A Little Venom for Mary Jane {darkest_fate&Google}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The beautiful redhead walked the streets of New York City alone. Strictly speaking, she wasn't truly alone, as there were still a handful of people shambling about, mostly avoiding one another and scuttling in their own ways. Darkness had descended, and that had a tendency to drive most people in doors. You could hear laughter and see lights coming from pretty well every building you passed, and definitely from those that sold alcohol or something along those lines. But back to the pretty redhead. Petite, lithe, she was the sort of girl that would have garnished attention, had there been anyone to look. For she possessed a classic beauty, the type that people so often wanted in their actresses and models, one that harkened back to the whole "girl next door" thing. And considering that this girl next door happened to be engaged to the boy next door, well, it was a wholly accurate description. Not that being engaged made Mary Jane Watson any less appealing. From the dark red hair to the bottom of her shoes: currently a pair of stylish boots that slid underneath a pair of fashionably torn jeans, MJ was every bit the looker. Slim hips with just the right amount of flare, a bust that just managed to defy gravity and look quite noticeable without having a cartoonish appeal, and of course, the beautiful face and fetching emerald eyes. All this of course helped with her career, though it had also made sure she hadn't been shy of boys to toy with throughout her life. Mostly, anyway.

Now though, she'd tied herself to one Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man. Of course, not that many people actually knew that Peter was the web-slinger. MJ had only found out relatively recently, despite having known Peter for years before that. They'd grown up together, and they'd dated on and off for some time. Hell, Peter had skipped dates for weird reasons before. Really, MJ should have figured something out. But no, instead, she'd had to find out much, much later, and only by actually running into Spider-Man when his mask had been shredded just enough. Putz.

Peter happened to be on the girl's thoughts as she roamed the deserted streets. Mostly because they'd just gotten word that people had seen it again: the dreaded black costume, the symbiote. Peter had insisted that it couldn't be Brock, since the bulky ruined reporter was still safely accounted for: placed under lock and key by SHIELD (an organization that MJ had found out about before she'd learned Peter's secret). Which meant that someone else, someone new, wore the suit now. Which made Peter all kinds of nervous. It was cute, really, how he'd insisted that MJ not walk the streets alone, especially at night. How he insisted that she at least try to keep in contact with him, or avoid dangerous areas. MJ had told him in no uncertain terms that she could handle herself, thankyouverymuch. She'd done it before, hadn't she? Back before he'd actually revealed the truth?

Peter had then wondered if MJ was ever going to let go of that detail, to which MJ informed him that the moment it stopped being useful or Peter stopped feeling guilty, she might. Or when they finally got married. Maybe. But probably not.

The redhead sighed, her eyes rolling heaven ward for a moment. She loved Peter, she really did, but there were times. Usually involving the whole stupid superhero thing, but occasionally there were other issues. Like dealing with Aunt May, for example. Sweet woman, but Peter acted like she was made of glass. MJ knew better. Or, worse yet, the whole fact that Petey was one hell of a virgin. Apparently he'd never gotten that far with Gwen before, which wasn't all that surprising, and the thing with Kitty had gotten no where, which was a lot more surprising. He said he understood the basics, and judging by the way they'd done some heavy petting, he certainly did, but Petey still held tight to his V-card, and mentioned something about waiting.

Not that MJ was overburdened with experience. She'd lost her cherry in high school, as most attractive girls did, but it wasn't like she'd been the school slut. In fact, she could count the number of guys who'd seen her naked on one hand, and one of those happened to be Peter (another was Wolverine, and that was one hell of a story). Still, she clearly had Peter beat. Though at least he seemed really, really willing to try and eager to please, which was one heck of a good combination.

A yelp distracted MJ. She paused, turning to look down an alley. Sure enough, the yelp repeated, and MJ winced. It sounded like a dog of some kind, one that had been hurt. The redhead looked around, not seeing anyone else in the area. Big surprise there. Sighing, MJ reached up to brush aside some hair, tucking it behind an ear. Sure enough, another yelp sounded. The girl shifted, digging into her purse to drag out a small container of mace. Never knew. Thus armed, MJ crept very, very slowly into the alley.

"Here boy!" she called cautiously, waving her hand in a "come hither" motion. "Come on out boy. Come on. I just want to help..."

though she knew full well that heading into a dark alley with all sorts of things on the loose was not a good plan. But MJ could handle herself.... she knew she could.
Up until about a week ago Dominic Strauss had lived a rather normal life all things considered, twenty five years old and just out of college with a job that he was over qualified for and didn't pay nearly enough in the first place. It had all been extremely frustrating, working sixty hours a week just to avoid being homeless and starving to death, and then only just so. He had just gone through a nasty break up, was being threatened with the loss of his job to downsizing, and of course his apartment building might be seeing a rent raise in the near future. At night he would lay back in bed, trying to fall asleep and fantasizing about how life could be so much better, how those with a super power had it better, how they could chose to be Hero or Villain and at the end of the day make a better life for themselves no matter. He liked to imagine what it would be like to be the hero who arrived in time to save the girl and get just what every man wanted... but deep down he suspected that the villain might have quite a bit more fun at the end of the day.

But a week ago he had been making his way home, his shift running late to ensure he could keep his job, and because of that he missed the bus and was walking through a less then upscale part of town, the subway still out in the area after something Magneto had pulled about a week ago. He had been nervous of course, he didn't look like he would have a lot of money but he wasn't the biggest guy around and someone might see him as a victim as he made his way home... on that night any number of things could have gone wrong but instead something went just about perfect.

It had fallen from the sky, literally... he had heard the whistle of something falling and looked up in case there had been a jumper on one of the buildings... but instead all he saw was a rain of darkness against an otherwise moonlit night. What had fallen on him had been thicker then rain, heavier too and while it had no smell the texture was a little odd, clinging to him as he tried to brush it away. Only a few blocks from his apartment Dominic had run the rest of the way back, managing to open the door with a hand that was suddenly shaking and in the better light inside he could see that he had been covered in a black gel, not quite liquid but not solid either.

Of course he had been disgusted, who wouldn't be after being showered in god knows what falling from the sky late at night and quickly he had stripped down and moved to get into the shower, wanting to be clean.

It wasn't that simple though, not nearly so simple as the substance that coated him started to move, he caught sight of it in the mirror as he prepared to get in the shower, the individual drops and strings of the substance seeming to gather and flow together, spreading over his body slowly. At first it was a curious sort of thing, it wasn't unpleasant feeling, warm and soft but it seemed to grow larger over him and it was then that Dominic started to panic, he tried to scream but find that he couldn't, started to run only to fall before he took even a third step.

As he lay on the floor it had covered him, pouring into his mouth, changing him, he had felt it working its way into his head through his ears, tear ducts, and his nose... and then it had happened... connection.

In an instant his mind became one with the substance that covered him, the symbiote, the word coming to him right away.


Memories that were not his filled his head, emotions and knowledge that came from the symbiote that was now a part of him. He knew who Spider-Man was, hated him for reasons that weren't his own but were no less powerful because of their source. The knowledge was something fantastic, it told him what he could do now, what he would do, the chemistry of his brain and body changed subtle, making him a more efficient host, the symbiote had learned after its past two hosts... after Parker and Brock it was going to be a little more proactive now. As he lay on the floor he felt his body grow stronger, from an average build to one that was practically Olympian, stronger and faster then he could get through any mundane means, the symbiote was enhancing him to create a host that would be worthy even when not connected.

Of course it wasn't just his body that was strengthened, it changed his mind as well, making him more aggressive, hungrier... he would get what he wanted no matter what.

At some point he had passed out, there had been pain and the symbiote wanted its host to sleep through it, it was more efficient that way, the symbiote wasn't quite caring and it lacked any true empathy... but it was bonding with him and after poor experiences before it wanted to ensure that its host was happy, if the host was happy then there would be no conflict, and without conflict then the symbiote could get what it wanted... it wanted to grow more powerful, to populate the earth with more of its kind, to spread a hive mind that would ensure the domination of its new race... the Race of Venom.

He awoke twenty four hours later, no longer just Dominic, the symbiote was with him now, its thoughts though strange and alien were with him.

He had practiced after that, the suit gave him knowledge of its abilities, how he was stronger then Spider-Man by far, faster, invisible to his sixth sense, and all the other neat little tricks it could pull off. Still he needed experience, he had gone out with the suit, swinging through the city and exploring, throwing around a few muggers for his own amusement, spying on Parker when the man was unaware of the danger, and seeing him with her, the Red head, the one from Parker's memories... Dominic wanted her and the symbiote did want to ensure that its host was as happy as possible, it wanted her too though, knowing that it would hurt Parker more then just about anything else, knowing it could destroy him and make him that much more vulnerable. When Parker was mad he made mistakes and Venom wanted him to make mistakes.

He had been following her for the last two days, sometimes using the symbiote to look like any number of items of clothing to blend in, and other times just sticking to the shadows, his long tongue licking over his lips as he reveled in his new found power.

And at the moment he felt the time was right he made his move, hiding in a dark alley as she moved past he let out what sounded like a strangled yelp, the sort of sound an animal in pain might make, his eyes easily piercing the gloom as he watched her pause with a smile, thinking of how he would enjoy her body, what the suit would allow him to do, the power that he now possessed.

As she stepped in, that worthless can of mace in her hand Venom moved, silent and graceful as a cat, sticking to the shadows and bounding from one wall to another so that he was no behind her as she called out to the animal that she thought was hiding, the animal she thought she could help... lowering himself to the ground on a strand of webbing, standing back lit by the flickering streetlight near the entrance of the alley way. His build not as bulky as Brock had been in the suit, just as tall but not as broad, still significantly larger in build then Parker was though, a gift from the suit.

“Mary Jane...” He hissed as he slowly bent down into a low crouch, his long teeth flashing in the dark, far too many teeth in his now far too wide mouth. “Oh Mary Jaaaaaane...” He was playing with her, the symbiote wanted her afraid, wanted to smell, wanted to taste her fear... from where he was she smelled so good.

The hissing voice slithered down Mary Jane's spine. She felt it crawling across her skin, leaving little pinpricks in her flesh as it went. That voice had spoken to her before, had drawn upon the knowledge of the suit to tease and torment the pretty redhead. The symbiote knew of her attachment to Peter, and, more importantly, it knew of Peter's attachment to her. This had been one of the events that Peter had feared most: his loved one stuck alone in an alley with a creature that wanted nothing so much as to inflict harm upon him.

Yet MJ was not meek. She was not the fainting daisy so often portrayed in old films. The redhead was made of stern stuff, and would have made a decent hero in her own right. Fear still shot through her. It still caused those pinpricks and formed a chunk of ice in Mary Jane's gut. it still twisted her gut and set her nerves to dancing. But she could control that fear. She'd faced down nightmares and horrors before; she would face them down again. This was no different.

"Venom," she said before turning. Her blue eyes took in the wide monster before her. Wide, wider than she remembered. Could he have grown? He did seem to match whomever he possessed at the moment. So clearly he'd found someone at least as imposing as Brock. Names and identities flashed through Mary Jane's mind, but she dismissed them all. The creature was the creature; the host mattered very little in the end.

"You do know that Spider-Man's looking for you?" she asked. She raised her mace into a defensive posture, her finger drifting toward the trigger. MJ did hazard a quick glance behind her, confirming that there was no creature in need of help. well, there hadn't been prior to this moment: MJ knew she definitely needed assistance. "You're going to, what? Kidnap me?" she demanded. Maybe she could shoot his bulbous eyes and make a break for it? "Like that's ever worked."

She tensed, readying herself. She just needed him to move. Even a slight shift. Why weren't there more people about? This was New York, there should be dozens of people wandering the streets. But no, the streets had to be deserted, as if arranged for this specific meeting. MJ swallowed hard, pushing down the fear. Did the creature sense that? no matter; she could fight it. She would fight it. She didn't have a choice.

"You could just let me go now. I'm sure that Spider-Man won't be nearly as harsh on you if you do," she suggested, keeping her voice light and airy, as if she actually believed that she could reason with the salivating creature blocking the alley before her.
He could smell her fear, practically taste it in the air as his tongue stretched out further, licking his lips and dripping drool slowly onto the ground, his breath little more then heavy panting. In truth the last part was little more then an effect just to frighten her a little bit more, of course she hid it well, the memories that were not really his told Dominic that she wouldn't be meek or cowardly even though she would have to know there was little she could do to stop him. Even as she raised the mace with a finger on the trigger it only drew a deep chuckle from Venom, the sound echoing in the empty alley, the mace was as meaningless as her threats about Spider-Man looking for him, he was different from what had been faced before, there was no way that they could be ready for him.

“Why call him Spider-Man?” He asked slowly, his head tilting a little as though he were confused. It was fun to toy with her, to draw the moment out a little bit. There was nothing she could do, she couldn't escape and from what he had heard there was a riot on the Raft, something which would undoubtedly keep Spider-Man and the other local heroes busy for quite some time, he had chosen his time to strike carefully, catching sight of the breaking report of it on the TV of a cafe she had moved past.

“We could just call him Peter, we both know his real name after all.” His grin grew even wider at just that moment, almost threatening to split his face wide open. Of course she knew just what he knew about the symbiote's former host, Brock had tormented her before with that knowledge but she was dealing with something entirely different now, someone for whom the tormenting of Peter was not entirely personal but instead belonged to the suit and the suit alone.

Dominic however was more then willing to help the suit get the vengeance it wanted, he had seen some of Mary Jane's modeling work, lusted after her, desired her in every way imaginable... now he had the power to have whatever he wanted. The suit wanted to hurt Parker and Dominic wanted to have Mary Jane, no second thought was given to how the suit had changed him, how it might have pushed his mind to things that hadn't occurred before, how it might have made his darkest thoughts a reality... but would he object even if it had?

“Peter isn't anywhere near ready to deal with us...” He hissed as he slowly moved closer to her, slowly straightening to impose his full size upon her. “We are like nothing he has faced before, and while we do appreciate the suggestion I think we will beak from the tradition... in the past we have been too quick to threaten you with harm to manipulate Parker, but there are other ways to hurt him.” As much as was possible the hulking creature was leering at her, his eyes roaming hungrily over her body, looking forward to seeing what tricks the symbiote might be able to pull off.
The creature sent off fear in waves, seemingly more so than it had ever done. Mary Jane couldn't help but tremble slightly as the thing loomed over her. Her eyes fell upon that long tongue, drool dripping off it in a decidedly lewd way. Strange, but she couldn't recall thinking of Venom as "lewd" before. Horrifying, yes, and with that barely controlled violence that was almost the norm when it came to Peter's various villains. But lewd?

Then the question, which focused Mary Jane's attention. Her head snapped up, her eyes meeting the large, whites of Venom. She knew why he mentioned that, and he continued, drawing out Peter's real name as though savoring the taste of it. For all Mary Jane knew, he actually did. She swallowed hard, her finger tightening upon the trigger. He'd clearly done this to unnerve her, to shake her confidence, and to MJ's chagrin, it was working all too well.

"We'll call him Spider-Man," she insisted, her voice harsh, almost too flat, "because that's who he is. You've been beaten by him over and over in the past. The suit knows that. So why bother pretending this was going to be any different?"

But MJ knew the answer to that even as she asked the question: because things were different now. This might be the same symbiote, share the same look and hulking body, but there was a different person inside. That person's will seemed to have infected the suit in a different way. As Venom drawled that Peter wasn't ready for him, MJ had the horrible feeling that he was all too right. This was like nothing he'd faced before. Then that lewdness seemed to roar to the forefront. To Mary Jane's surprise, the creature's eyes seemed to roam over her body as it spoke. This was not the calculating look before, one that saw her as a pound of flesh to tear or eat at pleasure. This was... lustful.

MJ nearly vomited on the spot.

After all, the pretty redhead knew when someone leered at her. Knew that her tight little body inspired lust, and from more than just Peter. Her career was nearly built upon it, after all. Yet having this creature, this thing leering so openly at her, as though it wished for nothing so much as to... couple with her. Did Venom even have a penis?

"Good luck with that," Mary Jane fired back. Moving quickly, she snapped her mace up. The finger on the trigger tensed, and a spray of the damaging chemicals shot out the nozzle. MJ's aim was good, at least initially: the spray aimed directly for Venom's leering white eyes, the spray arching toward them. The redhead could only pray it would by her at least a few precious moments to get the hell out of there.
It wasn't just the host that was different, the symbiote had changed as well. Over the past years it had learned from its defeats, slow to adapt at first it had been held back by previous hosts who continued to try the same things over and over, allowing the symbiote's hate which had been enhanced by Brock's own hate, to cloud their thoughts. Dominic though was offering it a different method, going at things differently and the suit saw its chance to evolve, to become something more then it had been. Its host would be rewarded for this of course because a happy host was more co-operative and more was completed when the two would be in synch. If suit and host didn't work in concert then Venom was less then it could be... and for the first time in years the symbiote had a host that it felt no conflict at all with.

“The Spider is just a mask, worn by a man... the mistake was to fight him on his terms, face to face battle... instead we should be subtle, rip away at his foundations...” He saw the can of mace starting to raise a little bit, felt the tingle that he had come to recognize as a sense of danger, and the symbiote was reacting before he was even conscious of it. Right away the suit moved to protect him, covering his eyes with a thin clear film that the mace sprayed over harmlessly, some of it ending up in his mouth but that wasn't even an annoyance to Venom, a slight tingle was the only feeling that came from it and then he was bounding forward, one powerful push of his legs closing the distance between him and his prey, his large hand closing around her neck and lifting her with ease to press her back against a wall, his hot breath in her face as the film over his eyes receded slowly.

“You shouldn't fight me.” He growled at her, looking down over her body now, so close now, so frail and easily broken, he could take what he wanted from her with ease and leave her a broken wreck in that alley, let her stumble home with her shredded clothing clutched to her, his seed dripping from her body. But no that wouldn't be enough, it would only enrage the Spider, make him impulsive but also more dangerous. Instead Venom would take a more subtle route, breaking her away from Peter, tear away at his support base and leave him isolated... weak and ready for when the perfect opportunity came.

“Fighting me will avail you nothing, it will only anger me and then all that will result is more pain for you before you give in.” Slowly his tongue traced up over her neck, enjoying the taste of her fear, the sweat just full of the signs of it. “You will give in of course... it is inevitable and I will enjoy it when it occurred.” His tongue traced back down then, sliding over the revealed cleavage, leaving a trail of saliva there as a sign of his arousal became evident, his suit starting to bulge at the crotch, no longer smooth and featureless like before it was showing signs of what lay beneath it as though he were wearing tight spandex rather then an alien symbiote... and the bulge on display was extremely large.
The words meant little to Mary Jane. They sounded more or less like the same blatherings that most of Spider-Man's villains liked to prattle off. Peter sure did seem to get the talkative, philosophical ones. Sometimes MJ wished they were all as blunt as, say, Rhino. Would make the whole kidnapping thing a little easier going.

This Venom wasn't giving an inch, which Mary Jane had pretty well expected. She'd also half expected her one gambit to fail miserably, which it did. if anything, MJ's fighting and resistance seemed to almost amuse the creature. It insisted that she stop fighting, but then again, they always did that. Pain before submission, continued dominance, yadda yadda. For a moment, Mary Jane wondered if this really was all that different of a Venom after all. He carried himself differently, and there was still that leering gaze to consider. But the dialogue, it all followed script, almost too closely.

He'd moved closer, his hand grabbed and MJ found her feet leaving the ground. She let out an ungainly "hurk" as Venom's thick hand closed about her frail neck. she could feel the heat of him rolling off, feeling almost like being placed near a fire, a cold fire. The thick fingers about her neck warned the girl: she could die at any time, the slight squeeze, a jerk, and her life would be taken from her. Hot breath puffed in Mary Jane's face, promising pain, and promising... something else as well. MJ felt that uneasy feeling wash over her, alighting her nerves and making her skin crawl, her body dance.

Then a tongue snaked across her skin, leaving its glistening trail among the pristine white of her flesh. MJ felt her skin prickle in the wake of the tongue, as though the saliva ignited the nerves beneath. No doubt Venom would taste the salty flavor of Mary Jane's nervous sweat, and he just as likely would savor the taste of her unease, of her mounting fear. Ice water poured into Mary Jane's veins, seeping deep within her. The tongue moved again, lavishing attention, drifting toward her bared cleavage. The model took a shaky breath, aware that this made her bust rise and fall, almost tremble enticingly.

For some reason, Mary Jane's eyes ran across the plane of Venom's body. She took in his muscles, barely strained in holding her upright. But more tellingly, she saw something unfamilar: a bulge. A decided bulge that rose along Venom's crotch, looking like nothing so much as a cruel parody of the same bulge Mary Jane had seen arise in Peter whenever she teased him so. Yet Peter could never have hoped to be this large, to grow in such a manner. Mary Jane couldn't believe the sight of that; worse, it confirmed many of her suspicions.

"What the hell do you think--" she tried, barely sucking breath through her tightening throat. She kicked her feet, unwilling or unable to simply let the creature take dominion. "Do you think is going to happen?"

But MJ suspected she knew. She'd suspected since she saw the creature, and that growing bulge only confirmed her fears.
This was what it was like to have power, this was what it was like to just be able to take whatever it was that you wanted without even a moments hesitation. So little effort and everything he desired would be all his. The thought of what he could achieve with that power was just intoxicating to him, Mary Jane was just the start of it, he would never need to work again, he would never need to work to get laid again, anything that he desired was his if he only reached out for it. Suddenly it was so easy to understand why so many of those who found themselves in positions of power turned to a life of crime, to struggle and suffer trying to make everyone happy was foolishness when he could instead just take what he wanted, he could just take Mary Jane right now and no one would be able to stop him. Hell he could make her enjoy it.

“Do I think it is going to happen?” He asked, chuckling at how stupid the question seemed to him, as if he were some high school kid out on a date and trying to slip a hand into his dates top, instead of the hulking monster that could rip away her clothing without a moments thought and seal her mouth with ease. Responding to his desires the suit began to shift, the large bulge at his crotch taking on further definition until after a few moments his cock stood out from his body, over a foot long and massivly thick, covered in only the thinnest layer of the symbiote, slowly exuding a thin coating of clear fluid to act as a lubricant for when he penetrated her. “We both know what is going to happen MJ...” He whispered, leaning in closer as though sharing an intimate moment with her, as though letting her in on a secret, using the pet name that Peter had for her just to dig it in a little more. “What you don't know is how much you are going to enjoy this.”

From the sides of the suit two black tendrils peeled off, taking hold of her wrists and quickly lifting them over her head where his off hand used a quick burst of webbing to pin them in place, holding her off the ground as he released her neck. Reaching out with only a single finger, its tip a sharpened claw, he caught the edge of her top right between her breasts, slowly pulling that finger down and ripping open the tip, her bra offering no resistance as it was split in two, finally revealing her perky tits to him, larger then he had expected but perfectly formed. As his claw moved to her jeans, starting to lightly tug at the material and feel it part he reached up to cup one of her breasts, able to feel it through the suit as if he wasn't wearing anything at all, in-fact it almost felt as though the contact was enhanced by the suit, grinning a little wider as his thumb brushed over the nipple. “Parker still hasn't touched you has he?” He asked slowly, feigning concern for her. “Have you ever considered that he has no interest... I can tell that class A meat like you needs some attention.” Oh yes the fear was there, he was enjoying every moment of this, dragging it out to heighten the tension when soon he would have her locking her legs around his back and begging for more.
The chuckle churned Mary Jane's icy guts. She felt it moving within her, reinforcing what she already knew all too well: she had no control here. She did not even have the slightest illusion of control. Venom had her in his power and he would do precisely what he wanted with her. She'd known this from the start. Still, she was Mary Jane Watson, soon to be Mary Jane Parker; she was not going to simply roll over just because a monster chuckled and told her to. Even if that monster clearly had designs of a most heinous nature in store. Indeed, Mary Jane could see the bulge separating from the creature, see it becoming a quite evident, and quite large, cock. It easily dwarfed the few that the lithe redhead had taken within her body, and despite her bravado, she felt a tremor of fear. Something like that, shoved within her... wouldn't it wreck her body? And who was to say it wouldn't grow larger still? This version clearly had control over the suit.

They both knew what was going to happen... the creature's words rang all too true, and Mary Jane couldn't suppress the shudder that wracked her body. Her green eyes flashed in defiance at the next words: as if she would enjoy this creature's torment of her. "Yeah, because I've always wanted to be raped by a hulking black creature," she drawled, unable to keep her tongue in check. She'd always been fiery, and again, this was hardly her first kidnapping.

Then the tendrils emerged, snatching Mary Jane's hands. Her body tightened for a moment, tensing fiercely. Soon webbing closed them off, forcing Mary Jane to stretch upward, her clothing already stretching across her frame. Then a hand extended. Mary Jane tensed, bracing herself for the worst. That claw descended, and cloth parted, soon baring the white skin beneath. Both of Mary Jane's breasts bounded free as the bra released, seeming to bounce slightly at their newfound freedom. Each was a nearly perfect sphere of perky flesh, capped with a soft pink nipple. Fear caused each of these peaks to tighten, stretching outward and forming small targets.

Then jeans. Mary Jane hissed as the claws tugged at her skin-tight jeans, but soon the hand rose instead to her breast. The strange sensation of the touch upon her bared skin caused the pretty redhead to again suck breath through teeth and shudder, her legs closing together. A thumb touched a nipple, and nerves danced for a moment, tightening the little nub of flesh. The next words were all too true, though Mary Jane had no idea how the creature knew.

"Oh, he gets to touch," she retorted, which actually was the truth. She forced her eyes open, the blazing green locking into Venom's expressionless whites. "He gets to touch all he wants. Unlike some pathetic creatures, he doesn't have to string a girl up in an alley to get some attention. what kind of sick loser did the suit pick this time? Must be getting desperate, going for someone like you."

She closed her legs tight, trying to move back. Perhaps she could kick him... though Mary Jane knew she couldn't break the webbing no matter how she tried.
Her words made him angry, infuriated him actually and for a second the wide smile slipped a bit, his eyes narrowing and his hand that had been stroking her breast pulling back and clenching as though he was considering striking her. It was tempting, a quick blow with even the slightest amount of effort being it would leave her limp and unconscious but he quickly quashed that idea. It was a tedious little thought, conscious or unconscious she wouldn't be able to stop what was to follow and Venom wanted her to be awake through the entire thing, ensuring her enjoyment of it all. It wouldn't be nearly as humiliating if she didn't remember the pleasures that he would be forcing upon her unwilling body.

“MJ you can't really lie to me.” He growled, the anger evident even as the grin returned, his clawed finger starting to split open her jeans, the back of his knuckle dragging over her flesh as it moved ever lower and the suit twitching and teasing the skin beneath it, small tendrils little thicker then human hair dancing over the smooth and lovely flesh. “I have so many of Parker's memories, I know that he intends to wait until marriage before he has sex... and while he might have spent many long nights fantasizing over you but he won't go all the way.” Of course MJ wasn't a virgin, there was no way she was so attractive and had gotten through high school without at least one guy getting a taste of her.

Her closing her legs did nothing, wouldn't even stop him for a moment but he let her try that for now, the illusion of safety was just there to amuse him and as his clawed finger hooked and began to shred her panties the small tendrils that had spread from the finger began to slowly explore the most intimate area of her body, running over her skin, dipping into that tight cleft, brushing over and encircling the small nub of nerves at the pinnacle of her slit. He was drooling even more now, so hungry for her, so ready to claim her as his and entirely ruin her for anyone else, the fluid covering his cock flowing freely and dripping slowly from its tip.

“You can keep talking if you like though MJ, it won't change a thing. I am the one in charge now, I have all the fucking power, and in just a moment I will be fucking your tight little cunt and have you screaming.” Leaning in closer he ran the entire length of his tongue up the side of her face before pressing his lips against hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth in spite of her best efforts to resist him.
MJ smiled slightly as she saw him react, saw her words puncture whatever was happening there. He had flaws, he had a human under there, one governing the whole show. Obviously this was a different creature, and there was no denying that something more... sinister controlled the show, but knowing that she could do something, anything, was a boon. Even if he almost immediately grinned, turning her words upon her.

The redhead gasped as she felt the finger splitting the fabric. The jeans resisted some, their quality showing for a brief moment. Still, they parted, tearing before the alien digit that so easily dealt with them. The girl contained within trembled, sucking in her breath, pulling her skin as far away from the questing digit as she could manage. Still, Mary Jane felt the rough texture drawing across her skin, the bits of his knuckle running along one of her more sensitive areas. Something prickled her soft skin, and MJ couldn't help but let out a soft little gasp. No sooner had the noise passed her lips than she flushed red, flushed and tried yet again to squirm, to show that she wasn't about to simply give in. Even if he went on about knowing Peter, knowing what went on in Mary Jane's lover's mind even better than she.

The finger turned, and MJ felt him tug and then tear at the designer panties that covered her sex. He didn't seem to quite tear; didn't really need to. He simply slit open Mary Jane's jeans and panties, baring her trembling sex with so much easy. A perfect triangle of bright red hair pointed down to the the narrow slit MJ hid between her legs. The hair showed constant care and attention as befitted a model, obviously professionally trimmed and shaped. Not that Venom lingered, as Mary Jane soon felt his finger drag along her sensitive skin. She bit her lip this time, swallowing noises for a moment, forcing down the revulsion that arose within her. For there was an instant, gut-wrenching moment when Mary Jane wanted nothing so much as to vomit, vomit for the knowledge that this... this thing teased her most private of areas.

His words punctured her momentary protection. The pretty redhead's blue eyes shot open, meeting Venom's pure whites. Mary Jane turned as she felt the rough tongue drag along her face, trembling and shaking as he licked her. Soon that same tongue prodded against her lips, parting the pink to delve into MJ's mouth. The redhead let out a protest at this, though one smothered by the intruder. Again she kicked and squirmed, wiggling most enticingly within her bonds. After a handful of seconds, however, MJ would bring her teeth down hard, attempting to bite the invader, possibly even to hurt him, if she possibly could.
Even if that monster clearly had designs of a most heinous nature in store. Indeed, Mary Jane could see the bulge separating from the creature, see it becoming a quite evident, and quite large, cock. It easily dwarfed the few that the lithe redhead had taken within her body, and despite her bravado, she felt a tremor of fear. Something like that, shoved within her... wouldn't it wreck her body? And who was to say it wouldn't grow larger still??????

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