind himself.

His eyes observed the pair, taking note of Kitty's own conditioning after their first time, along with the way Rogue may respond in words or body language toward his presence. Not that either mattered for the moment when it came to the older teenager, as the mutant once known by En Sabah Nur stood over the two X-Men with a calm competence to himself even while standing with apparent casualness to his posture.

"I see you two have begun to make yourself at home here." He stated, powerful arms crossed over his physically perfect chest, with a hint of mockery behind those words while continuing, "On the chance you were curious about your friends and any attempts at 'rescue' while stopping my plans. There have been attempts. Several, up to this point in time. But seeing as how you remain within my humble keep, it perhaps goes without saying that each of them were glorious failures on their parts."

The mutant followed this up, however, by rotating his shoulder slightly - feeling the dull ache which remained after an optic blast by the X-Men's field leader during the earlier battle as he amended, "But they have proven themselves rather... persistent, in their feeble attempts. Frustratingly so."

Staring over at Kitty, the mutant gave her a knowing glare. Aware of how she came to enjoy their previous treatment, the large male spoke directly toward her with little concern for what state her mind may be in at the time, "I hope you're well rested, my pet? I've need of your... assistance, in relieving myself of great deal of pent up stress after the trouble your friends had caused my cabal."

While the silken garment managed to conceal Apocalypse's considerable endowment, it couldn't keep the so far very slight bulge within the front from making itself noticeable as his eyes feasted upon the petite teenager. This remained to be the case, even as the male turned his attention toward the Gothic beauty, whom had thus far gone untouched outside of the tendrils from their prior ordeal. "Or perhaps you would like to take her turn on this night?" Their captor suggested, the growing bulge within his silken loincloth becoming enough to let both X-Men see the outline of the male's growing arousal as he added with a knowing half-smile, "You seemed rather eager for 'sacrificing' yourself to protect her the day before. Might you still feel so charitable, dear Rogue?"
The time felt off, without anything to let the girls know how long it had been. Long enough that even Rogue could not resist sleep; long enough for Kitty to recover, nearly completely. The smaller teen had worked to put distance between herself and Rogue. There had been some protesting words, nothings that amounted to little beyond a general discomfort that abides and would not subside, no matter how long the two stayed. They ate; they rested, and eventually they tried an awkward discussion of what happened. It amounted to Kitty trying to explain that Apocalypse felt impossibly huge, that her body still ached, that she wasn't sure she could ever go back to being... normal, while Rogue protested and tried to insist otherwise.

They'd lapsed into an uneasy silence as Kitty snapped something about Rogue being a horny virgin.

Then the doors slid and Apocalypse entered again. Both girls leapt to their feet, taking positions remarkably similar to the ones they so often practiced for combat. In those few moments, they looked every bit the heroines they actually were. Tight young bodies had hardened, steely expressions locked eyes, and they looked willing and able to fight back, if need be. Time and food had, after all, strengthened them, and if anything, they had more reason than ever to resist. Yet as the massive mutant stepped fully, Kitty found herself faltering for some reason. Her eyes drifted to his loins, her mind remembering details that she could never forget. The pulsing ache in her sex throbbed in memory and Kitty felt strangely... empty.

"They're gonna win!" snapped Rogue. She didn't have nearly the distraction of Kitty. If anything, her sensations had built a further fire within, a bit of a secret jealousy that her little friend had been selected over her. All that had to be shoved aside, while those steely eyes kept glaring. "Ya ain't gonna--"

But Apocalypse continued as though Rogue hadn't spoken. Likely he didn't care, didn't believe that she mattered to any degree. But his dismissal galled Rogue further, even as it struck Kitty. The younger teen reeled back as though he'd smacked her, feeling that ache throb again. Her mind slid from her for a few seconds, the hours of repair momentarily lost in sensations.

Then a bulge, a very visible reminder of things. "Ya ancient, pervert!" growled Rogue, taking a step forward. He turned to her, his attention. Take her turn? Rogue stopped, her eyes falling to the bulge as if she needed more. Eager before. "Ya ain't gonna have either of us, ya freak o' nature!" she growled, the hairs in the back of her neck rising. "Jus' give it up already! What do ya think ya gonna accomplish!?"

"Y-yeah!" Kitty found her voice, though it strained. She tried to adopt her friend's stance, but it looked weak: the kitten mimicking the tiger. This one had gone a round with the tamer already; her body remembered what he could do. "D-d-don't think we're just gonna let you do what you want!"

Which meant a fight, or at least a struggle. Even Kitty believed and knew she would do that much. He might have had her before; her body might still remember it, but she would not give, not while she still could fight. Even if her mind kept slipping, her body kept feeling... off. She could only hope that nobody noticed.
The ancient mutant felt amusement at the pairs attempt at denying the inevitable. They were indeed X-Men. Mimicking the way their comrades fought against the future which awaited each of them no matter how hard they may try to fight it. But the 'damage' was done when it came to the smaller Shadowcat. Even as she spoke in defiance of his claim, the affect caused by their single experience together was evident. He could take her by force once more and she would inevitably give into the pleasure. But that would be a tad dull to repeat so quickly after the previous day.

"I see." Apocalypse spoke calmly, his voice carrying with it a subtle warning against letting ones guard down even as he continued, "Very well. I won't force either of you into doing anything you may not desire."

Almost expectedly, the floor panels opened to reveal the now infamous tendrils of the previous day. Rogue and Kitty may or may not have been ready for them this time around, but this would change nothing. Without access to their powers and nowhere to run away, any attempts at struggle were merely delaying their eventual capture as both were restrained the positioned in front of the large male. Apocalypse gave an amused chuckle at the girls plight, as the ground behind him suddenly started to lift upward - the mechanisms within causing them to lift into a quartet of pillars which would form the crude outline for a type of throne.

"Instead, you can simply kneel and watch as I make use of your physical beauty for.... inspiration." The grim figure stated, lifting a hand and lowering as if giving both X-Men the instruction as the tendrils wrapped around her limbs forced both teens into a kneeling position. Seating himself afterward, Apocalypse allowed both arms to rest on the armrests of his temporary throne, legs partially spread, while the growing arousal between his thighs tented the concealing garment upward. Already the musk of the male's crotch would reach the girls nose, as Apocalypse moved a hand to pull aside the loose fitting clothing and reveal the thick, throbbing appendage which Kitty's body had become intimately familiar with by now.

"Perhaps you are correct." The mutant started, surprisingly casual as his steely eyes stared upon the pair, moving a hand to grasp at the base of his length and stroke it slowly, almost methodically, while letting his gaze settle toward the southern beauty, "Your companions could break through my defenses and whisk you away to safety any time now. And then you can go back to not only refusing the touch of another, but fearing it every waking moment of your life."

That was perhaps one of the greatest cruelties about their situation. The irony of Rogue being able to finally touch anyone she wished without fear of injury to herself or others. Yet being limited to one whom she perhaps had grown to despise more than any other after what was done to her friend. Regardless, Apocalypse hadn't done anything directly toward her. Merely seeming content with letting her watch. Such as now, while the mutant stroked that massive cock, letting both of the teens get an up close look at their captors impressive endowment, as they were kept kneeling only a foot away from his throne. Even the tendrils holding their heads in place would make certain they could look, yet not touch, as their faces were kept mere inches away at all times.

"As for you." Apocalypse resumed, this time directing his attention toward the bound Kitty, as that wide hand continued to stroke along the thick length of the cock which had nearly ruined her a mere day ago, "I'm certain the one you spoke so highly of prior to my taking you shall be amongst those here to take you away. Then you can reward his valiant efforts with a night of passion which would surely put to shame what happened in this room prior to today."

His eyes watched Kitty's reaction, the swollen tip of that massive cock coming dangerously close to brushing along her pixie face at points, as the large slit started oozing out the first drops of precum for the mutant's efforts, "Certainly your insect can satisfy you in ways which an 'ancient pervert' - as your friend so cleverly dubbed me - could never hope to compare." His lips curved into a half-smirk, knowing already how her body would never be satisfied the same way after their brief time together. They both knew it, but now was the point for her to admit it. To simply ask, if not beg, for his cock to be inside of her once more. To do so in front of her friend and teammate, so that she would see her companion give into that pure lust and desire for more of their new lord.
He wouldn't force them...? The two girls were momentarily stunned by those words, not believing what they were hearing. Surely he couldn't be serious? He'd done nothing but done exactly that since they'd arrived here. Even the arrival had been against the girl's will. So what was the game? They both watched and tensed, ready.

And the tendrils came. Both girls yelped and cursed. They even put up a valiant fight, lashing out with limbs. Rogue even managed to roll away from the initial tendrils that went for her. Had there not been more rising, almost as if expecting her move, she might have even avoided them entirely. In short, their efforts were for naught: they were soon as bound as they had ever been, if not more than ever. The girls still squirmed and moved, twisting in position. all this worked to accomplish was having the tendrils twist and pull tight. Metal dug into soft skin, nearly cutting deep and leaving marks. As a tendril threatened to seriously damage her, Rogue stopped most of her struggled entirely. Soon both were kneeling before the man, forced to look up at him.

Rogue's gaze showed nothing but contempt and anger.
Kitty's was a close mask... but that hint of something else, a memory still lingered in those soft blue eyes. When Apocalypse moved, shedding his garment and showing his weapon to the girls again, it was Kitty's eyes that fell upon them first. The smaller girl nearly went cross-eyed as she stared at the massive thing, growing before her very gaze. That had been inside her. It had reshaped her body to suit its own purposes, using her as a pleasure toy and little else. and oh, how deliciously sinful that had felt, so much so that Kitty had dwelt upon it far, far more than she would ever dar e admit.

So it was, yet again, Rogue who looked more at the villain. It was Rogue who glared. Rogue who listened. Rogue who flinched as Apocalypse drew near. The proximity did, at last, seem to draw Kitty's attention. The younger girl looked up as the massive man approached. Not that they had much choice even in that: the tendrils commanded their movements, insisting that their gaze be locked upon the instrument of their mutually assured destruction.

"Y-yeah," Kitty stammered, her voice catching on something in her throat. She swallowed, putting on a decent enough show of defiance. "He's loads better than you. And he doesn't have a... a gross thing between his legs!"

"Yeah!" agreed Rogue, attempting to nod as best she could. "Is tha' why ya gotta kidnap girls? Too scared that ya freakish, monster prick is gonna wreck 'em? Bet you don't even feel anythin' from it."

Though both knew that couldn't be entirely true. Why else would his hand be caressing it now? That pulsing head drew near Kitty's lips, and the girl curled up her nose in another attempt at visual disgust. The wafting smell of it waved over her, reminding her body oh too well of the sensations it had worked in her such a short time ago. How she would never, ever feel that way without him with her. Kitty bit her lips, fighting back any noises of any kind. Which, again, left Rogue to do the majority of the fighting.

"Why don't ya jus' get it over with!?" she snapped. She surged against the tendrils that bound, her muscles tensing. "We ain't gonna play ya stupid games, ya perv! so jus' get it over with already!"

"Y-y-yeah!" was all Kitty could manage, and even that sounded... stretched.
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