Serpents May Cry (ViperFang x Poyvar)


Jan 24, 2013
The world had gone to Hell. Well...worlds. The Serpent King, Orochi, had upped the ante on how much influence he wanted to exert on various dimensions. He had found one particular realm that held not only a few powerful warriors, but a wide variety of powerful demons that he could use to his advantage in this twisted war he was raging. The realm that contained a metropolis called Limbo City. The barriers between two dimensions were already weak here. He barely had to try and break down the walls, and the city was absorbed into his world. Many were horrified as Orochi's demon troops rampaged through the city, burning down buildings and slaying any that were unlucky enough to cross their path. One, however, was furious.

Mundus, the Demon King of his dimension, found his immortality stripped from him as the Hell Gate was sealed by Orochi's power. His influence and general power, however, remained intact. Lilith also remained at his side and before long, they were confronted by Orochi's henchmen, Da Ji and Kiyomori Taira. They proposed a deal with him, that he would offer his services and legions to the Serpent King, and the Hell Gate would be reopened, his power returned. Needless to say, the former King agreed and his army of horrific monsters joined Orochi's crusade against the mortal coil. Knowing the pair couldn't remain in Limbo City without being quickly discovered, they were moved to Koshi Castle and Mundus' lair, the Silver Sacks Tower, was demolished.


Since then, the Serpent King's forces have become more active, shattering the peace the resistance had felt for so long. The forces scattered to the winds as they were overrun by the new menace. In various raids led by the nefarious Dong Zhuo, the demon troops were given strict orders to follow his instructions. Zhuo, being a man driven by pleasures, saw fit to use this influence to capture the beautiful women that served in the resistance as fellow warriors against the Serpent King. He planned to enslave them and form his own harem, or his Paradise as he often referred to it. They had already captured a great deal of women and had them locked away in cages.

Among the notable faces were Nouhime, Diaochan, Zhenji, Cai Wenji, Wang Yuanji, Zhurong, Wang Yi, and Yueying. The foul womanizer was proud of his captives and was now en route with all eight of them to Koshi Castle. He had every intention of breaking down all of them to become his mindless sex slaves. Little did he know that his path was clumsy. He left a very obvious trail, as he still was unsure how to properly command his demon hordes. It wouldn't be long until he was caught.
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